Development Review Applicationaol g^ t9 FA CO iIUiIIW DEVELOPiiEiIT DEPARTMENT Planning Divi8ion - 7700 Market Boulovard Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanha$an, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227{ 300 / Fax: (9521227-1110 .,*,*,*,".1t iJ liY eco"t",il/r lt? cc o*", llrq lrq *crTrorcHAtrrrAssrr APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 60-Day Review Oate: (tutet to the dpptwiste Application chec!4id lor tquid st bmittat info/.',f/.|,@ that n,u& awnDny this appllcetioa) E $rmprehensive Plan Amendment......................... $600E Minor MUSA line for failing on-sit€ sowers ..... gt 00 E Conditional UEe Permit (CUP) E Sing[+Family Residence...................,....,..,..., $325E Atotlers........ ..,............... $42s E lnterim Us6 PBrmit (lUP) E ln conjunction with Single-Family Residence.. $32SU All Others........ ........ ......... $425 E Rezoning (REZ) - E PEnned Unit D€velopment (pUD) ...............,.. $750 _\EJ Minor Amendmont to exEting PUD................. SiOO$ rut Oners......................................................... t5OO E Sign Plan Review................................................... $1SO E Site Plan Review (SPR) E Commerciat/tndustriat Distric1s....................... $500 Plus S10 per 1,000 squarc feet of building area:( thousand squara foet).lnclude numbor o, errciira omploye€si _ fl Residential Disrids-............. . ................... 3SOO Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) Prop€rty Owners' Ligt within 500' (City to generato ater pre-apptks on ,n€otjng) ............1. ..... $3 per address Escrow ror. Recording Documenrs (check ar rhar appry).... ttl::::::*:l .....gso per documentLl conditional us€ Permit EJ rnrarim use p€rmit fJ s[e ptan Agr€;mentn vacation E v"ri"n* - - - "' E wltr"nJ nriEr"ion p"-itE Metas & Eounds Subdivision (3 doca.) E easer"ns f ees€ments) - ;;- *'*' TOTAL FEE: tr Subdivision (SUB)rl Create s lots or less .......,................................$30{) D Creete over 3 |ots.......................$600 + S15 per lot( lols)U Metss & Bound8 (2 tots)........................,......... $300E Consc,tidaiB Lots..,........................................... $1SOE Lot Line Ad,usfnonr......................................... $lSOE Final Prat......... .................. $7OO (lncludes $450 esdow for attomey coBts)* 'Addllboll rlclo$ may b€ .€qulr€d br ottEr spptkxions throlgh nra dovd@meflt contEcl. Vacetion of Easemcnts/Right-of-way (VAC)........ E3OO (Addilio.ral rccodlng h6 riay apply) Variance (VAR)..... ................. $2OO Wetand Alteration Permit (WAP) fl SinglsFamily Resiaente............................... $1 SOE Allourers........ ................ $275 Zoning Appeal....... ................ S1OO Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. $SOO !!(IIE: Whcn multlph rppllc.tort .ro prcc.Ird co,rcurcnity,tIo rpprop.i.L foc rhtll br Ghrrgod for.!ch tpplh.$olt. tr tr tr tr tr E tr Description of Proposal: 7801 Audubon Rd. Chanhassen, MN 55417Property Address or Location: parcet#: 251900'110 Total Acr6age: Legal Description:Museum/Fecording Facility Present Zoning: Selacl One Presenl Land Use Designatio6; Selecl One Requested Land Use D6ignation:Salect One Wstlands Present?E ves E tto Requested Zoning:Select One Existing Use of Property; Museum ECtrec* box if separats narrative is attached. 'sonal ;on, APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWIIER: ln signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtained authoriaation from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions oi approval, sub,iect only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during thl appeal period. lf ihis application has not been signedby the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full ligal capacity to file ihe application. This appliiation should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contid regarding'any ma6er pertaining to thisapplication. I will keep myself informed of Ure deadlines for submiision of material ani the irogiess of this apflidtion. Ifurther understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior toany authorizalion to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and coneci. Tlm Fitch Address:7801 Audubon Hoad Contacl: Phone:952-495-6757 City/StateEip: Email: Chanhassen, MN 55317 Cell: Fax: 612-425-5632 authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are [inding and agree to be bound by thoseconditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during itre appeat periodsl I wilt klep myself informeo ofthe deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this app-iication. I further understand that;dditional fees maybe charged for consulting-fees, feasibility studies, etC. witr an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the :t!ldJ.".!.qe!:tJff lhat the information and exhibits submitted are true and conect. Signature:Date:10/23/18 PROPERTY OWNER: ln this application, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, Contac{: By: Angela W Aycock phone: 248-236-0954 City/State/Zip' 411 W. Lafayefte, 2nd Floor Detroit, Ml48226 Cell: Address: I*,ff,,i=P..9:ft-tlpt*din full.andmust-be accompanied by allinturmation and ptans required byapplicable City Ordinance provisions. Before fling this applicition, refir to the appropriate Apptication Checktistand confer with the Planning Department to delermine the specific ordinance and'applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittat.wrifren notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 1S business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if appticabte) Name:Contact; Address:Phone: Cell:City/State/Zip: Email: Who ehould rccetvs copies of $aff reports? Property Owner Applicant Engineer Olher* rfiher Contact lnformation: Name:EEnn Via: El Emait E frlaileO paper Copy Ma: ElEmait D manea paperCopy Ma: f]Emait f]uaireo pabercobi Via: fl Email fl naaiteo paper Coiy Address: CitylStateZip: Email: lNsTRUcTloNs ro AEIISANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then setect to save a copy io yourdevice. and. deliver to city along with required documents and payment to send a digitat copy tothe cityforprocessing. f:::=--t t--l- lsAvEFoRil I IPR|NTFOBU I lSUBmrrOnmit---"'-'---"1 Email: Signature:Date: 1013012018 We are requesting an amendment to the PUD for the ability for licensed caterers/suppliers to be able to serve alcohol for specia! events when requested.