PC Staff Report 08-07-2018PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tuesday, August 7, 2018 Subject Glendale Drive Subdivision Request Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: C.2. Prepared By Sharmeen Al­Jaff, Senior Planner File No: PC 2018­13 PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends tabling action on the preliminary plat to subdivide 2.14 acres into five lots and one outlot and a variance to allow a 50­foot public right­of­way and direct the applicant to address issues in the staff report.” SUMMARY OF REQUEST Subdivision of 2.14 acres of property located in the southwest corner of Glendale Drive and Minnewashta Parkway into five lots and one outlot, and a variance to allow a 50­foot right of way. APPLICANT Applicant: Perry Ryan, Lake West Development, LLC; Owner: Martin J. & Joyce Foy SITE INFORMATION PRESENT ZONING:  RSF, Residential Single­Family District LAND USE:Residential Low Density (1.2 ­ 4.0 units/net acre) ACREAGE:  2.14 acres  DENSITY:  2.39 units per acre gross, 2.34 units per acre net  APPLICATION REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Sec. 18­22. ­ Variances Sec. 18­57. ­ Streets (a)  Sec. 18­60. ­ Lots(f) Chapter 20, Article XII, RSF District BACKGROUND PLANNING COMMISSION STAFFREPORTTuesday, August 7, 2018SubjectGlendale Drive Subdivision RequestSectionPUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: C.2.Prepared By Sharmeen Al­Jaff, Senior Planner File No: PC 2018­13PROPOSED MOTION:"The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends tabling action on the preliminary plat to subdivide 2.14 acresinto five lots and one outlot and a variance to allow a 50­foot public right­of­way and direct the applicant toaddress issues in the staff report.”SUMMARY OF REQUESTSubdivision of 2.14 acres of property located in the southwest corner of Glendale Drive and Minnewashta Parkwayinto five lots and one outlot, and a variance to allow a 50­foot right of way.APPLICANTApplicant: Perry Ryan, Lake West Development, LLC; Owner: Martin J. & Joyce FoySITE INFORMATIONPRESENT ZONING:  RSF, Residential Single­Family DistrictLAND USE:Residential Low Density (1.2 ­ 4.0 units/net acre)ACREAGE:  2.14 acres DENSITY:  2.39 units per acre gross, 2.34 units per acre net APPLICATION REGULATIONSChapter 18, SubdivisionsSec. 18­22. ­ VariancesSec. 18­57. ­ Streets (a) Sec. 18­60. ­ Lots(f)Chapter 20, Article XII, RSF District BACKGROUND See staff report. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission table action on the preliminary plat to subdivide 2.14 acres into five lots and one outlot and a variance to allow a 50­foot public right­of­way, and direct the applicant to address issues in the staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Development Review Application and Narrative Preliminary Plat Sheets Affidavit of Mailing CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: August 7, 2018 CC DATE: August 27, 2018 REVIEW DEADLINE: October 3, 2018 CASE #: 2018-13 BY: SJ, GB, TH, DN, JA, VS, JS SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Subdivision of 2.14 acres into five lots and one outlot and a variance to allow a 50-foot ROW. LOCATION: Southwest intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Glendale Drive. APPLICANT: Perry Ryan Martin J. & Joyce Foy Lake West Development, LLC P.O. Box 2804 14525 Highway 7, Suite 265 Kirkland, WA 98083 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Perry@lwestdev.com (952) 221-3700 PRESENT ZONING: RSF, Residential Single-Family District 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density (1.2 – 4.0 units/net acre) ACREAGE: 2.14 acres DENSITY: 2.39 units per acre gross, 2.34 units per acre net LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city’s discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the city must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The city’s discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Subdivision Ordinances for variances. The city has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends tabling action on the preliminary plat to subdivide 2.14 acres into five lots and one outlot and a variance to allow a 50-foot public right-of- way and direct the applicant to address issues in the staff report.” Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 2 of 12 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Sec. 18-22. – Variances Sec. 18-57. - Streets (a) Sec. 18-60. - Lots(f) Chapter 20, Article XII, RSF District PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to subdivide 2.14 acres into five lots for single-family detached housing. The property is located at the southwest intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Glendale Drive. Access to the site is proposed via Glendale Drive. Sewer and water is available to the site. The property is zoned Single-family Residential, RSF. ISSUES In reviewing this application, staff examined the surrounding area and potential future subdivision of adjoining properties. Some of the elements that are reviewed include, access, sewer, water, stormwater, grading, etc. It is staff’s intent to identify conditions that must be addressed in order to obtain recommendation for approval in response to the proposed Glendale Drive Homes development application received from Lake West Development on June 29, 2018. STREETS The development does not incorporate a thru street stub to facilitate the extension of Stratford Ridge to Glendale Drive. In the pre-application consultation, the developer was requested to incorporate a thru street into their design. In addition, the developer was requested to perform an intersection analysis at the intersection of Glendale Drive and Leslee Curve to facilitate this plan and provide a recommendation to Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 3 of 12 help determine the best fit for the street connection in conjunction with the lot divisions. This information was not provided and the developer is proposing to plat five lots without accommodation for a thru street. Engineering staff recommends the layout be revised to accommodate the future development of the two lots to the south as required by city code 18-57 (a) and 18-60(f). The existing cul-de-sac bubble to the south on Stratford Ridge was originally intended to be temporary. It was planned to be removed and relocated to the north when Stratford Ridge was extended in the future until the street could eventually connect to Glendale Drive. The current length of this cul-de-sac is approximately 782 feet in length as measured from the centerline of Minnewashta Parkway and along Stratford Lane, Stratford Boulevard and Stratford Ridge to the center of the existing cul-de-sac (reference Exhibit No. 1). The maximum cul-de-sac length per Section 18-57 (k) in the City Code is 800 foot. Hence, it is not feasible (without an approved variance) for the cul-de-sac to permanently extend and stop at the lot to the south of the proposed development as the developer is intending because the cul-de-sac length would not meet City Code. The Fire Marshall also reviewed and commented on the proposed plan. The Fire Department is opposed to recommending the current plan be allowed to move forward as designed without a thru street extension. MN Fire Code (2015 edition), which the city has adopted, states any fire access road over 750 feet requires special approval. His recommendation for the best result for emergency responders would be to have a street platted to extend all the way through to connect to Stratford Ridge. This would allow more efficient and safer vehicle access and egress from this area to properly serve the community. The addition of new single-family homes along with the extension of Stratford Ridge cul-de-sac would be a