3_Narrative_HolasekBusPark_2018-10-191 Project Narrative Holasek Business Park Lyman Boulevard at Galpin Boulevard Chanhassen, MN Prepared By: Eden Trace Corporation, Edward Farr Architects, and Sambatek October 19, 2018 For Submission of: Rezoning, Preliminary & Final Plat Subdivision, Site Plan Review and Wetland Alteration Permit Applications Project overview Eden Trace Corp is pleased to propose Holasek Business Park, an Office / Warehouse campus consisting of three multi-tenant Office / Warehouse buildings totaling approx. 449,350 sq. ft. on 54.3 acres of undeveloped land south of the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Galpin Boulevard. The property is already guided Office Industrial in the Comprehensive Guide Plan; so the proposed use is consistent with the city’s vision. The current zoning is A2, Agricultural Estate District, and is proposed to be rezoned to IOP, Industrial Office Park district. The property is within the Carver County Water Management Organization district; and we are making concurrent application to that body. We are seeking Rezoning, Preliminary & Final Plat Subdivision and Wetland Alteration Permit approvals on all of the parcels; plus Site Plan Review on Lots 1 and 2 (Buildings A & B). It is our intention to start construction on Buildings A & B in 2019, then construct Building C in a future phase. The property is being subdivided into five separate parcels. Four parcels will be owned by the applicant; and 5.2 acres are switching to public Right Of Way. We are platting all three of our buildable lots at this time; even though Lot 3 is not being developed until a future date. Private easements will be created to document shared use agreements between the three lots for vehicular access, pedestrian access, signage, lighting, maintenance and utilities. Our Proposed building areas in the table below for Building A include an 18,000 sq ft mezzanine in addition to the main floor area of 161,500 sq ft, for a total building area of 179,500 sq ft. In the event that Bldg A’s mezzanine is not constructed, we are showing Alternate building areas in the table, whereby Bldg C will grow in size by 18,000 sq ft; thereby making the total building area the same in either development option. Building C’s final size will be determined when we apply for Site Plan Review later for that building. Basic Site and Building Data Parcel Parcel Area Bldg Bldg Area* Bldg Area** Height Parking Lot 1 544,064 sq. ft. / 12.5 ac A 179,500 sq. ft. 161,500 sq. ft. 36 ft. 257 Lot 2 434,293 sq. ft. / 10.0 ac B 109,250 sq. ft. 109,250 sq. ft. 36 ft. 207 Lot 3 606,791 sq. ft. / 13.9 ac C 160,600 sq. ft. 178,600 sq. ft. 36 ft. 269 Outlot A 554,346 sq. ft. / 12.7 ac R.O.W. 226,948 sq. ft. / 5.2 ac Totals 2,366,442 sq ft / 54.3 ac 449,350 sq. ft. 449,350 sq. ft. 733 *Proposed building areas in green column. They include a 18,000 sq ft mezzanine in Bldg A. **Alternate building areas in blue column, if Bldg A does not get the mezzanine. 2 Site Context The property is located along the west-central edge of Chanhassen, and has been home to Holasek Greenhouse in prior years. Two sides of the property (south and west) abut the city of Chaska. Lyman Blvd defines the property’s northerly and northeasterly boundary in Chanhassen. Across Lyman Blvd to the north, west of Galpin, is another Office / Warehouse campus, zoned P.U.D. Across Lyman Blvd to the northeast, east of Galpin, is the Stone Creek residential subdivision, zoned RSF. Across the property’s southeast boundary is the TC&W Railroad track with the Crosby Park Office / Warehouse campus in Chaska beyond. Across the property’s western boundary, in Chaska, is a Mini-Storage facility. The property sits substantially lower in grade than Lyman Blvd; and has been used for agricultural purposes by Holasek Greenhouses in prior years. There have been excavation and fill operations on the property since 2015. There are no permanent structures on the property. Wetlands are present, generally in the southern and eastern portions of the property. The property is bisected by the Magellan Pipeline Co’s underground natural gas main utility; which is protected via easement. In fact, the location and depth of the underground pipeline drives many of the site planning decisions. Regional vehicular access is readily available to the property via the nearby Powers Blvd / Hwy 212 interchange as well as Hwy 5 via Galpin Blvd