Additional CommentsJOHN BUTCHER 691 5 Lucy Ridge Lone, Chonhossen, MN 5531 7 | 612.236.3777 | iohnbutcherSl8@gmoil.com August 8, 2018 The Moyor ond the City Council City of Chqnhossen 7700 Morket Blvd. PO Box I 42 Chonhossen, MN 55317 To the Attention of: Moyor Denny Loufenburger Councilmon Don Compion Councilmon Jerry McDonold Councilwomon Elise Ryon Councilwomon Bethony Tjornhom Deor Members of the Chonhossen City Counci!, First ond foremost, let it be known thot Julie ond I don't oppose responsible ond thoughtful development, nor ore we osking you to entirely block the proposed Golpin development (oko, the "Prince Property"). Additionolly, os Chonhossen residents ond Minnesotons who loves our noturol resources, we're excited obout the ideo of odding porklond, wolking troils, ond green spoce for public use. Thot soid, we hove concerns obout the two proposed options put forth by Lennor thot we'd like to moke known. We'd like to moke o personol pleo for you to step in ond find o solution thot protects our lokes ond preserves the sofety of our neighborhoods. We feel thot there must be on option thot better considers the most importont investment thot we con oll moke: the investment in our noturol resources, sofety, ond quolity of life for our children ond their children. We understond thot there's likely no plon thot will sotisfy the needs or concerns of everyone, but we believe thot compromise con be reoched thot protects our resources ond sofety while ollowing this lond to be monetized ond developed. Our most pressing ond specific concerns ore with ihe proposed connection of 45 homes to Lucy Ridge Lone. An olternotive ideo thot we'd urge you to consider is to treot the lO-ocre porcel ot the north side of the property os on extension of the two existing neighborhoods ond NOT to connect to the new proposed development in ony other woy (see o very rough droft of whot this could look like in the ottoched rendering lobeled "Proposol A"). Here ore the benefits of this ideo: > Connecting the Loke Lucy Ridge (15 homes) to the Ashling Meodows neighborhood would creote o neighborhood wiih consistent lot sizes ond home sizes. This plon would still ollow for the development of l0 ocres ond on odditionol lO-15 homes connected to the exisiing neighborhoods' All of the cunent stubs would connect but not lo the proposed street on the northern side of the development. > This plon would reduce troffic ond preserve sofetv on Lucy Ridge Lone by not odding 45 homes ihot will significontly increose troffic on o rood thot is olreody stressed in the morning by Ashling Meodows residenis. ln our neighborhoods troffic is often times heoded north to highwoy 7, not south (vio Golpin) to highwoy 5. We con only ossume this is the some troffic flow thotwe'd see with the odditionol homes. > Ashling Meodows ond the Loke Lucy Ridge neighborhoods ore the southernmost border of the Minnetonko School Districi. The homes south of the lg-ocre porcel, (ihe rest of the proposed development), ore oll within District I12. This is likely o teriiory concern, but o considerotion nonetheless. Other importoni considerotions: > The people thot bought homes in our neighborhood did so in port becouse ihey ore oll custom, unique, ond somewhot privote. Hoving o notionol builder ottoch 45 smoller homes to ihis neighborhood would be extremely disoppointing. > We should be especiolly couiious of developing the lond on the norih side of the property. The grode is steep, it is heovily forested, ond while we're not environmentol experts we ore very fomilior with the property os we hove wolked it regulorly. The woier flow ond soil erosion on this porticulor port of the lond will likely stress the wetlonds ond lokes. We'd urge the city ond Lennor to consider: A: Lorger lol sizes ond tree preservoiion for the lo-ocre porcel B: A buffer thot preserven ihe trees on ihe drosticolly steep grode on the norih side of the property. C: Abondoning the development of onyihing on the north side of the property other thon the seporote lO-ocre porcel (we do understond this could poientiolly reduce the omount of revenue thot con be generoted from the project, os it is cunently proposed). We understond the PUD is "give ond get" but we olso believe thot Lennor con still responsibly develop the homes with o single occess point off of Golpin if the city is willing to opprove o cul-de-soc longer thon 800 feei. 2 Thonk you for your considerotion ond ony support you con provide. Pleose feel free to contoct us of ony time with questions. Sincerely, E'tBffi John Butcher Proposol A Julie Butcher 3 