hindrance for first responder vehicles. The review also identified the current cul-de-sac does not meet current fire code which requires a 96-foot diameter or a 120-foot hammerhead turnaround. Additionally, Section 20-5 of the City Code designates Minnewashta Parkway as a collector roadway. Minimizing vehicular access points to collector roadways is a priority for the city from a vehicular and pedestrian safety perspective. This requirement is established by Section 18- 57(l) in the City Code. Eventual removal of the existing three accesses to Minnewashta Parkway is a long-term benefit to the city as these properties would be able to have access off an extension of Stratford Ridge. Lastly, if the development was constructed without provision for a thru street, the decision would burden the two properties to the south of the proposed development parcel with loss of additional land unfairly as the entire cul-de-sac area would have to be shared by those two properties. A thru street shares the right-of-way dedication between all of the parcels fairly and equally. WATER RESOURCES Comments The proposed project is within the Shoreland Overlay District of Lake Minnewashta. It does not meet stormwater management requirements. The applicant has not demonstrated the proposed Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 4 of 12 project is capable of meeting city stormwater standards, or Minnehaha Creek Watershed District rules. Of greatest concern is the lack of emergency overflow (EOF) routes for proposed stormwater treatment basins. The applicant does not propose EOF routes that meet City Code. More importantly, the site grading and drainage does not identify a potential EOF route exists for this property at this time. The proposed project did not address the regional pond staff directed the applicant to include during a planning meeting with the developer and staff on June 7, 2018. The need for a pond has been identified for this area in conjunction with infill and redevelopment to meet the stormwater regulations for required public utilities. The following comments must be addressed: 1. Private stormwater best management practices (BMPs) are not permitted in public drainage and utility easements (D&U). Private BMPs must be relocated so as not to encroach within any D&U easements. 2. Infiltration/filtration basins must be located a minimum of 10 feet from the building envelope of any primary structure. Proposed basins must be relocated. 3. If an EOF route is adjacent to the property, the lowest building opening must be a minimum of one foot above the EOF (City Code Sec. 19-144). The proposed EOF for Lots 1-4 = 978.5’-978’. The EOF route proposed onto adjacent property 6760 Minnewashta Parkway with lowest building opening is approx. 976’ (window well). Applicant must verify lowest building opening of 6760 Minnewashta Parkway. All EOFs routing onto this adjacent property must be 1’ below the lowest floor opening. 4. Proposed EOF routes for basins 1-5 directly discharge onto adjacent property 6760 Minnewashta Parkway Applicant must propose EOF routes and computations that will not create a hazard or nuisance condition onto adjacent property (City Code Sec. 7-78). 5. Operation and maintenance of private stormwater BMPs is required in perpetuity. Private stormwater BMPs must: • Be placed in stormwater easements recorded against the property. • Have an operation and maintenance plan approved by the Water Resources Coordinator and recorded against the properties that provides for the permanent inspection, maintenance, and funding mechanism that ensures stormwater BMPs will function as designed. Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 5 of 12 Provide an operation and maintenance plan that meets requirements. Provide additional explanation as to how the developer will ensure every new and future property owner will have the knowledge, skill, and funding mechanism to meet requirements. 6. SWPPP P-6 incorrectly identifies Lake Virginia as non-impaired. Lake Virginia is an impaired water body https://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/impaired-waters-viewer-iwav. SWPPP must be corrected. 7. SWPPP contact must be identified. 8. Maximum impervious per lot is 25%. It is not permitted to round up where rounding up will exceed 25%. Correct Lot Area Data Table on P-2. 9. The lot area, pervious, and impervious calculations are inconsistent between the plan set, stormwater report, and geotechnical report. It is unclear which information is accurate. Provide accurate and consistent information. 10. Geotechnical report identifies moderately slow permeability of soils. Basins are proposed with 12 inch ponding depth suitable for well draining soils. Basins must be resized to allow no more than 6 inch of ponding depth and drawdown within 24-48 hours. 11. Applicant must demonstrate how the site will be able to connect to a future pond south of the subject site as directed by staff on June 7, 2018. The need for a regional pond has been identified for this area in conjunction with infill and redevelopment to meet the stormwater regulations for required public utilities. 12. Infiltration tests must be performed at all basin locations prior to final approval. 13. Design plans must be provided for all vegetated BMPs including location and quantities of all species used. Ecotype must be native or approved native hybrid. 14. The proposed redevelopment will need Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) permits. 15. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure and submit proof that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, MCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.). 16. Project must meet all stormwater requirements of the city and MCWD. 17. Project will require stormwater management fees associated with city development review and permitting process. Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 6 of 12 BACKGROUND In 1988, the City approved the final plat for Stratford Ridge with condition. A temporary cul- de-sac was stubbed to the north to insure the road extends to connect with Glendale Drive and provide access to the properties to the north. In 1990, the City approved the final plat for Country Oaks. Outlot A was created with the intent to combine it with the property to the east at the time of development. That outlot was tax forfeited and reverted to the city. This outlot serves no public interest and will be combined with the property to the east. SUBDIVISION The applicant is proposing to subdivide 2.14 acres into five lots and one outlot. The lots are proposed to be served via Glendale Drive. Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 7 of 12 The existing parcel has a finger that extends over Country Oaks Drive and the area west of the existing street. The applicant is proposing to dedicate the ROW for country oaks. Staff suggests the applicant communicate with the property owner adjoining Outlot A to incorporate into their lot. LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant for the Glendale Drive Homes development did not submit tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations. Staff estimated as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands) 93,296 SF Baseline canopy coverage 72% or 67,929 SF Minimum canopy coverage required 46% or 42,916 SF Proposed tree preservation 5% or 5,445 SF The developer does not meet minimum canopy coverage for the site; therefore, the applicant must bring the canopy coverage on site up to the 46% minimum. The difference between the required coverage and the remaining coverage is multiplied by 1.2 for total area to be replaced. One tree is valued at 1,089 SF. Minimum required 42,916 Less canopy preserved 5,445 Minimum canopy coverage to be replaced 37,471 SF Multiplied by 1.2 44,965 Divided by 1089 =Total number of trees to be planted: 41 trees The applicant did not submit a landscape plan. The development is required to install a buffer yard along Minnewashta Parkway. Landscaping Item Required Proposed Bufferyard B – Minnewashta Parkway, 110’ 2 Overstory trees 3 Understory trees 5 Shrubs 0 Overstory trees 0 Understory trees 0 Shrubs Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 8 of 12 In addition to the bufferyard and replacement plantings, a minimum of one tree is required to be planted in each front yard. COMPREHENSIVE PARK PLAN The city’s comprehensive park plan calls for a neighborhood park to be located within one-half mile of every residence in the city. The proposed Glendale Drive is wholly located within the Roundhouse Park neighborhood park service area. Roundhouse Park features the following amenities: swimming beach, playground, swings, picnic shelter, fishing pier, tennis court, four pickleball courts, basketball court, skating rink, open play field, trails and parking area. COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL PLAN The city’s comprehensive trail plan calls for public parks to be connected to neighborhoods through a combination of sidewalks and trails. The proposed Glendale Drive is connected by sidewalk to Roundhouse Park and the Minnewashta Parkway pedestrian trail. This existing trail should be protected and maintained in an open condition throughout the subdivision development and housing construction. COMPLIANCE TABLE RSF Setbacks: Front: 30 feet, Side: 10 feet, Rear: 30 feet Lot Area (sq. ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth 25 %Maximum Site Coverage (sq. ft.) Code (RSF) 15,000 90 125 3,750 Lot 1 18,646 123 150 4,661.5 Lot 2 16,950 113 150 4,237.5 Lot 3 16,950 113 150 4,237.5 Lot 4 15,729 138.16 131 3,932.25 Lot 5 15,030 156 112 3,757.5 Outlot A 1,731 Total 100,036 Roundhouse Park Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 9 of 12 VARIANCE The variance is recommended by staff. The City Code requires a 60-foot ROW. The surrounding area and the ROW within Stratford Ridge is 50 feet wide. Approval of the variance will allow the street to blend in with the surrounding neighborhood. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission table action on this application and direct the applicant to address the following issues: SUBDIVISION: Engineering: 1. Incorporate provision for a thru street into the site design. 2. Provide utility design to extend sanitary sewer and watermain design as part of a thru street. 3. Provide ROW over the entirety of the trail along the west side of Minnewashta Parkway. 4. The survey of existing conditions does not indicate ROW between Glendale drive and to the south for approximately 100 feet. 5. The Registered Land Surveyor did not date his approval under his signature. 6. The geotechnical information provided is simply a location map and soil borings in draft format. An accurate geotechnical report signed by a Professional Engineer has not been submitted to date. It was communicated this would occur shortly after the application was submitted. This is a communicated requirement at the time of application. 7. No stationing is shown in the plan set. 8. The drainage and utility easements are shown only on the plat. They should also be conveyed on the site plan. 9. Update the Standard Specifications under the General Utility Notes on the site plan. 10. Indicate surface water drainage flow arrows on the grading plan. 11. Provide proposed driveway grades on the grading plan. 12. Provide existing and proposed elevations at the following locations: each lot corner, top of curb or centerline of the street at each lot line extension, center of proposed driveway at the curb or edge of the roadway. 13. Additional conditions will be identified after the developer has an opportunity to revise the design based upon the current conditions that are considered to be major in nature as they will require significant changes to the design. Water Resources: A review of the submitted information has generated the following questions or comments: Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 10 of 12 These are only preliminary comments and do not constitute an exhaustive review of the submitted materials. Additional comments will be generated as items are addressed. Many of the items listed below will need to be addressed before a recommendation can be made to the City Council. 1. Private stormwater BMPs are not permitted in public D&U. Private BMPs must be relocated so as not to encroach within any D&U easements. 2. Infiltration/filtration basins must be located a minimum of 10 feet from the building envelope of any primary structure. Proposed basins must be relocated. 3. If an EOF is adjacent to the property the lowest building opening must be a minimum of one foot above the emergency overflow (City Code Sec. 19-144). The proposed EOF for lots 1-4 = 978.5’-978’. The EOF route proposed onto adjacent property 6760 Minnewashta Parkway with lowest building opening approx. 976’ (window well). Applicant must verify lowest building opening of 6760 Minnewashta Parkway. All EOFs routing onto this adjacent property must be 1’ below the lowest floor opening. 4. Proposed EOF routes for Basins 1-5 directly discharge onto adjacent property 6760 Minnewashta Parkway. Applicant must propose EOF routes and computations that will not create a hazard or nuisance condition onto adjacent property (City Code Sec. 7-78). 5. Operation and maintenance of private stormwater BMPs is required in perpetuity. Private stormwater BMPs must: • Be placed in stormwater easements recorded against the property. • Have an operation and maintenance plan approved by the Water Resources Coordinator and recorded against the properties that provides for the permanent inspection, maintenance, and funding mechanism that ensures stormwater BMPs will function as designed. Provide an operation and maintenance plan that meets requirements. Provide additional explanation as to how the developer will ensure every new and future property owner will have the knowledge, skill, and funding mechanism to meet requirements. 6. SWPPP P-6 incorrectly identifies Lake Virginia as non-impaired. Lake Virginia is an impaired water body https://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/impaired-waters-viewer-iwav. SWPPP must be corrected. 7. SWPPP contact must be identified. 8. Maximum impervious per lot is 25%. It is not permitted to round up where rounding up will exceed 25%. Correct Lot Area Data Table on P-2. Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 11 of 12 9. The lot area, pervious, and impervious calculations are inconsistent between the plan set, stormwater report, and geotechnical report. It is unclear which information is accurate. Provide accurate and consistent information. 10. Geotechnical report identifies moderately slow permeability of soils. Basins are proposed with 12” ponding depth suitable for well draining soils. Basins must be resized to allow no more than 6” of ponding depth and drawdown within 24-48 hours. 11. Applicant must demonstrate how the site will be able to connect to a future pond south of the subject site. 12. Infiltration tests must be performed at all basin locations prior to final approval. 13. Design plans must be provided for all vegetated BMPs including location and quantities of all species used. Ecotype must be native or approved native hybrid. 14. The proposed redevelopment will need MCWD permits. 15. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure and submit proof that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, MCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.). 