and Hazeltine Blvd. The signalized intersection of Lyman Blvd and Galpin Blvd already has the necessary curb cut, cross walk and stop light improvements in place to access the site. Our proposal includes adding a second point of access further west along Lyman Blvd. We are not planning on adding rail service to the development from the adjacent TC&W Railroad tracks. Pedestrian access is readily available via sidewalks coming from the north along Galpin Blvd and from the east along the north side of Lyman Blvd. There are no sidewalks approaching the site from Chaska on the west. However, the City of Chanhassen has future plans for a trail along the south of Lyman Blvd. Screening to Residential Properties Adequate buffering for the Stone Creek residential development is important. Mature landscape screening already provides an effective visual buffer for most all the residents back yard perimeter frontage along the north side of Lyman Blvd and the east side of Galpin Blvd. We will be providing additional landscape screening along our south side of Lyman Blvd to offer more buffering. Of note, the distance between the closest home in Stone Creek and our Building A is 620 feet. Further, our site is much lower in elevation than Lyman Blvd, so the view into our site from across the street naturally screens the parking lot and the lower portion of the building façade. Impervious Coverage / Greenspace Areas The site boasts an overall 49% greenspace coverage area. Each developable lot has at least 30% greenspace area. Refer to the table below for impervious surface calculations: Parcel Parcel Area Bldg Impervious Bldg Area Impervious Parking Area Total Impervious Coverage Lot 1 544,064 sq. ft. / 12.5 ac A 3.70 ac ( 30%) 4.74 ac (38%) 8.60 ac (69%) Lot 2 434,293 sq. ft. / 10.0 ac B 2.51 ac (25%) 4.04 ac (41%) 6.70 ac (67%) Lot 3 606,791 sq. ft. / 13.9 ac C 4.10 ac (29%) 5.56 ac (40%) 9.78 ac (70%) Outlot A 554,346 sq. ft. / 12.7 ac 0 ac (0%) 0 ac (0%) 0 ac (0%) R.O.W. n/a n/a n/a n/a Totals 2,139,494 sq ft / 49.1ac 10.31 ac (21%) 14.34 ac (29%) 25.08 ac (51%) 3 Landscaping A variety of coniferous, deciduous, and ornamental trees will be provided throughout the site and will exceed the minimum quantity requirements of the City ordinance. Trees will be a hardy mix of native and non-native species. A dense screening area mostly of evergreens will be provided on the south side of Lyman Blvd. east of the site access drive. Trees will also be provided along the perimeter access loop and within interior parking islands to minimize heat island effect. Shrubs and foundation plantings are also proposed to wrap the front portions of each building along the office use areas. Site Setbacks Our building and parking setbacks meet or exceed minimum zoning ordinance requirements around the perimeter for an IOP district. Shared parking and loading areas are proposed between the buildings as depicted on the site plan, resulting in a zero setback condition for those paved areas. Utilities City of Chanhassen utility stubs are available at the northeast corner of the site extending across from Galpin Boulevard (8” sanitary and 10” water main). Chanhassen water main does not extend west of Galpin Blvd. so there is not another connection opportunity currently to provide a loop to Chanhassen’s main. A fire pump to boost pressure will be provided if necessary for each building’s ESFR sprinkler system if available water pressure is deemed insufficient (flow tests are being confirmed). A 10” loop internally throughout the site is proposed with 8” combined fire/domestic services connecting to the center of the rear/dock side of each building (to the respective sprinkler rooms). Connecting to Chanhassen’s sanitary sewer stub would require a lift station which requires routine maintenance. Therefore, the development proposes to connect to Chaska’s sanitary pipe network at the west side of the site via gravity drainage. Stormwater runoff will be collected from roof drains and parking lot inlets and routed east to two proposed NURP retention ponds with filtration benches for improving water quality. An irrigation reuse system will also be implemented to provide on-site retention. Vehicular Traffic and Parking Calculations The site will be accessed via two driveways off of Lyman Boulevard. One new Right-In / Right-Out curb cut is proposed at the far northwest corner of the site; and the second