MPCA DocumentsPreliminary Evatuation Worksheet 1. Contact lnformation v 04.17.7018 Property Owner/ Ctient:Date: Project lD: Phone: 5t73t2018 Site Address 821 Creekwood Drive, Chaska Emai[: Maiting Address: LegaI Description: Parcel lD:Latitude:Longitude: 2. Flow and General System lnformation A. Client-Provided lnformation Project Type:Ne',v Construction Replacement Expansion Project Use: Residentiai Residential use: # Bedrooms Other Establishment: # Adutts ln-home business (Y/N): Water-using devices: (check all thot apply) Dwetting Sq.ft. # Chitdren lf yes, describe Unfinished Sq. Ft.: # Teenagers: Garbage Disposal/Grinder Sewage pufirp in basement Large Bathtub >40 gallons Clothes Washing Machine Dishwasher ' Water Softener* Iron Filter* High Eff. Furnace* Ctear water source Hot Tubt Sunrp Pump* Self-Cleaning Humidifierl should not go into system Additional current or future uses: Anticipated non-domestic waste: The above is complete & accurate: None None B. Designer-determined flow lnformation Client signoture & dqte Attach additional informotion os necessory. Design Ftow:GPD mg/L TSS: Anticipated Waste Type:Residentiat BOD:mg/L Oi[ & Grease: 3. Preliminary Site lnformation A. Well information Describe a[[ wetls within 100'of proposed SSTS: attach additional information if required. Additionat Weil tnformation: mg/L Preliminary Evaluation Worksheet ffim :.,.iiqNig E ? C,35TN Site within 200'of noncommunity transient wett {Y/N) Site within a drinking water suppty management area (Y/N) Site in a inner wetthead management zone {Y/N) Buried water suppty pipes 50 ft of proposed system (Y/N; Site located in a shoreland district/area? Ctassification Tank Setback: Site located in a ftoodplain? Etevation of ordinary high water levet: Ftoodptain designation/elevation (1 OYR): Ftoodptain designation/elevation {100YRi: County GIS Easements Property Lines Yes, source: Yes, source: Yes. source: Yes, name: ft. STA Setbk.: Yes, Type(s): ft Source: ft Source: ft Source: Plat Map Other: Wdl(s) OHWL '. Other:Btuff D E Property Line ld / Source: lD distance of relevant setbacks Owner on map: Sunrey Water Building(s) 4. Preliminary Soil Profile lnformation From Web Soi[ Survey {attach map & description) Slope RangeMap Units: List tandforms: Landform position(s): Parent materiats: uptand ptain Back/ Side Stope Titt Depth to WatertabteDepth to Bedrock/ Restrictive Feature I SeRtic Tank Absorption Fietd- At-grade Mao Unit I -_.,__^ | Septic Tank Absorption Fietd- MoundKailngs I I L_Eptl. Tank Absorption Fietd- Trench 5. Local Government Unit lnformation Name of LGU LGU Contact LGU-specific setbacks LGU-specific design requirements LGU-specific instaltation requirements Notes Carver County 952-361-1870 More restrictive - varify More restrictive - large septic tank sizing Same as 7080 it Il7 r,..!"I-f,f- i, ,-t i ru :.-:- 45IS{ I 4E'JA: I Soil Map-Calver Ccunty, l\4innesota 4q/ll,X Web Soil Sirrvey Nailonal Cooperative Soil Survey ,14,' .19 15 ill I ,i1"i1[L '1rtC'I(i I +l' .1(i I I.J 14 4! lt tJ 4ry!S20 i-, f,l i1 Map Scalet 1 : 1,700 if l)intccl on A larxlsclgl (1 1" x 8,5'') sheet, N0- I - - l\osotm2m3mU\ N4ap prole(tron: Wclt l4crrator C.onrercoodrrritej: \4/Glq4 Fdxe trcs: tJI}.4 Zone 15N \rycA84 rir! NaturalResourcesI :,' Conservation $ervice 5t23t2018 Page 1 of 3 ,J_ v ll 't'"' 45.?:80 :- F,1 ,' {t lr fiB "#S,". S,r ffi l*i1, lfl m ,t'r,ffii' Map unit Description, Lester-Kilkenny loams. 