Wetland Delineation ReportPremier Land Surveying 3750 Arboretum BIvd Chanhasseno MN Wetland Delineation Report Prepared for Premier Land Surveying LLC 1600 Arboretum Blvd, Ste 2A3, Victoria, MN by Soil Investigation & Design, fnc. 2809 78th Ave. N. Brooklyn Parlq MN 55444 Datel May 22,2018 ro 3750 ARBOBETUI.I BLVD. AERIAL PHOTO OF ACQUISITION AREA WETLAND DELINEATION SUMMARY o The site at 3750 Arboretum Blvd Chanhassen, MN was inspected on May 10, 2018 for the presence and extent of wetland. o The NWI map showed one wetland complex within site boundaries: PEMIC. t The entire site was inspected. No other wetlands exist. Please refer to the NWI and "area to be delineated" figures. o The soil survey mapped showed Fill materials. o The DNR Protected waters Map showed protected water(s) within site boundaries. o One wetland was found on the site. We were retained to delineate the wetland area(s) within site boundaries as summarized below. Wetland ID Circular 39 Cowardin Wetland Plant Community Type (Eggers and Reed) 404 Jurisdictional Observations I Type 2 PEMlC Fresh water emergent Wetland I is connected to Lake Minnewashta. I. INTRODUCTION The site was examined on May 10, 2018 for the presence and extent of wetland. The property islocated in Sec 8, Twp. I l6N, R23W, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. Theproperty was located at3070 Arboretum Blvd Chanhassen, MN (Figure l), and corresponded toCarver County PID: 251700020. The site has no structures on it. The property consisted primarily of deciduous woodland inupland portions and wetlands_of varying vegetativ*.oui, in lowland areas (Figure 2). Sitetopography consists of a small flat wetland area adjacent to slopes that can "*J..a 20 percent. Adjacent land use is mixed use to the north is a lake, to the east is wetland and residential,to the west is residential, and south is the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. METHODS Wetlands were identified using Routine Determination methodology described in the Corps ofEngineers Wetlands Delineation Manual-lfatgrways Experiment5tation, lggl)and RegionalSupplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Northcentral and Northeast legion Version 2.0) as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the MinnesotaWetland Conservation Act. Wetland boundaries were identified as the upper-most extent of wetlands, which met criteria forhydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and weiland hydrology. Wetland-upiand boundaries weremarked with pink pin flags. Soils, vegetation, and hydrology were documented at representative locations along the wetland-upland boundary' Plant species dominance was estimat;d based on the percent aerial or basalcoverage visually estimated within a 3O-foot radius for trees and vines, l5-foot radius for theshrub layer, and a S-foot radius for the herbaceous Iayer within the community type beingsampled. Soils were characterized to a minimum depth of 32 inches (unless otherwise noted) utilizingMunsell Soil Color Charts and standard soil texturing methodology. Hydric soil indicators usedin reporting are from the NTCHS Field Indicators oiHydric Soils in the United States (USDANatural Resources Conservation Service Version 7,20i0) which are commonfy iouna in theMidwest. Plants were identified using stand-ard region_al glan-t !9vs. Taxonomy and indicator status of plantspecies was taken fiom the 2012 National I'ttetiand Plint List (Lichv,a., n.W. *J Kartesz, J.T.2009. North American Digital Flora: National Wetland ptanitist, u*rrio, i.+.0-'(httpsy'/wetlandjlants.Itlc_e.army.mil). U.S. Army co.ps orEngin"".r, Erginl". Research and !919lopment Center, Cold.Regions Research and inginlering Liboratory, fi*or"r. NH, andBONAP, Chapel Hill, NC.) III. RESULTS The Ml{ DNR Revised Nqtional Wetland livennry Map Q,{W) @ onePEMIC wetland exists on the site and extends to ih" nbrth and ."rt{S". Flgr*r, and 3) }9 sol survey of carver county, Minnesota@ showed thefollowing soil types within site boundaries 6igure71.- Essex Sandy Loam (see attached soil Repon) Potentialwetlands were evaluated in greater detail during field observations on May 10, 201g. one wetland was identified and delineated on the site (Figure 5). Corresponding data forms areincluded as Append.ix A. The following description of we'tland and adjacent rpi*a reflectsconditions observed at the time of the field visit. At that time, vegetation was actively growingand h-ad not yet begun to senesce. Wetland hydrology was assumed to be normal for that datebased_on the 30-day rolling precipitation total lnpp-endix B). A survey of the wetland boundaries rvill be provided after delineation review is completed. Wetland 'l was a Type 2 (PEMIC) freshwater emergent meadow. Vegetation throughout thiswetland complex varied from Green Ash, Stinging }iettles and Creepi-ng Charlie to Box elderand shallow open water. wetland soils were *u.I changing to a loam. Adjacent upland was comprised of a variable canopy of Green Ash, Bluegrass and CreepingCharlie. The delineated boundary followed a change in vegetation