Warranty DeedfIoD 3 ln fies D3ewrd for rcs.ordlng datt) lndividua(s) to lndividual(s) WARRANTY DEED Minnesota Uniform Conv.yanclng Blanks Fortn 10.1.'l (20{fl DEED TAXDUE: $2,560.80 oATE: September 28, 2018 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Abraham C. Abbariao and Dorothy P. Abbariao, manied to each olher ('Grantor"), hereby conveys and warants to Richard D. Monis ("Grantee"), as (Check otlty one box) f] TenantSin COmmOn (tnfr,ethartoneGnnlesie rnmedebovaandeiilternoboxiscl,ecked Et JointTenants [#tr::#,tr##;coaveva,,ne ir msde tD the nmed real property ln Carver County, Minnesota, legally de-scribed as follovvs: Legal description attached hereto and rnado a part hereof ma*ed Exhibit'A" Check here if alt or parl of the ctescifud real propert.y is Registerccl (Tonens) D together $iith all heredltamenls and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceplions: Chec? applicable box: tr The Seller csrtifies lhat the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. D A well disclosure cerlificate accompanies this : document or has been electronicalli filed. (lf -r': electronicatly fiH, insert WDC number: Di" insbument and t certfy that lhe status and number of wetls on th€ described real Properiy have not ehanged since the last previously fled well dsclosure certificale. Grantor Page 1 ol3 PagE2 of 3 ldlnnoe.{e Unitom Coxwyancing Blanko &lmlg'|.l :riil'#j:*{&4-_ This inskqment was acknowledged before me on and Dorolhy P. Abbariao, maried to each other. byAbraham C. Abbarlao ''-T---- THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Edina Realty Title, lnc. 6800 France Ave S, Suite 200 Edina, MN 55435 TAX STATEMENTS FOR THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE SENT TO: Rlclerd D. Monls 3750 Arborofu m Boulevard Chaska, MN 55318 rF:': 1, :{-..a!ili't :.1, r . :". ..iiF'15, i ' " | li'i iI:l'il:sii'4i=]ir4 '.t ""r"' "ri'11 i1: ' Fago e of 3 , -- Minnesota Uniform Conveyahclng Slanks Forrn 10:1.1 EXHIBIT'A" Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Cedar Cresl Addition, Carver County, Minnesota .. riorts!! i:i{j ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE lssued By Old Republic Title lnsurance Company NOTICE IMPORTANT_READ CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT IS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE.COMPANY INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRACT. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TITLE, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE. THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUDING ANY SEARCH AND EMMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACTUAL LIABILIry TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANY'S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF;I-HIS COMMITMENT, THE COMPANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON. COMMITMENT TO TSSUE POLICY Subject to the Notice; Schedule B, Part l-Requirements, Schedule B, Part ll-Exceptions; and the Commitment Conditions, Old Republic Title lnsurance Company, a Florida Corporation (the "Company"), commits to issue the Policy according to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. This Commitment is effective as of the Commitment Dale shown in Schedule A for each Policy described in Schedule A, only when,the,Company has entered in Schedule A both the specified dollar amount as the Proposed Policy Amount and the name of the Proposed lnsured. lf all of ,the Schedule B, Part l-Requirements have.not been met within 6 months after the Commitment Date, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA Commitnent for Title lnsurance. Tiis Conmitntent is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to lssui p'oticy; th; Commitment Conditions: Schedute A; Schedule B, Paft I - Requirements: and Schedule B, Paft ll - Exceptions. wM/4 Authorized Officer or Agent Edina Realty Title, lnc. oRT Form 4690 8-116 ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance OlII REHJBUE NAROITIALIIITE IiISUSANCE COMPAIIIY *SwljkGHWW +m Semnd4r,tilne : Swilr, Mimryo|ig rtdf,re$ots S40i lql2l 37t-'tt fi ffEsde# {trrc0#.ta . COMMITMENT CONDITIONS 1. DEFTNTTIONS (a) "Knowledge" or "Known": Actual or imputed knowledge, but not constructive notice imparted.by the Public Records. (b) "Land": The land described in Schedule A and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property. The term "Land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described in Schedulii A, nor any right, title, interest, estate, or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, -ways, or waterways, but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the Land is to be insured by the Policy. (c) "Mortgage": A mortgage, deed of trust, or other securi$ instrument, including one evidenced byr-'r : electronic means authorized by