Miscellaneous Septic DocumentsHomeStead Septic System Services 1108 Goldenrod Lane Shakopee, MN 55379 MPCA Licensed #583 Dale Denn - Owner Cell Phone: 612-310-7887 I lomcsteadsepti c(g)outlook. com Septic System Variance: Property: 821 Creekwood Drive Chaska, MN 55318 A variance is needed that is within the 50 foot bluff setback ordinance. In general, there are three situations whereby components of the new Mound Septic System will be within 50 feet of the Bluff: 1. Septic and Pump Tanks 2. Pump line from pump tank to the Mound 3. The Mound The reasons for the variances is as follows: l. Septic and Pump tanks have to be where they are as that is where the old tanks are thus the sewer line from the home comes out in that vicinity and the elevation of the sewer pipe dictates where tanks need to go. 2. The pump line from the pump tank thus has to start at the pump tank location and continue to the Mound. Physical features disallow any options to where the pump line can be run. 3. The Mound has been located where it is due to the fact that the soils in this area are un- disturbed, verses somewhat disturbed soils in the lawn area from initial construction. I know that large trees indicate the most natural soils. Secondly, the contours are ever so slightly undulating outside of where I set the Mound that is it difficult to set a Mound on a definite contour to meet the Septic Ordinance. Lastly, if all of the Mound has to be outside of the 50 foot bluff setback, there literally is not enough room to place any part of the septic system. By Dale Denn Owner aaaoaaaaaataa,laaaaaaa.}ota+oa+oaataattttoaataat a.}oaoi Mound Septic Design I t-o+; ? DArE: s,rTl2otr sa+9+ CLIENT: f+;o**s6o* SITE: 821 Creekwood Drive t& ; Chaska, MN 55318 + &o+**t DESTGNER: Dale J Denn soi Homestead Septic &' + 1108 Goldenrod Lane It 9 Shakopee, MN 55379 fl : MpCA License #583 "e ; ceil: 612-31&7887 .$, 4!+ Email: Hom esteadseptic@outlook.com n--os+, f For new corstruction lots, all septic sites shall be protected in the field with fencing/identification up to I.+ the time of installation. Existing home lots, do not disturb septic site and keep all heavy equipment and a 3 vehicles off of the site. Any trees that need removal must be done without rubber tired equipment, ie, a ; track machines to avoid soil compaction and undue disturbance. cut tree trucks as close to surface as ?S possible and leave stumps intact, do not excavate. Grinding is ok with a portable grinder. 3+ *.}-t.; contoct Dole Denn with ony questions, comments, or concerns about this septic site. t.tk' $ +# This Cover Poge with Deigner Signoture, electronic or o terwiy-, hereby ceffies thot t hove + - completed this septic design in occordance with olt applicoble Stote Septic Rules. Loal rules mav ?+ vory from Stote Rules. tnstotler to verfu all ospecis of opplicobte Locol Rules ond setback thot moy ;t be more rcstrictive thon stote Rules. Locol tlnits ol Govemments ore required to pubtish any rule or t : portion thereol thot difurs from stote Rules. consult with Locol llnit of Governmenl- soy. + a ?; ur,rflrr\Ll( SIGNATIIRf, MpCACf,RT# DATti Y{+,-& **+* 6 €'+ + + 4 € e + 6 g'+ 4 + + 's * + + { + 6 &.* + e e * {, + s + e + t$ 6 + €r * & + s..., $, *. ;1 s + + t c o + o a $ + + $ + + + + + + a c + o (} + +, $ + i) t c + t o + + t t t o t f + + *$+ * 821 Creekwood Drive O,el I Design Notes: O*+ 3 System is for a 6 bedroom Home. Soils only accommodate a Pressurized Mound Septic. Mound is g 6 spfft into two equal units on account of slope, short contours, drainage swale, and bluffline. fr*& t Each Mound hatve will have the sandbed and laterals at the same elevation based on sandbed *#- $ elevation of Unit 1. End feed from pump each unit, essentially center feeding Mound ". riJffl rnit. g *\F+ Finish Mound as one unit and build saddle to divert all rain and snow melt. f Pump station is designed for a dual pump arrangement with an alternating dose panel. Each Mound half will have its olvn pump and be controlled by the dosing panel. Use either a dual pump line, one for each mound half, or a single pump line with Check Valves properly installed off of each pump. Calculate flow for each pump based on one half of total flow plus drainback.o.' See design and pump pages. i, Install pump line deep as possible and reverse pitch pump line so that all portions of pump line, drain back into pump tank. Pump and fill old septic tanks. Tree and brush removal necessary rvith some large trees to be removed. Cut stumps close to .i ground as possible and leave stumps intact. Only track machine shall be used in tree removal .,1 process to protect soils from undue disturbance and compaction. Tight access for septic tank truck. Tree trimming requircd on residence trees and neighbors trees. Variances to bluff for septic and pump tank, and for unit I of Mound ma1. be neccssary from Cit1,. Bluff line approximated and not set officialll' b1.' elevation or sun,e\'or. Sun,eving and plotting of all septic tanks, pump tanks, selyer lines, antl both rock and sandbed absorption units suggestcd to ascertain all setbacks to properfy- lines and bluff. 44vt',trl I .L I t, I l_. I J t_. . u_]. l !, j :l funp, Ue4rs *& d+ {ttt{- )-'1ultV I jrli.t,il I r lv'u'El4 /A, *fr7$ ??.6 ?L, 3 eff,e ??,, r'i .;' Ll I, llll I I I I : I I r:'r-- -.- --- il .; \,t !/ 7'lt..t-'tl.:-r"4'. ;';;7,a,)1€ d y,iyytr ti* ?f' tiuq *: tifi E" sar u€{fttd** lE odfr*,n*e ? ''d ; t|-\. -tt4 *-f,Ppy I M^T*I,tF- -I / / )*, l.---/""l,/ 11 (- ;1 I {# I I wffil nound 6PttT rttrP Tdo ,'iaiet ailttS' s*ila +u#r€14- gfu4E ELEI/, \ (a-ruvBg'P,8: +4t / L ry! /io*t E' * fil \ -l r*& i T,, I r5'f t ,',.1 -l C