ARTICLE_X._____A_2___AGRICULTURAL_ESTATE_DISTRICTARTICLE X. - "A-2" AGRICULTURAL ESTATE DISTRICT Sec. 20-571. - Intent. The intent of the "A-2" District is preservation of rural character while respecting development patterns by allowing single-family residential development. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, § 3(5-3-1), 12-15-86) Sec. 20-572. - Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in an "A-2" District: (1) Agriculture. (2) Antennas as regulated by article XXX of this chapter. (3) Arboretums. (4) Day care center for 12 or fewer children. (5) Group home for six or fewer persons. (6) Public and private parks and open space. (7) Single-family dwellings. (8) Temporary real estate office or model home. (9) Utility services. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, § 3(5-3-2), 12-15-86; Ord. No. 259, § 7, 11-12-96; Ord. No. 377, § 74, 5- 24-04) Sec. 20-573. - Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an "A-2" District: (1) Accessory agricultural building. (2) Garage. (3) Private stables. (4) Swimming pool. (5) Tennis court. (6) Signs. (7) Home occupations. (8) One dock. (9) Roadside stand. (10) Private kennel. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, § 3(5-3-3), 12-15-86) Sec. 20-574. - Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in an "A-2" District: (1) Reserved. (2) Reserved. (3) Reserved. (4) Cemetery. (5) Reserved. (6) Reserved. (7) Reserved. (8) Reserved. (9) Electrical distribution and underground electric distribution substations. (10) Reserved. (11) Churches. (12) Recreational beach lots. (13) Group homes for seven to 16 persons. (14) Golf courses. (15) Towers as regulated by article XXX of this chapter. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, § 3(5-3-4), 12-15-86; Ord. No. 80-E, § 1, 11-16-87; Ord. No. 96, § 1, 9-26- 88; Ord. No. 103, § 1, 5-22-89; Ord. No. 120, § 4(2), 2-12-90; Ord. No. 240, § 16, 7-24-95; Ord. No. 259, § 8, 11-12-96; Ord. No. 390, § 4, 3-14-05) State Law reference— Conditional uses, M.S. § 462.3595. Sec. 20-575. - Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an "A-2" District subject to additional requirements, exceptions, and modifications set forth in this chapter: (1) The minimum lot area is two and one-half acres, subject to section 20-906. A one-unit per ten- acre gross density shall be maintained for proposed lots outside the approved Metropolitan Urban Services Area in effect at the time of a proposed development. This requirement shall not apply to lots of record in existence on January 15, 1987 or lots created thereafter if they were subject to a pending subdivision application on that date and the lots were created as a result of that application. The one-unit per ten-acre density applies to contiguous property under single ownership. Acreage under single ownership, which is not contiguous, cannot be combined for increased density/building eligibility on one of the parcels. Once a building eligibility has been used for a property, a development contract must be recorded with the county establishing the number of building eligibilities remaining or documenting that no building eligibility remains. (2) The minimum lot frontage is 200 feet, except that the minimum lot frontage of lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall be at least 200 feet at the building setback line. (3) The minimum lot depth is 200 feet, except that lots fronting on a cul-de-sac shall be at least 200 feet at the building setback line. (4) The maximum lot coverage is 20 percent. (5) The minimum setbacks are as follows: a. For front yards, 50 feet. b. For rear yards, 50 feet. c. For side yards, ten feet. (6) The maximum height is as follows: a. For the principal structure, three stories/35 feet. b. For accessory structures, three stories/35 feet. (7) The minimum driveway separation is as follows: a. If the driveway is on a collector street, 400 feet. b. If the driveway is on an arterial street, 1,250 feet. (Ord. No. 80, Art. V, § 3(5-3-5), 12-15-86; Ord. No. 170, § 1, 7-23-92; Ord. No. 194, § 1, 10-11- 93; Ord. No. 332, § 1, 12-10-01; Ord. No. 377, § 75, 5-24-04) Sec. 20-576. - Interim uses. The following are interim uses in the "A-2" District: (1) Reserved. (2) Mineral extraction. (3) Reserved. (4) Manufactured homes (compliance with section 20-905 is not required). (5) Bed and breakfast establishments. (6) Commercial kennels, stables and riding academies. (7) Wholesale nurseries. (8) Golf driving ranges with or without miniature golf courses. (9) Petting farms. (Ord. No. 120, § 3, 2-12-90; Ord. No. 140, § 1, 3-11-91; Ord. No. 240, § 17, 7-24-95; Ord. No. 306, § 3, 7-24-00; Ord. No. 377, § 76, 5-24-04) Secs. 20-577—20-590. - Reserved.