LETTER TO BRIAN SULLIVAN AND ELIZABETH HANSON P HONE 651-296-0406 • T OLL F REE 1 -800-657-3782 • F AX 651-297-7073 121 7 TH P LACE E AST • S UITE 350 • S AINT P AUL, M INNESOTA 55101-2147 MN.GOV/PUC February 7, 2018 Brian Sullivan Xcel Energy 414 Nicollet Mall, 414-06 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Elizabeth Hanson City of Chaska One City Hall Plaza Chaska, MN 55318 RE: Local Review of Xcel Energy’s Chanhassen to Chaska 115 kV Transmission Line Project in Carver County, Minnesota, Docket No. E002/LR-18-90 Dear Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Hanson: This letter confirms that the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) has received Xcel Energy’s letter dated January 29, 2018, indicating that it has elected to pursue local review approval to construct approximately 1.5 miles of new 115 kilovolt (kV) transmission line from an existing Xcel transmission line at County Road 18 and County Road 15 in the city of Chanhassen to a new substation (Hazeltine Substation) in the city of Chaska. Under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 216E, a route permit from the Commission is required for most high-voltage transmission lines that are greater than 100 kV. However, certain projects may be eligible for review and permitting by local units of government with jurisdiction instead of filing with the Commission. In this case, the Chanhassen to Chaska 115 kV Transmission Line Project proposed by Xcel Energy is eligible for local review under Minn. Stat. § 216E.05, subd. 2(3). Xcel Energy indicated that the city of Chaska is the local government unit (LGU) with jurisdiction to permit the proposed project. Under Minn. Stat. § 216E.05, subd. 1(b), a local unit of government may relinquish its jurisdiction by requesting the Commission assume jurisdiction and make a decision on the permit. The request must be filed with the Commission within 60 days after an application for a project has been filed with the LGU. Xcel Energy indicated that it 2 filed a conditional use permit with the city of Chaska on January 17, 2018, and that the city has confirmed it will assume jurisdiction over the permitting of the proposed project. Under Minn. R. 7850.5300, subp. 5, an environmental assessment must be prepared by the LGU with jurisdiction over the project. Specific requirements with regard to the environmental review process include providing an opportunity for the public to participate in the development of the scope of the environmental assessment before it is prepared; publishing notice in the EQB Monitor of when the assessment is available for review and of the procedure for commenting on the assessment; and withholding a final decision on the project until at least 10 days after the notice appears in the EQB Monitor. A copy of the environmental assessment and other relevant documents must be provided to the Commission upon completion. The environmental assessment and other required documents must be filed using the Commission’s electronic filing system (https://www.edockets.state.mn.us/EFiling). This letter acknowledges that Xcel Energy has provided notice to the Commission and to those persons on the Commission’s General Notification List that a permit has been applied for from the local unit of government as required by Minn. R. 7850.5300, subp. 3. If you have any questions, please direct them to Scott Ek of the Commission staff at 651-201- 2255 or scott.ek@state.mn.us. Sincerely, Daniel P. Wolf Executive Secretary