16. Project must meet all stormwater requirements of the city and MCWD. 17. Project will require stormwater management fees associated with city development review and permitting process Parks: 1. In lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail construction, full park dedication fees shall be collected at the rate in force at the time of final plat approval. At today’s rate, these fees would total $29,000 (five lots x $5,800 per lot). Environmental Resources Coordinator: 1. The minimum number of overstory trees required to be planted in the development is 41. 2. Tree preservation fencing shall be installed around existing trees to be saved prior to any construction activities and remain installed until completion. 3. The applicant shall install the required bufferyard plantings on Lot 5 along Minnewashta Parkway. Planning Commission Glendale Drive Homes – Planning Case 2018-13 August 7, 2018 Page 12 of 12 ATTACHMENTS 1. Development Review Application and Narrative. 2. Preliminary Plat Sheets. 3. Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Mailing List. g:\plan\2018 planning cases\18-13 glendale drive homes subdivision\staff report.doc COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147 , Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952)227-1300 / Fax: (952)227-'1110 *crTYorcrrAttHAssltt (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) Ztr tr tr tr Comprehensive Plan Amendment ...... $600 E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers..... $100 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ! Single-Family Residence ........... .. $325 E lt others........ ........... $425 lnterim Use Permit (lUP) ! ln conjunction with Single-Family Residence.. $325 E Alt others........ ........... $425 Rezoning (REZ) ! Planned Unit Development (PUD).................. $750 E Minor Amendment to existing PUD................. $1 00 E rut others........ ........... $s00 Sign Plan Review....... . $150 Site Plan Review (SPR) n Administrative......... ...$100 E Commercial/lndustrial Districts* ... $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: (_ thousand square feet) *lnclude number of existlno employees:*lnclude number of 4eq employees: E Residential Districts ... $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit (- units) Subdivision (SUB) E Create 3 lots or less ............ ..$300 E Create over 3 lots .......................$600 + $15 per lot( 5 lots) ! tvtetes & Bounds (2lots) .$300 f] Consolidate Lots...... $150! Lot Line Adjustment.............. $150 I Final P1at............. .......$700 (lncludes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* .Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract. Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 (Additional recording fees may apply) E Variance ! Wettand Alteration Permit (WAP) ! Single-Family Residence............................... $1 50 E ettothers........ ........ 5275 I Zoning Appeal ..........,..... $100 ! Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) $500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. tr tr tr Z g tr $2oo Property Owners' List within 500' lcity to generate after pre-application meeting)............._:... $3 per address ( 70 addresses) Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply)......... . . $50 per document n Conditional Use Permit E lnterim Use Permit ! Site Plan Agreement E Vacation ! Variance f] Wetland Alteration Permit ! Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ! Easements (- easements) ! Deeds TOTAL FEE: u r./6b.uu Description of Proposal: Subdivide existing 2.14 Acre lot into 5 Single Family Lots, One Outlot and Public ROW. Property Address or Location:SW Corner ol Glendale Drive & Minnewashta Parkway Parcel#:250051 200 Legal Description: TotalAcreage:2.14 Wetlands Present? n Yes Z ruo Lengthy, See Survey Present Zoning: Single-Family Residential District (RSF) present Land Use Designation. Residential Low Density *"0,"!{#ffiEffimem*n, necueffifipfis,.:TEgry Residential District (RSF) Residential Low Density Existing Use of Property:Vacant Property ECheck box if separate narrative is attached.wN z s20fi _,,"r.rq>fltt fl.4lUUIlJ0 DfpI Section 1: Application Tvoe (check all that Section 2: Required lnformation APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. lf this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additionalfees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimale prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are lrue and correcl. Name:Lake West Development, LLC Address:14525 Highway 7, Suite 265 (es2) 6s3-1359 Minnetonka, MN 55345 Contact: Phone: Perry Ryan City/State/Zip: Email: Cell: Fax: (9s2) 221-3700 (952)653-2198 Date:5t11t18 PROPERW OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Contact: Phone: city/state/Zip: Kr Uct*.,t0, P4 79OgV cell: Fax: Sisnature: 56e *Tfncpta flttr' - I Dare: Ryan EngineeringName: 19655 Waterford Pl Contact: Phone: Perry Ryan (952)'221-3700Address: City/State/Zip: Email: Excelsior, MN 55331 Cell: Fax: (952) 221-3700 perry@ryanen gineers.com This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Who should receive copies of staff reports?*Other Contact !nformation: Via: E Email Via: E Email Via: ! Email Via: E Email tratrtr Property Owner Applicant Engineer Other* E naaileo Paper Copy n uaiteo Paper Copy ! uaieA Paper Copy n uaiteo Paper Copy City/State/Zip: Email: Name: Address: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM Section 3:Owner and lnformation Signature: Address: Section 4: Notification !nformation SAVE FORM uvuuurvr r Lr rYsrwlrE t9. t tL r , _vvrJv^v r var 9 LnltEUJEET 0runtoPMEnT, [[E AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRI PTION PARCET lD: 250051200 STREET ADDRESS: Address Unassisned, Glendale Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55331 PROPERTY 0WNER: MARTIN J & JOYCE FOY The undersigned registered property owner ofthe above noted property do hereby authorize Curt Fretham ol Loke West Development, LLC to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the submission, processing, issuance and acceptance of this application, permit or certification and any or all standard and special conditions attached. They shall be the principle contact in the processing of this application. Sincerely, DocuSigned byl DocuSigned by I b Itaayfir,,'" J.f oI MartinJ&JoyceFoy by. Fo,1 (address) (address) :+ lnrrlllEET lrurmpMEilT, u.E Preliminary & Final Plat - Narrative GLENDALE DRIVE HOMES 3800 Glendale Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55331 PID:250051200 June 29,2018 Overview Lake West Development, LLC requests Preliminary & Final Plat approvals in order to re- develop the property at the southwest corner of Glendale Drive and Minnewashta Parkway in Chanhassen, MN. This submittal proposes subdividing the property into 5 single family lots with no variances.k4 VP, Lake West Development, LLC Office: 952-653-1359 cnvKSEroBAssErrr JUN 2 g t,i6 ot4tft4sErtrrI[flGDPI Lake West Development I r4525 Highway 7, Suite u 55, Minnetonka, MN 55345 | Phone 952-93o-3ooo Preliminary & Final Plat - Narrative - GLENDALE DRIVE HOMES A. Contact lnformation Owner of Record Applicant MartinJ&JoyceFoy PO Box 2804 Kirkland, WA 98083 Perry Ryan, VP Lake West Development LLC, 14525 Highway 7, Suite 265 Minnetonka, MN 55345, Phone 952-930-3000 B. Site Data Address Zoning Parcel Size PID Description SW Comer of Glendale Drive & Minnewashta Pku/y Chanhassen. MN 55331 Residential Single Family 2.14 ac,es 93,236 sq. ft. Lot 1 = 18,646 sq. ft. Lot 2 = '16,950 sq. ft. Lot 3 = 16,950 sq. ft. Lot 4 = '15,729 sq. ft. Lot 5 = 15,030 sq. ft 250051200 See Preliminary Plat, Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. C. Land Characteristics The property is relatively flat to slightly