EC 2018 01 10
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
January 10, 2018
Members Present: Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell, Don Vasatka, Keith Butcher, David Hess, Wayne
Benbow, Rachel Popken
Members Absent:
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
Minutes: December minutes were approved.
2018 Work Plan review: The commission discussed changes to the work plan for 2018. The joint commission
tour was proposed for the August meeting. Rachel suggested highlighting events that commissioners attend. Jill
will make the changes. The commission approved the plan with the changes noted.
GreenStep Cities Resolution: The commission reviewed the proposed resolution. They discussed whether or not
to keep the reference to the ’116 cities’ that are currently enrolled since that number will change. It was agreed to
keep with an updated number on the resolution before it goes to council. The commission also talked about the
last paragraph which designates the coordinator for GSC. Currently, the EC is designated as coordinator but the
commission isn’t necessarily looking to take on that responsibility. It was written that way to avoid assuming
staff time for the program. It is probably more efficient for staff to coordinate the program, but that decision will
be up to the council.
Onboarding Packet Update: The commission reviewed the packet and had the following corrections/updates:
Pg 4 – added ‘waste’ to ‘organized collection’; added ‘in spring’ to joint meeting
Pg 5 – need to update Water Resources Coordinator information
Pg 5 – Partnerships – Charlotte will revise to clarify partnerships and give examples.
Jill will make the updates, review for spelling, and put in a new cover photo.
2018 Arbor Day Poster Contest: The commission made suggestions for this year’s theme. Ideas included: “…
For All Seasons!”; “….in Urban Forests!”; “….And Need Our Care!”. The commission voted and “Trees are
Terrific…And Need Our Care!” was the winner. Jill will send out participation invitations to schools and the
commission will select posters at the March meeting.
General Discussion:
Keith gave an update on the Metro Area Sustainability Group that he has volunteered for. Tim Sundry,
Chair of the Bloomington Environmental Commission, feels that there is an interest among city
commissions to hear what others are doing. Keith is meeting weekly on a steering committee to plan a
networking event. The committee is comprised of representatives from St Louis Park, Eden Prairie,
Bloomington, Ramsey Co., Edina, Roseville, etc. Other partners include Conservation Minnesota and
The Sustainability Alliance. There are 50-60 Environmental/Sustainability Commissions in the metro
area. The committee is trying to figure out whether to host a networking event or conference. All of it is
still trying to be figured out. Keith asked the commission if there was an event, would anyone be
interested in attending? The commissioners said they’d be interested depending on the agenda and if it
seemed like there would be something to be learned. There’s some interest in getting commissions
together more often than one-time. Perhaps have regional events more often. Keith will report back
again next meeting.
Arbor Day Poster Contest – the commission asked which schools are sent invitations. Jill said that all
schools in Chanhassen were invited. Commissioners requested that Excelsior and Minnewashta
Elementary schools be informed about the contest. They also suggested that it be advertised on Facebook
and social media. The commission wondered what percentage of the schools are Chanhassen students. It
was felt that a significant number of Chanhassen kids did not know about the contest.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair