PC Staff Report 09-18-2018CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: September 18, 2018 CC DATE: October 8, 2018 REVIEW DEADLINE: October 30, 2018 CASE #: 2018-17 BY: MW SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant has an existing septic system that does not meet current standards and will need to be replaced within the next two years. The applicant is requesting a variance to place a mound septic system eight feet from the property lines and 15 feet from the top of the bluff, with new tanks replacing the existing tanks 20 feet from the top of the bluff and a pump line within the bluff setback and impact zone. The proposed septic system is being sized to accommodate the possible addition of a sixth bedroom to the existing five-bedroom house. A variance is required because Chapter 19 requires that septic systems be setback 10 feet from property lines and 50 feet from the top of the bluff, and Chapter 20 prohibits the removal or alteration of vegetation and grading within 20 feet from the top of a bluff. LOCATION: 821 Creekwood Drive (PID 250260900) APPLICANT: Gene and Lois Sipprell 821 Creekwood Drive Chanhassen, MN 55318 PRESENT ZONING: A-2 2030 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density ACREAGE: 1 DENSITY: NA PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the placement of the pump line within the 50-foot bluff setback area and 20-foot bluff impact zone, a 30-foot bluff setback variance for the tanks and a 20-foot bluff and 9-foot property line setback variance for the mounds and dispersal area, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation.” (Note: A motion for denial and appropriate findings of fact are also included at the end of the report.) 821 Creekwood Drive Planning Case #2018-17 Page 2 LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city’s discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The city has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicants recently purchased this property. During the purchasing process, they were informed that the septic system was inadequate and would need to be replaced within the next two years. They also wish to size the system to accommodate a future sixth bedroom. Their septic system installer informed them that a double-mound system would be required and that due to the location of the house, well, and disturbed nature of the soils near the house, the septic system would need to be located within the 50-foot bluff setback. The proposed septic system would be approximately eight feet from the property lines and 15 feet from the top of the bluff, with tanks located 20 feet from the top of the bluff. The pump line would be within five feet of the top of the bluff at its closest point. The septic installer has stated that the proposed tank and septic locations are required due to the location of the home’s sewer line and existing tanks. Similarly, the location of the pump line is dictated by the location of the tanks and mound system. The installer is proposing locating the double-mound system in the northeast corner of the lot to maximize its distance from the bluff, and because it is the only area of the property that he believes has suitable contours and soils for the mounds. The installer has stated that there is not sufficient space on the property to accommodate the septic system outside of the 50-foot bluff setback. 821 Creekwood Drive Planning Case #2018-17 Page 3 The applicant has stated that the requested variance is necessary to address the deficiencies of their existing septic system, and to allow for the addition of an additional bedroom on the property. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 1 - General Provisions, Section 1-2, Rules of Construction and Definitions Chapter 19 - Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Article IV, Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems, Sec. 19-67, Amendments Chapter 20 - Zoning, Article II, Division 3, Variances Chapter 20 - Zoning, Article II, Division 4, Nonconforming Uses Chapter 20 - Zoning, Article X, “A-2” Agricultural Estate District Chapter 20 - Zoning, Article XXIII, Division, Sec. 20-906, Alternative Lot Size Requirements in A- 2 and RR Residential Zoning Districts Chapter 20 - Zoning, Article XXVIII, Bluff Protection, Sec. 20-1403, Removal or Alteration of Vegetation Chapter 20 - Zoning, Article XXVIII, Bluff Protection, Sec. 20-1404, Topographic Alterations/Grading and Filling Chapter 20 - Zoning, Article XXXI, Bluff Creek Overlay District, Sec. 20-1564, Structure Setbacks Note: Most of the applicable setback standards are located in Chapter 19; however, Chapter 19 does not have a specific variance procedure so the variance is being granted from the general zoning code using the procedure outlined in Chapter 20. BACKGROUND County records indicate that the home was built in 1975. On September 21, 1984, the city issued a permit for a 634 square foot addition. On October 14, 1991, the city passed ordinance number 152, which created the city’s bluff protection ordinance. On August 22, 1994, the city expanded the bluff protection ordinance to cover the entire city. On December 14, 1998, the city passed ordinance number 286, which created the Bluff Creek Overlay District. On February 8, 1999, the city passed ordinance number 289, which governed the installation and maintenance of septic systems and established a 20-foot bluff setback. On May 23, 2011, the city passed ordinance number 523, adopting Carver County Ordinance 67- 2010 by reference and establishing the current 50-foot bluff setback for septic systems. 821 Creekwood Drive Planning Case #2018-17 Page 4 SITE CONDITIONS The property is zoned Agricultural Estate District (A-2) and contains a bluff. Portions of the site are also located near the Bluff Creek Overlay District. This zoning district requires lots to be a minimum of 2.5 acres, have front yard and rear setbacks of 50 feet, side yard setbacks of 10 feet, and limits parcels to a maximum of 20 percent (20%) lot coverage. Structures are required to be 30 feet or the existing distance from the top of the bluff, with no topographic or vegetative alterations permitted within 20 feet from the top of the bluff. Structures must also be setback 40 feet or the existing distance from the Bluff Creek primary zone and no site disturbances are permitted within the first 20 feet or first 50 percent (50%) of existing setback from the primary zone. Chapter 19 requires septic systems to be setback 50 feet from bluffs. The lot is a non-conforming, 43,600 square feet lot. The existing structure meets the front, rear, and side setbacks, with a deck encroaching approximately 10 feet into the 30-foot bluff setback. The house appears to meet the 40-foot setback from the Bluff Creek primary zone. The existing septic tanks are located approximately 20 feet from the top of the bluff. NEIGHBORHOOD Vogel Addition The property is an unplated lot near the Bluff Creek Golf Course and Vogel Addition. The property is accessed by Creekwood Drive, a private road serving the golf course and six residential properties. All of the residential properties are on septic and well. Municipal services are not expected to become available in the near future. Variances within 500 feet: 1985-03 - 815 Creekwood Drive: Denied - Minimum lot size for subdivision to create a 3.56- acre lot and a 1-acre lot; was subsequently litigated with settlement to create two lots with 2.28 acres each. 2010-05 - 845 Creekwood Drive: Approved - Retaining wall within bluff impact zone. 821 Creekwood Drive Planning Case #2018-17 Page 5 ANALYSIS Septic and Pump Tanks The applicant is proposing placing the septic and pump tanks behind the house, 20 feet from the top of the bluff. The applicant has stated that this location is necessitated by the placement of the home’s existing sewer line and the elevation of the sewer pipe. The existing tanks are also located in this area. The proposed location is an already disturbed area of the site that would need to be further disturbed to fill the existing tanks. It is also outside of the 20-foot Bluff Creek primary zone do not disturb area and 20-foot bluff impact zone. Staff believes that the proposed location for this portion of the system is reasonable and should not significantly impact the bluff. For these reasons, staff recommends approval of the 30-foot bluff setback variance for the septic and pump tanks. Pump Line The applicant’s proposed location for the pump line is determined by the locations of the pump tank and the mound. The applicant has stated that physical features of the property prevent any alternative placement of the pump line. As the applicant has noted, the ultimate location of the pump line will be determined by the location of the tanks and the mound system. Since the location of the tanks is predetermined by the home’s sewer line and the pump line’s exit from the pump tank is dictated by the location of the house and deck, the location of this feature cannot be significantly altered. Since the pipe is entirely below ground, staff’s largest concern would be the removal of vegetation, especially mature trees that would accompany its installation. The proposed location mostly avoids the woods, and staff encourages the applicant to take all possible steps to minimize tree loss associated with its installation. Staff believes that the proposed location of this portion of the system is necessary, and cannot be significantly improved upon. For these reasons, staff recommends approval of the variance from the 50-foot bluff setback and 20- foot bluff impact zone for the pump line. 821 Creekwood Drive Planning Case #2018-17 Page 6 Mound System The applicant has stated that the proposed location for the mound system, shown in green, is necessary due to the contours of the property. They have stated that state code requires a mound septic to be set on a contour for the length of its rock bed and that this consideration requires the double-mound system as well as the proposed placements of both mounds and their drain fields. The applicant’s installer has indicated a strong preference for placing a mound system on an area with at least a 1-2% slope. Staff asked the applicant to address the possibility of installing a Type III septic system. The applicant’s installer has indicated that the presence of disturbed soils in the middle of the yard makes it difficult to be certain that an installed system would perform adequately in that area. They have stated that disturbed soils, such as appear to be present in that area, have a higher chance of failing to accept effluent long term, of undertreating effluent, and of discharging untreated effluent. They note that the best soils with sufficient slope and contours are always the best choice for locating a septic system. In reviewing the proposed location for the double-mound system, staff was very concerned to notice that it is adjacent to a swale that handles a large amount of stormwater runoff from Bluff Creek Golf Course and directly discharges into Bluff Creek, a state classified impaired water. Staff also observed that a large head cut is present in this area and that it is actively eroding the bluff directly downstream from the proposed location. For these reasons, Water Resources is recommending denial of the variance request unless it can be demonstrated that no other location or system is feasible. Staff consulted with Carver County’s Soil and Water Conservation District’s Conservation Technician, Chip Hentges, regarding the proposed location of the double-mound portion of the system. He indicated that the largest concern from the County’s perspective was that the proposed mound system stay clear of the drainage swale located near the 928 contour. It is Conservation Technician Hentges’ opinion that by grating 1-foot lot line setbacks it should be possible to shift the system to the southeast so that the toe of the southern mound’s sand is clear of the 30-foot bluff setback indicated on the survey. 821 Creekwood Drive Planning Case #2018-17 Page 7 He also notes that the rock bed locations should be able to work in their proposed areas. Building Inspector Tessman also reviewed the proposed septic system’s location and design. He recommends that the mounds be pushed forward to within 1 foot of the property line and that the mound ratio be changed from 3:1 to 4:1. Both of these modifications would increase the distance from the toe of the proposed mound system to the top of the bluff. Based on these reviews and the importance of protecting Bluff Creek, staff is recommending that a 20-foot bluff and 9-foot property line setback variance be given for the mound portion of the system, rather than the 35-foot bluff and 2-foot property line setback variance the applicant is requesting. Impact on Neighborhood The largest impact on the neighborhood will be the loss of the wooded area in the northeast of the property. Most of the surrounding properties have heavily wooded yards; however, several other properties do have mostly open front yards. Many components of the septic system would be located below grade and would not be expected to have any visual impact on the neighborhood. The applicant intends to install landscaping to minimize the visual impact of the above-grade portions of the system. SUMMARY Staff believes that a variance is necessary to accommodate a new septic system; however, the bluff is already beginning to head cut and the removal of vegetation, disruption of soil, and other elements involved with septic systems could exacerbate the existing erosive issues. Staff believes that the septic system’s design and location can be adjusted to provide for an increased distance between portions of the septic system and the bluff. Staff recommends that a modified version of the proposed variance, which allows the septic system to be located closer to the property lines but requires a larger bluff setback than the applicant is requesting, be approved. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommend that the City Council approve the placement of the pump line within the 50-foot bluff setback area and 20-foot bluff impact zone, a 30-foot bluff setback variance for the tanks and a 20-foot bluff and 9-foot property line setback variance for the mounds and dispersal area, subject to the conditions of approval and adopt the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: 1. The applicant must apply for and receive all necessary permits from the relevant agencies. 821 Creekwood Drive Planning Case #2018-17 Page 8 2. The applicant shall work with city, county, and watershed staff to maximize the system’s distance from the bluff, minimize its impact on the bluff, and avoid impacting the existing drainage swale. 3. The applicant shall minimize tree loss, and shall, to the greatest extent possible, avoid removing mature trees within 20 feet of the top of the bluff. 4. A new 1” = 20’ scale survey showing the final location of the septic and pump tanks, pump line, mound, and drain field shall be provided as part of the permitting process. 5. The area around the septic system mounds shall be landscaped so as to minimize its visual impact. Should the Planning Commission recommend denying the variance request, it is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion and attached Findings of Fact and Decision: “The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments recommends that the City Council deny the variance request to place a pump line within the bluff setback and impact zone, the 30-foot bluff setback variance for the tanks, and the 35-foot bluff setback variance and the 2-foot property line setback variance for the mound system, and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision.” ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation Approval 2. Findings of Fact and Recommendation Denial 3. Development Review Application 4. Narrative 5. Certificate of Survey 6. Miscellaneous Septic Documents 7. MPCA Documents 8. HomeStead Septic Systems Response to Supplement Variance 9. WRC Memo on 821 Creekwood 10. Building Memo on 821 Creekwood 11. Environmental Resources Specialist Memo on 821 Creekwood 12. Public Hearing Notice Mailing List G:\PLAN\2018 Planning Cases\18-17 821 Creekwood Drive Variance\Staff Report-821 Creekwood Drive_PC.doc 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION (APPROVAL) IN RE: The application of Gene and Lois Sipprell for the installation of a septic system within the required bluff setback and impact zone on a property zoned A-2 - Planning Case 2018-17. On September 18, 2018, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed variance preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District A-2. 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Residential Low Density. 3. The legal description of the property is: The west 152.3 feet of the east 355.85 feet of the north 286.0 feet of the south 572 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE ¼ of SE ¼) of Section 26, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. Variance Findings – Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Finding: The intent of the city’s bluff protection ordinance is to ensure that vegetation and soils located near and on bluffs are not distributed in a manner that has the potential to create erosive conditions or otherwise negatively impact the bluff. The city also requires septic systems to be setback from property lines and road right of ways in order to minimize the potential for these systems to negatively impact adjacent property owners or interfere with the installation of utilities or other features commonly found in right of ways. In this case, there are no adjacent residential properties and the street is a private one, so the there is less concern for waiving the required property line setbacks. By granting a variance to the property line setbacks, the required bluff setback variance is minimized and the septic system can be placed further away from the more sensitive portions of the bluff. 2 Granting a variance to allow a single-family home with no ability to hook up to municipal utilities to install a septic system is consistent with the comprehensive plan, and the proposed variance is in harmony with the intent of the zoning code. b. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Finding: Due to the existence of bluffs on the property, the dimensions of the property, the placement of the house, nature of the contours, and characteristics of the soil, the septic system must be placed in the northeast corner of the property. This placement requires variances from the bluff setbacks, impact zone, and property line setbacks. City sewer and water will not be available for the property in the near future and a functioning septic system is required to have reasonable use of the property. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. Finding: The variance request is not solely based upon economic considerations. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The lot is a non-conforming lot of record that was created before the existing district standards, bluff protection, and septic system ordinances were created. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: Many components of the septic system would be located below grade and would not be expected to have any visual impact on the neighborhood. The applicant intends to install landscaping to minimize the visual impact of the above-grade portions of the system. The surrounding residential properties are also located on large lots and are served by septic systems. f. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. Finding: This does not apply to this request. 5. The planning report #2018-17, dated September 18, 2018, prepared by MacKenzie Walters, is incorporated herein. 3 RECOMMENDATION “The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments recommends that the City Council approves the placement of the pump line within the 50-foot bluff setback area and the 20-foot bluff impact zone, a 30-foot bluff setback variance for the tanks and a 20-foot bluff and 9-foot property line setback variance for the mounds and dispersal area, subject to the conditions of approval: 1. The applicant must apply for and receive all necessary permits from the relevant agencies. 2. The applicant shall work with city, county, and watershed staff to maximize the system’s distance from the bluff, minimize its impact on the bluff, and avoid impacting the existing drainage swale. 3. The applicant shall minimize tree loss, and shall, to the greatest extent possible, avoid removing mature trees within 20 feet of the top of the bluff. 4. A new 1” = 20’ scale survey showing the final location of the septic and pump tanks, pump line, mound, and drain field shall be provided as part of the permitting process. 5. The area around the septic system mounds shall be landscaped so as to minimize its visual impact.” ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 18th day of September, 2018. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Chairman 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION (DENIAL) IN RE: The application of Gene and Lois Sipprell for the installation of a septic system within the required bluff setback and impact zone on a property zoned A-2 - Planning Case 2018-17. On September 18, 2018, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed variance preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District A-2. 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Residential Low Density. 3. The legal description of the property is: The west 152.3 feet of the east 355.85 feet of the north 286.0 feet of the south 572 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE ¼ of SE ¼) of Section 26, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota. 4. Variance Findings – Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Finding: The intent of the city’s bluff protection ordinance is to ensure that vegetation and soils located near and on bluffs are not distributed in a manner that has the potential to create erosive conditions or otherwise negatively impact the bluff. The bluff near the proposed location for the septic system is already subject to a large amount of runoff that has created a head cut which is actively eroding the bluff downstream from the proposed location. Furthermore, runoff from this area directly discharges into Bluff Creek, a state classified impaired water. It would not be in line with the intent of this Chapter to allow the removal of vegetation and disruption of soils that could exacerbate these issues. b. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this 2 Chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Finding: A type III septic system could be installed in the flat portion of the yard away from the top of the bluff. Since there is an alternative location for a septic system that meets city code, the applicant does not have a practical difficulty. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. Finding: The variance request is not solely based upon economic considerations. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The lot is a non-conforming lot of record that was created before the existing district standards, bluff protection, and septic system ordinances were created. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: The area where the applicant is proposing to install the septic system is heavily wooded and many mature trees would need to be removed. Most of the residential homes in the vicinity are setback within existing woods; removing these trees would noticeably alter the character of the neighborhood. f. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. Finding: This does not apply to this request. 5. The planning report #2018-17, dated September 18, 2018, prepared by MacKenzie Walters, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION “The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments recommends that the City Council deny the variance request to place a pump line within the bluff setback and impact zone, the 30- foot bluff setback variance for the tanks, and the 35-foot bluff setback variance and 2-foot property line setback variance for the mound system.” ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 18th day of September, 2018. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Chairman COMUUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTIIIENT Planning Division -77@ Market Boulevard Mailing Address- P.O. Bnlx147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227 -1300 / Fax: (952) 227 -1 1 10 Submittal Date: *crTYorurAl,rHAssltr APPLICANON FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 9/v,/aarc pc Date:allli' ,/ i!- cc Dare Afillg- 6o-Day Review o"," te I t t- [ r f (Refer to the appropiate Applicatbn Checklist for required submiftal informatiln that must a@mpany this application) n tr n I Comprehensive Plan Amendment......................... $600 n SuUaivision (SUB) I Minor MUSA ]ine for failing on-site sewers..... $100 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) I Single-Family Residence.......... ...$325 E ltt Others........ ...........$425 lnterim Use Permit (lUP) f] tn conlunction with Single-Family Residence..$325 E all others........ ........... $425 Rezoning (REZ) ! ehnned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750I Minor Amendment to existing PUD................. $100n nttOthers........ ...........$5oo Sign Plan Review...^... ......$150 Site Plan Review (SPR) E lOministrative........... .$100 f] Commercial/lndustrialDistricts* ...$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:(- thousand square feet) "lnclude nunber ol 94$[49 employees:*lnclude number of ne1gemdoyees:E Residential Districts ... $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit (_ units) n Create 3 lots or less ............ .........$300 n Create over 3 |ots..................,....$600 + $15 per lot(_ lots) ! Metes & Bounds (2lots) ...............$300 E Consolidate Lots...... ..$150 D t-ot Line Adjustment......................................... $1 50 n FinalPlat............. .......$700 (lncludes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* 'Addltional escrow may be required for other applications through the dereloprnent contract. n Vacation of Easements/Flight-of-way (VAC)........ $300 (Additional recordirg fees may apply) n WettanO Alteration Permit (WAP) n Single-Family Residence........... . $150E rulOthers........ ......... $275 fl Zoning Appeat....... ......... $100 n Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. $500 S!: When muttlple appllcatbns are proossed @ncurrenily, the appropriate fee shall bc charged lor each appllcatlon. n n /n F Property Owners' List within 5O0' lcityto generate after pre.apflication meetirg) $3 per address(- addresses) Escrow for Recording Documents (check allthat apply)$50 per document tr. E E ConOitional Use Permit E Vacation fl Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) lnterim Use Permit Variance Easements (_ easements; E Site Plan Agreement E Wetland Alteration PermitE oeeos TOTAL FEE: Description of Proposal: Property Address or Location: PJ / C rc e ,(w ra)5 /rzzt Z /at rn4/. ff 3tF Parcel#:LegalDescription: Jee Ene /a SzJ Se *fktnt,t f S f</zzzZ.rl= Total Acreag., / , DD I ttcrtiWetlands Present? tr Present Zoning:Select One Select One Present Land Use Designation' Select One Requested Land Use Designation:Select One Existing Useof Property: Rzl, J -enf;a / lves E tto Requested Zoning: nCfreck box if separate narrative is attached. Section 1:allthat Section 2:lnformation APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the propefi owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. lf this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name:Contact: Phone:Address: City/StateZip: Email: Signature:Date: PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that cnnditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. lfurther understand that additionalfees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: lre*e " /a;! 9fP!!4 \ Contact- -fum2, Address: F dt Cre e ,Qtua/ 5 h1/1-p Cell'1 ll as.(o 'mzr/ {r3 7 Emair: SipZQOl/U/Yl/V" Z/z Signature:8,/zO /eazrP This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: & ba la bu,v lamZs/z.ra! 5t 4-?G.entaet 0tt/,vZ.d Address: /ru ( 4a d*'t rzJ Z<vz Phone: City/StateZip: 5./t,(a?ez 4fr't/ 'frl Z?b ta - JzO - 7€{, Email: 4* Cell: Fax: Cell: Fax: Who should receive copies of stafl reports?"Other Gontact lnfornration : Name:El'Property Owner Applicant Engineer Other" n ETtI Via: p'Email Via: fl Email Via: NlEmail Via: f]Email $uaiteo Paper Copy f]_tvtaiteo Paper Copy fiuaiteo Paper Copy E tvtaileo Paper Copy Address: City/StateZip: Email: I]{STRUCTIOIIIS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to cfty along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM Section 3:Owner and lnformation Section 4: Notification lnformation The Narative for the 821 Creekwood Drive, Chaska, MN 55318 (Mailing Address) Submitted by homeowners: Gene and Lowie Sipprell August 20, 2018 0n May 29,2018, we purchased 821 Creekwood Drive as our primary residence. As part ofthe process we requested that the lot be surveyed, septic and water systems be tested. The results indicated the septic system was found to be inadequate to current standards and would need to be replaced within two years. As we inquired into this process we learned if we ever wanted to add another bedroom we would need to have a double mound system. We consulted septic system installer Dale Denn of Homestead Septic before the purchase ofthe home. He drew up two or three different double-mound systems providing a way for water movement across the property. In fune, 2018, we met with the city representatives at the proposed new site for the septic system. They advised that the only location for a double mound system would be in the far north eastern corner ofour lot and a variance would be needed to address the requirement setback to be 50 feet from the bluff. July, 2018, Sathr-Berquist, Inc of Wayzata completed two surveys: surface lot and bluff elevation. [See previously submitted documents) August, 2018, we met with the neighbors including Michael Cohrs, General Manager/Course Superintendent of Bluff Creek Golf course that adjoins our property. They are supportive of installing the new septic system. Our realtor, Rick Brama has advised us on a landscaper who could provide us with a beautiful design. Consequently, we are confident that we can install the required septic system and a beautiful landscaping area that will enhance our neighborhood. We look forward to answering any questions the city may have and moving forward so we can complete the septic system installation and landscaping this Fall. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Rev. Dr. Gene Sipprell (es2-797-2027)erW HomeStead Septic System Services 1108 Goldenrod Lane Shakopee, MN 55379 MPCA Licensed #583 Dale Denn - Owner Cell Phone: 612-310-7887 I lomcsteadsepti c(g)outlook. com Septic System Variance: Property: 821 Creekwood Drive Chaska, MN 55318 A variance is needed that is within the 50 foot bluff setback ordinance. In general, there are three situations whereby components of the new Mound Septic System will be within 50 feet of the Bluff: 1. Septic and Pump Tanks 2. Pump line from pump tank to the Mound 3. The Mound The reasons for the variances is as follows: l. Septic and Pump tanks have to be where they are as that is where the old tanks are thus the sewer line from the home comes out in that vicinity and the elevation of the sewer pipe dictates where tanks need to go. 2. The pump line from the pump tank thus has to start at the pump tank location and continue to the Mound. Physical features disallow any options to where the pump line can be run. 3. The Mound has been located where it is due to the fact that the soils in this area are un- disturbed, verses somewhat disturbed soils in the lawn area from initial construction. I know that large trees indicate the most natural soils. Secondly, the contours are ever so slightly undulating outside of where I set the Mound that is it difficult to set a Mound on a definite contour to meet the Septic Ordinance. Lastly, if all of the Mound has to be outside of the 50 foot bluff setback, there literally is not enough room to place any part of the septic system. By Dale Denn Owner aaaoaaaaaataa,laaaaaaa.}ota+oa+oaataattttoaataat a.}oaoi Mound Septic Design I t-o+; ? DArE: s,rTl2otr sa+9+ CLIENT: f+;o**s6o* SITE: 821 Creekwood Drive t& ; Chaska, MN 55318 + &o+**t DESTGNER: Dale J Denn soi Homestead Septic &' + 1108 Goldenrod Lane It 9 Shakopee, MN 55379 fl : MpCA License #583 "e ; ceil: 612-31&7887 .$, 4!+ Email: Hom esteadseptic@outlook.com n--os+, f For new corstruction lots, all septic sites shall be protected in the field with fencing/identification up to I.+ the time of installation. Existing home lots, do not disturb septic site and keep all heavy equipment and a 3 vehicles off of the site. Any trees that need removal must be done without rubber tired equipment, ie, a ; track machines to avoid soil compaction and undue disturbance. cut tree trucks as close to surface as ?S possible and leave stumps intact, do not excavate. Grinding is ok with a portable grinder. 3+ *.}-t.; contoct Dole Denn with ony questions, comments, or concerns about this septic site. t.tk' $ +# This Cover Poge with Deigner Signoture, electronic or o terwiy-, hereby ceffies thot t hove + - completed this septic design in occordance with olt applicoble Stote Septic Rules. Loal rules mav ?+ vory from Stote Rules. tnstotler to verfu all ospecis of opplicobte Locol Rules ond setback thot moy ;t be more rcstrictive thon stote Rules. Locol tlnits ol Govemments ore required to pubtish any rule or t : portion thereol thot difurs from stote Rules. consult with Locol llnit of Governmenl- soy. + a ?; ur,rflrr\Ll( SIGNATIIRf, MpCACf,RT# DATti Y{+,-& **+* 6 €'+ + + 4 € e + 6 g'+ 4 + + 's * + + { + 6 &.* + e e * {, + s + e + t$ 6 + €r * & + s..., $, *. ;1 s + + t c o + o a $ + + $ + + + + + + a c + o (} + +, $ + i) t c + t o + + t t t o t f + + *$+ * 821 Creekwood Drive O,el I Design Notes: O*+ 3 System is for a 6 bedroom Home. Soils only accommodate a Pressurized Mound Septic. Mound is g 6 spfft into two equal units on account of slope, short contours, drainage swale, and bluffline. fr*& t Each Mound hatve will have the sandbed and laterals at the same elevation based on sandbed *#- $ elevation of Unit 1. End feed from pump each unit, essentially center feeding Mound ". riJffl rnit. g *\F+ Finish Mound as one unit and build saddle to divert all rain and snow melt. f Pump station is designed for a dual pump arrangement with an alternating dose panel. Each Mound half will have its olvn pump and be controlled by the dosing panel. Use either a dual pump line, one for each mound half, or a single pump line with Check Valves properly installed off of each pump. Calculate flow for each pump based on one half of total flow plus drainback.o.' See design and pump pages. i, Install pump line deep as possible and reverse pitch pump line so that all portions of pump line, drain back into pump tank. Pump and fill old septic tanks. Tree and brush removal necessary rvith some large trees to be removed. Cut stumps close to .i ground as possible and leave stumps intact. Only track machine shall be used in tree removal .,1 process to protect soils from undue disturbance and compaction. Tight access for septic tank truck. Tree trimming requircd on residence trees and neighbors trees. Variances to bluff for septic and pump tank, and for unit I of Mound ma1. be neccssary from Cit1,. Bluff line approximated and not set officialll' b1.' elevation or sun,e\'or. Sun,eving and plotting of all septic tanks, pump tanks, selyer lines, antl both rock and sandbed absorption units suggestcd to ascertain all setbacks to properfy- lines and bluff. 44vt',trl I .L I t, I l_. I J t_. . u_]. l !, j :l funp, Ue4rs *& d+ {ttt{- )-'1ultV I jrli.t,il I r lv'u'El4 /A, *fr7$ ??.6 ?L, 3 eff,e ??,, r'i .;' Ll I, llll I I I I : I I r:'r-- -.- --- il .; \,t !/ 7'lt..t-'tl.:-r"4'. ;';;7,a,)1€ d y,iyytr ti* ?f' tiuq *: tifi E" sar u€{fttd** lE odfr*,n*e ? ''d ; t|-\. -tt4 *-f,Ppy I M^T*I,tF- -I / / )*, l.---/""l,/ 11 (- ;1 I {# I I wffil nound 6PttT rttrP Tdo ,'iaiet ailttS' s*ila +u#r€14- gfu4E ELEI/, \ (a-ruvBg'P,8: +4t / L ry! /io*t E' * fil \ -l r*& i T,, I r5'f t ,',.1 -l C Preliminary Evatuation Worksheet 1. Contact lnformation v 04.17.7018 Property Owner/ Ctient:Date: Project lD: Phone: 5t73t2018 Site Address 821 Creekwood Drive, Chaska Emai[: Maiting Address: LegaI Description: Parcel lD:Latitude:Longitude: 2. Flow and General System lnformation A. Client-Provided lnformation Project Type:Ne',v Construction Replacement Expansion Project Use: Residentiai Residential use: # Bedrooms Other Establishment: # Adutts ln-home business (Y/N): Water-using devices: (check all thot apply) Dwetting Sq.ft. # Chitdren lf yes, describe Unfinished Sq. Ft.: # Teenagers: Garbage Disposal/Grinder Sewage pufirp in basement Large Bathtub >40 gallons Clothes Washing Machine Dishwasher ' Water Softener* Iron Filter* High Eff. Furnace* Ctear water source Hot Tubt Sunrp Pump* Self-Cleaning Humidifierl should not go into system Additional current or future uses: Anticipated non-domestic waste: The above is complete & accurate: None None B. Designer-determined flow lnformation Client signoture & dqte Attach additional informotion os necessory. Design Ftow:GPD mg/L TSS: Anticipated Waste Type:Residentiat BOD:mg/L Oi[ & Grease: 3. Preliminary Site lnformation A. Well information Describe a[[ wetls within 100'of proposed SSTS: attach additional information if required. Additionat Weil tnformation: mg/L Preliminary Evaluation Worksheet ffim :.,.iiqNig E ? C,35TN Site within 200'of noncommunity transient wett {Y/N) Site within a drinking water suppty management area (Y/N) Site in a inner wetthead management zone {Y/N) Buried water suppty pipes 50 ft of proposed system (Y/N; Site located in a shoreland district/area? Ctassification Tank Setback: Site located in a ftoodplain? Etevation of ordinary high water levet: Ftoodptain designation/elevation (1 OYR): Ftoodptain designation/elevation {100YRi: County GIS Easements Property Lines Yes, source: Yes, source: Yes. source: Yes, name: ft. STA Setbk.: Yes, Type(s): ft Source: ft Source: ft Source: Plat Map Other: Wdl(s) OHWL '. Other:Btuff D E Property Line ld / Source: lD distance of relevant setbacks Owner on map: Sunrey Water Building(s) 4. Preliminary Soil Profile lnformation From Web Soi[ Survey {attach map & description) Slope RangeMap Units: List tandforms: Landform position(s): Parent materiats: uptand ptain Back/ Side Stope Titt Depth to WatertabteDepth to Bedrock/ Restrictive Feature I SeRtic Tank Absorption Fietd- At-grade Mao Unit I -_.,__^ | Septic Tank Absorption Fietd- MoundKailngs I I L_Eptl. Tank Absorption Fietd- Trench 5. Local Government Unit lnformation Name of LGU LGU Contact LGU-specific setbacks LGU-specific design requirements LGU-specific instaltation requirements Notes Carver County 952-361-1870 More restrictive - varify More restrictive - large septic tank sizing Same as 7080 it Il7 r,..!"I-f,f- i, ,-t i ru :.-:- 45IS{ I 4E'JA: I Soil Map-Calver Ccunty, l\4innesota 4q/ll,X Web Soil Sirrvey Nailonal Cooperative Soil Survey ,14,' .19 15 ill I ,i1"i1[L '1rtC'I(i I +l' .1(i I I.J 14 4! lt tJ 4ry!S20 i-, f,l i1 Map Scalet 1 : 1,700 if l)intccl on A larxlsclgl (1 1" x 8,5'') sheet, N0- I - - l\osotm2m3mU\ N4ap prole(tron: Wclt l4crrator C.onrercoodrrritej: \4/Glq4 Fdxe trcs: tJI}.4 Zone 15N \rycA84 rir! NaturalResourcesI :,' Conservation $ervice 5t23t2018 Page 1 of 3 ,J_ v ll 't'"' 45.?:80 :- F,1 ,' {t lr fiB "#S,". S,r ffi l*i1, lfl m ,t'r,ffii' Map unit Description, Lester-Kilkenny loams. 2 to 6 percent slopes. eroded--carver county. Minnesota Carver County, Minnesota KB2-Lester-Kilkenny loams,2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol: f9j2 Elevation. 700 to 1.600 feet Mean annual precipitation: 23 to 35 inches Mean annual air temperature: 43 to 50 degrees F Frost-free period. 155 to 200 days Farmland classification. All areas are prime farmland Map Unit Composition Lester eroded, and similar sol/s 60 percent Kilkenny. eroded. and similar solls. 40 percent Estmaies are based on observations. descnpfions. and transecls of the mapunit. Description of Lester, Eroded Setting Lattdform. Moraines Landform position (tuvo-dimensional). Backslope Down-slope shape: Linear Across-s/ope shape Linear Parent material: Till Typical profile Ap-}to8inches. loam Bt - I to 35 rirches clay loam Bk - 35 to 58 inches. loam C - 58 b 8A inches: loam Properties and qualities S/ope:2to5percent Depth to restrictive feature. More than 80 inches Natural drainage c/ass: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat). Moderately high to high (0.60 to 2.00 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 43 inches F requency of floodrirg. None Frequency of pondrng. None Calcium carbonate. maximum in profile. 25 percent Gypsum. maximum in profile 1 percent Available water storage in profite High (about 10.5 rnches) lnterpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated) None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2e Hydrologic Soil Group. B Ecological sife. Loamy Upland Savannas (Rt03xy020t/N) Forage suitability group: Sloping Uptand. Acid (G103XS006MN) Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 5123t2018 Page 1 of 2 Map Unit Descriptron: Lester-Kilkenny loams. 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded--Carver County. Minnesota Hydric so/ rafing No Description of Kilkenny, Eroded Setting Landform. Moraines La n d fo rm p ositi o n (tv,ro-d i m e n s i o n a I ) : Backslope Down-slope shape. Linear Across-s/ope shape Linear Parent ntaterial. Till Typical profile Ap - 0 ta 11 inches. loam Bt- 11 to 35 inches: clay loam 2Bk.2C - 35 to 60 rriches: Ioam Properties and qualities Slope:2to6percent Depth to restrictive feature More than 80 inches Natural drainage c/ass. Moderately well drained Capacity of the most timiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.60 in/hr) Depth to water fable. About 20 inches Frequency of floodrirg. None Frequency of pondrng. None Calcium carbonate, maximum in profile: 20 percent Gypsum. maximunt in profi[e. 1 percent Available water storage in profile. High (about 10.5 inches) lnterpretive groups Land capability classification (trrigated) None specified Land capability classification (nonirrigated) 2e Hydrologic Soil Group. CID Ecological srb: Clayey Upland Forests (F103XY026MN) Forage suitability group: Sloping Upland. Acid (G103XS006MN) Hydric so/ rafrng: No Data Source lnformation Soil Survey Area. Carver County Minnesota Survey Area Daia: Version 14 Oct 4 2017 : -.j Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey Naiional Cooperative Soii Survey 5t2U2A18 Page 2 ai 2 Fietd EvaIuation Worksheet 1. Project lnformation v 04.17.7018 Property Owner/Ctient:Project lD: 2. Utility and Structure lnformation Utitity Locations ldentified Gopher State One Call Existing BuildingsLocate and Verify (see Site Evoluotion mop ) 3jit" l^f."*tim Improvements Easements Setbacks Vegetation type(s) Percent stope Stope shape Describe the ftooding or run-on potentiat of site Describe the need for Type lll or Type lV system Woods and lawn )J Stope direction Landscape position E--+LA>L Linear, Linear Shoulder BuiLd saddte upstope of Mound to divert rain and snow mett. Note Elevations and Benchmarks identified on map? (Y/N) Proposed soiI treatment area protected? (Y/N) yes Yes lf yes, describe 4. General Soils lnformation Originat soils (Y/N): disturbed areas (Y/N): Yes lf no. describe: lf yes, describe:Fitted, compacted, 5oiI observations A soiI observation were conducted in the proposed system location in the most timiting area of the proposed system (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) Yes Yes Number of soiI observations:SoiI observation [ogs attached Yes Percotation tests performed & attached Yes No 4 5. Phase l. Reporting lnformation Depth Elevation Periodicatly saturated soit: Standing water: Bedrock: Required separation: Max depth of system: ln in in in in 95.2 fr fr ft Soil Texture: Percolation Rate: Soit Hyd. Loading Rate: Contour Loading Rate: Ftoodptain Etev. ( 1 0 yrl: Ftoodptain Etev. i1 00 yr): Differences between soil survey and field evatuation: Site evatuation issues / comments: Anticipated construction issues:.-t r _-1 /-i7\ ri t , LO 36 ctay [oam 28.00 min/inch gpdlftz gpd/ft feet feet 0.45 17 NA NA Percotation Test Data fyt .,'i,i i, ii,...,n'i.i.i., , - . Project lD: P1Test hote: #1 Location:Depth.': EtevationSoiI texture description Depth (inl I SoitTexture 0-12 Loam 12 in. for mounds &. at- grades, depth of absorption area for trenches and beds Reading Start Time End Time Start Reading (in) End Reading (in) Perc rate (mpi) 96 Difference Last 3 Rates Pass 1 Z 3 4 11:00 AM 1'l:23 AM 11:50 AM 11:20 AM 11:44 AM 12:10 PM 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.2 7.2 7.1 25.0 24.7 23. 