rolling with a slight slope to the West and East. There are no structures on the site. The property is treed, however the Eees are in poor condition, see letter from arborist. Curently the property has public roadway on 3 sides of th€ parcel and has existing sanitiary and water services stubbed to the property on the norlh sufllcient to serve the proposed homes. The proposal is to subdivide the existing 2.14 acfe parcel inlo 5 single family lots, one Outlot and Right ol Way dedacation lor Country Oaks Drive and Glendale Drive. Currently, these two right of way pieces are not dedicated and this project will resolve that issue. The project does not seek any variances and is proposing a density of approximately 2.3 dwelling units per acIe. Page 2 of 4 D. Description of tne P Preliminary & Final Plat - Narralive - GLENDALE DRIVE HOMES E, Tree Preservation The parcel is treed however the trces are in general poor condition per the attacted letter from Certified Arborist, Johnathon Heaton at Bartett Tree Experts. According to Mr. Heaton's inspection of the trees, "Most of the trees on the site are undesirable species (boxelder and ash) and have significant defects. ln my opinion, most of these lrees do not have a long life ahead of them." "There are a few good trees on the lot including a nice red oak and some blac'k walnuts, but the rest are not worth trying to preserve. They are not likely to have muc*t life left and will be a potential hazard.' (See attached complete lefter). Based upon Mr. Heaton's assessment, we have shown lhe complete tree tabulation of 89 f6es and 1,251 c€liper inches, and then also shown the liable" tsees of which there are 16 fees and 254.9 c€liper inch6s. A "viable" tree for this purpose is one defined as not having one of the following conditions: . Cavities or wounds at the base or on the trunk . Signilicant strucfural defects in the crown such as cavities and poor branch unions . Signs of general decline sucfi as dieback al the branch tips Of the viable trees on lhe site, we are proposing to preserve and save 205.9 caliper inches which equates to 81%. Of these saved, ftey include the redoakand black walnuts Mr. Heaton relers to. F. StormwaterManagement Per discussion wisl the City's Water Resources Coordinalor, we are proposing that each lot v,/ould have an infiltration pond constructed at the low point of each lot lo meet the current stormwater requirements. G. Home Design Proposed homes are planned to be one or two story homes with look-out or walk-out basements to work with the natural topography of the property- H. Ghost Plat to South we were asked lo prepare a "Ghost Plaf for the two parcels to the south of the prolect by staff. See graphic below. As shown by the graphic, the two parcels to lhe soulh have a viable option to develop by extending the cul-de-sac at Stratford Road. Page 3 of 4 GHOST PLAT TO SOUTH -9 O)gao 5 o 5 - -{'E -- - ---Gmrtalx -ffia;- t;.n,rft|lllDsa. -G*i*ft. altrym' ,Jaaffi. trytIfr. rff I It,tl i', " { $"rrliE: ODilAffi Preliminary PIans For GLENDALE DRIVE HOMES Chanhassen, Minnesota -l DEVELOPER: I A[nrrWEETE-B orurtoPMEIII,r.r.E 14525 Highway 7, SUte 265 Mhnelonka, MN 55345 (9s2) Sn-3000 ENGINEER: R6? 'Engineering LAND DTJETOPT'4EI'JT SERVICES (%2) 2Z-37@ ffryqlms GI-ENDALE DRIIIE IIOMES PBELIMINARY SUBMITTAL 6/29N8 (1,j AfboiFlLrrt 8k'd cw 0FECHAiIIIASSEN JUN 2 12018 Y1 STTE LOCATION MAP I t;(iAt t)t&Rtnt(rNi Bqmnin8 al b. So'ds6(c(n.. uf ODIdrrlMI Ltrr 5, hdd i, T )$Nhip I 16, R,qc 13, dm* Usr d'4 tu s@d, brc d srd o,hftonLd,5fl,l ftq ohrc( Ndr dt ngh arlcr k' rld $otrhdy lim ol Cn,rffiMt Ln 5lkrdi\6@ d26: i Lcr!, tu&d Frntrolh8iniB oItu Ieoilid k'h &tui S.nc! conttulU mdh o. *nd ldir M lh ntr. drNr ol lu.r s ldr trr & ti,rtoli,Ers.no,*i$ r h'c h& pdlcl !, a.d 16.l) fcl Nod' dft S(d liG oloid Covnnfir Lu t,0a6tui dqdd pbl h (, ih F ur oloErN.x6si[ rU $tslt lirof Cdc(ilirykNo. J rrmrlr ln,^tn il61@@ ldl, hc hur*6'cd, d,4 il! *r$dr tg|hni., lnicorsrd Cails ComlNdn( I b 16 Fn[ ol r.tulir f,irh o liEd6\6tsdll.lbind :6:5 rdtrdfi or'rh.sLrd rh sr'd (nrlemrnsn I ur5rn6.g lat.ldtr {il lmll.l tm b ft. ldil of Eaino'.t Shhguth. SWum.rul s.id *n*ry, ioilild$MinN*&Ccrtuq h l)dtr'nun N,r l25lJ:t @@$i0 d'. (:wd ( irnl, l.c$,&,, Sbt of MinrqD, 0.M $u$ 0dr rd lo h M lim !l &eA. M. !6ti 1rcils. tl$c * d!!r sJ h. !, dE *a{&& h, S. Minrqr'& ed(ih'u. R,d: U.no. DoMrbd! do.8 sid ^Bd lo S. \!rt b. dl | ts UiB!,rc prus roNF M{lG r$lc D PlN6,l@ Plat dEE!r'qr ahamd ln. b Dc udrn8 toinL $d rdn of l$di.,Dd*&dd!.nddfln i,d giid 5, T.Nilip I I 6, Pqc ll, ^M &Wdus,&6rc,tu.df I _--.(ioroilnstl.d J. sir.' 5. To$'Mlp I 16. Rdg.:J. rh{6u! duBUt.*Uat r.o, L_ - - J / sd(l'rrdDilL\ rq 2 i4 rh.cN,drc I t dshr tr8ls t, ldi 6d&t hE.f (i'!nrno[ /Lol5,ir tr d$ho.,ille fr, El !' 0. norrl o, qimiry dtu Eel D b 6cibd; hrs c{dMB Nun[ d'srJ h hcnbd lhc tur a tualc of JI,.r, tu b k Fiu of n,EEeni si6.lin. hr plkl ted J96.0 6t N6tr ot tb S,nd lm nl$id(l'r'mnd Uil 5: U6$ l4rllorSsid pllcl ln( b G F nn ol intrdn'. wr$ hr'ddy [c ol ancr (r!ul, RodNo I (liwl, lB$, aohqt R(dt,66s SodEsEly lbt !rWil) qltd4'Jt [N of $U (]ffi (h$ Road No ! b iLr poinL of iir4cri6 $ ith n lh &*r rcbl !, od 156.i)d rdud oa& S,U b. of {dd)rmnnnnLd5i dEEVd &rA sidenucl[n. k,OcFtu ol EthnL.& . 4rr riri 'li !1rr!t !r]\ I llii,,1,'l _/ ,/ ,.. ,, , ..,,/| 1,,\ \ \ i,,,1l't i i i "i l/ltt)j,,' / , ,''.r" ,',/4I i ,' 1.,'i,/ / "i lli s' t'i', JD.t!98f,-4_t!!g1IUArlftrs dc htt id eeo of brilT. [16 of !E lcgd &dttu ld $m. n. rqi .f o 618 der nd id& Mm,8 shar rN N1,, ,chi.rl{nl6rlL., Pl.*gecr6.L&lturixbnailht.orBrd\i116rll$ihurryGolqrlce*Lrrnesrr,k,nrl.nrthdilnrue.t d bt ry uftR {iM.d, J!6 doe's. h' y$u snh u' b isld,r hs.y ilt. htu. ornr Cr lJ& of ob.d d6dnt hF\Ecr6 Nc &r mq,iq itr dn.). 6f .m.., orh d r.nfytrr8.xiih[.6'.! n.rrd t'*bln[tu c,n6 olXr 816r.,Nsi.L\dtu d h$il. d sbcld ldotrLri k' Ai$ im rddd ol b k$&piy dr'lb nb. W.h.\. ok' pHa hctuL lk y,d rf, in rffi4 c&vrnD r, c.u{hcuqr 6 6i i'c llo .hlals drM rchE 'rt h e Mbd ts,lu @ dB snq. U$ (u. hclBd d .bd { st dr & ris drfr' 6r U. i6ty dFr &nilo'8 tu &rsd$ fr m d 66 tu r Mc b&mm8 co@. hil.r.Milf{d,&iti'nntur.+iGtitl&hdi$cdnplM,hnMfldrydmyDotulD[.r+hwaUi|relfld&Ind NL h !' & "# S d b.ryd Mqrn tu u N {., !, &fdriwb rLl qh tu s,uD b nI h I rd Ge o ,& dB Lll hnld'ol dnnoBr@.dtuildos nc dtus(s b0E F(fl linq.r *6 tun rE n0na-d 6mco ordf, hnhe. )4BD-qUB2L!r!Ll!ry!]!M}!! ,ib dr {^ty 'n.*s, Nq uill* !il.il* nocJ. o .E, A .ME E 'urE +o -- I ::::"--t.--ln** lo .*r.rl .on cu!!r !!!! ta! @E!! L,AKE WEST DEVELOPMENT PtD NO. 25N51200 (fr.4NH/.!-s-EN. ,VN /A,dvance Sutueing E Englneing, Co. 17r17 HC[*ay r lha(c51,.7&79 sr"^,mT[,aH,.H']ffi*WbL ! llJUR\rYr[ /!!a!] !rj!!d S*EINTLE E-YISTING CONDITIONS sLtRvEt' *fr92E ,, v ,, sHoi rm tsl s nt m[ M frt G{ qhqE !q sL. " B{N6NU[I8ER 1802N REt'- _; - 7- t8DAEFtrILItrF # I I I I t- I I I I I I 4Ea -+- , :- li,. a r-:lr:-t, "\. : O4ftAffi owR: tMtuaytA GLENDALE \ sY $ {4l'i *'* ,1i' +t,i, /d LEGAL DESCRIPTIONDEVELOPMENT DATA LOT AREA DATA mmm E-w.&fffiM ffiMlM 9i5tst - 2rarAc ruLOIM= ,,tutu&@mLOf nh- gffi MLOI@B= t5@MTfud- AN/fftud- &@Smd= tOEr J 5 Mtf wEwtu@(a4 ra*, 1&*tqgt QgltQ@ t 42t *t*d, t& i,a@r {Et rlsr 46, M' 2&t 2vN/Affi - N I tr,616 v airL__ ____ _ __J BLOCK 2 --l I I I,l p I I I I __t | ,6,9tu s . I --------_.l I I4ll1 -l I t6,sso s ! I I_________t I 13.00 It5729 * r I I__--____l 1ro&g! // --------t'/ x 0 Aa55U.H{d FlErqsc, ll{ 55grl (e50 2Frr00 @ ii., di, b.r u. 6 tstuh 'dEFdb'il!ot6r ,d,i llF q& 6. b d rk WE b,d6 ro for IHI*H GLENDALE DRME HOMES Char$asse l,I\l hd Fc D.tcffio.thr.tsDDiao-ffirhtukea Preliminary PIat ffid{ 46aa-mtu-.lulr P-2 OWR KflSTffiR O E --------l oruR. ures e tuh a mw O Dilflffi 8@ AP.) '//mnAn#w(Me) ,r!