PC Minutes 6.5.18 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 2018 Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Aller, Mark Undestad, Steve Weick, Nancy Madsen, John Tietz, and Michael McGonagill MEMBERS ABSENT: Mark Randall STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; and MacKenzie Walters, Planner PUBLIC PRESENT: Richard Hamblin 340 Sinner Circle Tom Braman 8040 Stevens, Bloomington PUBLIC HEARING: 1110 LAKE SUSAN DRIVE: LOT COVER VARIANCE. Walters: Alright this is Planning Case 2018-07. As mentioned if appealed this would go before th the City Council on June 25. The applicant Mark A. and Rebecca L. Erickson are requesting a 3 percent lot cover variance for the construction of a 144 square foot storage shed on their property. The property is located at 1110 Lake Susan Drive. This area is zoned planned unit development residential. Has a minimum of 11,200 square foot lot areas which have 80 foot minimum lot width, 30 foot front and rear setbacks, 10 foot side setbacks and the district is limited to 25 percent lot coverage. The current conditions for the property are, it has an 11,263 square foot lot which has a 76 and change foot lot width. Currently it has a non-conforming 26.8 percent lot cover but it does meet all the district setbacks. The applicant is proposing constructing a 12 foot by 12 foot, so 144 square foot storage shed in the rear of the property. This would increase the lot coverage from 3,013 square feet to 3,157 square feet for a 28 percent so because it does have the existing legal non-conforming when we do the variance we give it for both the non-conforming and the addition. The justification is this is one of the smallest lots in the subdivision. Within the subdivision the largest I could find was 150 square feet and then there are about 10 that are around this 11,200 square foot size. The applicant has noted that about 75 percent of the lots within their subdivision would be entitled to this lot cover under and the applicant does not feel that the additional 144 square feet of lot cover will significantly impact either the neighborhood stormwater or aesthetics and it will provide needed storage for ordinance. Staff looked it over. We believe that the 25 percent lot cover limit is appropriate for Chanhassen Planning Commission June 5, 2018 the development. However we do concur with the applicant. Most of the properties within this are well over the .26 acres so that 11,200 square feet. The total amount of hard cover they are proposing for the property as well as the use is both reasonable, and again this would be allowed on most of the other properties within the districts. The Water Resources Coordinator has added a memo which I attached to the report. It was her determination that on a development level as maintenance in the area and staff does not believe that the proposed shed would alter the character of the neighborhood and so here I did just kind of put in the regional context for the Chanhassen Hills subdivision. The Lake Susan Hills Preserve is here. Lake Susan and the s time. Aller: Does anybody have any questions based on the report? w commission and it would help with that, thank you. Walters: applying the stormwater management is my understanding. If you have. they were 25 pe different today than they were put in place then so in some of these older neighborhoods they are smaller lots. McGonagill: Was there historical scientific studies that drove the 25 percent? You know as opposed to 22 or 28. I mean just, it was just a number that. Aanenson: Just a standard. McGonagill: Okay, thanks. Ma e anything that the homeowner could do? Walters: Yeah looking over that property, one of the reasons why staff is recommending 2 Chanhassen Planning Commission June 5, 2018 patio is I believe 6 by 8 feet. You know the sidewalk is not excessive. Arguably a little bit could a case where the applicant, you know had constructed a 300 square foot patio and is now trying theory you know could the sidewalk or patio be replaced with pavers to create a little bit better stormwater infiltration? Potentially. Madsen: Thank you. Aller: Commissioner Weick. Weick: Just on page 4 of 7. The last paragraph. I just, is that a typo where it says lot sizes ranging from 150,000 square feet? Walters: It is not. So without going too deep into the weeds on the history of with average lot size and what we let developers do was average lot sizes throughout the entire development. In this case they appear to have front loaded several properties with very, very large lot sizes. Mostly those within the shoreland overlay near Lake Susan and then use that to get a lot of 11,000 to 12,000 smaller lot sizes but their total lot size average over the 174 unit subdivision ended up being like 14,900 and change but a lot of that was from having two or three very large lots. Weick: Thank you. or discuss their project. Welcome sir. If you could state your Mark Erickson: Yeah, Mark Erickson, 1110 Lake Susan Drive, Chanhassen. Aller: Welcome sir. Mark Erickson: Thank you. Not sure what I can add to it. I did look at reducing the current lot back. Ther driveway and to get down to that 25 percent, the driveway would have to go down to 15 feet 11 Aller: That makes sense. 3 Chanhassen Planning Commission June 5, 2018 down to a two car. Aller: Can you talk about the project itself? The shed. The use for the shed. got wheelbarrows and lawnmowers and like everybody usually would. If I could get that in in there in the winter too to keep it from, well just the snow and the frost and things like that. Little safer to take off when she drives away or well just when she leaves in, during the day in the wintertime. Less scraping things like that so just to use that stall actually for a car instead of stuff that people get all the t Mark Erickson: Yep thank you. forward and speak either for or against the item before us can do so at this time. Seeing no one Are you clearing your throat? property as compared to the other units and lots. Even as t- want to make sure that the people get the value out of their property so the resident can use the property the way it was in Additional comments. Questions. Motions. Aller: Commissioner Weick. Weick: My vote against. I would just say th anything t 4 Chanhassen Planning Commission June 5, 2018 Aller: Any additional comments? Questions. Mr. McGonagill. homeowner, if it does be approved to consider, and I was looking at the plot line it has like a 8 foot grade drop from front to back if I read the plot right. Encourage the homeowner, you know consider things like rain gardens and things like that just to help infiltration and help the water e things, you know you know the lot better than I do but as I looked at it I said well maybe you could do something like that. Just as a comment or suggestion to you. Aller: Commissioner Undestad. Undestad: Alright, the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 3 percent lot coverage variance subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Aller: Having a motion and a second, any further discussion? Undestad moved, McGonagill seconded that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 3 percent lot coverage variance subject to the following conditions and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision: 1. The applicant must apply for and receive a zoning permit. 2. Lot coverage may not exceed 3,157 square feet. All voted in favor, except for Commissioner Weick who opposed, and the motion carried with a vote of 5 to 1. Aller: The motion carries 5 to 1. Moving onto item 2. PUBLIC HEARING: 340 SINNEN CIRCLE: LOT COVER VARIANCE. 5