composition and a change intopography. wetland I did not correspond to NWl-mapped pEMIC wetland. Other Areas No other areas were shown as w€tland on the NWI map. No other areas were mapped withhydric soil by the soil survey, and no other depressional areas dominated by a hyirophytic plantcommunity were observed on the site. V. CERTIFICATION OF DELINEATION The procedures utilized in the described delineation are based on the COE l9g7 WetlandDelineation Manual as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the MinnesotaWetland Conservation Act. Both the delineation and report were conducted in compliance withregulatory standards in place at the time the work was completed. I All site boundaries indicated on figures within this report are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. Report completed by: Delineation completed by: Paul J. Brandt pSS Paul J. Brandt PSS I hereby certify that this plan, document, or report was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professionat Soil Scieniist under the Laws of the stateof Minnesota. Print Name: Paul J. Brandt pSS Signafure: "rti i"ntt ''-'i Date: May 2L2018 License # 30007 5 Appendices Figures: Figure I - Site Detail Map Figure 2 -NWI DetailMap Figure 3 - DNR Protected Waters 0Map Figure4-SoilsMap Figure 5 - Delineated Wetlands Map 6 Soil lnvestigation & Desicn. Inc. 2809 78th Avc. N Brooklvn Park. Mn 55444 pbrandtrzl soilinr cstigations.us 65 l-260-378-1 Figure I : Site Detail Map Client: Premier Land Surveying 3750 Arboretum Blvd, Chanhassren, MN ; !.*.rf _l 'ry+1i.1 q ,{1.{:;._ "N t-,t..-- . a;: "': ' i .' .- lf':^ t' Soil lnvcstigation & Design. lnc. 2809 Tttth Ave. N Brookly'n Park. tvln 5-5444 pbrnndtt2r soilinvr.stig:tlions.us 65 I -260-_1783 Figure 2: NWI Detail Map Client: Premier Land Surveying 375A Arboretum Blvd, Chanhassren, MN EI teeero I eareerrCrw ]I uu vle*ma. s".m Ilo rE amll-*l Soil Invcstigation & Design. Inc. 2809 Tltth Avc. N Brooklvn Park. IUn 55444 pbrandtra soilint cstigctions.us 65 I-160-378_1 Figure 3: Public Water Basins Map Client: Premier Land Surveying 3750 Arboretum Blvd, Chanhassren, MN Site soils are composed of fill materials, some horizon development noted. Soil lnvestigation & Dc.sign. lnc. ?809 78th Ave. N Brooklyrr Park. Mn 55.t.t4 pbrandtiir.soilinr.cstigations_ us 6s l-260-3783 Figure 4: Site Soils Map Client: Premier Land Surveying 37 5A Arboretum Chanhassen, MN Soil Investigation & Design. Inc. llJ09 Tttth Ave. N Brooklyn Park. tvin 55444 pbrandti.i. soilin\icsti gations.us 65 I -160-3781 Figurc 2: NWI Dctail Map Client: Premier Land Surveying 3750 Arboretum Blvd, Chanhassren, MN puilr watffi-bdi. &mil 0 300 600 Soil Inlcstigation & f)c'sign. [nc. 2t109 78th Avc. i\i Erooklyn Park. I\.ln 55.1-l"l pbrandtra soilinvcstigarions.us 65 l -160-_1781 Figure 3: Public Water Basins Map Client: Premier Land Surveying 3750 Arboretum Blvd, Chanhassren, MN IEGEilD Par€elscarwr stru a_mo0190 25C 500 F$t Site soils are composed of fill materials, some horizon development noted Soil lnvestigution & F)esign. Inc 21t01) TEth Avr.. N Brookl;-n Park. IUn 55.14.1 pbrandtfu soilinlcstigrrions.us 65 t -260-3783 Figure 4: Site Soils Map Client: Premier Land Surveying 37 50 Arboretum Chanhassen, MN *l /ii,/ .i F/ t,/,i l,,t v' $/'[/ . -.\ r' \+a._,fi .a' l'Rt ,*" -for- Abraham Abbariao @'' t==i-f % w*)y TS, 7r{ts \\\\ '-s* \ ttU, *q" T'NIUUI' SEIEACKS: FRONi. &SrD€i 10I/|,€IUND. 1N'o.H.w f5, DESCRI PNON OF PROPER7aY :d 1, Bld 1, CEDAR CRESI, CB4Bhudy, MnNtu LEOEND a FMhM - &(ru xta.&ffiu xdiaffiZrc + Fn 'ffi.da SreycdfrlPd x SptEhb Soil Investigation & Desig4 Inc. 2809 7t6 Ave. N Brool.tw Pal MN 55{4.tIkio 651-260.37s] pt;-eAiil;crdss;.; ;ril;;-rfi;;---- - Appendix A: Data Forms 7 WETLAND DETERil!|NATION DATA FORM - Midwest Regton Projecusite 3750 Atuoretum Brvd (prD: 251700020) city/countv: ch"llgllgycllfr sampring Date: May 10.2018 ApplicanUowner:State;frilneJ9E SamplingPoint:Pt3UP lnvestigator(s): PaulB€ndt iection, Township, Range:Sec 8, Twp 't 16N, R23W Landform (hillslope, terrace, etc.): Lat: Are climatidhydrologic conditjons of the site tlpicat ,or this time of he year?(lf no, explain in remarks) Slope (%): I Soil Map Unit Nam€Fi Tenace (fill) 44.ffi144 Local relief (concave, convex, none); Long: -93.616278 Datum: {Wl Ctassification: Linear Linear Are "normal circumstances,, present? (lf needed, explain answers in remarks.) PEMlC Are vegetation _, soil Are vegetation , soil SUMMARY OF FINDINGS , or hydrology_ significanfly disturbed? _ , or hydrology naturally problematic? Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soil present? lndicalors of wetland hydrology present? Y N N ls the sampled a.ea wlthin a w€ and? lyes. optionalwetand site lD: (Explain altemative procedures here or in a separale rBport.) VEGETATION -- Use scientific names of Absolute Dominan lndicator Tree Stratum (Plot size: Basal 10 ) % Cover t Species Staus1 Fnxinus pennsytvanicg 70 y FACW2- 3 4- Saolinq/Shrub stratun (ptotsize: )1 Alnus incana Dominance Test Worksheet Numbe. of Dominant Species lhat areOBL. FACW or FAC: 3 (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across allstrata: 3 (B) Percent of oominant sp""i"" - thatareOBL, FACW orFAC: 1OO.OO% (tuB) Prevalonce lndex Wo*shoet Total o/o Cover of: OBL species O x1= 0 FACW species -iio-- x 2 = FAC species -Jd-x S = FACU species --i-r l = UPL species -6-x S = Column totats T6- 1e1 Prevalenc€ lndex = B/A = Hydrophytic V€getation tndtcators: _Rapid test for hydrophylic v€getation X Dominance test is >50% X Prevalence index is <3.0. Morphogical adaptations. (provide supporting data in Remarks or on a _ separate sheel) Problematic hydrophytic vegetation. _(explain) 'hdicatoB of hydric soil and wedand hydrotoqy must be pr6sant. unlgss disturbcd or probl6mstb vegetatlon plsaent? : (lnclude photo numbers here or on a separae sfr$ US Amy Corps of Engineers Midwest Resion 40 Y FACW 40 Y FAC to the depth needed to document the indicator or confi.,n the absenlEliE'iiE] 1oYR 4/6 & 4/1 yqe: (rncnes): Obvious fill from adjacent sources _Histisol(Al) _Histic Epipedon (A2) _Black Histic (A3) _ Hydrogen Sutfide (A4) _Skatmed Layers (A5) _2 cni Muck (A10) _ Depleted Betow Daft Surface (A11) _Thick Dark Surface (A12) _ Sandy Mucky Minerat (Sl ) _5 crn Mucky Peat or peat (S3) HYDROLOGY Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Sandy Redox (SS) Stripped Matix (SO) Loamy Mucty Minerat (F1) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Oa* Surface (F6) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Redox Depressions (F8) Sampllng Polnt: _Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (LRR K, L, R) _Dark Surtace (S7) (LRR K, L) _lroo{rangaoese Masses (F12) (LRR K, L, R) _Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _Other (explain in remarks) 'lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and weltand hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic Surface Water (Al) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Wate. Marks (Br) Sediment Deposits (82) Drn Deposits (83) Algal Mat or Crusl (84) lron Oeposits (85) lnundation Visibte on Aeriat tmagery €7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surhce (B8) _Aquatic Fauna (8.t3) _True Aquatic Ptants (814) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(Ct) Oxftrized Rhizospheres ofl LMng Roots (C3) - Presence ot ReducEd lron (C4) Recent lron Reduction in Tilled Soils (c6) -Thin Muck Surtace (C7) _ GaWe or We[ Data (D9) _ Surface Soil Cracks (86) _ Drainage Pattems (8,0) _ Ory-Season Wat6r Tabte (C2) _ Crayfish Eu.rows (C8) _ Saturation Visibh on Aeriat tmagery {C9) _ Stunted or Stressed Rants (D1) _ Geomorphic Position (D2) _ FAC-Neufat Test (DS) No X Oepth (inches): No -F Depth (inches):lndicators of wo and hydrology present? recorded datra (stream gauge, rnonitoring wett, ".ri"r pr,oto"JE GilGiiiJiIl[EE US Army Corps of Engine€rs Midwest Region Hydric soil present? N ' SOIL Pt3UP WETLAND OETERMTNATTON DATA FORM - Midwest RegionProrecysite 3750 Arboretum Blvd (ptD:251700020) City/County: Chanhassen/Carvar Sampling Date: May10,2O1BApplicanv0^,ner; ..-;::- ln*"tig"t-(.t p"r-state: Minnesotia samplingPolnt:-----FGwe-i-.""."#,il;fu J;::il,"J:l:;o,,n" .""u,,EJlii*il :'"P't^, :_ Lat: _44.8ffi144 Long: _g3.6,t627g D"tu, - Soit Map Unit Namelitt ------------{W Classification: PEMICAre climatic/hydrotogic condjtions of the site typi.rl ro, Ur iiliIn-IEE VEGETATION -- Use scientific names of Are vegetation , soil A,. vegetation , soir ' ol' hydrology- significantly disturbed? Are .normar circumstances,, SUMMARY OTFINDINGS- ' or hvdrology_ naturafly probtematic? - - -- ir"enta (lf no, explain in remadG) needed, explain any an"r"o i, ,"iiIs-;Hydrophylic vegetation presenp Hydric soil present? lndicators of wefland hydrology present? Y Y ls the sampled area withln a wefland? I yes, optionalwetand site lD: (Explain altemative procedures here or in a separate report.) Absolute Dominan lndicator % Cover t Species Staus Saolino/Shrub stratun (ptot size:1 Alnus incana Woodv vine stratum (plot size: ) Dominance Test Worirsheet Number of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC: 3 Total Number of Dominant Species Aqoss a[ Stata: 3 (B) Percent of Dominant sp""i""- lhat are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 1OO.OO% (A,/B) PrevatencelndexWoiksfieet- Total % Cover ot: OBL species O x1- FACw species -'ii6-x 2 = FAC species -T-x S = 0 x5= -36-1ay Prevalenc€ lndex = B/A = Hydrophytlc veg€tafi on tnoicatoEl _Rapid test for hydrophytic vegetation X Dominance test is >SOo/o X Prevalence index i6 <3.0. Morphogical adaptations' (provide supporting data in Remarks or on a _separate sheet) Problematic hydrophytic vegetationr _(explain) 'lndi.stoB of hydric 6ojl and wotand hydrclogy must b6pr$snt, unle$ disfurb.d or poblematic vegetatlon present? (lnclude photo numbers trere or on=iGiarate sneetl US Amy Corps of Engineers I 0 220 120 0--o -fr6-rsr 1ri4,,,^-+ lt ^-t ^^ ;ir* th" "ufr* rf Color (moist) o/o Type* Loc* *"ot,t,t'i,,tt,ts=Maskedsanocrains'"*Location:PL=PoreLinino.M= Obvious fill from adjacent sources, bottom of ditch _Histisol(Al) _ Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Black