11185637-v1-Chanhassen Frontier - RLS TIF (Final for review 11-5-18)Elevation Details (Not to Scale) North Elevation Y Tract A Tract B Elevation 91 0 m F` Track A NOTE: Tends A and C have no vertical III Tres B Is partially limned vertica lry as shown alcove. Tract B has no upper limit. East Elevation NOTE: 70.64 U �J E Tram a is immunity limited verbally as shown below. F Ir Tram 8 has he upper lima. n m I U 1Y t1u N o � _1 In Tract C JQ I r Z I - i S Tract C e 111 3 v West Elevation NOTE: 70.64 Tracts A and C have no veNral limits. Tram a is immunity limited verbally as shown below. mass U Tram 8 has he upper lima. n m I U 1Y Tract A m Tract C 2 o � T I r Z I - i S Tract C e 111 3 Track C NOW: it' `" Theory A and C have no vertical limits. Elevation 972.8--- Ja (U West Elevation NOTE: 70.64 Tracts A and C have no veNral limits. Tram a is immunity limited verbally as shown below. mass U Tram 8 has he upper lima. n m I Ie ri n ,w F co `a T I r Z I - Tract A' Tract B S Tract C e 111 3 Track C it' `" Elevation 972.8--- Ja (U - Y � I South Elevation Tract A NOTE: Tracts A and C have res wntcer limits. FINAL PLAT FOR REVIEW SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby cart"an In accordance with Me provisions of Minnesota Stables, Secticn 506.47,1 have surveyed the following descnbed property shouted in Me County of Carver, State of Minnesota: LW 2. Block 1, Romper Cinema Addition. Carver County. Minnesota. Together arm a non,eacluNve Eswment for Ingress and egress by vehicles and pedestrians as deecrhed In the Access Easement Agreement dated AyM 7, 2004, rewrtled May 20, 2004 as Document No. 387172. And Wier A, Frontier Cinema Attract, Carver Count', Minnesota EXCEPT Mat pan thereof now platted into Chanhassen Transit Station, described as follows: Commencing at Me wuMeast corner W said Ought A, Fmn@r Dooms Addition, Carver County, Minnesota, Mance North 00 degrees 33 minutes 26 seconds Weal an assumed bearing, along the east line of said Offer A, a distance of 11000 fear trends North 17 degrees 52 minutes 40 seconds East along to east line of Outlot A. a distance of 6.11 feet to the point of beginning: thence North 11 degrees 09 minutes 45 seconds West a distance a98.29 feet: thence North 78 degrees 5o minutes 15 tha ads East a distance of 31.70 feet to said east line W Outbt A; thence southerly along and earl line of Wier Ior A to the post of beginning. And Lot 3, Block 1, Chanhassen Transit Station, Carver County, Minnesota, EXCEPT that mart of said Lot 3lyiN formerly of LW 2, Block 1, saw Chanhassen Transit Station, and easter of the following described line: Beginning at the northeast corner of Oscar A Frontier Cinema Addition, said Carver County, Mlnneaota: throw North 00 degrees 33 minutes 27 seconds Wert, assumed bearing along the northerly extension of the east line of saw Output A, a distance 040.00 met; hence scum ae seared(z6 minutes 33 wmnar west a distance a54a7 fordm the foutheny extension able wast lined said rot z thenar North 09 dogrees 01 minutes 95 resume wart, along said Ione abroad a distance of 7092 feet to the southern most comerof said west line and said line there demanding. I hereby certity Met Mis Registered Land Survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision: that I am a duly Licensed Lana Suri under he laws of the state a Minnesota and that his Registered Lona Survey is a correct horewntsmon a cold parcel of land. Dims! this day of ,20 Daniel L. Stueber, Licensed Lana surveyor Mlnnemta Uwnw No. 43110 Blab of Minnesota County of Blue Earth This instrument was acknowledged betas me on ,2o_ by Daniel L. Bluster, Licensed Land Surveyor Kent A. Hays Notary Public, Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2020 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA We do hereby cantly that on How_ days 20_, the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, has approved MIs Regisumal Land Survey. Mayor Close I herebycomfr Mattaxes payabtein and proryeals have been paid forland Mammadon he Al. Dated his day of .20 Laurie Davies. County Audaor?rea mr PumuantWChapter395,Minnesota Lawsof1971, MS Registered Lead Survey has been approved this day of ,20—. Brain E. Pr also County Surveyor By: Ihereby carry Mat HisRcistered Land Survey No. was; Mind Mls day 20 .at o'clock .M. esDocument Number By: BEARINGNOTE: The onentaeon of this bearing system is bared on Me plat of Frontier Cinema Addition 0 El LEGEND Iron Monument Found Indicates Mag Nail To Be Set Before Time Of Reasoning. SITE��\bI ---- — — 4—d b OK 2� I ? — L — NW 1/4 SEC. 13, TWP. 116, RGE. 23 Carver County, Minnesota — — — — — Mtl°Ol'SSn- (ChaMlassem Trema( 5411m) N00034'02"E 7.00 r 1(,1 Iiv 11 /I If or limu �t N r 1 II `SII / fV EC C O I I Z 1- I. Irz"ton. S89056'40"W /// 2.99 t t I TRACT C I N00°02'02"W'Ism 16.19 'I� / I N44°54'03"i�'`I=� 27.40 M N O I N89053'01"E $ I 45.42` \ cmaraex` w r _- \ ED .eve M O BENCHMARK: eeever.O Top Nut Fire Hydrant Iwated at northwest mmer e Z of La 2, Block i, FmntNr Cinema Addition. - \ Elev-978.38 (NAVD88)eve ORsib Benchmark -Mn00T monument HA55EN MNOT. _, Eler-98332 (NAVD1101 3' ` \ \ \ copy ^�1 f \ \ \ \ see \ No. A3B7f- t e RS �— LII \ Pal — \ R2 hrul 5 \ Y_ eee etTli PLAT FILE NO. R.T. DOC. NO. see°aeza�E Alag Ai I ri to"nn RI ori T 21.20 I PI 70.64 y 8I la mass co 3 n m I Ie ri n ,w co North Elevation I r — I I if-- I; N00°02'02"W'Ism 16.19 'I� / I N44°54'03"i�'`I=� 27.40 M N O I N89053'01"E $ I 45.42` \ cmaraex` w r _- \ ED .eve M O BENCHMARK: eeever.O Top Nut Fire Hydrant Iwated at northwest mmer e Z of La 2, Block i, FmntNr Cinema Addition. - \ Elev-978.38 (NAVD88)eve ORsib Benchmark -Mn00T monument HA55EN MNOT. _, Eler-98332 (NAVD1101 3' ` \ \ \ copy ^�1 f \ \ \ \ see \ No. A3B7f- t e RS �— LII \ Pal — \ R2 hrul 5 \ Y_ eee etTli PLAT FILE NO. R.T. DOC. NO. see°aeza�E Alag Ai I ri to"nn RI ori T 21.20 70.64 y co 3 ri n ,w co North Elevation 9-- (Se i e — r if-- 3 it' `" � I O TRACT B _ Lovrer umt=972% - MINau / F / / Lr✓ t -Ib UpwrLlmn 1 I 8 nn \ 1 i I m I $ ,$ ms Sing 300/peed/ won I S89°51'29"E S89°18'03"E 144.03 --- m m / 54.37 'z,'nv _ - 142.38 IU IN R LZ"Iron RIS SITl9 S89°18'03"E 49.3n$ > > TRACT South A _ M Elevation - — — — — — _ _ _ _a_ (See Detail) O -18.03-W e r / FX�PnOn N89 141.67 1,40e°41'57'E i NE Comer -V-" 18.33 -`� NB9°1B03'W 120.67 OWol 21 3 dl S79°3 (dee 31.70 N7B'Be'ib'E cA.errea N o IIS Zg fito n A se 1 § TRACT C -r-/1 UP / C; r AlagN POB Exception cnww /I - rv7rsrao�(eaae/ �ow S18034'38"W 6.11 I O � (V 13 -- CD w0 O CD 0 O SEConmi (1) OudolA I � t/L"Iron R S21 9 RLS 21 It729I _ ri n ,w 7r ll if-- jrl)ir