EC 2018 02 14
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
February 14, 2018
Members Present: Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell, Don Vasatka, Keith Butcher, Wayne Benbow
Members Absent: David Hess, Rachel Popken
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist
Applicant Interviews: The commission interviewed Audrey Kramer and Kristin Fulkerson. The
commission recommended both for appointment.
Minutes: January minutes were approved.
GreenStep Cities Update and Project Planning: At its meeting on Feb. 12, the city Council adopted
Green Step Cities as one of its Key Financial Strategies. The commission discussed the next step that
should be taken. It was agreed that the Resolution needs to be brought before the Council for approval.
This should be done prior to May. Bill and Don offered to meet with Jill after the approval to begin
work on compiling data for the GSC worksheet.
Assign list of term accomplishments: Charlotte agreed to update the list of endeavors and
accomplishments for April 2017-March 2018.
2018 Arbor Day Planning: Jill presented the proposed planting plan for the Arbor Day event. The
plantings will take place at Power Hill Park. The commission had no changes for the plan. Charlotte
suggested that a poster be made listing all of the upcoming events for the commission such as July 3,
Arboretum Day, and the leaf pick up. The commission thought that was a good idea.
General Discussion:
Keith gave an update on the Metro Area Sustainability Group. They have convened a meeting
for Saturday, April 7, 8:30-12:30 at Hennepin United Methodist Church in Minneapolis. At the
meeting commissioners will be broken into smaller groups to facilitate discussion and
networking. The groups will focus around energy, solid waste, water and land stewardship. The
group will ask for RSVPs to insure that enough people attend to make it worthwhile.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair