Abra CUP Inspection Ltr 082918CITYOT CIIAI'IIIASSII'I Chanhasen is a Community for Life - Providing forToday and Planning forTomorrow August 29,2018 Abra Chanhassen Real Estate Co. 6322Timber Trail Edina, MN 55439 Re: Conditional Use Permit Planning Case#06-24, Major Auto Repair and Body Shop Dear Abra Chanhassen Real Estate Co. Management: According to city records, there is a conditional use permit for a Major Auto Repair and Body Shop recorded against your property located at 60 Lake Drive East. The city must conduct an inspection to ensure the site is in compliance with the conditions of approval, as specified in the enclosed Approval Letter dated July 11,2006. An inspection of the property will take place on Friday, September 14, 2018. If the site is found to be in compliance, future inspections will occur annually. However, if the site is in violation of the conditions of approval, staff will work with the property owner to bring the site into compliance in a timely manner. Annual compliance inspections will be scheduled from the time of compliance. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me prior to the inspection date above, at 952- 227 -l 132 or mwalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, iltatlvazq/ MacKenzie Walters Assistant Planner pH 952.227 .t100 . wWW. Ci. Cha n haSSen. m n. US . FX 952.227 . ltt0 77OO MARKET BOULEVARD . PO BOX 1-47 . CHANHASSEN . MINNESOTA 55317 Document l{o. oFFtcE oF THE A se8778 **ffiH,TF,ffi,?|,l.S.., Receipt # Certifed Reco.ded on September (P, 2014 2:30 PfrI Fee: $46.00 59877I lllHlllilllllll B:3;ilA:ffi* "o*** *r"#ff*ffi ffi iff I Mrr\NEsorA COI{DITIONAL USE PERMIT #2OOG24 ABRA AUTO BODY AIYD GLASS _ l. Permit subject to the terms and mnditions s€t forth h€rei& the city of chanhassen haeby grants a conditional use permit for the following use: A major auto repair and body shop 2. Property. The perrnit is for pmperty sitrut€d in rhe city of chanhasserl cawer courty, Minnesota" and legally described as follows: lot I, Block l, Chan Haven plaza 3d Addition .3' condidonc' The permit is issued for a major auto repair and body shop, subject to thefollowing conditions: a' The developrnent shall comply with the site plan requirements approved as part of Planning Case #06-24. b. No unlicensed or inoperable vehicles shall be stored on premises except in appropriately designed and screened storage areas. c. The drop-offlocation for damaged vehicles will be limited to the parking stalls in the soutlwest comer ofthe lot behind ttre evergreens. d. All repair, assembly, disassernbly and maintenance ofvohicles shall occur within closed building except minor maintenance including but not limited to, tire inflation, adding oil and wiper replacernent. e. No exterior public address system is pemritted. f. No sales, storage or display ofused automobiles or other vehicles such as motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-t€rrain vehicl€s. SCANNED g. Disposal of vehicle fluids shall comply with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regu.lations. h. Facilities for the collection ofwaste oil must be provided. 4. Termination of Permit The City may revoke the perrnit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized constuction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this peunit shall lapsq unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassor Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: Julv 10.2006 CITY OF CHANEASSEN (sEAr,) STATE OF MINNESOTA COI]NTY OFCAR\'ER ) (ss ) KAREN J. ENGELHARDT Norary Publlc-Minn6!oia edinmirrlon irotlga ,nn 31 , 2015 The foregoing instument was acknowledged before ms 15;s l"$day of (''' , ,*-. 2014, by Thomas A. Furlong Mayor, and by Todd Gerhard! City Manager, of the City6l Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalfofthe corpoiation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen P. O. Box 147 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 (9s2)227-1100 ,,-7,..r\Q-- Tom Furlong Mayor -Q- 2 DorrE mr, P,\ubnt\&o\6027v1.. $r.tr$@7ff.Cie h, 19, ffi - Uats e EI E HO i E 'iiii!iiriiiill il,-,i"'lli rfii! !hilli' il ::I!EIE iiilIIi "it I taa< 'l ,, " r, I I gSn li'liiilii rtl$F fi liliil ,il ttil illtlfi ilfiti ii,li|i E iiii! i!!l lii! ifil itii IIT' Il|fi,lIfiIHiill Irl lilli!,F iiiiiiil iillf; F 6 "E BtI E fi $jliii'l I ! EiilIl iil'n ott) E,lnI I'ril !l ABRAAUTO BODY & GI.ASS {O LIIG DRI'/E EASI o{A}l{ 80EN, HN 11 1l iEEIEO z,9 o #Ii,il Erogl-fit El:ti uGE I j:rrlil Il' I I tt l{t l€S6r1lt{v}ors€3illqipMl!L-_- ss\ne ? A00g omvvugv Irl 4 o II I Ifii ll:l t!E ti" rl tt I I tf, E hllffir: e4 a a IEItri Hp Ei !iIIblt!r i6!eel !E! EEIil$il I I EI i E I I I I ! I I r! i,.,'i i!,.1t r:': .1 ii,,: i :'lil: ili i : \ "1.] .,1,. t.- t;li.,1 ," --.l r- t'-t. fil ?l f;l 6l I I I I .Ogpp rc 6t Iq UmoJot?m\.li+ u!!d\4mwt\+q1!\ra tt &Fu rE l;,Jlii,il $ilLl Itr't€ssvl0lv}o rsrv:l:lNUo lDMlo - ss\nc ?4009 omvvugv iltt a g l,fi: EI:Hi I ! i ! T l E r)e\t, t: il: l:r lir;iltur "IEIIEIEII H[li" .-' tr$ iEil iii,! lirEii !;,iiills id, !li !rEirl Eflrll EII EII IgI ir$ EEE! I ft I,! iliii IIilll iiil HilIfi I I Ir- ri 'rlii zt E-5 !rp\Eoo$\!S\1!!nr\d'd*edtll-W GIIq