entrance is located at the existing intersection of Lyman and Galpin Boulevards. Our projected occupancies in the buildings are 80% warehouse / 20% office for Buildings A and C; and 70% warehouse / 30% office for Building B. Our parking calculations are done using those projections. Parking stall layouts shown on drawings are based on using 9’-0” wide x 18’-0” deep stalls with 26’ wide aisles. Building A – 179,500 gross square feet (includes 18,000 sq ft mezzanine) 80% Whse: 143,600 sq ft @ 10 cars for first 10,000 sq ft and 1 per 2,000 sq ft thereafter = 77 cars req’d 20% Office: 35,900 sq ft @ 5 per 1000 sf = 180 cars req’d Subtotal Building A: 257 cars required. 257 provided - ok. Building B – 109,250 gross square feet 70% Whse: 76,475 sq ft @ 10 cars for first 10,000 sq ft and 1 per 2,000 sq ft thereafter = 43 cars req’d 30% Office: 32,775 sq ft @ 5 per 1000 sf = 164 cars req’d Subtotal Building B: 207 cars required. 207 provided - ok. Building C – 178,600 gross square feet (using higher sq footage in case Bldg A doesn’t get mezzanine) 80% Whse: 142,880 sq ft @ 10 cars for first 10,000 sq ft and 1 per 2,000 sq ft thereafter = 76 cars req’d 20% Office: 35,720 sq ft @ 5 per 1000 sf = 179 cars req’d Subtotal Building C: 255 cars required. 269 provided - ok. 4 Architectural Design and Building Materials The facade will be constructed with high quality, commercial grade, low-maintenance materials. Facade materials will include exposed aggregate architectural precast concrete wall panels with a multi- textured, warm-toned finish and energy efficient aluminum & glass windows. The building front facing Lyman Boulevard will have multiple tenant office entrances, articulated with stepped precast wall panels and metal clad cornice and canopy features to provide dimensional relief and visual interest. Corner tenant entries are provided each and along the front of the buildings which will also feature tall expansive glass curtainwall elements with matching cornice lines. All buildings will have 28 foot ‘clear height’ inside, resulting in an exterior building height of 36 feet measured from floor grade up to the top of wall. Along the back dock walls, grade is lowered 4 feet for truck berths, so the wall height at the docks is 36 ft + 4 ft = 40 ft. Pertaining to building codes and fire codes, the buildings will be constructed to Type II-B standards, non-combustible, and protected with an ESFR sprinkler system. We anticipate tenants having high-piled and racked storage of materials classified as commodity Types I – IV. With those commodity contents, no smoke and heat vents are required, nor smoke draft curtains; however fire access doors will be provided every 100’ around the perimeter. Site Signage One monument sign is requested for each driveway to the site. Directional signage will be included to guide vehicles toward parking or loading zones; and stop signs will be placed at driveway exits. They will have standardized color, size and materials for consistency. Wall mounted tenant name signs on the building will be provided once leases with specific tenants are identified; so our tenant name sign locations are conceptual at this point. The Owner and Tenant will submit final sign drawings for approval when applying for signage permit. Site Lighting Site lighting fixtures will use energy efficient LED lamps in architectural fixture housings with sharp cutoff light distribution features to contain lighting within our property. A combination of 30 ft tall pole-mounted fixtures around the perimeter plus wall-mounted lighting at the loading dock areas are needed to provide adequate site illumination. Tenant entrances will have architectural down-lighting to provide proper illumination near the entry doors. Exit doors will have small LED egress lights to meet code. A final Lighting Plan will be included in our building permit application set of drawings. Trash & Recycling Storage Trash and recycling material will be stored in fully-enclosed weather-proof collection containers made especially for this purpose, located in the loading dock area, up against the building wall. Additionally, coniferous landscaping will be provided within “green” islands at each of the loading dock for year- round screening of containers and loading dock area in general. Each tenant will contract for their own trash and recycling service, as is consistent with this building type. End of Narrative