law. "'" (d) "Policy":: Each contract of titl'e insurairce, in a fornr adopted byr the American Land Title Association, issued or to be issued by the Company pursuant to this Commitment. (e) "Proposed lnsured": Each person identified in Schedule A as the Proposed lnsured of each Policy to be ' issued pursuaht to this Commitment. r . (fl "Proposed Policy Amounf': Each'dollar amount specified in Schedule A as the Proposed Policy Amount'' of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment.: (g). "Public Records": Records edtablished under state statutes dt fre Commitment Date for the purpose of. ' imparting bonstructive notice of matters relating to real property' to purchasers for value and without Knowledge. (h) "Title': The estate or interest described in Schedule A. 2. lf all' of the Schedule B, Part l-Requirements have not been met within the time period specified in the ' Commitment to lssue Policy, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation;end: 3. The Company's liability and obligation is limited by and this Commitment is not valid without: (a) the Notice; (b) the Commitment to lssue Policy,,, (c) the Commitment Conditions;r' (d),rSchedule A; (e) ,Schedule B, Part l-Requirements;'' (f) Schedule B, Part ll-Exceptions; and : ' ig; a. counter-signature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. , 4. COMPANY'S RIGHT TO AMEND:' The Company rnay amend this Comrnitment at any time. lf the Company amends this Commitment.tci add a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter reeorded in the Public Records pr.ior. to the Commitment Date, any liability of the Company is limited by Commitment Condition 5. The Company shall not' ' be liable for any other amendment to this Commitment. 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY (a) ihe Company's liability under Commitment Condition 4 is limited to the Proposed lnsured's actudl expense incuned in lhe interval' between the Company's delivery to the Proposed lnsured of the Commitment and the delivery of the amended Commitment, resulting from.the Proposed lnsure'dt good faith reliance to:(i) comply with the Schedule B, Part l-Requirements; (ii) eliminate, with the Company's written consent, any Schedule B, Part ll-Exceptions; or (iii) acquire the Title or create the Mortgage covered by this Commitment. (b) The Company shall not be liable under Commitment Condition 5(a) if the Proposed Insured requested the amendment or had Knowledge of the matter and did not notify the Company about it in writing.(c) The Company will only have liability under Commitment Condition 4 if the Proposed lnsured would not . have incurred the expense had the Commitment included the added matter when the Commitment was first delivered to the Proposed lnsured. (d) The Company's liability shall not exceed the lesser of the Proposed lnsured's actual expense incuned in good faith and described in Commitment Conditions s(axi) through s(a)(iii) or the Proposed Policy Amount. This plge is only paft ot a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance. This Commitment is not vatid without the Notice; the Commitment to lssue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Paft I - Requirements; and Schedule B, pad lt - Exceptions. ORT Form 4690 8-1-16 ALTA Commitrent for Title lnsurance t' 1286543 6. (e) The Company shall not be liable for the content of the Transaction ldentification Data, if any. (f) ln no event shall the Company be obligated to issue the Policy referred to in this Commitment unless all of the Schedule B, Part l- Requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the Company. (g) ln any event, the Company's liability is limited by the terms and provisions of the Policy. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT (a) Only a Proposed lnsured identified in Schedule A, and no other person, may make a claim under this Commitment. (b) Any claim must be based in contract and must be restricted solely to the terms and proVisions of this Commitment. (c) Until the Policy is issued, this Commitment, as last revised, is the exclusive and entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Commitment and supersedes all prior commitment negotiations, representations, and proposals of any kind, whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subject matter of this Commitment. (d) The deletion or modification of any Schedule B, Part ll-Exception does not constitute an agreement or obligation to provide coverage beyond the terms and provisions of this Commitment or the Policy. (e) Any amendment or endorsement to this Commitment must be in writing and authenticated by a person authorized by the Company. (f) \Men the Policy is issued, all liability and obligation under this Commitment will end and the Company's only liability will be under the Policy. IF THIS COMMITITIENT HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN ISSUING AGENT The issuing agent is the Company's agent only for the limited purpose of issuing title insurance commitments and policies. The issuing agent is not the Company's agent for the purpose of providing closing or settlement services. PRO-FORMA POLICY The Company may provide, at the request of a Proposed lnsured, a pro-forma policy illustrating the coverage that the Company may provide. A pro-forma policy neither reflects the statuC of Title at the time that the pro-forma policy is delivered to a Proposed lnsured, nor is it a commitment to insure. ARBTTRATION The Policy contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Proposed Policy Amount is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Proposed lnsured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. A Proposed lnsured may review a copy of the arbitration rules at http ://www. alta. o rq/arbitration. This page is only paft of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice;the Commitment to lssui p-oticy; the Conmitment C<inditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Paft I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Paft ll - Exceptions. oRT Form 11690 8-1-16 ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance 7. 8. 9. SCHEDUI-E A ALTA COMMITMENT 1: . Commitment Date; July 4, 201E at 12:00 AM 2. Policy to be issued: r' . (a) ALTA Homeowner's (02103110) ' \' ' Proposed lnsured: Richard D. Monis, a single person, Proposed Policy Amount: $776,000.00 (b) ALTA Standard Loan Policy (6117106) Proposed lnsured: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors and/or assigns as their respective interests may appear. Proposed PolicyAmount: $460,000.00 3. The estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in this Commitment is Fee Simple. 4. Tide to the estate or interest in the Land is at the Comrnitment Date vested in: '' Ab'raham C. Abbariao and Dorothy P. Abbariao, as joint tenants 5. The Land is described as follows: ].'.. Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Cedar Crest Addition, Carver County, Minnesota Edina Realg Title, lnc. Authorized Officer or Agent This page is only paft of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance. This commitment is not valid without the lssue Poliqt the Commitment Conditions; Schedu/i A; Schedute B, Pad t - Requitements: and Schedute B, part il qBT Form 4690 A 6/06 revised 8-1-16 Sehedule A ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance Noti@; the Commibnent to - Excapftons. 1286543 SCHEDULE BJ ALTA COMMITMENT Requiremenls All of the following Requirements must be mel 'l. The Proposed lnsured must notify the Company in writing of the name of any party not referred to in this Commitment who will obtain an interest in the Land or who will make a loan on the Land. The Company may then make additional Requirements or Exceptions. 2: Pay the agreed amountfor lhe estate or interest to be insured. 3. Pay lhe premiums, fees, and charges for lhe Policy lo the Company. 4. Dodments satisfactory to he Company that convey lhe Title or create lhe Mortgage to be insured, or both, must be properly authorized, executed, delivored, and recorded in the Public Records. 5. A deed from Abraham C. Abbariao and Dorothy P. Abbariao, manied !o each other to Richard D. Monis must be signed and recorded. 6. A morlgage from Richard D. Monis, a single person to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. in the amount of $,160,000.00 must be signed and recorded. 7. Edina Realty Title's "Affdavit by Selled or an affdavil of similar form must be signed at the closing. 8. Edina Realty Tite's "Afiidavit by Mortgago/ or an affidavit of similar form must be signed atthe closing. 9. A completed Certificate of Real Estate value must accompany each deed or conveyance which is !o be recorded. 10. VERIFY PRIOR TO CLOSING THAT THERE ARE NO UNPAID WATERruTILITY CHARGES ON SUBJECT PROPERry. '11. Pursuant to lnternal Revenue Seryice requirements, Edina Realty Title requires that every seller in a real estate transaction tully complete and execute a "Ceriification for No lnformation Reporting on lhe Sale or Exchange of a Principal Residence." 12. A completed Well Disclosure Certmcate must accompany each deed or conveyance which is to be recorded; or, the desd must cerlify that there are no wells on lhe property. For Well Certificate: Contact the Abstracting Department at 952-928-5234tot t\e%,%, Seclion, Township, Range location information. 