Release of Security Ltr 092618CHOTCIIAI'IHASSXI'I Chanhasen is a Community for Life - Providing forToday and Planning forTomorrow September 26,2018 Chick-Fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, GA 30349 Re: Release of Security - Planning Case File No. 16-08 Upon a site inspection, it appears the project has been completed in general conformance with the Site Plan Agreernent. Therefore, we are releasing the rernaining security escrow and are now closing our file on this project. Robert Generous Senior Planner Enclosure g:\plan\20 I 6 planning cases\20 I 6-08 chick-fi1-a\release of security.doc PH 952.227 .L100 . www. Ci. Cha n haSSen. mn. US . FX 952.227 . tt10 77OO MARKET BOULEVARD . PO BOX 747 . CHANHASSEN . MINNESOTA 55317 Sincerely, NHASSEN CITY OF CHANHASSEN P O BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 08/05/20]-6 11:20 AI4 Receipt No. 00322588 CLERK: AshleyM PAYEE: Chick-FilI-A 5200 Buffington Road AtlanLa GA 30349- Stormwater Connection Fee Securi-ty Escrow Total Cash Check 976945 Change 39 ,994 .68 156, 500. 00 L96 ,494 .58 0. 00 196 ,494 .68 0.00 @ ql*ftE VV*.L ,ru ffiffi t-'J t-'-.-".-:-"'-yJ t.?. 9... 1...q... 9....1...9. I I I...9... 9.. ].q..1 1.. I ?. :1.91 t.q.. :1.q..1 :1.. 1?..1..3..11. L?l t1 1. 1.q..19.. 1.2. 19..1 9. ?Sl 116 17 18 19 20 21 221 l2',l 22 23 24 25 26 271 123 24 25 26 27 28 291 128 29 30 31 Ihx """ "".' """""'l 1"""""" "".'.'""""1 ,i" 5 "i."'i' i, "d To a\' \1" ii' a'4"i 5' i 6' f i i8'10'1d'li"i2'ri'2A 25 26 27 28 29 30 9t30t2017 Cash Escrow Chick-fi1-A Site Plan Agreement 201 6-08 [-andscaping, Erosion Control, Stonn Sewer $1 96,494.68 (Receipt 00322588) Notifu Bob Generous 4l24ll7 - Per Bob G. - Hold until Sept. 30, 201 7 - Jenny llll4ll7 - Status check to Bob. - Jenny l2ll5l17 - Per Stephanie - CFA must submit revisions to their as-builts prior to releasing their LOC. - Jenny 1l24ll8 - Status Check to Bob. 3/8/18 - Status Check to Bob 4l10ll8 - Per Bob - retum $151.078.00 retain $5,422.00 at l0% oflandscape security until Oct. 2018 4110118 - gave to Beth W. to retum escrow. Jenny e\r;i Y:K:::::::fl. Ll(:Ix2:::: :::::::: L::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::: #'...'.......) ) ) )l )fl ,ti8 @ LotN Development Corp.4h012018 at 10:46 AM S=Status P=Priority To Do List Saturday, September 30, 2017 Plan(2)