2 to 6 percent slopes. eroded--carver county. Minnesota Carver County, Minnesota KB2-Lester-Kilkenny loams,2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: f9j2 Elevation. 700 to 1.600 feet Mean annual precipitation: 23 to 35 inches Mean annual air temperature: 43 to 50 degrees F Frost-free period. 155 to 200 days Farmland classification. All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Lester eroded, and similar sol/s 60 percent Kilkenny. eroded. and similar solls. 40 percent Estmaies are based on observations. descnpfions. and transecls of the mapunit. Description of Lester, Eroded Setting Lattdform. Moraines Landform position (tuvo-dimensional). Backslope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-s/ope shape Linear Parent material: Till Typical profile Ap-}to8inches. loam Bt - I to 35 rirches clay loam Bk - 35 to 58 inches. loam C - 58 b 8A inches: loam Properties and qualities S/ope:2to5percent Depth to restrictive feature. More than 80 inches Natural drainage c/ass: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat). Moderately high to high (0.60 to 2.00 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 43 inches F requency of floodrirg. None Frequency of pondrng. None Calcium carbonate. maximum in profile. 25 percent Gypsum. maximum in profile 1 percent Available water storage in profite High (about 10.5 rnches) lnterpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated) None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group. B Ecological sife. Loamy Upland Savannas (Rt03xy020t/N) Forage suitability group: Sloping Uptand. Acid (G103XS006MN) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5123t2018 Page 1 of 2 Map Unit Descriptron: Lester-Kilkenny loams. 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded--Carver County. Minnesota Hydric so/ rafing No Description of Kilkenny, Eroded Setting Landform. Moraines La n d fo rm p ositi o n (tv,ro-d i m e n s i o n a I ) : Backslope Down-slope shape. Linear Across-s/ope shape Linear Parent ntaterial. Till Typical profile Ap - 0 ta 11 inches. loam Bt- 11 to 35 inches: clay loam 2Bk.2C - 35 to 60 rriches: Ioam Properties and qualities Slope:2to6percent Depth to restrictive feature More than 80 inches Natural drainage c/ass. Moderately well drained Capacity of the most timiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.60 in/hr) Depth to water fable. About 20 inches Frequency of floodrirg. None Frequency of pondrng. None Calcium carbonate, maximum in profile: 20 percent Gypsum. maximunt in profi[e. 1 percent Available water storage in profile. High (about 10.5 inches) lnterpretive groups Land capability classification (trrigated) None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated) 2e Hydrologic Soil Group. CID Ecological srb: Clayey Upland Forests (F103XY026MN) Forage suitability group: Sloping Upland. Acid (G103XS006MN) Hydric so/ rafrng: No Data Source lnformation Soil Survey Area. Carver County Minnesota Survey Area Daia: Version 14 Oct 4 2017 : -.j Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey Naiional Cooperative Soii Survey 5t2U2A18 Page 2 ai 2 Fietd EvaIuation Worksheet 1. Project lnformation v 04.17.7018 Property Owner/Ctient:Project lD: 2. Utility and Structure lnformation Utitity Locations ldentified Gopher State One Call Existing BuildingsLocate and Verify (see Site Evoluotion mop ) 3jit" l^f."*tim Improvements Easements Setbacks Vegetation type(s) Percent stope Stope shape Describe the ftooding or run-on potentiat of site Describe the need for Type lll or Type lV system Woods and lawn )J Stope direction Landscape position E--+LA>L Linear, Linear Shoulder BuiLd saddte upstope of Mound to divert rain and snow mett. Note Elevations and Benchmarks identified on map? (Y/N) Proposed soiI treatment area protected? (Y/N) yes Yes lf yes, describe 4. General Soils lnformation Originat soils (Y/N): disturbed areas (Y/N): Yes lf no. describe: lf yes, describe:Fitted, compacted, 5oiI observations A soiI observation were conducted in the proposed system location in the most timiting area of the proposed system (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) Yes Yes Number of soiI observations:SoiI observation [ogs attached Yes Percotation tests performed & attached Yes No 4 5. Phase l. Reporting lnformation Depth Elevation Periodicatly saturated soit: Standing water: Bedrock: Required separation: Max depth of system: ln in in in in 95.2 fr fr ft Soil Texture: Percolation Rate: Soit Hyd. Loading Rate: Contour Loading Rate: Ftoodptain Etev. ( 1 0 yrl: Ftoodptain Etev. i1 00 yr): Differences between soil survey and field evatuation: Site evatuation issues / comments: Anticipated construction issues:.-t r _-1 /-i7\ ri t , LO 36 ctay [oam 28.00 min/inch gpdlftz gpd/ft feet feet 0.45 17 NA NA Percotation Test Data fyt .,'i,i i, ii,...,n'i.i.i., , - . Project lD: P1Test hote: #1 Location:Depth.': EtevationSoiI texture description Depth (inl I SoitTexture 0-12 Loam 12 in. for mounds &. at- grades, depth of absorption area for trenches and beds Reading Start Time End Time Start Reading (in) End Reading (in) Perc rate (mpi) 96 Difference Last 3 Rates Pass 1 Z 3 4 11:00 AM 1'l:23 AM 11:50 AM 11:20 AM 11:44 AM 12:10 PM 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.2 7.2 7.1 25.0 24.7 23. 3 NA NA 7.4 NA NA Yes Chosen Percotation Rate for Test Hote #1 Test hote: #2 Location: SoiI texture description: Depth**: Etevation: Depth (in t I Soit Texture 12 in. for mounds &. at- grodes, depth of obsorption area for trenches ond beds o-12 Ioam pZ Reading Start Time End Tirne Start Readirrg {in) End Reading (in) Perc rate (mpi) 96 Difference Last 3 Rates Pass 1 2 3 4 11:05 AM 11:30 AM 1 1:55 AM 11:25 AM 11:50 AM 12:15 PM 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.3 7.3 7.7 28.7 77.0 2.6.3 NA NA 6.6 NA NA Yes 28.0Chosen Percotation Rate for Test Hote mpl 95.75 25.0 97.5 Percotation Test Data .1, i li $ :;tiT A iror i-U-; i *f -*r:i:'{:Aai- ira:}';CY 1. Contact lnformation Project lD.v 04.17.201 Property Owner/Client: 2. General Percolation lnformation Diameter Date prepal'ed and/or soaked: Method of scratching sidewatt:Nai[ in board ls pre-soak required-? Soak* start time: lf No, low long for 12" to soak away Soak* end time: Method to maintain 12 in of water during soak " Not required in fast perc soils large bins and siphon hose 3. Summary of Percolation Test Data Percolation Rate (maximum of atl tests attached) = 4:40 of soak 28.00 Additional Perc. Test Data a ar Project lD: Test hote: #3 Location: SoiI texture description: Depth"*: Etevation inches feet Depth (in) | SoilTexture 12 in. for mounds & grades, depth of obsorption area for trenches and beds at- 0-12'Ioam p3 Reading Start Tirne End Time Start Reading (in) End Reading (in) Perc rate (mpi) ,".6 Difference Last 3 Rates Pass 1 2 3 4 11:10 AM 1 '1 :35 AM 12:03 PM 11:30 AM 11:55 AM 12:23 PM 8.0 8.0 8.0 6.8 6.9 5.8 16.7 18.2 16.7 NA NA 8.3 NA NA Yes Chosen Percolation Rate for Test Hote #3 Test hote: #4 Location: SoiI texture description: Depth"*: Etevation: inches feet Depth (in) | SoitTexture '. 72 in. for mounds & ot- grodes, depth of obsorption area for trenches ond beds Reading Start Time End Time Start Reading (in) End Reading (in1 Perc rate (mpi) % Difference Last 3 Rates Pass 1 7 ? NA NA NA NA Chosen Percotation Rate for Test Hote #4 mpi 93.75 18.0 Soit Observation Log Project ID:v 04.17.20'18 Client:Location / Address: ioil. parent material(s): (Check att that appty) Outwash Lacustrine Loess Till Alluvium Bedrock Organic Matter -andscape Position: (check one) Surnnrit shoulder Back/Side Slope Foot Slope .Toe Slope Stope shape Linear, Linear IVegetation: l trees and gta Weather Conditions/Time of Day: SoiI survey map Llnits:lester kittkerrny Stope ltJ 3.0 Etevalion:l 95.75 am ctear to partly cotudy Date 05/73t18 Observation #/Location :B1 Observation Type:Probe Depth (in)Texture Rock Frag. Yo Matrix Cotor(s)Mottte Col.or(s)Redox Kind(s)Indicator(s) l-"------ Structure-----------l Shape Grade I Consistence 1oYR 2/1 FriabteGranutar Moderate0-8 Loam .35% 1oYR 3i2 FriabteGranutar Moderate8-14 Loam .35% 1Oyr 33 Firm Moderate14-27 Ctay Loam .35%Btocky Av 4t4 Firnr Moderate72-36 Clay Loam <35'/,Btocky Comments Redox at 28" hereby certify that I have completed this work in accordance with all applicable ordinances, rules and laws Dale Denn i6effirer-,rnspector) 583 -fi-rcente #l 5t2312018-1fi6-(Signature) I I Soil Observation Log v 04,17 .2018Project lD: Client:Location / Address: ioit parent materiat[s): (Check att that appty) Outwash ]Lacustrinc Locss Till Alluviunr Bedrock organic Matter Landscape Positiot.r: (check one) Sunillrit ShoLrlder Back/Sicle Slope Foot Slope 'Toe Siope Stope shape Linear. Linear IVegetation:l ag tand Weather Conditions/Time of Day: Soil survey map units Iester Stope %3.0 ELevation (ft): | 93.75 am partty ctor"rdy Date:05t73t18 Observation #/Location :B3 Observation Type:Probe Depth (in)Texture Rock Frag. 26 Matrix Cotor(s)Mottte Colorls)Redox Kind(s)I nd ica tor( s ) l-------- Structure-----------l Slrape Grade I Cortsisterrce 1oYR 2/1 Friabte Granutar Moderate0-8 Loam <35'l' '1oYR l/2 Friabte Granular Moderate8-14 Loam ,35% 10yr 3/2 10yr 3/ 4 Firm Moderate14-22 Clay Loam .35%Blocky lQtt 1l-1 Firm Moderate22"36 C[ay Loam <35%Btocky comments ReDox <o 2g I Additional Soil Observation Logs Project lD: Ctient Localion / Address: Soi[ parent material(s): (Check att that appLy) O0hvash Lacustrirre Loess Tili Alluviunr Bedrock Organic lvlatter Landscape Positiorr: (check one) Srimnlit 'Shoulclcr Back/Siclc Slopc Foot Slope Toc Slope Slope shape Linear, Linear I Vegetation: I [rees arrd grassr Weather Conditions/Time of Day: ls I Soit sLrrvey map units Lester Stope %3.0 Etevatjorr: | 97.5 am partty ctoudy Date:a5/?3/18 Observation #/Location :87 Observation Type;Probe Depth (in)Texlure Rock Fras. 7o Matrix CoLor(s)Mottte Cotor(s)Redox Kind(s;lndicator(s)l-------- Structure--I Shape Grade I Consislence 1OYR 2/1 FriableGranular Moderate0-8 Loam "35% 1oYR 3/2 Friab(eGranutar Moderate8'14 Loam .35% 1Oyr 3/3 Firm Moderale14-77.Clay Loam .35%Btocky 1"9vt!"/!Firm Moderate22-36 Ctay Loam ,35'/o Btocky Comments ReDox riu 30 Design Summary Page 1. PROJECT INFORMATION v 04.17.2018 Property Owner/Ctient Site Address EmaiI Address Project lD: Date: Phone: 821 Creekwood Drive, Chaska 5/27/7018 2. DESIGN FLOW & WASTE STRENGTH Attach dato ! estimate basis for Other Estoblishments Design Ftow BOD LeveI GPD mg/L 5e{ect Anticipated Waste Type Residentiat TSS:mgll Oi[ & Grease mg/L Treatment Treatment Level C for residentiol septic tonk effluent 3.HOLDING TANK SIZING Minimum Capacity: Residentiat -400 gat/bedroom, Other Establishment Design Ftow x 5.0. Minimum size 1000 gattons Code lvlinimum Hotding Tank Capacity: Recommended Hotding Tank Capacity: Ga[[ons Gattons in in Tanks or Compartments Tanks or Compartments (Set @ 7576 tank capacity)Type of High Level Alarm: Comments: 4.SEPTIC TANK SIZING A. Residential dwellings: Number of Bedrooms (Residentiat) Code tAinimunr Septic Tank Capacity Recommended Septic Tank Capacity Gatlons Gatlons in Tanks or Compartments Tanks or CompartmentsIN Efftuent Screen & Atarm (Y/N)Model /Tvne: INo Other Establishments: Waste received by Septic Tank Capacity Septic Tank Capacity r & Atarm (Y/N):l-- GPD l--louvt Hyd. Retention Time Code Minimum Recommended Efftuent Screen Gattons Gattons ln ln Tanks or Compartments Tanks or Compartments [--l Modet/rype' 5.PUMP TANK SIZING Pump Tank 1 Capacity (Minimum): l- r SOO-lCut Pump Tank 1 Capacity (Recommenaua),1-- O lCuf purnp 1i--zq.tlcplul totut rt"ua[-zi+ lrt Pump Tank 2 Capacity (Minimum):[----_lc"t Pump Tank z capacity (Recommena"oy,[-----lcut er*p zl---lcem rotut n"uo[--_-lrt suppty Pipe uia. Flu'lin uose Vot:J- na,o lg"r Suppty Pipe t-ria.l--l oor" vot,l--_lcur B. SYSTEM AND DISTRIBUTION TYPE Design Summary Page Project lD: Bed: Dispersal ar"u [----l rt'Sidewatl. o"ptr, l---lin Maximum s"o o"ptnT-ltn a"a wiotr,[-__lrt e"a l"ns*'[----_lrt Designed a"O o.ptn[---__lin Mound: DispersaI a.uul- zso.o_lrtt a"o l"ngtnFEI--lrt seo wiothl--6-o-lrt Absorption wiou', [ho -l rt Ctearr Sand r-irtl--l.o -lrt Berm width to rzt[---lrt Upstope Berm widthl--e.t-.lrt Downstope e"r*l-- 13.6 lrt EndsLope Berm widthl- r tZ_lrt Total System l.ng*,[-ta8]a lrt system wi.rt [--lq3-lrt Contour Loading Rut"lJI-1,1", r,, Soi[ Treatment Type:l Mound top of block, garage @ 100 MPCA System rvp",l--- ryp"Tl DistribLrtion Media: 100 i ,,rtinl*u. Req'd Separutlon'[--:O-linches I :nlf, Code Max System Depth: f A4orrnd linches Soit Texture,l-auy fou* I Layers with ,35?,i Rock Fragments? (yeslno)l Nol Percolation nut.' l- zs.oo li pt lf yes, describe below: un rock and layer thickness, amount of soit credit and any additional information for addressing the rock fragments in this design. Contour Loading nrt"'l--lz -l SOIL TREATMENT AREA DESIGN SUMMARY Seasonal water tabte at 28" Dispersatar"u[---___lrt' sidewattoup*,[----lin rrench wiotr,l-lrt Totat Lineat r""t[---lrt No. of lrun.n"r[---_l Code Max. Trench n"pt,l---lin Contour Loading nut"l--_lrt Min. Lengthl--lft Desisrred rrerrch o*p*,[----_lin CCt ID: 9.Additionat lnfo for At-Risk, HSW or Type lV Design Level &Equal Pressure Distribution No. of lut"rutrl--l__l Perforation Spu.ingl : -ltt Perforation oiameterl-Ja -lin Lateral Diu*"t"rl--L5o-lin Min Dose votrr.l- +g lgur Max Dose vorrr"[- zzs lgut Etevation (ft) Pipe Size 1in) Pipe Votume (gat/ft) Pipe Length (ft) Perf Size (in; Spacing (ft ) Spacing (in) Non-Level and Unequal Pressure Distribution Lateral 1 Lateral 2 Lateral 3 Lateral 4 Lateral 5 Lateral 6 Minimum Dose Votume [-lru, Maximum Dose Votume [---I*u, s"a wiatr,[--__lrt a.a rung*,[-]rt Finished Huisht l--****lrt contour Loading nut"l--lgat/ft upstope s"rr[----lrt Downstope e"r*[---lrt Endstope g.r,nl---ltt A. Starting BOD Concentration = Design FtowX Starting BOD (mg/L) X 8.35 + 1,000,000 B. Target BOD Concentration = Design FtowXTarget BOD (mg/L) X 8.35: 1,000,000 Lbs. BoD To Be Remor"a,l--l PreTreatment Techrrology: Disinfection Technology: *Must Meet or Exceed Target *Required for Levels A & B C. Organic Loading to Soit Treatment Area: 10. Comments/Special Design Considerations: Design Summary Page rr. i Il :ON have completed this work in accordance with att appticabte ordinances, rutes and laws. 581 (License #) 5 / 8 /?018 (Date) I hereby certify that I Dale Denn {Designer)(Signature) system l"ret l--lrt Project lD:v 44.17.7A18 A. Rock Volume: {[-6*l {Rock Betow Pipe + Rock to cover pipe lpipeoutsidertio. -2incillXBed Length X Bed Widtlt = Volume in+):17 ftx tt3 ydr ydr Divide ft3 by 27 ft3/ydr to catculate cubic yards: Add 30r"d for constructabitity: ftr + 27 ydt x 1.3 B. Catcutate Clean Sond Vatume: Volume Under Rack bed: Averoge Sand Depth x iledio Width x lAedis Length = cubic feet ftx rr x l--rzio -lr Divide ftr by 2z ftr/yd3 to calcutate cubic yards: Add 30?i for constructabii.ity: ftr + 77 yd3 x 1.3 ydl ydj For a Mound on a siope fram Q-1% Volume from Length = ({Upstope Mound Height -1) X Absorption Width Beyond Bed X Media Bed Length)ft 1) x ft Volume from Width = {{Upslope Mound Height -1) X Absorption Width Beyond Bed X Media Bed Width) fr -1) x Totat Cleofi Sand Volume: Volume f rom Length +Vo{ume f rom Width * Volume lJnder Medio ftr = For a Mound on a slope greater than 1% Upslope Volume : ((Upslope tvlound Height - 7 ) x 3 x Bed Length] = Z= cubic feet ft-1) x 3.0fr x ft3 ftl ftl DawnslopeVolume: l{Downslope Height - 1) x DownslopeAbsorption Width xMedio Lengthl *Z= cubic feetfr-1) x ftx Endslope volume: (Downslope lvlound Height - 1) x 3 x lledia width = cubic feet fr-1) x 3.0ft x Total Cleon Sond Volume: Upslope Volume * Downslope Vo{ume + Endslope Yolume + Volume tJnder l,tediof--E8f---l rt, * [--Jrss,o-l rt, * [-- :+z -l 11, * l-- 030.0-111,= f 2 .,ftr C. Catculate Sondy Berm Volume: TatolBSrm:lolurryllpprox): ((Avg.MoundHeight-0.5fttopsoit)xMoundWidrhxMoundLength) +2 0.5 )ft x -1ft' Total lilaund volume - clean Sand volume -Rock volume = cubic f eet ftr ftr Divide ftl by 77 ftr/yd3 to catculate cubic yards Add 30:/" for constructabititv: ftl 27 ydl ydl 1.2 D. Calculate Topsoit lAoterial Valume: Totol Maund Width X Totol nound tengtn f S yt ftx fr x 0.5 fr ftl ydr yd' Divide ft) by U ftr/ydr to catculate cubic yards: Add 30,o/" for constructabitity: ftl yd3 77 1.3 175.4 6.0 562.5 20.8 77.1 6.0 630.0 79.7 103.6 125_0 378.1+/ 6.0 )t 1 1't58.0 7395.7 88.7 115.3 ftr = 29.4 148.4 7183.4 1 05.1 80.9 Basic Pump Setection Design Worksheet 1. PUMP CAPACITY Project lD:v t)4.17.2018 PumpinE to Gravity or Pressure Distribution:Pressure i. lf pumping to gravity enter the gallon per minute of the pump: 2- lf pumping to a pressurized distribuiron system: 3. Enter pump description: t 10 - 45 gpm) 29.0 Demand Dosrng 7. A. p L. HEAD RTQUIREMENTS ftevation Difference IL ft ft tdm to spc.cial equipmfit. et.. ) betsreen pump and point of discharge: Distribution Head Loss: Additionat Head Loss: rdJ,t ,.a irLirur. LurJ arl TrdiLrL r'pe Pg: I'Jr.( r : i !-, n ii* -r.:, .i.5 1- Suppty Pipe Diameter: 2. Supply Pipe Lenglh: in rr rrt.j.i f . i :.: a.t:. Friction Loss in Plastic Pipe per 1Ooft frcm Tabte l: filction Loss =ft pcr 'l00ft of pipe Determine Equivatent Pipe Length from pump discharge to sotl dispersal area discharge point. Estimatc by addiog 251', to suppl_v pipe tength for fitting toss. Supply Pipe Length (D.2) X 1.25 = €quivalent Pipe Length fr x i.25 ii. : G. CalcutateSupptyFrictionLossbymuitiplyingFrictionLossPer TOOrtiljflctlbytheEquivalentPipeLength {LineF) anddividebyl00. Suppty Friction Loss = ft per 100ft X 100 I DistribrJtion Head Loss ,i:l-:l..llYl.lllt'it"'tt.," t-lJf t - f !'r,-r:,sr:r,-. lJistr il.'rJtl(-)rI l:;r:,i..r! ()rl i\iltril)rrilll /:\1-/*r;alli-] t-lea{lI[..,;ri,r'.. i)r] i'r rr.-1,Lrr, . Di5l-r il]rrtiurl 1.'jor k:l rerr-.t: ftifu l: r rrrIr ril Av{}r-a1g€} H€}i}d Distribtltiorr Heacl Loss Jr1 ./1 l-frt !- "l i)l I U Tatal Hedd requirement is the sum of the Elevdrion Difference the Suppty Friction Loss iline G ) (Line Ai, the Distfibution Hcad Loss iLine B). Additional Head Loss (Line C), and ft ft it 3. PU/TP SELECTION A pump must be selected to dellver at ieast 29 .O GPM iline 1 or Line 2) v/ith at teast 27 .4 feet of total head. Comments: =T o'4 lft ()fr#tr t, Stvracr TqF ltrls rr r Peocunra Pressure Distribution Design Worksheet Ifi"t.MINHESOTA POLLUTIOH COHTROL GTNCY t([ 1o__l-4i:3] +r= [-3-l 3. Designer Setected Number of Loterats Cannot be less than line 2 (accept in at-srodes]4. Select Perforotion Spacing: 5. Select Perforatlon Diometer Size: Project lD:v 04.17.2018 taterats Does not apply to at-grades taterats *-,*,;-,-*, 1. Media Bed Width: Z. Minimum Number of Laterals in system /zone = Rounded up number of [(Media Bed Width - 4] + 3l + 't . l-10-hr 6. Lengfh of Loterals = Media Bed Length - 2 Feet. | '" -'- ":;;1*;#t";t"*x;;;ffii--"---"-rlI - zft = [--To lrt Perforotion con not be closer then t foot from edge.138 I 7. Determjne the Number of Perforaticn Spoces . Divide the Length of Laterols by the perforotion Spocing and round down to the nearest whote number. Number of perforation spaces [ * ]n * l- : lrt = l-l__lspaces Number of Perforotions per Loterol is equat to 1.0 ptus the Number of perforotion Spaces. check tabte8. betow to verify the number of perforations per tateral guarantees less than a 10% discharge variation. The vatue is doubte with a center manifotd. Perforotions Per Lateror =f lz--lspaces + 1 = l=3 lperfs- per Laterar 9' Totol Number of Perforations equats the Number of Perforations per Laterat muttiptied by the Number ofPerforoted Laterals. I " lPerf' Per Lat. x I 3-lNumber of perr. Lat. = f 3, -lTotat Number of perf. 10. Setect Type of tAonifotd Connection (End or Center): 11. Select Laterol Diometer (See Toble) : f- E,rd _l llsoI tn I ro lrt l-*Trq-*li, |i{i'nrT xuq$erof Perfrrtiom Per Laterrlto Guarantee <"l0$ Dix}urge vlriatim '/.. lrrh Pduifimr TIll lnrh Perfontionr Perforutioo Spacinf lFeet) Pipe 0ianreter {lncher}Perfotrtion Sp*irg (Fee0 Pipe tlirmetrr tlnriler) I t1{t!t I 1 11{r11 I t 2 t0 l3 t8 30 60 2 il t6 1l 34.68 211 0 t2 r6 79 5{2!t 10 t{20 ]t 6-l 3 I 1',).{6 15 52 3 9 l.t 19 l0 60 li l6 lnch Perforaticnr 1/8 lrrh Perfsrsfionr Perforathn Sprcing (Feetl Pipe 0iraetx {lrrlx:}Perfontion Spacirq (Feet) Pipe D,iarneter {tncires} I ,11*1'.r 2 3 t ll{lri i 3 7 12 1E 26 {{87 2 2t 33 .{4 71 r4? 1li lz 17 24 .{0 80 2lt 20 30 .t1 69 r35 3 tz l6 2l i7 75 3 20 t9 1!{4 128 14. 15. 17. U. Pressure Distribution Design Worksheet ff* :,ri\rlt\# Calculate the Square Feet per Perforation. Recomnended value is4-11 ftz per perforotion. Daes not appty to At-Grades Bed Area = Bed Width {ft} X Bed Lengrh (fr} [-rolr.x l--:a-l rr b. Squore Foot per Perforotion = Bed Areo divided by the Totat Number of Perforations. l-Jao-]r,,. f- , lperforations = f n, -lfr?/perforations 13. Setect tulinimum Average Heod:[-r7-lr, Seiect Perforation Dischorge {GPM) based on Table:f tr.-lGpm per perforation Determine required Flow Rate by muttiplying the Tota! Number of Perfs. by the Perforatian Discharge. 16. 17 I iq le"rr' x l-Tz,--lGpM per perforation = [ ,t_l Valume of Liquid Per Foot of Distribution piping iTobte il): Volume of Distribution Piping = = fNumber of Perforoted Loterals X length of Laterals X (Votume of Liquid Per Foot of Distribution Pipingl t--3 I x [- :o-lr, x[-T11olgar/rt 18. Minimum Delivered voiume = votume of Distribution piping X 4 f--rrs_lgub x 4 F;_lGarrons r'i'.r'i,:ij f, I fj,, 4r5 GPM GaItons/ft Table ll Volume of Liquid in Pipe Liquicl Per Foot (G.:llons) Comnrents/SpeciaI Desigrr Considerations: *-^. 1''i: r!\ 125 0. I10 o.-t70 0.3ao? Pump Tank Design Worksheet (Demand Dose)gm J..!:,T;;'i .;;i.'-;;, "'' DETERAAINE TANK CAPACITY AND DIMENSIONS Project lD:v 04.17.2018 1. A. B. Design flout tDesign Sum. t Al : Min. required pump tank caPacity: GPD Gal C.Recommended pump tank capacity: C. D. E. Tank Manufacturer:Brown Wilbert B. Tank Model: Capacity f rom manufacturer: Gatlons per inch from manufacturer: Liquict depth oi tank from manufaclurer: Note: Design @lculations ore bosed on this specific tonk. Substitutifig a differcnt tonk rnodel witl change the pump float or timer settings. (ontact designer if chonges ore ne(essary. 1 500 DETERA,TINE DOSING VOLUME Catculate volume to Cover Pump {The intei of the pump must be at least 4-inches from rhe botiom oi the pump tank a z inches of water covering the pump is recommended ) iPump and btock height * 2 inchesl X 6ollons Per lnch tTC ot lEl in + 2inchesi X Gattons Per lnch Minimum De{ivered Volume . 4 X Votum€ of Distribution piptng: - Line 17 ol the Pressure Distribution or Line 11 oJ Non-levet Calcutate Maximum Pumpout Volume t25\. of Design Ftowt (minimum dosel Design Flolv:GPD 0.25 Galions (maximum dose) 450 48 6 7 Selecl o pumpout wlume thot meets both tAinimum artd lAoximum:frr^i. [alcutatc Doses Pet Day = Design F{ovi * Delivered Votume Calcutate Drarnback: A. Diometd o[ Supply Pipe= B.Length of Suppiy Pipe - Volume oJ Liquid Per Lineat Foot o{ Pipe = lfeer. Gailons/ftC. D.Drdinback = Length of Supply Pipe X Volume of Liquid per t ineal F@t of pipe frx gaL/ft 19.1 9.Total Dosing volume - Delivered Volume glus Droinbock $at +gat -Gaitons 10- Minimum Aiarm Votume = Depth of aiarrn t2 or 3 inchesl X gail.ons per inch of tank inX 9at/in =Gillons 774 900 4.42 ! Volume of Liquid in , Pipe Pipe Diameter (inches) Liquid Per Foot (Gallons) o.o45 1.25 o.078 1.5 o.1 10 ?4.170 ?o.380 I 4.661 DEMAND DOSE FLOAT SETTINGS i'l - Calcutate Float Separation Distonce using Dosing volume . Iotol Doring volwne tcallons per lnch gat/irt = 12. il,'easuring from bottom of t.tnk: A. Distonce toset Pump Olf Fbot ='Pump - btock height = ? inches lnches ior Dose: 8.8 in in in in in +in=Aiarm Depth Pump On Pump Of f 77.8 24.8 ,* 9D.0;al Z6l G;l jBLi 6dl Distance to set Pump On Float=Distonce to Set pump.Off Float , Float Seporotion Distance in lfi = - Dstance Lo set Pump-On Flool,n, t--t -l . Alarnt Depllt i2-3 iriche5l{. Dislancp to sel A,lorm Float I