EC 2018 05 16 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting May 16, 2018 Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Rachel Popken, Don Vasatka, Wayne Benbow, Greg Hawks, Kristin Fulkerson Members Absent: none Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist, Krista Spreiter, Natural Resources Technician Visitors: Sharon McCotter Minutes: April minutes were approved. Splash Bash: Krista informed the commission that the city of Chanhassen was planning a water education day for Saturday, July 21, 1-4 pm at Lake Ann Park. She is looking for volunteers to work at a booth presenting water quality information. She has some topics that are ready to go, but the commission is free to choose a topic of their choice such as benefits of trees, plants for water quality, etc. She said the EC could promote anything they’re interested in. The main attraction at the event will be a presentation by Climb Theater, given twice during the event. She will send out event information to the commission and they should contact her if they’re interested in volunteering. Fall Leaf Clean Up for Water Quality: Sharon McCotter is a Chanhassen resident who is also a Master Water Steward as well as committee member for RPBCWD. She is spearheading a street clean up project in the city for the second year and presented an overview of the project and a review of last year’s event which Keith and his family attended. She would like to enlist the help of the commission to promote the event and volunteer on the day of it as well. This year’s event date is Sat., Oct 27. The goal of the event is to keep leaves from entering local water bodies and increasing phosphorous in the water. Fall is a peak period for the introduction of phosphorous into the water. Volunteers are asked to bring rakes, shovels, brooms, wagons or wheelbarrows. Bags and gloves will be provided. Sharon is also trying to get a nice thank you gift like she had last year – a blinking light for visibility. The event will take place on the same city streets again this year. Rachel asked what was the best way to educate; is it to stick with the designated streets or ask if groups want to do specific neighborhoods. Last year’s site was Carver Beach Road. The volunteers found 2 drains completely covered with matted leaves. The group had brochures for anyone who stopped and was curious. Keith said he handed these out in his neighborhood after the event. Sharon asked if anyone would be interested in door knocking since she has door hangers that could be left on doors. The commission suggested it be put on Next Door app. There’s also good email lists from the city and watershed district. Another suggestion was putting out a realtor-like sign in the neighborhood a week before the event to draw attention (like the city did for the park survey) The commission will discuss the event again at the July meeting. 1 GreenStep Cities Update and Project Planning: Rachel guided the commission through the PowerPoint that she put together for the project. The commission suggested adding information on the environmental benefits, success stories from KFS cities and recommendation for the council. Don suggested a subcommittee work on finishing the slides. Keith and Don will work on the presentation and Rachel will work on the PP design. Arbor Day Summary: It was a wonderful with a great turnout and lots of little kids. rd July 3 Business Expo Planning: The focus for the booth will be Tree Care: The Do’s and Don’ts of Tree Care. What is tree care? Explain. Commission should check to see if a professional may want to help. Have info on Tree Selection with nice glossy pictures of trees for Chanhassen. Have the EAB display too. Get trees from The Garden. Ideas for give away – maple candy, stick crayons, tattoos. General Discussion:  Bill researched adding a student position to the commission. The commission will need to get council approval to do so. The commission agreed to pursue it further after June. Jill was directed to add it to the Sept. meeting agenda.  Chanhassen Day planning – the commission didn’t have any ideas for additions to the day. They’ll think about it. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 2