Histic (A3) _Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) _Stratified Layers (A5) 2 cm Muck (A10) -Depleted Below Dark Surface (Al 1) _Thick Dark Surface (A12) _Sandy Mucky Minerat (S1) _5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) _Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _ Sandy Redox (S5) _ Stripped Matrix (56) _Loamy Mucky Mineral (Fl) _Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _ Depleted Matrix (F3) -Redox Dark Surface (F6) _ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) _ Redox Depressions (F8) Sampling Point:Pt 3 WET _Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (LRR K, L, R) Dark Surface (S7) (LRR K, L) -lron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR K, L, R) -r"O Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _Other (explain in remarks) 'lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and weltand hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology lndicators: Primarv lndicators (minimum of one is reouired: check all that apolv) X Surface Water (Al) High Water Tabte {A2) Tsaturation (A3)-FWater Marks (Bl) Fsedlrnent Deposits (82) _ Drift Deposits (83) _Al9al Mat or Crust (84) lron Deposits (BS) Flnundation Visible on Aeriat lmagery (87) f,-Sparsety Vegetated Concave Surface (Bg) -Wate,-Stained Leaves (89) Aquatic Fauna (813) True Aquatic Plants (814) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1 ) Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced lron (C4) Recent lron Reduciion in Tilled Soils (c6) Thin irtuck Surface (C7) Gauge or Well Data (Dg) Other (Explain in Remarks) Secondarv lndicators (minimum of two requiredl _Surface Soil Cracks (86) _Drainage Pattems (810) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) -Crayfish Bunows (C8) -saturation Visible on Aerial lmagery (C9) -stunted or Stressed Ptants (Dl) -Geomorphic Position (D2) FAGNeukat Test (DS) X Depth (inches):--T--Oeptn (inches):--F-Oepn (inches): r1ero gDseryauons: Surface water present? Water table present? Saturation present? (includes capillary fringe) Yes Yes Yes No No No lndicators of wetland hydrology present? Describe recorded data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspec{ions). if available: Kema0(s: US Army Corps of Engineers Midwest Reeion WETLAND DETERMTNATTON DATA FORM - Midwest Region ProjecUSite 3750 Arboretum Blvd (PlD: 251700020) City/County: Chanhassen/Carver Sampling Date: May 10, 201g ApplicanU0ltmer:State: Minnesota Sampling point pt g Up lnvestigator(s): Paul Brandt iection, Township, Range: Sec 8, Twp 116N, R23W Landform (hillslope, tenace, etc.): Terrace (fi|) Local relief (concave, convex, ,"*X Linear Linear Slope (o/o): 8 Lat: 44.8ffi144 Long: _93.616278 Datum: soitMap unflGilfFir'i-llWl Classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions of the site typical for Sris time of the year? (lf no, explain in remarts) Are vegetation _, soil , or hydrology_ significanfly disturbed? Are *normal circumslances,, Are vegetation , soil , or hydrology _ naturallyproblematic?present? PEMlC {f needed, explain any answers in r"itt-1suMMARY ffiolncs- Hydrophytic vegetation present? Hydric soil present? N I O lndicators of wettand hydrotogy present? T I f y rarks: (Explain alternative procedures here or in a separate report.) ls the sampled area withan a wefland?N f yes, optional wetland site lD: VEGETATION - Use scientific names of 2 3 4 5 Tree Stratum (Plot size: 1 Fraxinuspennsylvanica Basal 10 ) Absolute Dominan lndicator % Cover t Species Staus 70 Y FACW 70 = Total Cover FACW 40 =Total Cover 0 =Total Cover Saplino/Shrub stratun (Plot size: 1 Alnus incana 40 2 3 4 5 6 7 I o 't0 2 3 4 5 Herb stratum 1 (Plot size: Woodv vine stratum 1 0 = Total Cover Domlnance Test Worksheet Number of Dominant Species lhat are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 2 Tolal Number of Do*in"nt- Species Aooss all Strata: 2 Percent of Domin"nt Sp".i"r- that are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 100.00%(tuB) (A) (B) Prevalence Index Worksheet Total % Cover of: OBlspecies 0 xl= Q FACWspeciesTr2= T FAC species -i-r 3 = -l-- FACU species -T-, a = -6--UPLspecies 0 x5= Q corumn totats -lii-1Ry T py Prevalence lndex = B/A = 2.00 Hydrophytic Vegetatlon lndlcators: _ Rapid test for hydrophytic vegetation X Dominance test is >50% X Prevalence index is s3.0. Morphogical adaptations* (provide supporting data in Remarks or on a _separate sheet) Problematic hydrophytic vegetation. _ (explain) 'lndicatoB of hyddc soil and wetand hydrology must b6 present, unle3s distJrb€d or problomatic HyOrophyuc vegetationpresent? Y Remarks: (lnclude photo numbers here or on a separate iheeg US Amy Corps of Engineers Midwest Region ) Posfliption: J*?crl ument the indicator;r corfirm th9 "u""n"" ot inoi"rtoo.; Color (moist) Yo Type- Loc** i 9 == 9?lTnttttion, "ed laattlr, MS = M?sked Sand Grains. **Location: pL = pore Linins, M = ' ,/-, Oeptn li Obvious fillfrom adjacent sotrces lndicators: Histisol (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Black Histic (A3) Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Skatified Layers (A5) 2 cm Muck (A10) Depleted Below Dark Surface (Al 1) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Sandy Mucky Minerat (S1) 5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S3) _Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) _Sandy Redox (S5) _ Skipped Matrix (56) _Loamy Mucky Mineral (Fl) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) _Depleted Matrix (F3) _Redox Dark Surface (F6) _ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) _ Redox Depressions (F8) Sampling Point:Pt3UP lndicators _Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (LRR K, L, R) _ Dark Surface (S7) (LRR K, L) lron-Manganese Maqses (F12) (LRR K, L, R) -Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) _Other (explain in remarks) *lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and weltand hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic HYDROLOGY Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (Bl) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (83) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) lron Deposits (85) lnundation Vrsible on Aeriat lmagery p7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surfuce (88) _Aquatic Fauna (813) _True Aquatic Plants (B14) _ Hydrogen Sutfide Odor (Cl ) Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) -Presence of Reduced lron (C4) -Recent lron Reduction in Tilled Soils (c6) -Thin Muck Surface (C7) _Gauge or Well Data (Dg) Other (Bplain in Remarks) _ Surface Soil Cracks (86) _Drainage Pattems (BI0) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) -Crayfhh Bunows (C8) Saturation Visible on Aerial lmagery (C9) -stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) -Geomorphic Position (D2) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Yes Yes - Yes - X Depth (inches): X Depth (inches):--F-Oeptn finches): No No No lndicators of wetland hydrology present? recorded data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos. previous inspections), if available: US Army Corps of Engineers Midwest Region WETLAND DETERiilNAT|ON DATA FORM - Midwest Region PrqectlSite 3750 Arboretum Btvd (plD: 2S17OOO2O)City/County: Chanhassen/Carver Sampling Date: tr4ay 10, 201g ApplicanVOwner:State:Minnesota Sampling point:Pt 3 WET lnvestigator(s): Paul Brandt iection. Township, Range:Sec 8, Twp 1 16N, R23W Landform (hillslope, terrace. etc.): Slope (%): I Soil Map Unit NameFill Tenace (fill) 44.866144 Local relief (concave, convex, none): Long: -93.616278 Datum: {Wl Classification: Linear Linear Lat; PEMlC Hydrophytic vegetation present? y Hydric soil present? y I ," the sampled area within a weiland? y lndicators of wefland hydrology present? y I r v"., optionar weuand site lD: Remarks: (Explain alternative procedures here or in a separate reporl.) Are climatidhyd'oro ff;;, ;;;,*-""q Are vegetation _, soil , or hydrology_ signiRcanttyGiileOt Are *normat circumstances,,Are vegetation , soil , or hvdrology_ naturally problematic? presenp SUMI,|ARY ffiolr,rcs- nraaaAaA avnrain ,^ ,]7..(lf negded, explain any answers in remarks.) VEGETATION -- Use scientific names of Tree Stratum (Plot size: 1 Fraxinuspennsylvanica Absolute Dominan lndicator % Cover t Species Staus 70 Y FACW Dominance Test Worksheet Number of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 1 (A) Total Number of Dominant Species Across all Strata: ,l (B) Perc€nt of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW, or FAC: 1O0.OOo/o (A/B) Prevalence lndex Worksheet Total o/o Cover of: OBLspecies 0 x1= Q FACW species FAC species FACU species UPL species cotumn totas J6-1Ry J7d-el Prevalence lndex = B/A = 2.OO 7A x2= 140 0 x3- 0 Hydrophytic Vegetation lndicators: _ Rapid test for hydrophytic vegetation X Dominance test is >50% X Prevalence index is s3.0* Morphogical adaptations* (provide supporting data in Remaks or on a _separate sheet) Problematic hydrophytic vegetation* _ (exPlain) -lndicatoB of hydric soil and wetand hydrology must be prescnt, unless disturbod or problematic vegetation present? Remarks: (lnclude photo numbers here or on a separate sfrGd US Amy Corps of Engineers Midwest Region j 3 4 5 Basal 10 ) 70 =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub stratun (plot size: 1 ) Herb stratum 1 (Plot size:_) 0 = Total Cover 2 3 4 5 o 7 0 = Total Cover I 10 2 3 4 Wetland Delineation hecipitation Data Retrieval http://climateapps.dnr.state.mn.us/gridded_data/precip/wetland;'wetland 1974 *"*I I I "lo 2 6.01 14t-u 1.1fi 2 1.41 0.55 't5.,23.91 24.81 1973 0.82 0.60 1.6C 1.47 2,AA f .83 2.76 4.80 3.17 0.97 2.8s 1 .19 14.56 24.A4 lA.Ol 1972 0.79 *.24 1.0€t.4a 3.66 3.53 D.Zt 2.U 3.55 't.84 1.07 1.71 19.8C 27.8t 32.53 1971 CI.74 1.6€2.15 1.U 4.5C 5.04 ? o,r 2.91 5.75 3.01 0.5€17.92 33.1€33.62 197A 0.31 0.&8 1.2A 3.4(5.77 3.21 4.74 3.52 5.41 3"96 Q.44 19.6C 34.44 30.08 1969 2.2'1 0.47 4.82 1.81 2.22 3.50 3.5(CI.45 0.41 2.48 0.97 2.04 1S"08 2*.94 23.43 1968 0.56 0.sfi 1.43 3.74 4.24 8.7S o.2e CI.5*4.55 5.7i 4.62 1.5S 24.44 38.24 31.96 1967 2.08 0.8r 0.8t 3.21 1.5:7.79 1.8C 3.52 0.83 1.31 0.0:0.36 13.4i 24.11 27.2C 1966 0.48 1.63 1.61 1.11 1.6{3.36 1.58 4.BC 2.29 3.3€0-34 1.05 r3.6:t3.25 43.31 1965 0.19 1.5€3.43 4.AC 6.6S 3.55 6.77 3.1€6.15 1.39 1.8 1.6:26.34 40.3i 38.0€ 1964 0.f *"fi,8.74 3.29 3.66 3.5€2.90 6.18 4.3e 0.s$1.18 0.9i 20.68 27.4 27.16 1963 0.3e naa 1.42 2.16 4.09 4Je 2,41 ,t ,tt.du 2.92 0.97 0.61 0.69 14.*7 21.12 28.63 1962 *.41 1.23 1.1t 1.1il 7.43 1.93 6.18 3.97 2.85 '1.1€0.49 0.13 21.96 27.U 32.2C 1961 0.15 0.44 1.6€2.19 5.19 0.gl 5.11 1.gg 4.06 2.88 2.45 1.01 17.26 28.04 ?.3.8€. 1960 0.57 B^rt 0.7s 3.3i 7.1 u.si 3.67 4.6C 3.86 0.4c 1.31 a.4l 22.11 29.1 3 31.3S 1959 0.frZ *.21 &.2A 0.5€6.43 4.8C 3.49 6.61 2.24 2.65 0.3e 1.3€23.5i 29.14 27.0e 1958 *"23 0.1 fr"28 2.1e 2.Oe J.JI 2.55 3.35 1.5 1.57 0.6s B.'!13.4:1&"6:18.5e Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nav Dec WARN,ANN WAT 1957 nat 1.09 1.30 1.15 4.Ae 8.42 5.9:7.54 3.42 1.44 1.57 4.28 28.98 36.09 35.99 1956 0.69 *.12 1.48 *,M 2.87 8.99 5.27 5.7:U.Btr 1.5€1.5€*.*7 23.52 29.81 29.83 1955 0.48 1.51 nqq 1.41 a-7 2.A4 8.93 3.0(1.37 0,6!1.15 14.2t 23.05 22,43 1954 s.ta 0.54 1.51 3.94 3.39 6.0€3.80 3.1S 4.0€1.83 0.51 0.?e 20.52 29.28 30.4C 1953 0.9a 1.41 1.45 2.94 3.31 7.83 5.42 3.37 0.4€0.31 2.O2 1.4C 20.39 30.8i 28.51 1952 0.9€1 .11 3.0s 0.w 3.19 4.8C 6.0€4.5C 0.37 0.s0 0.9€18.95 26.22 28.99 1951 0.48 1.46 3.13 2.0 4.48 5.77 7.98 3.80 5.55 1.57 1.26 1.31 27.58 38.82 38.25 1950 1.11 0.4?1.48 4.14 1.6S 3.41 1.54 1.85 1.CI!1.00 1.48 tt.Eu 21.W 21"&4 1949 2.A2 0.1 3.11 1.76 1.43 3.8 6.67 1.24 2.77 2.12 0.48 0.97 15.92 26.57 26.8C 1948 fr"14 1.82 1.35 r.43 0.8s I 5.63 1.0i 0_91 2"21 0.6i 13"31 2t.gJ ?.2.92 1947 0.6€4.24 2.U 2.68 5.231 1.8s 3.22 2.21 1.06 3.29 0.4 15.2?24"2C 25.2t 1946 0.57 1.12 1.66 0"87 3.80 I 0.6.4 5.3C 2.92 2.13 0.7€16.5€26.62 ?{.*3 1945 0.6s 1.81 1.96 3.17 3.21 6.97 3.54 3.76 2.1 0.39 1.42 1.44 19.60 30.48 30.06 1944 0.54 1.23 1.24 2.6S 5.68 7.73 4.83 3.17 *.21 22"63 31.16 31.69 1943 1.11 0.66 1.2C c.8e 6.2€5.03 6.51 2"1 1.71 1.65 1.71 0,OCI 21.6:28.76 27.56 1942 0.'t 2.54 3.47 8.11 3.00 2.67 3.8?8.09 0.83 0.33 1.00 25.74 34.35 38.7C 1941 0.5c 1.12 a.&E 3.0€4.86 4.91 2.6e 2.54 4"23 4.53 1.27 0.71 19.22 31.29 31.55 1940 *.2*0.65 1.6€1.4.t 2.S8 7.05 1.G*5,75 nEl 2.56 3.30 0.91 17.1C 27.63 22.91 1939 0.93 1.13 CI.5f 2.73 2.88 8.57 2.67 4.72 2.7C 1.41 0.01 0.59 21.54 28.94 30.51 1938 0.48 0.8c 2.0!3.9{7.83 4.81 5.19 3.37 4.28 0.61 23n 0.91 25.48 36.41 35.63 Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Noy Dec WARM ANIV WAT 1937 1.10 s.4s 1.18 2.54 7.4 3.1 4.72 3.5€1.63 1.82 0.48 c.5{16.44 NA EI 24"* 1936 0.s3 1.43 2.sc r.o{2"61 1.71 s.5f 1.fr'0.$€0.65 2.42 8.21 18"1t 29.47 1935 1.39 4.24 1.66 2.2A 3.65 6.17 2"5e 3.55 1.52 3.83 0.78 1.01 17.45 28.5€29.6€ 1934 0.88 ff.1€0.6?t.$c U,!)J 3"1?2.7C 2.72 4.74 3.73 1.95 0.98 13"S6 23.0€18"7fr 1933 0.61 0.79 2.08 1.44 6.5(1.23 2.0:1.4fi 3.18 1.11 0.47 0.73 14.39 21.62 24.37 1932 1.52 4.74 1,3€2.92 2.9i 3.22 4.49 3.52 s.8?1.1 2.66 1.2A 15.A7 26.67 28.58 1931 0.0s a.7e '1.65 1.U t.5g 4.05 0.6€4.43 2.88 2.38 3.83 0.76 f 3.61 24.12 24.83 1930 1.34 1.89 0.61 6.64 3.82 4.60 r.g8 1.36 4.56 1.13 2.43 8.12 16.2e 24.42 24.54 1929 1_78 1.16 1.23 2.18 1.37 3.4€2.82 2.54 4.55 2.46 a.7c 0.64 ,5.'t6 25.32 25"36 1928 0.49 '1,73 nor 2.95 2.11 3.15 3.92 5.20 2.46 2.92 0.88 0-54 16.84 26.81 30.33 to the deptlr needed to documsnt the indicator or confirm th;.b.""c" "f S99E9gEggqlg!9!.Eq = n"a,."o ttt"t'i,, Obvious fill from adjacent sources, SOIL _Histisol(A1) _Histic Epipedon (A2) _ Black Histic (A3) _Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) _ Stratified Layers (A5) _2 cm Muck (A'10) _Depleted Below Dark Surlace (A11) _Thick Dark Surface (Ai2) _Sandy Mucky Minerat (Sl) _5 crn Mucky Peat or peat (S3) HYDROLOGY Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) Sandy Redox (S5) Skipped Matri\ (56) Loamy Mucky Mineral (Fl) Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (FO) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Redox Depressions (FB) Sampling Point:Pt 3 WET _ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (LRR K, L, R) _ Dark Surface (S7) (LRR K, L) _ lron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR K, L, R) _Very Shallow Oark Surface CfF12) _ Other (explain in remarks) 'lndixtors of hydrophytic vegetation and weltand hydrology must be present, unless dbiurbed or problernatic Surface Water (A1 ) High water Tabte (A2) Saturation (A3) Water irarks (Bl) Sediment Deposits (82) Drifl Deposits (83) Algal iral or Crust (84) lron Deposits (85) loundation Visible on Aedat tmagery (87) Sparsoly Vegetated Concave Surface (88) water-Stained L6ave8 (89) _Aqualic Fauna (8.t3) _True Aquatic Ptants (814) _ Hydrogen Sufrde Odor (Cl ) Oxhized Rhizo6pheres on Living Roots (C3) -Presence oI Reduced l.on (C4) Recent lron Reduclion h Tilled Soils (c6) -Thin Muck Surface (C7) _ Gauge or WeI Data (D9) _Oter (Erptain in Remarks) Surface Soil Cracks (86) Drainage Patterns (41 0) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Crayfsh Bunows (C8) Salwation Visible on Aeriat tmagery (C9) Slunted or Stross€d Plants (Dl ) Geomo,phic Positbn (D2) FAc-NeutralTest (05) Yes X No YeS X No ves -T- No - Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inch€s)i lndicators of wetland hydrology presenr? recorded data (stream 99uge. monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspeciiong, if available: US Army Corps of Engineers Midwest Region Appendix B: Precipitation Data Wetland Delineation Precipitation Data Retrieval http://climateapps.dnr.state.mn.us/gridded*data,/precip/wetland,,wetland 1927 0.0.62 2.t 4.42 5 1.71 1.*2 4 2 1 3.391 1 32.30.1 1926 1.2€0.60 1.48 0.71 1.58 3.43 t. tt 3.4C 5.7!1.51 1.85 1.24 16.32 2S.fiC zz. tt- 1925 0.7:0.67 0.44 1.28 2.48 6.15 5.74 *"72 3.82 4.77 0.63 0.91 18.91 74.U 24.52 1924 0.55 0.7€2.17 4.43 t.Jt 5.90 2.*t 9.9€3.76 0.69 0.58 1.22 23.00 33.4C 32.69 1923 1.31 0.5€1.34 2.56 2.57 6.46 2.97 2_Vg 1.29 0.84 0.38 0.52 15.99 23.5A 27.1 1922 0.90 3.17 1.7e 1.65 2.$A 3.61 1.6!1.65 2.26 1.3$3.84 8.24 TI,E€24.55 22.84 1921 4.52 0.75 2.17 1.83 3.44 4.11 4.13 1.93 4.1t 0.58 1.9€0.36 17.71 25.88 28.3C 192A 1.71 0.49 2.92 2.3C 2.24 6.65 1.8i 1.8!2.4e 2.78 1.38 1.1e 15.11 27.85 28.23 1919 0.51 2.64 CI.82 3.44 1.94 5.42 6.2e 2.0s 1.3C 2.03 2.82 0.85 17.01 30.12 33.63 1918 0.6t 0.62 1.14 1.U 5.06 2"31 3.4i 4.56 f .38 3.12 4.18 1.91 16.78 29.74 23.Zfr Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nav Dec WARN ANN WAT 1917 2"66 0.65 2.8(1.72 3.63 3.37 3.38 2.96 2.05 1.9€a.*7 0.62 15.39 25.89 26.24 1916 3.03 S.3rl 1.44 2.44 6.45 6.3:2.84 2AF 2.63 't.61 8.41 1.00 24.71 30.98 34.6C 1915 1.45 2.15 1.2 1.83 5.34 5.2C 5.69 3.8C 2.5e 2.44 3.74 0.4€22.59 35.89 31.74 1914 0.8€0.70 1.5€3.28 2"22 8.5C 1.67 6.42 2.81 1.73 4.12 0.64 21.68 30.60 31.5C 1913 0.3r 0.70 1.28 1.88 2.81 3.14 7.0€r.9g 4.33 2.33 1.03 0"0I 19.35 26.91 26.00 1912 0.6€*.22 0.33 2.24 3.87 1.51 5.65 5.5{t.4s 0.80 0.07 1.61 18.06 ,"- aF 31.74 1911 1.07 0.9€2.25 3.34 5.82 4.24 3.46 4.31 6.BB 1.03 21.17 36.4S 28.0S 1910 1.34 0.55 0.0?0.92 r.ol 1.29 1.*7 1.84 1.9C ft06 0.49 0.3t 7.7 12"44 17.*{ 1909 2.26 2.62 8.21 1.92 3.67 3.9S 3.27 2.eE 4.43 1.41 2.9C 2.59 18.01 31.92 30.02 19A8 0.6:1.08 1.48 eEt 7.51 7.0'1 2.54 0.56 3.58 2.43 1.28 1.28 21.56 33.30 31.6€ 1947 1.32 0.91 0.93 1.32 2.63 s.2t 3.4C 5.5 4.21 1.78 0.8!0.69 21.09 28.93 31.15 1906 1.44 0.3s 1.22 1.9€9.10 3.52 3.0€7.29 4.33 2.14 2.5C 0.94 27.32 37.91 38.11 1905 1.1 0.84 1.07 CI.86 4.62 8.25 2_71 4.52 5.0€2.97 2.7C 0.11 25.16 34.83 35.56 1904 0.9€1.2{1.51 2.18 2.54 4.0"1 3.84 5.21 l.oL 5.9e 0.rl 8.44 18.29 30.73 29.74 1903 ne?0"5€1.Sf 3.13 5.14 1.65 4.1C 4.56 7.18 4.12 0.37 1.03 22.63 u.14 34.9t 19A2 0.57 0.85 o.4-t 1o,.4.37 3.04 7.43 4.44 aoo 't.65 1.7A 2.98 23.27 34.44 30.75 1901 0.41 0.48 't.85 1.14 1.58 5.9€2.15 1.5€4.9€0.73 1.12 4.79 16.21 22,73 28.22 1900 0.51 0.86 1.65 1.95 4.28 s"65 6.5€4.88 8.33 6.85 4.72 0.5€24.72 33.82 30.29 1 899 0.7c 1.14 2.41 0.69 2.92 5.57 1.48 3.29 1.41 3.59 0.3s 0.68 14.67 24.21 26.89 1898 *.*2 1"5e 1.93 1.26 5.18 2.73 2.1 3.13 1.28 5.97 1.22 ftnc 14"41 26.48 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nov Dec WARIV,ANN WAT 1897 1.83 0.8f o.{/1.2{1.1 6.49 5.27 2.31 2.18 1.74 0.80 .8.18 17.37 27.41 33.6t 1 896 0.85 3"33 5.72 3.26 3.37 4.67 3.91 2.15 4.0€4.1t 0.73 13,36 32.43 1895 1.0€0.s8 0.4s 1.53 2.3C 2.CI8 2.99 '1,97 4.57 0.0€0.9€0.07 13.91 1&.73 zz.a1J 1894 1.3C 0.84 2.82 5.08 2.87 1.2t 0.61 0.81 1.89 3.02 0.59 1.44 7.44 4l.ta 21.W 1893 1.48 1.85 2.29 5.44 2.45 1.6 2.42 4.14 1.81 2.A7 0.74 2"44 12.41 28.76 24.94 1892 *o*1_77 1.10 1.3fi 40E 7.26 9.2€5.41 1.72 0.r3 s.63 0.6i 29.5C 35.28 AO E.E 1 891 o.77 1.72 1.67 2.12 1.50 3.46 2.78 2.94 1.5e 1.5S 0.89 3.22 12 24.24 Wetland Del ineati on Precipitation Data Retrieval http:liclimateapps.dnr.state.mn.uvgridded_data,/precip/wetland/wetland Minnesota State Climatology Office State Ctimatotogy Office - DNR Division of Ecologicaf tinO Water Resources Uaiv;r.siiy *f t,tjnnescta home I current conditions I joumal I past data I summaries t agricutture t other sites Iaoout u" B Wetf am d ffiel'rzeation Pree ipitat$*n Data Retriev al frg}wa a Grlelded Wakahase Obtaining a long{erm precipitation data time-series for wetland delineation efforts can be adifficult and time-consuming process. Locating the nearest precipitation monitoring station to thewetland often proves challenging. Once a nearby monitoring location is identified,-retrieving thedata, accounting for gaps in the record, and generating theiummary statistics can providJ further challenges. By offering access to "synthetic" data, this application assists users in overcoming some thechallenges inherent in assembling a precipitation data set. The synthetic data are made up ofregularly-spaced grid nodes whose values were calculated usingdata interpolated fromMinnesota's outstanding, but spatially and temporally irregular, precipitation data base. Click to learn more about precipitation Grids. select a wetland location Precipitation data for target wefland location: county: Carver township name: Lake Minnewashta nearest community: Hazeltine township number: 116N range number: 23W section number:I To create a precipitation docurnentation *v*rksh*et using the three-prior-month (NRCS) method, select the date of the site visit or aerial photograph and click on ',create worksheet". 2018 May 22 create worksheet color key: total is in lowest 30th pereentile of the period-of_record distribution totalis => 30th and <= 70th percentile total is in highest 30th percentile of the period-of-record distribution A'R' precipitation totals are in inches multi-month totals: WARirl = warm season (May thru September) ANN = calendaryear (January thru December) WAT = water year (Oct. previous year thru Sep. present year) a monthly total indicates a value derived flom radar-based estimates. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Act Nov Dec WARM ANN WAT 30%0.48 0.48 1.1 1.44 2.5 3.37 2.53 2.72 1.9C 1.12 0.69 0.5€'16.21 26.15 25.48 70%1.04 1.09 1.8't 2.90 4.3C 5.45 4.50 4.53 4.00 3.04 2.5A 't.85 1.26 21.22 31.52 31.6€oB5l o86 1.54 2.31 3.67 4.49 3.82 3.74 2.17 1.4€0.98 18.7a 28.9€28.9€ 198i -2010 Summary Statistics Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nov Dec WARM ANN WAT 30%0.39 0.44 1.11 1.98 2.62 3.4C 2.71 2.9e 2.U 1.06 0.98 0.63 17.11 29.A7 27.85 Wetland Delineation Precipitation Data Retrieval http:l/climateapps.dnr.state.mn.us/gridded_datalprecip/wetlandtwetland 70%1.11 0.81 1.9 2 3.5.11 1.1.42 2't.32.33. 0.83 0.7c 1.63 2.A 3.42 4.2e 4.0€4.24 3.42 2.3e 1.71 1.09 19.43 30.28 30.1 Year-to-Year Data Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nav Dec WARIv ANN WAT 2A17 0.67 0.74 0.65 4.32 5.68 3.61 4.37 7.67 1.95 5.2e a.2a 0.6€23.28 35.9C 37.0C 2016 0"31 't.08 1.23 2.96 1.9€4.0s 5.6S 10.34 4.93 3.34 1.85 2.1 27.A4 39.9?42.M 2015 0.36 a.a fr.82 1.93 4.4a 3.91 7.94 2.99 3.35 2.73 4.87 1.81 22.64 35.50 29.24 2014 1.17 1.5C fi.7(6"76 s.3i 11.71 3.58 3.73 1.97 1.42 0.79 0.94 zo.5E 3$.ff 4'1.98 2013 0.60 0.9€1.5C 4.92 5.82 6.16 5.1 1.4C 1.41 3.67 4.47 1.35 19.98 33.48 31.57 2012 0.48 2.',t7 1.33 2.6t 1A.4 5.01 2.85 2.1 0.47 1.44 0.74 1.4C 20.93 31.1't 29.31 ?011 0.94 1.29 1.46 2.71 4.4C 3.3€5.29 3.2i 4.29 s.8€0.2{0.&16.63 24.72 29.7i 2010 a.7e 0.8s 1.1 2.94 2.8S 4.3C 201 6.6C 5.60 1.8S 1.68 3.17 23.32 35"7e 38.2i 2009 0.59 1.07 2.13 1.51 0,60 3,0!1.47 8.8C 1.6i 6.71 0.65 1.87 15.81 30.34 25.6C 2008 *-1 0.4fi ?,OE 3.61 2.76 4.37 3.91 z.6t 2.63 1.45 1.61 1.43 16.49 27.32 28.99 2007 1.10 1.01 3.3e 1.85 2.93 t. tt 1.9(o.J6 5.02 4.42 0.14 1.6(17.3f 30.83 28.87 2006 0.68 *.44 1.22 3.81 aaa 3.92 *.8f 5.05 4.9€o.M 1.U 2.22 17.1e 27.51 31.21 2005 1.12 0.83 1.M 2.59 3.35 6.47 2.6e 3.88 8.51 4.57 1.88 1.51 24.89 38.43 u.2a 2004 8.&4 1.3C 23e 2.48 7.41 6.22 4.25 1.75 4.5€2.43 0.93 0.37 24.25 34.46 33.31 2003 0.2s 0.8c 1.49 2.36 5.2e 3.5€2.72 0.74 2.78 0.8c 1.14 0.4 r5.06 22.58 23.79 2002 0.42 0.58 1.61 2.74 3.03 7.6t 4.77 8.3a 3.95 3.44 0.06 o.2a 27.75 36.89 37.43 2001 1_2e 1.67 0.95 6.33 4.6C 4.6 1.82 2.8i 3.1i a.vi 2.92 0.M 17.09 31.65 33.4: 2000 1.02 1.28 1.16 1.11 4.17 s.6s 3.84 3.38 0"7:$.9?3.80 1.39 15.81 26.45 22"42 1999 2.08 0.45 1.64 2.9C 6.40 5.1 3.79 3.77 2.4e 0.81 1.0c 4.24 21.54 30.66 32,8€ 1998 1.97 4.72 3.00 1.37 4.74 5.1C 3.28 4.91 1.0{2.44 1.1 0.65 19.0!29.82 28.3€ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec WARIv ANN WAT 1997 1.7e 4.2,1.33 1.09 1.4t 3.06 9.69 5.49 3.57 1.72 0.74 0.3f 23.25 30.49 37.9€ 1996 2.24 0.r!1.41 CI.s7 3.s€3.98 1..48 1,68 1.43 5_t)3 5.1{1.52 12"1'26.91 24.77 1995 0.50 0.31 2.4C 2.6t 3.53 2.7C 4.03 6.2C 2.18 5.57 1.15 1.42 18.74 32.7C 30.76 1994 1.21 0.77 G.3e 4.8i 1. tc 3.2t 4.0s 4.21 4.82 4"12 1.48 0.6c 18.52 31.9€29.56 199s 1.12 0.39 1.11 2te 4.28 6.1 6.85 6.0€3.02 s.89 2.42 0.87 26.40 34.9€36.4: 1992 0.82 0.44 0.s2 1.6 1.82 3.6i 5.48 3.85 3.54 1.88 2.07 1.30 18,36 27.42 29.6( 1991 0.24 0.66 2.17 2.95 6.57 3.4€5.30 2.A2 8.42 1.68 4.9:0.82 25.80 39.25 34.74 1990 0.0{0.58 3.05 2.04 3.75 8.73 9.87 1.48 2.33 1.5€0.7(0.66 26.13 M.77 33.2! 1989 0.31 0.59 1.80 2.M 3.94 3.86 3.80 2.99 1.49 4.47 0.75 9.22 r o.u(22"&fi 24.71 1988 0.9s *.28 1.2C l.b,9.22 75 4.31 2.6C 0.e0 2.12 0.57 ?0.55 1987 U.JO 0.01 {0.0 1.9t 1.82 11.7t 2.76 1.5€0"6s 1.85 A.#l 19.83 23.71 22.28 1986 0,94 0.7€1.31 5.51 2.1 5.63 3.8i 3.60 4.74 1.12 8.43 0.07 20.0c 30.17 34.5€ 1985 0.40 0.3€1.9C 3.10 2.73 2"44 2.39 E. EO 5.27 3.40 1.26 1.35 18.42 30.19 30.6€ 1984 0.43 1.2{0.93 2.72 2.9e 7.22 3.38 5.12 2.7a 4.5€fi,4 1.61 21.43 33.19 JJ.5.: 1983 0.36 0.59 2.6C 2.50 3.8S 4.43 3.31 3.15 2.34 2.07 3.62 0.93 17.12 29.79 32.0€ 1982 1.82 0.17 1.92 ?.14 4.42 t.6i 2.ffi 2.89 4.16 3.1 2.80 ?,96 't4.8fl 29.74 25.79 1981 0.1€1.93 0.84 2.7€1.67 6.74 3.38 6.5S 1.38 ?.51 1_51 0.92 19.76 30.3S 26.65 1980 0.5i 0.62 s.e8 0.75 2.&t 5.0€2.35 4.2a 3.36 0.81 0.26 17.03 21.9*24.77 1979 1.03 1.37 2.7?1.0c 3.86 4.81 2.47 5.71 1.90 3.2€0.81 0.25 18.75 29.24 27.58 1978 fr.2 CI.26 0.61 4.11 4.08 4.79 6.12 5.24 3.39 0.36 1.28 1.42 23.52 31.49 34.82 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nov Dec WARIv ANN WAT 1977 0.58 1.08 3.85 2.67 4.15 3.85 4.53 7.73 4.2C 3.44 1.4e 1.09 24.46 38.63 33.6i 1976 0.86 a46 2.22 a"*4 t.6l 3.02 2.40 1.69 2.63 0.49 0.10 0.44 1f .3I ,o- /b 1S.3? t975 3.0t 0.63 1.49 4.11 3.72 7.03 2.4C 2,92 1.73 0.50 2.01 0.s3 17.8C 30.75 31.1C neat