/ ,lr'"{'i ,o/il GENERAL UTILITY NOTES SHORELAND DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS MW*NSdSM@NAMIhMdfrstNN *mM, NC' *ffiW I B M @. ffsoEErc@&s*ffiNw&ExoEMyAWWNCMENWSN EM9&ff&D H tfi @. C W stN@ Utum *tuffi FU btuw M *w N rctMnd N wr&f 9E e s,mff*TMMBf WdfrW,MAWC4*.MTNS|MN *tuM r& Wf ffiMM' N. @t 6 RM,fu@M.MNE@TW E fufrACW 9M tr@E M ECffY,&6F6 M ffi @M6 N,ffiilUYB t. w Nrct &Ns M MB am Lffi'c uE w gfa w 2 MLOBFMaruWWBdCl I &aoE]ru MEAMXN#ACtuW68 1, WWW'ABMASAtrfu,MM MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS r tcFND __ EEMMI TDT -eo3- .@6rffi ql[Y-*i-"'r- arar u& HD. t/!f,E ., EEsm sT a n0 sB sE t. tu LoB M aru M ffiNA M ,aM Mf (rcn) z tAE @M Bf E m@ I DAf 6m @ iAES & ES frA e ENi b 6rc ilfts ,'Eff"l{3,'.*;#,#ffiHffitr;N.m@ ,e5! ,*mttwem '*ilT&sE <-t Et -t-ffi6m x@rre a w. M tu *ffi ffiMM w A@ w w E rct@ aD A n G zs f,. a @@ es,&g8Ngru r&srrco,rcrc@. MdMMfuNTACT.ffiSIAENfu.MM UtutadwM DUWnrcTMm. i o,:esrrremea. t***"**u rr**" -..*, e 'lllll---"-lLl_| --;- |'21L]O t I I L '*l I I _l 3L _*_L-----t P.o6i]7 'EngineeringGncSrvircrMEni sENEE S55 Wrirlad PlErc-a, Ll 55331(so zrFrroo -,@ r r.r d., h.r b h .tr6!rd6F.db'r!dh' td.ddMr6od,rd.itEdtuhde w!r ad,ff GLENDALE DRIVE HOMES Charfiassen lll'{ for I Llrr lllEITI mrr,rr*nr,* ffi.q q W mde.lrtrid E!CECffiD-thrbLffi E€E O.b . Site and Utility Plan - P-3 lH-,llolr '- -1 5/ O AilAffi ti &mcm w dtAcf ffi SfaE'N tu'f8 utuil Ldffi Al 6r-l#@ * &frrcm w w m adm N waM t 6M UNB M,|i)lffiEA],lmahEoffiN@Wmtuffi,Mm. WdfrACM W ryAR' Nfr N ffi A Nf d@MS A VMW M @M M fiTUVA,B M ffi DM *AAfu@ d6 rc gld OMW @DPA*Mf6N@ SIlw'MI MMIAGN@MEWWfu MAf M WEdMffi DXfAfuATMfrffiN9MEtDrN u4 w N & M @@ E 6rW, At ffi rc lf tu E @@.wf w x6 NAtffi EE. EW Af W dft W * @t4 tu N &M M dNrcW W E A M ffiMN dW AM fu N NB M Sffi6l|ll/|@ lItr .lre ffi rcf E uN At N N A W Wrc OAv M&RTM]ru/l//lwNIENM6wf,m,@ W 9E AIfu NSdnAc@w E/lll!::!il|:\l:l,|llffm wf dw ffi 80Mw*w tuM ffi &MA ffi ffM& LOANE d @ilB A W PBfftEmwawANMumN. tu MS W S A &f A W,rutu W E Mtuf ffi ad tuN@ru@A@-MWt&fiAM ah N m@WtMN B w w 6 aAd acngD N AffiM ah H dtr *fWMf NrcMM Drt N@ &a = Ln aG t/- DtA @ Ncf tu - 2t1 Ms +/- --b-- sm6TdE -Sl- reodTffi *!lm , GmsrNAm f5.0 |@9O1@AU a{rcrecM - ffism-mrsff Q, Dffiro-uru + aftre-tuo ffi SHI&Y S .?'. ,AE ab. r^aE s]m sfR @ ,^E Ht f^[E &g mt L RtAR m@XO tttv. ffiif G*4 u s* sffcr tu dM Mf m M w M x ertll:rL]B4ngN AEEA qBQSs SEcIlqN RIPRAP INFILIRATION POND OVERFLOW R6]7 'Eng ineering lW 19656 Waidlad HErcrl*r, t,{ 55331(6D21-Sr@ tu L id, d! ha rir n4 ddD, rq.n hF 6& tu h or rb bG;i iw k; GLENDALE DRIVE HOMES Charhass$, MN lor I lLmrlfEET llnr.rr*rrr* - qa+lqh4s .IDfr hrd Fal Dd.ffiD.{n -rtnM,*rffi - tu*E6Effi Grading, Drainage anc Erosion ControlPlan P-4 t-------- TYPICAI BUIt DING PAD f,'-5' CRU$IO R6 m APPiOTD AIIEMAII o uraffi SWPPP NOTES:CITY OF CHANHASSEN EROSION CONTROL NOTES: r. ffiogil cilno rustrs ilD PRo[cnil FENof,G sHeD a€ NSTAU0 8Y IHE CO{IRACTOR NO YUST BE INSPEC.IID SY IHE OTY PRIOR TO ANY oElotril. mEE ffivov^L. m uxo Dsrumac. cilmcTm rusr PROUO€ A rrNrXUf tr 24 HOjR NOne PRfr IO tilScn0. 3. 4. HIS PROfCT IS MIAIR BN frE AME ND UU RTOUIRE N UPCA NPOES PMIIT, AN EROSOI{ COI{IROt PERUIT IS [9 REqJNEO FRil HE ctil. S FINI SPP PW SEEB &D NOES FM DESCRPNilS ANO PRACnGS $Oh N gEEt P-5. SE MMING PLAN Fffi MOINilI MADNG NO tR6fl CflN& NOIS cqm^clm rs ffi9ilgff Fm SPPP rvPrff,ENT^nm, Nscnils. AND CilPLING [H XPOES ftRIIT SE SEET P-6. rGSS lfrl-lad FlErc*r, l.l 5sl3l(w)a*sr@ E@ r 86, dir rhd tu E T#ihdddFrnhrh!ddn,dddodihlm!d! s]ilrlm - GLENDALE DRIVE HOMES Chanhae€en, MN lor A I.ITEWESIE-f o:rtrorrrn.rrc - Erosion Control - Details and Notes - P-5 sdaan,m M crttr - bdF* D.bffiLtn -_D.anh*id- _ _l&rf - thffaEffi O ATAffi GENERAL IHECONIMCIOR NDU SUBCONIMCTORS NVOLVEDWfrH ACONSIRUCIS ACIiltrY THATDBUBS STE SOT MffiO ilIEUEIIAPOLLUTN CONTROLMffURE DENTFEO il IHE SIOru WAIER rcLLUIB PREWN]B PLAN (SWPPP) WST COMPLY Wtrh ItsE REOUNEMENre OF NE NATDNA POLUTM OBCMRGE ELUNATPN SYffiM (NPTS) GENEru reRMtr OArEO AUGUST 1,2013 (tMNRrmml. PAGES r.35) NO NY l&& @VEilNGAtrNCYilVNG JffiSDETDN CONCEMNG EROSDN AND SEOilENIAIH coilrRoL. CONSTRUCTION ACTIV]TY NFORMATION: PROJECT NSE: GLENOMDRE rcMES PRGCT L@ATPN. WOGLENDNE ORE, CffiHASSEN PRAECT TWE: SNGLE fMLYESDENTN CUMUBTNE UPERVPUS 5UtrACE foT& sm AcREs NUMER OF ACreS TO EOBTURBED PRE{ONSNUCTPN rcRES OF NPEAVPUS SURFACE rcST.CONSRUCTDN ACreS OF ilERVDUS SURFACE IOTA NEW ilPERVDUS SURFACE & 8481ty-8eN-!IB!qr_pN_AqMmy_BEQU!BErvEIIS NE PERMreE MUST ilPLEMENTBE SWPPNDNE REOUEWNTSOE THE PMT NE BMPS DENITEO N IE SWPPP AND N TBB PERMT MUSI AESELECIEO, NSIALLEO. NO MANIAXEO I N AffiffiAIE AND FUNCIDNA MNNER ]MT 6 NACCORDACEWtrB trLEVM MNFACTURER SPECTEATDNS NO ACCEflEO ENG}EERNG PMqTES EROSPN PREVENTDN PMCTEES. PART MB 1. IHE PErutrIEE(S) MUSI PW FOR ANO ilPLEMENI ffircPRBIE BMESUCH 6 CONSTRUCTDN PrcNG, VEGETATUE BUFFER STRPS, rcRZONTASLOPE GrcM XSPECIMAND MAXIENNCEOf PMI U.E. ANO OTR CONSIRUCION PMCITS IBAT MNilT EROSPN N NECESSARY TOCMLY Wtrh THE PErutrNO MOECT WA]ERS OF IHE SIAIE. IHE LOCAIO( S 8tr NO] TO BE OBTWEOMUST BE DELNSIED (E,G,, WtrH F6CS, SIreS,sHS, ST] f ENCE ETC.)ON TNE PRGCTStrE BEFORE WORK BEGNS 2 &L EXpOSED SOL mES UlSr AE SrSfeEOB S@N 6reELE rO UtrSL EROSDN BUT NO UER lm E{O S TBE ffWMYffiEN MTHffi ACIilTES WLL CEASE f OR AI LUST '! OAYS, EMfMY STmCIES WTHOU SGNf MT SLT, CUY M ORMNC CilrcNEMS IE.G. CLil AGGreGATE SI&KPLES, OEMOLTON CffirerE SImXPLES, SaNDSTmfES)N H CONSTRUCTED BNE COMP&EXTS OF ROADS. PARKNO LOTSANO SilH SURfAGS & *MM FROM TH6 ff$reENT, 3 BE PEUTTEE1S)WSI SISIEE IHE rcRML reIIED PERTEIERq NY TEMffiY OR PEMENTMNrcE OtrCH S SWAE TBAT DMNSWAERFROMANY rcRTDN OF THE CONSIRUCIS StrE. S DUERISWAIERNQND THESTE, WtrH} AO LN4 FEEI FROM THE PROPERW EDGE, OR FROMArcNT OF DEMRGE ITOAYSUSACE WATER. STABI4IM OF IBE USI &O LM& TEEI MUST AE 6MruIEO WtrHN 24 BOURStrTER @NECTrc TO A SURFACE WAER SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES . PART ]V,C 1 IBE PERMflEE(S) MUST EWLOY SEDilENT CONTRO PrcIEES re NE€SffiY ]O MXilZE SEDilENT FROM EMERM SMFACE WAERS, NCLUDTG CURA NO SUMR SYSIEMSND STORM SEreR NGIs, 2, SEDUEM COMROL PMCTEES MUST BE ESTABLEHED ON ALT DOM (ruCM PERUEIERS ANO AE LOCAIED UPGNENT OF NY BUFFER ZONES THE PERilETER SEDilEffiCOMROL PMTEES MUST E N PBCE BEFOreNYUrcWENT LAND.DBTURBROACTNtrCS EGN, THESE MACTEESSALLreMAX d PLAGUNTf FML STELEATPN HAS BEEN ESTNLSEO N ACCOrcANCEWfr FART VG 3, BE PERMME(S) SHALL RE.NSTAI ALL *OilENTCOMOL PMfrTESTHAT HAW BEENADJUSTED OR REMOVEO IO ACCCOMODAIE SBORT{Efu ACTNTCS SUCH AS CLEMNO OR ORU88XG, OR PS$OE trVEHEES, ilMEDAELYffiRNE SHQRT.IERM ACTUn HAS BEEN COMPLETEO, 4, EMPOMY 9L STOCPLES MUST HAW SLT FENCE OR OTHER EFFECTNE SEOilEM CONTROB. NO CNNOT BE PHCEO N ANY NATURA AUFFERS OR SURfACE WATERS, NCTUDNGSTORMWATERCONWYNCES S!CHAS CURBADGUMRSYSTEMS. OR CONDUTS ANO OTCHES 5, THE PERMNEE(S) MUST NSTIL A VEHELE IMCKilG 8MP TO MNilEE THE TMq OUT OF SEDilENT FROM ffE COilSTRUCTPN STE, INSPECTIONS ANO MAINTENANCE . PART IV,E 1 IHE PERMTEE(S) MU9T ENSURE THAI A TRANEO PERSN WII R@INELY NSPECT frE EMRE CONSTRUCTPN StrEAT LilST ONCE EVERY SEWN(D DAre OURXG ACTVE CONSTRUCTPN ANO WMN 24 BOURS AfiER ARAIFIL EWU GRAERfrAN 0,5 NCBES N 24 HOURS. 2, ALL NSPECTPNS NO MAMENANGE CNUCEO OURNSCONSTRUCTDN MUST BE RECORDED WTHN 2' HOURS N MTNG M THESE RECORDS MUST BERETANEO WtrH BE SWPP N ACCMNEWffi Pff IE 3, IHE PERMTEE(g) 6/& RE9rcNSBLE FffiIBE ISPECIDN ANO MAIIrc OF EMPOWYNO PEMNENT WATER ruAB MMGMENT BMPS, SELLN &L EROSPN PREVEffiB ilD $DilEM CNROL BWSNTLNONER PEilME HAS OBIANED COVEre UNTR IHE PERMI N ArcOroACE WTH PffiT AB,8 Mffi PROJECTH6 UNOERON FIA STAB]AfB, ANDN NOT ffi BEEN SUWMDTO 4, ALL NFLTUION MAS MUSI BE NSPECIEDTO ENSUtr BTNOSEOUENTFROM ONGOTGCONSIRUTMACIilTY BREACBNGIHE NF]TRATDNffi [L NFLTMIO AR# MUST bE NSPECTED TO ENSURETUTEQUPMEI 6 NOT ENG DRUEN ACROSS ]BE NTIIRATDN AREA POLLUTICN PREVENTloN MANAGEMENT. PART IV.F rHE PEilMEElS) $&L ilPLEMENTTHE FOLLOWNo POLTWDN PREEMB MNAGEMEM MFEUtr5 S IHF StrF:I ALL SLD WSTE (@LLECED SEDilENT, SPruTND@NCEE, FLOATNG DEBRE, PAPER. PUSI6, CONSTRUCTDN EMOLrcN ND OTHERWNTES)M6T E DEPOSED OF PROtrRryAND COMPLYWTH MMDSPOSI REAUreMNIS. 