1_Trip Generation Memo_Holasek Business Park_11-02-18 November 1, 2018 To: Mark Undestad, Eden Trace Corporation Pete Moreau, PE, Sambatek From: Vernon Swing, PE Re: Trip Generation Study – Holasek Business Park, Chanhassen, MN Per your request, Swing Traffic Solutions, LLC has conducted a trip generation analysis for the proposed Holasek Business Park development in Chanhassen, MN. The proposed development will include three Office/Warehouse buildings identified as Buildings A, B, and C. The Building sizes vary with Building A propose to include approximately 179,500 square feet, Building B 109,250 square feet, and Building C 178,600 square feet. Buildings A and C are divided into 80 percent warehouse and 20 percent office, while Building B is divided into 70 percent warehouse and 30 percent office. The proposed site is located along the south side of Lyman Blvd, just to the west of the Galpin Blvd. and Lyman Blvd intersection. The trip generation for the proposed Holasek Business Park office warehouse development has been estimated based on the methodology described by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in Trip Generation, 10th Edition. Table 1 summarizes the findings. Table 1 Trip Generation Land Use Size(sq. ft.) ITE Code AM Peak Trips PM Peak Trips Daily Trips Enter Exit Enter Exit Building A Warehouse 143,600 150 19 6 7 20 250 Office 35,900 710 36 6 7 35 350 Subtotal 55 12 14 55 600 Building B Warehouse 76,475 150 10 3 4 11 133 Office 32,775 710 33 5 6 32 319 Subtotal 43 8 14 43 452 Building C Warehouse 142,880 150 19 6 7 20 249 Office 35,720 710 36 6 7 35 348 Subtotal 55 12 14 55 597 TOTAL 153 32 42 153 1649 As shown in Table 1, when fully built out and occupied the site is forecast to generate 185 AM Peak hour trips distributed as 153 entering and 32 exiting trips; and will generate 195 PM Peak hour trips 2 | P a g e H o l a s e k B u s i n e s s P a r k , C h a n h a s s e n , M N distributed as 42 entering and 153 exiting trips during the afternoon traffic peak. These trips will be distributed to the local roadway network via two access locations, one as the primary driveway that aligns with Galpin Blvd and extends to the south, the other a right in/right out driveway from Lyman Blvd located approximately on one quarter mile to the west. A review of the MnDOT’s average daily traffic counts taken in 2017 suggest Lyman is currently operating at 40 percent of capacity. This project will add approximately 10 percent to the existing traffic numbers resulting in Lyman operating at 45 percent of capacity. The existing roadway system operations will not experience significant change due to the proposed development. Please contact Vernon Swing at vswingtraffic@gmail.com or 612-968-4142 with any questions.