Aanenson, Kate From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: david senior <davidtsenior@gmail.com> Wednesday, August 8,2018 7:57 PM Aanenson, Kate Trish Ann Wisell 7141 Galpin Boulevard Comments & Pictures DS-City Development - Aug 2018.pptx Hi Kate - my wife & I bought the property located at7431 Windmill Drive, Chanhassen just 12 months ago. We love the neighborhood, neighbors and City. The Prince property development as proposed I have concerns about how close the Concept plan comes to the back of all neighbors property lines without any significant tree buffer, and considering the existing wetlands which do not seem to have been correctly considered. Our property gives a unique insight into why this area is so wet as we have a city storm drain in our back yard! I have attached 2 slides that show the back yard & the view of the Prince property from our backyard showing the wetlands & outlet from the storm drain. I understand the desire of the City to expand the parkland, but have to agree with the 2 Planning Commission Council members & many neighbors that had serious reservations on the plan as submitted in the July meeting. I just want to add our voices to that concern as we were on vacation during the last meeting time. I recognize you may not have time to come visit, but we do extend that offer given the gravity of what is being proposed. Best Regards, David & Trish Senior GONGEPT PLAN ISSUES FOR 7141 GALPIN BOULEVARD... THIS IS A CITY STORMDRAIN WHICH WE MAINTAIN AT PERSONAL COST. WITHOUT MAINTENANCE THIS WOULD BE ANOTHER ALGAE & DEBRIS EYESORE. WHILE OUR PROPERW IS FENCED IN ALL AROUND, THERE IS AN EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY FOR CITYACCESS TO THE STORM DRAIN WHICH REGULARLY OVERFLOWS INTO THE WETLANDS AT THE BACK. 0 GONCEPT PLAN ISSUES FOR 7141 GALPIN BOULEVARD... EXTENSIVE WETLANDS STORM DRAIN OVERFLOW ON BACK OF OUR PROPERTY Aanenson, Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Public comment. Denny Laufenburger Mayor - City of Chanhassen 612-327-6800 Laufenburger, Denny Thursday, August 9,2018 5:22PM Aanenson, Kate Fwd: 7 141 Galpin PUD comments iPad Originated Begin forwarded message: From: Tim Nordberg <nord0296@email.com> Date: August 9,2018 at 4:02:20 PM CDT To : <dlaufenburser@ci. chm Subject: Re: 7141 Galpin PUD comments Mayor Laufenburger, I wanted to take a minute to express my concerns about the proposals submitted and being reviewed for the 7l4l Galpin PUD. I support development in general. I believe it is inevitable, but also good for the City to grow and expand the tax base to improve overall services for everyone. Still, both concepts shown by Lennar clearly favor developer profits over Environmental and Community Impacts. The land being developed has numerous mature trees and wetland areas that would be affected, directly impacting the nearby Lakes'water quality as well as potentially adjacent homeowner lot drainage. Allowing the land to be cleared, filled, and graded as needed by either concept isn't something I support. I hope a compromised concept that includes the following can be found: . Keeping the space closest to the lakes for the City's long term trail plans. Ideally ensuring trail connections have a desirable design, such as working their way through a forest rather than a sidewalk along a densely populated street. . Less density, adjoining neighborhoods seern closer to 0.4-0.5 acre where many of the proposed lots appear nearly 1/3rd this size . Less lot coverage - something reasonable that more closely matches adjoining areas . Required buffers to existing developments, especially along property edges that already contain wetland / forest . Careful considerations of any wetland "managefiient". It may be legally allowed to "replace" some wetland or trees that are removed, but we have to be honest with ourselves and realize that any "replacement" of such natural features is not the same as leaving them untouched. My wife and I brought our family to Chanhassen due to the emphasis and love for Nature, Parks and Recreation and hope that the City will stand behind its commitment to these areas in reviewing large new developments such as being considered on this, currently beautiful and natural portion of the City. I appreciate your careful consideration and further note that I found nearly all opinions shared at the Planning Commissions session to be consistent with my concerns above. Best Regards, Tim Nordberg 2126 Majestic Way, Chanhassen 2 From: Sent: lo: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Chrissy Boberg <cnboberg@gmail.com> Saturday, July 28,2018 12:15 PM Aanenson, Kate Proposed Development on Galpin Flag for follow up Completed tam writing in in support of the proposed development ofthe land off of Galpin. My family and I have lived in Chanhassen for over 10 years and currently live at 1321 Heather Court. We live close to Lake Ann and have enjoyed that and other parks in the area. After looking at the planes it looks like the developer is offering up to the city around 100 of the 188 acres. Ofthe 1OO acres given to the city it appears the plan has the Lake Ann Park expanded to the west side of the lake. We have often visited that park and it would be wonderful to be able to walk almost entirely around the lake with this expansion. lt seems very generous and responsible ofthe developer to offer such a large part ofthe property to the city to preserve green space for all to use and enjoy. we strongly hope that the city supports this plan at the upcoming meetings. Tha nk you, Mike Boberg and Family 1 Aanenson, Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dake Chatfield < dake.chatfield@gmail.com > Wednesday, August B, 2018 8:02 AM Aanenson, Kate Chanhassen Proposed Development Follow up Completed Hi Kate, My name is Dake Chatfield and I live at2200 Majestic Way. I am writing about the proposed development going on impacting nearly 200 acres in Chanhassen near my neighborhood. I was at the planning commission meeting in July where there was significant resistance from Chanhassen residents on the proposal. I believe the planning commission even summed up the proposal as "offensive" to the property and environment. I have significant concerns about the impacts to the wetlands, big woods, and recontouring of the land. The proposal from Lennar seems to disregard protectingany of those precious resources. This will no doubt cteate a long drawn out resistance from the community. I am wondering if there is a compromise solution in the proposal. I've looked at the topographic maps and noticed that there is a significant amount of land on the property that is free of wetland and old growth forest. I can imagine an area like a "U" shape around the previous house on the property that would still allow for significant home development to take place. Lennar may not be able to get the 200 homes they want to build in there, but it looks like they could still get 100 homes in that space. It seems to me that something like that solution would be a good compromise with the builder and the community. Has anything like that been proposed or reviewed? Thanks, Dake Chatfield l-r;r I' ss2-261-8S2fi.E Aanenson, Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Laufenburger, Denny Sunday, August 12,2018 7:23 PM Gerhardt, Todd; Aanenson, Kate Fwd: Proposed Prince Property Project Denny Laufenburger Mayor, Chanhassen 6t2-327-6800 Begin forwarded message: From: Greg Andrews <qpsailandrews@yaho > Date: August 12,2018 at 6:42:17 PM CDT To: "dlaufenburger@.ci.chanhassen.mn.us" (dlaufenburger@ci.chanhas ), "btjomhom@ci.chanhassen.mn.us" (btjornhom@ci.chanhasse ), "jmcdonald@ci.chd " <jmcdonald@ci.chd >, "eryan@.ci.chanhassen.mn.us" <eryan@ci.chanhassen. >, "dcampion@,ci.chanhassen.mn.us" <dcampion@ci.chanhass > Cc: Greg Andrews <qpsailandrews@yahoo. > Subject: Proposed Prince Property Project Dear Chanhassen City Council, I left a voicemail for most of you last week, but wanted to follow up with an official email as I believe emails get posted to an official record. My name is Greg Andrews and I live at 6895 Ruby Lane in the Ashling Meadows neighborhood. I oppose the project for the following reasons: 1.) The environmental impact that this development could have on Lake Ann. As a Cubscout dad we use Lake Ann for a lot of functions and I do not want to see the water turn into the green muck and weeds of North Lake Lucy due to irresponsible management of this land. Lake Ann is a gem of a lake and we should do everything to preserve it. 2.) The large number of homes in this proposed development that would join up with Ashling Meadows and Lake Lucy Ridge. I have two young children who ride bikes in our neighborhood and lfeel that they are safe it they obey the rules. I would not feel safe knowing that our street would become a major route to get to Hwy 7 and Powers Blvd for 90 or more families. I would ask if you all could slow the process down to listen to those who just found out about this project. I believe that others like me just received the official post card notification on August 8th or 9th. Thank you for your consideration of this message. Greg Andrews