13. The following is for informational purposes only: lf the buyers do notwish to purchase an Owne/s Policy of Tite lnsurance, they must sign Edina Realty Tite's'Notice of Availability of Owne/s Tite lnsurance' atlhe closing. lf the gap period is to be insured, his transaction must be dosed by Edina Realty Tite. Copies of documents referenced in this commitnent are available to review upon request. Please contact our Customer Service Department at 952-928-5200 if you would like a copy of a doqJment. lnformational Note: The property to be insured is Abstract Property. This page is only peft ot a 2016 ,\LTA Connitnlehl lor T e lnsu.s,nce. This Conmihaht is nol vali.l willloul the Notice; he Conmitnenl to lssue Policy; the Comntlmenl Condilions; Schedde A Schedule B, Paft l- ReCuirel,renls; and Sche.lule B, Pai - Exceptons. ORT Form aSgO 816,/06 revis€d 8-'t-16 1286543 Schedule B I ALTA Commibnent ior Titl6 lnsurance SCHEDULE B.I (Continued) lf there are any questions concerning this Commitment, please contact our Customer Service Department at952-928-5200. Commitment typed and examined by Sue Lehman on August 7,2018. ' This page is only paft of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Tttle lnsurance. This Commitnent is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to lssue Policy; the Cdnmitment Conditions; Schedute A; Schedule B, Paft I - Requirements; and Schettule B, Paft ll - Exceptions. jORT Fo]m 4690 B I 6/00 revised 8-1-16 f286543. Schedule B I. ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance j SCHEDULE B.II ALTA COMMITMENT ExcepUons THIS COMMITMENT DOES NOT REPUBLISH ANY COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION CONTAINED IN ANY DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE SPECIFIC COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION VIOLATES STATE OR FEDERAL LAW BASED ON MCE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, The Policy will not insure against loss or damage resulting from the terms and p.ovisions of any lease or easement identified in Schedule A, and will include the following Exceptions unless cleared to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. A. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Tltie thatwould be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafrer furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. D. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or olher matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the Effective Date but prior to the date the proposed lnsured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitrnent- E. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. F. Taxes or special assessments which are not sho\rn as existing liens by the public records. 2. The following exception will appear on an Owne/s Policy to be issued: No coverage is given for unpaid utility and water bills, if any, which are not a lien on the subject property. 3. Taxes due and payable in the year 20'18 in the amount of $630.00 are paid in full. First half iaxes are due and payable on May 15th and second half taxes are due and payable on October 1sth. The base tax amount is $630.00. The real estate property lD or Plal and Parcel Number is 25-17000'10. The 2018 taxes are homestead. No representation is made regarding subsequent years' homestead tax status. Lot 1, Block 1 4. Taxes due and payable in the year 2018 in the amount of $1 0,094.00 are paid in full. First halftaxes are due and payable on May '15th and second half taxes are due and payable on Octobe|lsth. The base tax amount is $'10,064.00. The real estate property lD or Plat and Parcel Number is 25-1700020. The 2018 taxes are homestead. No representation is made regarding subsequent years' homestead tax status. Lot 2, Block 1 5. There are no pending or levied county or municipal assessments affecting the property as ofthe date of closing. No coverage is given for any pending or levied assessments which arise subsequent to the date of closing. 6. There is an easement for drainage and utility purposes over that part of the property as shown on the recorded plat. 7. Terms and conditions of License Agreement recorded as Document No. 4589295. This page is only pan ot a 2016 ALTA Conninnent for TiUe lnsurance. This Comnitnent is nol vald without the Notice; he Comnitnent to Issue Policy; lhe Comnitment Conditiohs; Schedule A: Schedule B, Pan l- RequirenenE; aN Schedule B, Patt ll- Exceptions. ORT FoIm /1690 B ll 6/06 revised 8-'l-16 Schedule B ll ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance SCHEDULE B-II. (Continued) 8. Riparian rights are not insured by this policy. 9" No coverage is given for the rights of the United States of America and/or the State of Minnesota; the municipality and the public in and to that part of the land which may be within the bounds of a lake, river. ,or wetlands. This page is only paft of a 2016 ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to lssue PolW; the Commitment Conditions; Scnedu/e A; Schedule B, Paft l- Requirements; and Schedule B, Part ll - Exceptions- ORT Form 4690 B ll 6/06 revised 8-1-16 Schedule B ll ALTA Commitment for Title lnsurance 1286543