Letter from Briggs dated 11-6-182200 IDS Center B0 South 8th Street, Minneapotis, MN 55402 orc 612-977-8400 rax 612-977-8650 unl Briggs.com November 6,2018 Brieanna Maershbecker (612) 977-8884 bmaershbecker@briggs. com YIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Robert Generous, AICP City of Chanhassen Community Development Department 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Chanhassen Frontier - Final Plat Approval Application Venue / Atdi Dear Mr. Generous: Enclosed herein please find the following documents relating to the above-referenced matter: 1. Executed Application for Development Review, including Exhibit A with existing and proposed legal descriptions; 2. Five (5) 22x34 copies of the RLS; 3. Five (5) llxlT copies of the RLS; 4. One (1) 8 %x 11 copy of the RLS; 5. Title Commitment dated July 25,2018; 6. Owner Title Policy dated August 22,2018; 7. Declaration for Venue; and 8. Recorded Stormwater Declaration with the City These documents were also sent to you by e-mail on November 5, 2018. It is my understanding that Adam Steffl of Roers Companies mailed a check in the amount of $700 to you today for the application payment. Please confirm (via e-mail) receipt of this package and the check. Briggs and Morgan, Professionat Association Affirmative Action, Equa[ 0pportunity Employer I I I 86056v1 BRIGGS Robert Generous, AICP November 6,2018 Page2 Please let me know if you have any questions or need any other information to complete this application. Thank you. BM/jnf Enclosure cc: Adam Steffl (via email only; w/o encl.) Greg Brenny (via email only; w/o encl.) I I 186056v1