2. aLL HffmUS MATERhS (OL, GASOLilE, PAM NDANy H@SSUBSTANCES) WSTBE MOERLY STOREOTO PREVEM SPLLS, LreOR OfHER OECffiG, reSNTTED ACCESSTO STORAOEreS MUSTBE PROVDEDTO RffiTTVANDABM SIORAG AD DEPOSA OT HMMMUS WSTE MUST BE NCOWThTE WTBMrcA reGUUTMS 3. COrcREIE N OIHER WASHOUTS: lHE PERMtrTEE(9) MUST PROVG EfFECTUE COMAXMNT FOR [L LDUDAO SOLDWNESGENEMTEO AYWSM OPERAIMS, Ire LNUD ANO SOLD WEHOUTWNTES MUST NOT C@IACITHE GRWNO. NIE COMANMENTMUSTBE OESGNEO SOMT trMSMT RESULT N RUN*F FROM IHE W€HOUTOPEMTENS&A LDUDNO$LO WNES MU9TBE OErc*O S PROPERIYND i AC@RDANCE WTH MPCARULES ASRWST ffi NSTUEO DACENTTO THE WASHOUT FACLN NAT REOUreS SM reR$NNEL TO UILEE I3E PRWR FACLTES TOR DSPOS{ Of @NCEIENOOIHERWASAT WSTES, FTTAL STABI.ZATION - PART IV.G ThE CONTMfrM MUSTENffiE FML STEIEATDN tr H SG ACCMDNG Wffff OEf XTBS NTHE NPOEStrNEM PERMTPARI ry.G. re@NIrcIGMUSISUAMTA rcTTE S TEilMTPN (MT)WTHN 30 DAYS AFER Fru STEBTH E@MPLftq WTHN 7 DAYSTER SELLIOTHE STEOR PORTM OFBE STETOANOTHER PMN. A COry tr THB NOI / PERMtr M@FEATDN FMM ffiI @ IO IBE NEWMER. TEMEN[/ CUreNTOWNER MUST PROVDE ASIMPPTOTHE NilOWTERTHAT ffiCTEMY ADDre9SE5 NY REMANNG CNTRUCIB ACIWfr SWPPP CONTACTS: CONruTM: NM MRESS rcDRESS CONTACT/ PHOM OMER: UG MST WELOilEM 4f5HGHWAY7, SUM & MiNETONG MN 595 MN 5531 2 J4 MES t,7aAcres 2 14 MES 0 a AcEs 0 ! acres EleElv!.qwArEESWE OF WATER MDYre VRGNh SECruWAIER? UPAREDWAIER?NO NO teEre DAES OF @N$RUCTDN CONSNICION STARI OATE OMl/A1A ESIMTEDCOMPLEIDNI 0ffi1/419 PART III STORMWATER OISCHARGE DESIGN REOUFEMENTS SMPP ilPLEMENTATH RESPONSBLTES 1 THE OWNER ND CONTMCTORARE CO.PEMTEES AS DENTTED BY THE NPOES PENtr 2, THE @ffiWTOR S8[L BE RESPONSALE FORU ON STE UPLEMEIATPN OF THE 3 IHE @UWTOR SHIL PROVDE PERSON KNOIEDGffiLENO EXPERENCEO N frE PPLtrATON OF EROSbN PreVENTON ANO SEDUENT CONTROLBMBAOOVERSEE &L XSTALUTDN AD UNENNCE OF BMPSAD UPLEMATPN OF THE SWPPP 4, THE COMRACTOR SHIL PROVbE PERSON(S) MEETXE NETMNNG REOUREMENTS OF IHE NPDE9 PERMT TOCONDUCT ISPECTPN AND MANTENANCE AF ALT EROSPN PEWNTPN AND SEDilENTCONROL BMPS X ACCOROANCEWTH THE REOUREWNTS OF THE PERMff, ONE OF THBE NDUDUALS MUSI 8E AVALffiLE FOR AN ONStrE NSPECTPN WtrHN 2 HOURS UrcN REOUEST BY MrcA THE MTMCTG SHIL PROVDE IRANNG NO MCUMENTATPN OF PERSONNEL 10 XCLUDE: 4,1, WESOF PERSONNELNSOChTEO WTH NE PROJECTTHATME REOUAEOTOBE RNED4,2, DAIES OT TRANNG AND NNE OF NSTRUCIORNO ENItrY IHAI PROVOEO BNNG 4,3, CONTENT OF TRANNG COWSE NCLUDNG NUMBER OF HOURSOF IRANNG 5 FOLLOWNG f ML STELBIPN ND TERMNATPNOF GOWMGE FOR THE PEffiT, THE OWNER SH&L FUH6H LONGERM OPEMIDN AND MANENANCEOF TAE PERMANENT STORM WATER MMGEMEM SYSTEM RECORDS RETENTION - PART II]E THE SWPP (OREN ORCOPES) NCLUDXG, ALL(mGESTO tr, NO NSECTONSSO MAATENNCE ECOROS WST BE CPT AT THE gTE OURAGCONSTRUCTON AY INE PEruMEE(S) MO HASMW OPEMTPNI COMROLOF MT rcRTPN Of T8€ StrE, THE SPPP CAN BE KEfr N ETreR THE FELD OFFCE OR N AN qSM VEHTLE DURNG NORMAL rcRKXG HOURS. AL OffR(S) MUST CEPTE FOLLOWNG ruCreSON FU fffi IBREE 13) YEffiS AFIER SWMMI OF Tffi NOT N MLNED N PART NC, frS DOES rcI XqUDE N RECORE AMER SUBMMIOTTHE NOT 1 THFiASWPPP 2. &Y OItsER STORMWAIER reSTED PEilTs reOUFED FOR THE PROECI 3 EMS OF ALL XSPECTDNNO MNENNE COilDUCED DURNG CONSTRUfrPN(PNI il,E ISPECIDNS &OMAXIENME) 4. ALPEMENI OPEMIBANO MANIEWEAffiEMENTS TUI MVE BEEN ilPLEMETIEO. XCLUDNG AlL RGHIOF.W^Y. Cffi UCTS. COWN^NIS AND ONER BMrc refureMEflS ruGMNG PERPEIUI MANIEMNCEND 5 &LREilREO CICUUTHS FOR DESBN OT BETEMPOMY ANOPERMNENI SIMMWAIER MANAGEMENI SYSTEMS. sol. rNFoRuAnoN..-cLE !]Q8!UWAIEB-!14!4QEUE!M4!! ITUnitrnU ITHIfr EX x8 K(: Esnk.-dy r5 K*ry.t.rdm ?b6 tdff.xatrylffi 6h 12 Rvan/ 'Eng ineering .m*rc;Miu sinn cG t655lY.lrrad HEr€Ir, lr{ 58rll(w)z*cr@ @ r 6d, dut rM $i F, 6n.dld{rwntroeq @r Rddb h - GLENDALE DRME HOMES Chanhassen, MN for I.I I.ATT UESIlrrrr,rr*** SWPPP - Narrative and Notes - P-6 - Dtetol D,u,rtq Noure relhdt 6cdd A! GlUlt brd Fc O!!cffiCL.tsiO.anoffi.ffitmilhEh ffi - I s-* lil, r..r *b &.hrd.1.r.4qhd'L5h .fuMr il q x' $t-t lEa LANII {VIIOPMINI (IKVil I\ 19655 Waterltrd R Ercel8*x, liilN 5533 (954 22F3700 6ry.]r@ if ":ir1 ;-"ixr "ll.r' ii'" GLENDALE DRIVE HOMES Charfiassen, MN for t.I LtlE f,tsTf mrrr"r** a:il.t- reh.dig - ErEqFerr o-dg tumffiE Tree lnventor and Preservation Plan - P-7 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on August 7,2018,the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of hearing is to consider Preliminary Plat with variances for a subdivision of property located at the southwest corner of Glendale Drive and Minnewashta Parkway to create 5 single family lots and zoned Single Family Residential (RSF) Applicant: Perry Ryan, Owner: Martin & Joyce Foy to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me this -'1 dav of A,v*te4_ ,2018. Notary Public Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time:Tuesday, August 7 , 2018 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing mav not start until later in the eveninq, depending on the order ollhq?gelOg- Location:City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Bld Proposal:Request for Preliminary Plat with variances for a subdivision Applicant:Perrv Rvan Property Location: southwest comer of Glendale Drive and Minnewashta Parkway A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the proiect. Questions & Comments: lf you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the city's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2018-13. lf you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen Al-Jaff by email at saliaff@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952- 227-1134. lf you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the proiect web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planninq Gommission meeting. Sgn up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/notifyme to sign up! - City Review Procedure: . Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and lnterim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public heaing before the Planning Commission. City ordinancesrequireallpropertywithin5OOfeetofthesubjectsitetobenotiliedoftheapplicationinwriting. Anyinterestedpartyis invited to attend the meeting. . Staff prepares a report on the sub.iect application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation These reports are available by request. At the Pan;ing Commission meeting, staffwill give a verbal overuiew ofthe report and a recommendation. in" it", *itt be opened for the publi; to speak about the proposal as a part of the healng prcce_ss. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the iiem and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reve6e, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, Iand use and code amendments take a simple majority vote 6t tni City Council exc;pt rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commerciaUindustrial. . MinnesotaStateStatute5lg.ggrequiresallapplicationstobeprocessedwithin60daysunlesstheapplicantwaivesthisstandard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any percon wishing to follow an ilem through the processshould check with the P!anning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting . i neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Oflen developers are encouraged to meet;ith the neighborhmd rega;ding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the pOect with any interested person(s). . Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the applicdiion witl be included in the report to the City Council. lf you wish to have something to be included in the report, olease contact the Planninq Staff De6on named on the notitication Date & Time:Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing mav not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agen6 Location:Citv Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Proposal:Reouest for Preliminary Plat with variances for a subdivig'1qn Applicant:Perrv Ryan Property Location: southwest comer of Glendale Drive and Minnewashta Parkway A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the proiect. Questions & Comments: lf you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the city's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2018-13. lf you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen Al-Jaff by email at saliaff@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952- 227-1134. lf you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item wil! be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planninq Commission meeting. Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen. m n.us/notifyme to sign u p! City Review Procedure: . Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and lnlerim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinancesrequireallprope(ywithin5OOfeetofthesubjectsitetobenotifiedoftheapplicationinwriting. Anyinterestedpartyis invited to attend the meeting. . Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by requeit. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the publii to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or pariiy the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote ot tne City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial/industrial. . MinnesotaStatestatute5lg.ggrequiresallapplicationstobeprocessedwithin60daysunlesstheapplicantwaivesthisstandard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. . A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet-withtheneignborhoodrega;dingtheirproposal. Staffisalsoavailabletoreviewtheprojectwithanyinterestedperson(s) . Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the applicaiion will be included in the report to the City Council. lf you wish to have something to be included in the report, nlease conlacl lhe Plannino Staff Derson named on the notiflcation. TAX-NAME TAX ADD L1 TAX ADD L2 TAX-ADD_13 ALDRITT LIVING TRUST 3946 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR MN 5s331-9757 BRIAN DOUGLAS LUND II 3980 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9604 CHARLES & MARY COLLEEN WEBER 3911 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN ss331-9763 CHRISTOPHER EVERS 6630 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9656 CLAY T & JULIE MARIE RICE 4OOO COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7710 CRAIG LOREN ANDERSON 3830 LESLEE CURV EXCELSIOR MN 5s331-9630 DANA LJOHNSON 66Tl MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR MN 5533L-9657 DANIELR&SHELLYLKRUSE 3971 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7706 DAVIDL&DIANEELIESER 3881 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 5533L-9603 DAVID M FROEHLING 3840 LESLEE CURV EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9630 DAVID ROBERTSON 39OO STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9604 DOUGLAS DALE REICHERT 3901 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9605 DUSTIND&SANDRAAQUAM 3920 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9757 ERICC&TINALWEEK 3920 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9604 HAROLDJ&ELAINETAYLOR 3861 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9603 HOLLY MARIE KRUEGER 3820 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 5533L-9642 INGRID SERCK-HANSSEN 3990 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 5s331-7705 IVANP&SUSANMSTREIF 3940 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9604 JAMES&RUTHABOYLAN 6760 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR MN 55331_-96s8 JAMESA&JEANWAY 664l MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9657 JAMES A & JUDITH A SCHMIDT 3970 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7705 JEFFREY W & TERESA P KERTSON 6810 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9660 JEROME H & ALICE R JOHNSON 3940 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9762 JERRY L & KRISTIN L KORTGARD 3901 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9763 JOHNN&LINDARBRAND 3981 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7706 JON P WITT 3850 LESLEE CURV EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9630 KELSEY J QUIRING 3950 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7705 KEVIN J ZAHLER 665l MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9557 KEVIN P MCGINTY 6640 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9656 KRISTEN M FIREHAMMER 3840 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9642 KRISTOPHER D & DAWN M KNOX 3801. LESLEE CURV EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9631 LEE ANDERSON 601.1 HILLDALE DR HARTFORD wr53027-9541 LYNND&NANCYKSIMPSON 3980 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7705 MARGARET ELLEN YOUNG MARTINJ&JOYCEFOY MATTHEW MCDONALD laa:o vaelr crn PO BOX 2804 ]:soo couruTRY oAKS DR lrxcrsron KIRKLAND lrxcrsron MN 55331-9642 wA 98083-2804 MN 55331-7705 MATTHEWR&AMYLBURTON 6228 CASCADE PASS CHANHASSEN MN 55317-9476 MICHAEL R RYAN 3850 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9642 MICHELLE HANSON KRAFVE 3810 LESLEE CURV EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9630 MI N N EWASHTA CEM ETERY TRUSTEES 38OO RED CEDAR POINTE EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7765 NATALIE JOHNSON 3940 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-770s NICHOLAS S & REBECCA FOLWICK 3920 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN ss331-9762 PAUL J LIDSTONE 3991 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7706 PAUL M CARLSON 79OO QUAMOCLIT VICTORIA MN 55386- RANDY J & LORNA HILL CUNLIFFE 3921 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN s5331-9763 RICHARD DORSEY 3931 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7706 RICHARD E & ELIZABETH BELLERT 6641 MAPLE RD EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9649 ROBERT & LORI FREEMAN 401.0 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7710 ROBERTJAMES HAGER 3931 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9763 ROBERT M & PATRICIA A JOSEPH 6T0l MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9659 ROBIN THOMPSON RUSH 3810 MAPLE CIR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9642 ROGER NITZ 3821 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7735 RONALD T LAMPRECHT 3921 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9605 RUSSELLD&DIANAWJONES 3961 COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7705 SHERRY HAGA 310 8TH ST S APT 310 FARGO ND 58103- STEPHAN I E M ILLER STATHOPOU LOS 3930 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 5s331-9762 STEVEN & JAMIE KNIGGE 3910 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9762 STEVEN A & KELLY C STATTMAN 3811 GLENDALE DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7735 STEVEN J ARNDT 3960 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9604 STRATFORD RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASN 3961 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9605 THE CECKO FAMILY REV LIV TRUST 3910 CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR MN s5331-9757 THOMAS R & KAREN J ERDMANN 39OO CRESTVIEW DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9757 TRENT BIRKHOLZ 3851 STRATFORD RDG EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9603 ULRIKE K TAYLOR 3951. COUNTRY OAKS DR EXCELSIOR MN 55331-7706 WARREN C MACFARLANE III 38OO LESLEE CURV EXCELSIOR MN 55331-9630