3 NA NA 7.4 NA NA Yes Chosen Percotation Rate for Test Hote #1 Test hote: #2 Location: SoiI texture description: Depth**: Etevation: Depth (in t I Soit Texture 12 in. for mounds &. at- grodes, depth of obsorption area for trenches ond beds o-12 Ioam pZ Reading Start Time End Tirne Start Readirrg {in) End Reading (in) Perc rate (mpi) 96 Difference Last 3 Rates Pass 1 2 3 4 11:05 AM 11:30 AM 1 1:55 AM 11:25 AM 11:50 AM 12:15 PM 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.3 7.3 7.7 28.7 77.0 2.6.3 NA NA 6.6 NA NA Yes 28.0Chosen Percotation Rate for Test Hote mpl 95.75 25.0 97.5 Percotation Test Data .1, i li $ :;tiT A iror i-U-; i *f -*r:i:'{:Aai- ira:}';CY 1. Contact lnformation Project lD.v 04.17.201 Property Owner/Client: 2. General Percolation lnformation Diameter Date prepal'ed and/or soaked: Method of scratching sidewatt:Nai[ in board ls pre-soak required-? Soak* start time: lf No, low long for 12" to soak away Soak* end time: Method to maintain 12 in of water during soak " Not required in fast perc soils large bins and siphon hose 3. Summary of Percolation Test Data Percolation Rate (maximum of atl tests attached) = 4:40 of soak 28.00 Additional Perc. Test Data a ar Project lD: Test hote: #3 Location: SoiI texture description: Depth"*: Etevation inches feet Depth (in) | SoilTexture 12 in. for mounds & grades, depth of obsorption area for trenches and beds at- 0-12'Ioam p3 Reading Start Tirne End Time Start Reading (in) End Reading (in) Perc rate (mpi) ,".6 Difference Last 3 Rates Pass 1 2 3 4 11:10 AM 1 '1 :35 AM 12:03 PM 11:30 AM 11:55 AM 12:23 PM 8.0 8.0 8.0 6.8 6.9 5.8 16.7 18.2 16.7 NA NA 8.3 NA NA Yes Chosen Percolation Rate for Test Hote #3 Test hote: #4 Location: SoiI texture description: Depth"*: Etevation: inches feet Depth (in) | SoitTexture '. 72 in. for mounds & ot- grodes, depth of obsorption area for trenches ond beds Reading Start Time End Time Start Reading (in) End Reading (in1 Perc rate (mpi) % Difference Last 3 Rates Pass 1 7 ? NA NA NA NA Chosen Percotation Rate for Test Hote #4 mpi 93.75 18.0 Soit Observation Log Project ID:v 04.17.20'18 Client:Location / Address: ioil. parent material(s): (Check att that appty) Outwash Lacustrine Loess Till Alluvium Bedrock Organic Matter -andscape Position: (check one) Surnnrit shoulder Back/Side Slope Foot Slope .Toe Slope Stope shape Linear, Linear IVegetation: l trees and gta Weather Conditions/Time of Day: SoiI survey map Llnits:lester kittkerrny Stope ltJ 3.0 Etevalion:l 95.75 am ctear to partly cotudy Date 05/73t18 Observation #/Location :B1 Observation Type:Probe Depth (in)Texture Rock Frag. Yo Matrix Cotor(s)Mottte Col.or(s)Redox Kind(s)Indicator(s) l-"------ Structure-----------l Shape Grade I Consistence 1oYR 2/1 FriabteGranutar Moderate0-8 Loam .35% 1oYR 3i2 FriabteGranutar Moderate8-14 Loam .35% 1Oyr 33 Firm Moderate14-27 Ctay Loam .35%Btocky Av 4t4 Firnr Moderate72-36 Clay Loam <35'/,Btocky Comments Redox at 28" hereby certify that I have completed this work in accordance with all applicable ordinances, rules and laws Dale Denn i6effirer-,rnspector) 583 -fi-rcente #l 5t2312018-1fi6-(Signature) I I Soil Observation Log v 04,17 .2018Project lD: Client:Location / Address: ioit parent materiat[s): (Check att that appty) Outwash ]Lacustrinc Locss Till Alluviunr Bedrock organic Matter Landscape Positiot.r: (check one) Sunillrit ShoLrlder Back/Sicle Slope Foot Slope 'Toe Siope Stope shape Linear. Linear IVegetation:l ag tand Weather Conditions/Time of Day: Soil survey map units Iester Stope %3.0 ELevation (ft): | 93.75 am partty ctor"rdy Date:05t73t18 Observation #/Location :B3 Observation Type:Probe Depth (in)Texture Rock Frag. 26 Matrix Cotor(s)Mottte Colorls)Redox Kind(s)I nd ica tor( s ) l-------- Structure-----------l Slrape Grade I Cortsisterrce 1oYR 2/1 Friabte Granutar Moderate0-8 Loam <35'l' '1oYR l/2 Friabte Granular Moderate8-14 Loam ,35% 10yr 3/2 10yr 3/ 4 Firm Moderate14-22 Clay Loam .35%Blocky lQtt 1l-1 Firm Moderate22"36 C[ay Loam <35%Btocky comments ReDox <o 2g I Additional Soil Observation Logs Project lD: Ctient Localion / Address: Soi[ parent material(s): (Check att that appLy) O0hvash Lacustrirre Loess Tili Alluviunr Bedrock Organic lvlatter Landscape Positiorr: (check one) Srimnlit 'Shoulclcr Back/Siclc Slopc Foot Slope Toc Slope Slope shape Linear, Linear I Vegetation: I [rees arrd grassr Weather Conditions/Time of Day: ls I Soit sLrrvey map units Lester Stope %3.0 Etevatjorr: | 97.5 am partty ctoudy Date:a5/?3/18 Observation #/Location :87 Observation Type;Probe Depth (in)Texlure Rock Fras. 7o Matrix CoLor(s)Mottte Cotor(s)Redox Kind(s;lndicator(s)l-------- Structure--I Shape Grade I Consislence 1OYR 2/1 FriableGranular Moderate0-8 Loam "35% 1oYR 3/2 Friab(eGranutar Moderate8'14 Loam .35% 1Oyr 3/3 Firm Moderale14-77.Clay Loam .35%Btocky 1"9vt!"/!Firm Moderate22-36 Ctay Loam ,35'/o Btocky Comments ReDox riu 30 Design Summary Page 1. PROJECT INFORMATION v 04.17.2018 Property Owner/Ctient Site Address EmaiI Address Project lD: Date: Phone: 821 Creekwood Drive, Chaska 5/27/7018 2. DESIGN FLOW & WASTE STRENGTH Attach dato ! estimate basis for Other Estoblishments Design Ftow BOD LeveI GPD mg/L 5e{ect Anticipated Waste Type Residentiat TSS:mgll Oi[ & Grease mg/L Treatment Treatment Level C for residentiol septic tonk effluent 3.HOLDING TANK SIZING Minimum Capacity: Residentiat -400 gat/bedroom, Other Establishment Design Ftow x 5.0. Minimum size 1000 gattons Code lvlinimum Hotding Tank Capacity: Recommended Hotding Tank Capacity: Ga[[ons Gattons in in Tanks or Compartments Tanks or Compartments (Set @ 7576 tank capacity)Type of High Level Alarm: Comments: 4.SEPTIC TANK SIZING A. Residential dwellings: Number of Bedrooms (Residentiat) Code tAinimunr Septic Tank Capacity Recommended Septic Tank Capacity Gatlons Gatlons in Tanks or Compartments Tanks or CompartmentsIN Efftuent Screen & Atarm (Y/N)Model /Tvne: INo Other Establishments: Waste received by Septic Tank Capacity Septic Tank Capacity r & Atarm (Y/N):l-- GPD l--louvt Hyd. Retention Time Code Minimum Recommended Efftuent Screen Gattons Gattons ln ln Tanks or Compartments Tanks or Compartments [--l Modet/rype' 5.PUMP TANK SIZING Pump Tank 1 Capacity (Minimum): l- r SOO-lCut Pump Tank 1 Capacity (Recommenaua),1-- O lCuf purnp 1i--zq.tlcplul totut rt"ua[-zi+ lrt Pump Tank 2 Capacity (Minimum):[----_lc"t Pump Tank z capacity (Recommena"oy,[-----lcut er*p zl---lcem rotut n"uo[--_-lrt suppty Pipe uia. Flu'lin uose Vot:J- na,o lg"r Suppty Pipe t-ria.l--l oor" vot,l--_lcur B. SYSTEM AND DISTRIBUTION TYPE Design Summary Page Project lD: Bed: Dispersal ar"u [----l rt'Sidewatl. o"ptr, l---lin Maximum s"o o"ptnT-ltn a"a wiotr,[-__lrt e"a l"ns*'[----_lrt Designed a"O o.ptn[---__lin Mound: DispersaI a.uul- zso.o_lrtt a"o l"ngtnFEI--lrt seo wiothl--6-o-lrt Absorption wiou', [ho -l rt Ctearr Sand r-irtl--l.o -lrt Berm width to rzt[---lrt Upstope Berm widthl--e.t-.lrt Downstope e"r*l-- 13.6 lrt EndsLope Berm widthl- r tZ_lrt Total System l.ng*,[-ta8]a lrt system wi.rt [--lq3-lrt Contour Loading Rut"lJI-1,1", r,, Soi[ Treatment Type:l Mound top of block, garage @ 100 MPCA System rvp",l--- ryp"Tl DistribLrtion Media: 100 i ,,rtinl*u. Req'd Separutlon'[--:O-linches I :nlf, Code Max System Depth: f A4orrnd linches Soit Texture,l-auy fou* I Layers with ,35?,i Rock Fragments? (yeslno)l Nol Percolation nut.' l- zs.oo li pt lf yes, describe below: un rock and layer thickness, amount of soit credit and any additional information for addressing the rock fragments in this design. Contour Loading nrt"'l--lz -l SOIL TREATMENT AREA DESIGN SUMMARY Seasonal water tabte at 28" Dispersatar"u[---___lrt' sidewattoup*,[----lin rrench wiotr,l-lrt Totat Lineat r""t[---lrt No. of lrun.n"r[---_l Code Max. Trench n"pt,l---lin Contour Loading nut"l--_lrt Min. Lengthl--lft Desisrred rrerrch o*p*,[----_lin CCt ID: 9.Additionat lnfo for At-Risk, HSW or Type lV Design Level &Equal Pressure Distribution No. of lut"rutrl--l__l Perforation Spu.ingl : -ltt Perforation oiameterl-Ja -lin Lateral Diu*"t"rl--L5o-lin Min Dose votrr.l- +g lgur Max Dose vorrr"[- zzs lgut Etevation (ft) Pipe Size 1in) Pipe Votume (gat/ft) Pipe Length (ft) Perf Size (in; Spacing (ft ) Spacing (in) Non-Level and Unequal Pressure Distribution Lateral 1 Lateral 2 Lateral 3 Lateral 4 Lateral 5 Lateral 6 Minimum Dose Votume [-lru, Maximum Dose Votume [---I*u, s"a wiatr,[--__lrt a.a rung*,[-]rt Finished Huisht l--****lrt contour Loading nut"l--lgat/ft upstope s"rr[----lrt Downstope e"r*[---lrt Endstope g.r,nl---ltt A. Starting BOD Concentration = Design FtowX Starting BOD (mg/L) X 8.35 + 1,000,000 B. Target BOD Concentration = Design FtowXTarget BOD (mg/L) X 8.35: 1,000,000 Lbs. BoD To Be Remor"a,l--l PreTreatment Techrrology: Disinfection Technology: *Must Meet or Exceed Target *Required for Levels A & B C. Organic Loading to Soit Treatment Area: 10. Comments/Special Design Considerations: Design Summary Page rr. i Il :ON have completed this work in accordance with att appticabte ordinances, rutes and laws. 581 (License #) 5 / 8 /?018 (Date) I hereby certify that I Dale Denn {Designer)(Signature) system l"ret l--lrt Project lD:v 44.17.7A18 A. Rock Volume: {[-6*l {Rock Betow Pipe + Rock to cover pipe lpipeoutsidertio. -2incillXBed Length X Bed Widtlt = Volume in+):17 ftx tt3 ydr ydr Divide ft3 by 27 ft3/ydr to catculate cubic yards: Add 30r"d for constructabitity: ftr + 27 ydt x 1.3 B. Catcutate Clean Sond Vatume: Volume Under Rack bed: Averoge Sand Depth x iledio Width x lAedis Length = cubic feet ftx rr x l--rzio -lr Divide ftr by 2z ftr/yd3 to calcutate cubic yards: Add 30?i for constructabii.ity: ftr + 77 yd3 x 1.3 ydl ydj For a Mound on a siope fram Q-1% Volume from Length = ({Upstope Mound Height -1) X Absorption Width Beyond Bed X Media Bed Length)ft 1) x ft Volume from Width = {{Upslope Mound Height -1) X Absorption Width Beyond Bed X Media Bed Width) fr -1) x Totat Cleofi Sand Volume: Volume f rom Length +Vo{ume f rom Width * Volume lJnder Medio ftr = For a Mound on a slope greater than 1% Upslope Volume : ((Upslope tvlound Height - 7 ) x 3 x Bed Length] = Z= cubic feet ft-1) x 3.0fr x ft3 ftl ftl DawnslopeVolume: l{Downslope Height - 1) x DownslopeAbsorption Width xMedio Lengthl *Z= cubic feetfr-1) x ftx Endslope volume: (Downslope lvlound Height - 1) x 3 x lledia width = cubic feet fr-1) x 3.0ft x Total Cleon Sond Volume: Upslope Volume * Downslope Vo{ume + Endslope Yolume + Volume tJnder l,tediof--E8f---l rt, * [--Jrss,o-l rt, * [-- :+z -l 11, * l-- 030.0-111,= f 2 .,ftr C. Catculate Sondy Berm Volume: TatolBSrm:lolurryllpprox): ((Avg.MoundHeight-0.5fttopsoit)xMoundWidrhxMoundLength) +2 0.5 )ft x -1ft' Total lilaund volume - clean Sand volume -Rock volume = cubic f eet ftr ftr Divide ftl by 77 ftr/yd3 to catculate cubic yards Add 30:/" for constructabititv: ftl 27 ydl ydl 1.2 D. Calculate Topsoit lAoterial Valume: Totol Maund Width X Totol nound tengtn f S yt ftx fr x 0.5 fr ftl ydr yd' Divide ft) by U ftr/ydr to catculate cubic yards: Add 30,o/" for constructabitity: ftl yd3 77 1.3 175.4 6.0 562.5 20.8 77.1 6.0 630.0 79.7 103.6 125_0 378.1+/ 6.0 )t 1 1't58.0 7395.7 88.7 115.3 ftr = 29.4 148.4 7183.4 1 05.1 80.9 Basic Pump Setection Design Worksheet 1. PUMP CAPACITY Project lD:v t)4.17.2018 PumpinE to Gravity or Pressure Distribution:Pressure i. lf pumping to gravity enter the gallon per minute of the pump: 2- lf pumping to a pressurized distribuiron system: 3. Enter pump description: t 10 - 45 gpm) 29.0 Demand Dosrng 7. A. p L. HEAD RTQUIREMENTS ftevation Difference IL ft ft tdm to spc.cial equipmfit. et.. ) betsreen pump and point of discharge: Distribution Head Loss: Additionat Head Loss: rdJ,t ,.a irLirur. LurJ arl TrdiLrL r'pe Pg: I'Jr.( r : i !-, n ii* -r.:, .i.5 1- Suppty Pipe Diameter: 2. Supply Pipe Lenglh: in rr rrt.j.i f . i :.: a.t:. Friction Loss in Plastic Pipe per 1Ooft frcm Tabte l: filction Loss =ft pcr 'l00ft of pipe Determine Equivatent Pipe Length from pump discharge to sotl dispersal area discharge point. Estimatc by addiog 251', to suppl_v pipe tength for fitting toss. Supply Pipe Length (D.2) X 1.25 = €quivalent Pipe Length fr x i.25 ii. : G. CalcutateSupptyFrictionLossbymuitiplyingFrictionLossPer TOOrtiljflctlbytheEquivalentPipeLength {LineF) anddividebyl00. Suppty Friction Loss = ft per 100ft X 100 I DistribrJtion Head Loss ,i:l-:l..llYl.lllt'it"'tt.," t-lJf t - f !'r,-r:,sr:r,-. lJistr il.'rJtl(-)rI l:;r:,i..r! ()rl i\iltril)rrilll /:\1-/*r;alli-] t-lea{lI[..,;ri,r'.. i)r] i'r rr.-1,Lrr, . Di5l-r il]rrtiurl 1.'jor k:l rerr-.t: ftifu l: r rrrIr ril Av{}r-a1g€} H€}i}d Distribtltiorr Heacl Loss Jr1 ./1 l-frt !- "l i)l I U Tatal Hedd requirement is the sum of the Elevdrion Difference the Suppty Friction Loss iline G ) (Line Ai, the Distfibution Hcad Loss iLine B). Additional Head Loss (Line C), and ft ft it 3. PU/TP SELECTION A pump must be selected to dellver at ieast 29 .O GPM iline 1 or Line 2) v/ith at teast 27 .4 feet of total head. Comments: =T o'4 lft ()fr#tr t, Stvracr TqF ltrls rr r Peocunra Pressure Distribution Design Worksheet Ifi"t.MINHESOTA POLLUTIOH COHTROL GTNCY t([ 1o__l-4i:3] +r= [-3-l 3. Designer Setected Number of Loterats Cannot be less than line 2 (accept in at-srodes]4. Select Perforotion Spacing: 5. Select Perforatlon Diometer Size: Project lD:v 04.17.2018 taterats Does not apply to at-grades taterats *-,*,;-,-*, 1. Media Bed Width: Z. Minimum Number of Laterals in system /zone = Rounded up number of [(Media Bed Width - 4] + 3l + 't . l-10-hr 6. Lengfh of Loterals = Media Bed Length - 2 Feet. | '" -'- ":;;1*;#t";t"*x;;;ffii--"---"-rlI - zft = [--To lrt Perforotion con not be closer then t foot from edge.138 I 7. Determjne the Number of Perforaticn Spoces . Divide the Length of Laterols by the perforotion Spocing and round down to the nearest whote number. Number of perforation spaces [ * ]n * l- : lrt = l-l__lspaces Number of Perforotions per Loterol is equat to 1.0 ptus the Number of perforotion Spaces. check tabte8. betow to verify the number of perforations per tateral guarantees less than a 10% discharge variation. The vatue is doubte with a center manifotd. Perforotions Per Lateror =f lz--lspaces + 1 = l=3 lperfs- per Laterar 9' Totol Number of Perforations equats the Number of Perforations per Laterat muttiptied by the Number ofPerforoted Laterals. I " lPerf' Per Lat. x I 3-lNumber of perr. Lat. = f 3, -lTotat Number of perf. 10. Setect Type of tAonifotd Connection (End or Center): 11. Select Laterol Diometer (See Toble) : f- E,rd _l llsoI tn I ro lrt l-*Trq-*li, |i{i'nrT xuq$erof Perfrrtiom Per Laterrlto Guarantee <"l0$ Dix}urge vlriatim '/.. lrrh Pduifimr TIll lnrh Perfontionr Perforutioo Spacinf lFeet) Pipe 0ianreter {lncher}Perfotrtion Sp*irg (Fee0 Pipe tlirmetrr tlnriler) I t1{t!t I 1 11{r11 I t 2 t0 l3 t8 30 60 2 il t6 1l 34.68 211 0 t2 r6 79 5{2!t 10 t{20 ]t 6-l 3 I 1',).{6 15 52 3 9 l.t 19 l0 60 li l6 lnch Perforaticnr 1/8 lrrh Perfsrsfionr Perforathn Sprcing (Feetl Pipe 0iraetx {lrrlx:}Perfontion Spacirq (Feet) Pipe D,iarneter {tncires} I ,11*1'.r 2 3 t ll{lri i 3 7 12 1E 26 {{87 2 2t 33 .{4 71 r4? 1li lz 17 24 .{0 80 2lt 20 30 .t1 69 r35 3 tz l6 2l i7 75 3 20 t9 1!{4 128 14. 15. 17. U. Pressure Distribution Design Worksheet ff* :,ri\rlt\# Calculate the Square Feet per Perforation. Recomnended value is4-11 ftz per perforotion. Daes not appty to At-Grades Bed Area = Bed Width {ft} X Bed Lengrh (fr} [-rolr.x l--:a-l rr b. Squore Foot per Perforotion = Bed Areo divided by the Totat Number of Perforations. l-Jao-]r,,. f- , lperforations = f n, -lfr?/perforations 13. Setect tulinimum Average Heod:[-r7-lr, Seiect Perforation Dischorge {GPM) based on Table:f tr.-lGpm per perforation Determine required Flow Rate by muttiplying the Tota! Number of Perfs. by the Perforatian Discharge. 16. 17 I iq le"rr' x l-Tz,--lGpM per perforation = [ ,t_l Valume of Liquid Per Foot of Distribution piping iTobte il): Volume of Distribution Piping = = fNumber of Perforoted Loterals X length of Laterals X (Votume of Liquid Per Foot of Distribution Pipingl t--3 I x [- :o-lr, x[-T11olgar/rt 18. Minimum Delivered voiume = votume of Distribution piping X 4 f--rrs_lgub x 4 F;_lGarrons r'i'.r'i,:ij f, I fj,, 4r5 GPM GaItons/ft Table ll Volume of Liquid in Pipe Liquicl Per Foot (G.:llons) Comnrents/SpeciaI Desigrr Considerations: *-^. 1''i: r!\ 125 0. I10 o.-t70 0.3ao? Pump Tank Design Worksheet (Demand Dose)gm J..!:,T;;'i .;;i.'-;;, "'' DETERAAINE TANK CAPACITY AND DIMENSIONS Project lD:v 04.17.2018 1. A. B. Design flout tDesign Sum. t Al : Min. required pump tank caPacity: GPD Gal C.Recommended pump tank capacity: C. D. E. Tank Manufacturer:Brown Wilbert B. Tank Model: Capacity f rom manufacturer: Gatlons per inch from manufacturer: Liquict depth oi tank from manufaclurer: Note: Design @lculations ore bosed on this specific tonk. Substitutifig a differcnt tonk rnodel witl change the pump float or timer settings. (ontact designer if chonges ore ne(essary. 1 500 DETERA,TINE DOSING VOLUME Catculate volume to Cover Pump {The intei of the pump must be at least 4-inches from rhe botiom oi the pump tank a z inches of water covering the pump is recommended ) iPump and btock height * 2 inchesl X 6ollons Per lnch tTC ot lEl in + 2inchesi X Gattons Per lnch Minimum De{ivered Volume . 4 X Votum€ of Distribution piptng: - Line 17 ol the Pressure Distribution or Line 11 oJ Non-levet Calcutate Maximum Pumpout Volume t25\. of Design Ftowt (minimum dosel Design Flolv:GPD 0.25 Galions (maximum dose) 450 48 6 7 Selecl o pumpout wlume thot meets both tAinimum artd lAoximum:frr^i. [alcutatc Doses Pet Day = Design F{ovi * Delivered Votume Calcutate Drarnback: A. Diometd o[ Supply Pipe= B.Length of Suppiy Pipe - Volume oJ Liquid Per Lineat Foot o{ Pipe = lfeer. Gailons/ftC. D.Drdinback = Length of Supply Pipe X Volume of Liquid per t ineal F@t of pipe frx gaL/ft 19.1 9.Total Dosing volume - Delivered Volume glus Droinbock $at +gat -Gaitons 10- Minimum Aiarm Votume = Depth of aiarrn t2 or 3 inchesl X gail.ons per inch of tank inX 9at/in =Gillons 774 900 4.42 ! Volume of Liquid in , Pipe Pipe Diameter (inches) Liquid Per Foot (Gallons) o.o45 1.25 o.078 1.5 o.1 10 ?4.170 ?o.380 I 4.661 DEMAND DOSE FLOAT SETTINGS i'l - Calcutate Float Separation Distonce using Dosing volume . Iotol Doring volwne tcallons per lnch gat/irt = 12. il,'easuring from bottom of t.tnk: A. Distonce toset Pump Olf Fbot ='Pump - btock height = ? inches lnches ior Dose: 8.8 in in in in in +in=Aiarm Depth Pump On Pump Of f 77.8 24.8 ,* 9D.0;al Z6l G;l jBLi 6dl Distance to set Pump On Float=Distonce to Set pump.Off Float , Float Seporotion Distance in lfi = - Dstance Lo set Pump-On Flool,n, t--t -l . Alarnt Depllt i2-3 iriche5l{. Dislancp to sel A,lorm Float I '2/ e/1. ,2.m 4 f u/ao,e Property: HomeStead Septic System Services I 108 Goldenrod Lane Shakopee, MN 55379 MPCA Licensed #583 Dale Denn - Owner Cell Phone: 612-310-7887 Homesteadseotic@outlook.com 821 Creekwood Drive Chaska, MN 553 18 Response to supplement Variance request: I . There are not two different septic locations. Please see the desigrr or the drawing page that is attached to this letter. The Mound has to be split into two equal parts due to the nature ofthe contours on the property. A Mound Septic has to be set on a contour for the full length of its rockbed according to Minnesota 7080 Code. The contours in this case are not continuous enough to site the full length ofthe rockbed. Thus there are two parts, not two sites. 2. Furthermore, based on contours alone and the nature of the contours indicated above, it is not feasible to simply begin to move, shift or slide the system anywhere from where it is now sited. I spend time with the laser level establishing contours initially and they just where not very conducive to set a full length Motmd practically anywhere on the site. The contours, and the slope, 2nsthgl imFortant and code aspect ofdesigning a septic, both work best where the Mound is now designed. Out in the lawn area towards the home, the contours are short, and become nonlinear, and the slope drops to nearly zero. In other words, slightly undulating in different directions making it difficult to set a Mound with the highest level ofconfidence in longevity. Zero slope meets the code, but it is riskier to place as Mound on zero percent slope that is slightly undulating because the effluent is more difficult to evaluate where it will go and pond and soak up. A definitive slope defines clearly the direction of effluent flow. I always try to avoid siting a Mound on slope less t}tan 1-27o. 3. Thirdly, it is much more risky for a Designer. and the Homeowner to have a Type III septic system verses a standard type I. Going out into the lawn towards the home has soils that have some indication of disturbance, most likely from the home building process. This disnubance can include mixing of soils, addifion fill soil spread over natural soil, soil compactiorq slow percolatiorl all ofwhich become much less suitable for the performance of a septic system of almost any sort. A few soil samples cannot tell the whole story with soils that have been altered or impacted by construction activity. The may not accept effluent over a long time, the emuent may not be treated as effectively as a soil with its natural properties oftexture and structure, and the effluent may hit compacted layers and move laterally and potentially discharge at some point being untreated septic eftIuent. Disturbed soils are much higher risk of failing to take effluent and failing to treat eflluent. The best soils with suffrcient slope and contours are always the best choice in protecting the environment and protecting public health and safety. By Dale Denn Owner l,l nall,<o SPtrl '#,^7i''u shr,/a J't*lEla' <-cL gfi^L EtE)/, (a- rrv aa' P,B, t49! ,#$',*'1 $0E',' (iELL / r""tz7a44 RoaTE r^# .68t fiar czetkdffi iX ',yt *'-, ,2 2., o,2A*,?-J a,x\ w._li,& I Ip I I 9rs n,-{ Z/ ^.-,/N_.,/ ,// // @-x,-:', f_4tir6'J\,.:V4- -e 'ir', J,Y' /'*-'@ L- P,tl \11.-E*, "rrntL s;prtc ttr./k MacKenzie, Per Krista, Water Resource comments are as follows: I would recommend denial, as there are some significant stormwater concerns that would very likely be made worse by the proposed location of the system. It’s my understanding after talking with Eric and Chip, and meeting on site, that there is an alternative location and system that is feasible. I would like the applicant at the very least to provide an argument as to why an alternative location and system could not be used. Concerns are as follows: • The current proposed location is directly adjacent to a swale that is taking a large amount of stormwater runoff from the Golf Course and directly discharging into Bluff Creek, which is classified as an impaired water by the state, and currently under a TMDL. • There is a large head cut, which is already actively eroding the bluff directly downstream from the proposed location. Mackenzie, do you mind sending an electronic copy of the proposed plan to Terry and Chip if you have it (cc’d). I would like their comments included as well. Vanessa Vanessa Strong Water Resources Coordinator CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1168 FX. 952.227.1170 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MacKenzie, My recommendation would be to push the mound placement towards the front yard setback (toe of mound slope to within 1 foot of the front yard setback) which would increase the distance of the mound from the bluff setback. I would also recommend the mound ratio be changed from 3:1 to 4:1, which would also increase the distance between the toe of the mound to the bluff setback. Thank you, Eric Tessman Building Inspector CITY OF CHANHASSEN PH. 952.227.1194 FX. 952.227.1190 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: MacKenzie Walters, Assistant Planner FROM: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist DATE: September 18, 2018 SUBJ: 821 Creekwood Rd, Variances to construct a septic system The lot has a number of existing mature trees covering the bluff, setback area and up into the yard. All of the proposed septic locations are sited within the wooded areas of the lot and close to or within the bluff setback. Removing mature trees at the top of the bluff exposes the area to potential erosion issues. Staff recommends that sites outside of the bluff setback that remove as few trees as possible are the preferred locations for a septic system. CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COLTNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on September 6,2018,the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen' Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing to Consider a Variance Application to Install a Septic System within the Required Subsurface Sewer Treatment Systems Setbacks, Front Yard Setback, and Fluff Setback and ImpactZone at82l Creekwood Drive, Planning Case File No. 2018-17, to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and swom to before me h JtAii rir-. SirL(Lirve 3J *, pubtic-Mirf,resota z g^*l11tF^!'ql!^{q, -3J 1 2ol e thisrdldav oTSFPX--,rWl , 2018. Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a iompilation of records, informaton and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area sfown: ?P is'io be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic lnformation System (GiS) Data used to prepare this map a;e error free, and the dity does not represe;t that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any olier purpose requiring exacting measurement of dislance or direction or precision in ihe depicii6n of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Staiutei 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the city shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, ani agrees to deiend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and.all claims'broughi by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a iompilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, stati and federal offices and other souroes regarding the area shown, and is'io be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic lnformation system (Gls) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the dity does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigatonal, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direciion or precision in ihe depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Staiutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the Cit, shall not b€ liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, ani agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims broughi by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. (TAX-NAME) (TAX-ADD-L1) (TAX-ADD-L2>r, <<TAX-ADD-L3) ( Next Record ><TA)(-NAM E) (TAX-ADD-LI) (TAX-ADD-L2), (TAX-ADD-L3) SUBJECT PROPERry .9 -t 9r>o Eo6v .6 EEH 5E>t F<Ed;A P.E!.F'E5E:oL:3ob ooo ?Ets Est! hhEt! 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