PC Minutes 6.5.18Chanhassen Planning Commission June 5, 2018 Walters: Alright this is Planning Case 2018-n for a 5 foot front yard setback variance for the construction of a garage expansion. So the property is 340 Sinnen Circle. This is zoned planned unit development residential. Has a 7,500 square foot lot area. This, the Hidden Valley PUD has a 25 foot front yard setback except for properties located on cul-de- and 10 foot side yard setbacks. This planned unit development allows up to 30 percent lot coverage and restricts that to 25 percent within the shoreland overlay district. The current conditions on the property are an 8,500 square foot lot. It has a 61.4 foot width at setback. It currently has 27.1 percent lot coverage and meets the 30 foot front yard setback as well as the 30 foot rear and 10 foot side setbacks. The applicant is proposing extending the front of the garage 5 feet forward to create an additional 112 square feet of storage space. The additional storage space would allow for the indoor storage of 3 cars. I believe the plan is to knock out a wall to the shop to let him double park here and the main justification is that you know the 3 car storage mentioned that the Hidden Valley PUD allows 25 foot setbacks for properties not located on cul- de-sacs and that the proposed expansion will still meet the 10 foot side yard setbacks and it would not exceed the 30 percent lot coverage. The way the properties are configured the expansion 5 feet forward would not in any way impact the view of the neighboring properties. Staff looked over it and I did an assessment of the 69 houses in that section. 69 of the houses in that PUD. Approximately half of the properties within the subdivisions have front yard setbacks between 30 and 25 feet. It is pretty consistent that those on the bulb of the cul-de-sac are held to the 30 foot setback. I reviewed the notes from the original planned unit development and it appears to me that the primary concern was having the 30 foot setback in order to maintain the 10 foot side yard setback. The development had been initially proposed with alternating 10 and 5 foot side yard setbacks and that had been amended to require the 10 feet. So staff believes that scape and since about half the properties in the neighborhood are held to the 25 foot setback f the PUD ordinance and would not negatively impact at this time. Aller: Any questions of staff at this time after the presentation? Commissioner Madsen. that would be involved in feet. 6 Chanhassen Planning Commission June 5, 2018 Walters: Yep. Madsen: Okay, thank you. Aller: Any additional questions? Hearing n your name and address for the record please. Richard Hamblin: Yes, Richard Hamblin, 340 Sinnen Circle here in Chanhassen. Aller: Welcome Mr. Hamblin. Richard Hamblin: Hi. He had mentioned the intent was to knock out a wall to my workshop area there. There is no wall between the garage and that currently so I measured it and I 5 more feet there and one of the other so I could get all 3 in there so that would help as far as the way it looks. As far as the clutter of the neighborhood and so forth so I think it would be a good deal. And plus I my neighbors and nobody has an issue. They all said yeah, fine. Go for it. Looks fine. And difference. And one more thing I wanted to point out is, all the documentation says the front yard setback is 30 feet. The driveway from the curb to the front door is 50 feet. Now I guess 0 feet long so if I Aller: Great thank you. Do you want to for the record just to go ahead and address that issue? Walters: Just to clarify. That cul-de--of-way discrepancy comes from. Aller: Any questions of the applicant at this point? Seeing none thank you. Richard Hamblin: Okay. either for or against this request can do so at this time. Seeing no one come forward I will close the public hearing. Open it up for discussion or action by the commissioners. Commissioner Weick. 7 Chanhassen Planning Commission June 5, 2018 etty nice job by MacKenzie to say the original intent of the increased setbacks for properties on cul- de-sacs was to insure sufficient lot width at building setback and since this is already, this is t that lot width requirement to me makes Aller: Great. And I am looking at it that the coverage is not an issue in this matter so that works as well and I think it sounds like it should have been marketed as a two car garage with a bonus room but we might have a 3 car garage now. Tietz: Chairman Aller? Aller: Commissioner Tietz. Tietz: Just a question and kind of point of clarification for MacKenzie. The diagram that you show shows the driveway going right straight up to the entrance to the garage yet on site and in the image that you have on page 4 it appears that the driveway is wider to accommodate the width of 3 cars in parking. Was that taken into consideration in your evaluation? Walters: Yeah I agree that it seems to be a little wider than it is in the diagram. I requested that the applicant field measure the driveway width and submit those numbers. While I did not go out and personally you know verify. I believe from looking at the aerials and rough calculating it Tietz: Thank you. Aller: Commissioner Madsen. Madsen: The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 5 foot front yard setback variance subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decisions. Aller: I have a valid motion. Do I have a second? Undestad: Second. 8 Chanhassen Planning Commission June 5, 2018 Aller: Having a motion and a second. Any further discussion or comment? Madsen moved, Undestad seconded that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 5 foot front yard setback variance subject to the following conditions and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decisions: 1. The applicant must apply for and receive a building permit. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. CUP transmission line. PUBLIC HEARING: TRANSMISSION LINE: AUDUBON AND LYMAN CUP. Thank you Chairman, members of the Planning Commission. This is an application by Xcel Energy. We do require a conditional use permit for certain wattage of electricity in excess so this is a conditional use. Want to go to the next page. So this will also go to the Planning Commission regardless of how you vote on this tonight. So the location is south of the intersection of Audubon Road and Lyman Boulevard. You can see the larger area on the left and the portion in Chanhassen is a little over 700 feet. That is that area in red that is covered by the line itself. Can you go to the next slide. So the proposed transmission line consists of constructing approximately yeah, 1.5 mile long, double circuit, 115 voltage, kilovolts, am I saying that right? There you go. Transmission line and suspended over 18 overhead structures. Two of those would be within Chanhassen so because of the voltage that is on there does require a conditional use. Because this is a larger project this does require, as the applicant has done, the environmental assessment document so there was hearings held on that and some Chanhassen with Chaska on this and let them be the LGU. The government authority because of a majority of that is within Chanhassen. So they are following that. The process for the closing of the, I 0 more days, working days after the project to take additional comments. Am I right on that? Audience: Correct. Aanenson: Yeah about 10 more days so people still have the right to comment on that but this is a conditional use will then catch up to that by the time we get through. So with that we did the conditional use permit findings. Again because of the transm the staff felt it met the findings that are required for the conditional use permit. So we are Sometimes our poles, if yo -Jaff who worked on this project was 9