EC 2018 06 06 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting June 6, 2018 Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Rachel Popken, Don Vasatka, Greg Hawks, Kristin Fulkerson Members Absent: Wayne Benbow Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Minutes: May minutes were approved. GreenStep Cities: The commission reviewed the powerpoint created by Rachel. Important points include why GSC are good for Chanhassen, what the city should do in the short term, and how GSC benefits the city. Changes were made to individual slides for clarity, grammar, etc. The commission agreed that the focus should be on participating in GSC because its smart and effective. It’s a tool kit for best practices. It was agreed that Keith will be the main presenter. Jill will submit a memo to the council that includes a link to the GSC video. rd July 3 Business Expo Planning: Jill will make posters based on titles: How to Care For Your Trees and Tree Selection. She will send these to the commissioners prior to the event so they can see the display. The shifts will be covered as follows: Don, Rachel – 4:30-6p; Kristin, Greg – 6-7:30p. Don and Rachel will get the supplies from the Planning Conference Room. Kristin and Greg will return everything to city hall or the conference room at the end of the event. General Discussion:  The commission wants to have Tree Care/Selection handouts at Chanhassen Day at the Arboretum.  Visioning notes will be added to the Onboarding Packet for future members. Jill will date the document.  Jill will send EC the tour brochure for RPBCWD summer tour. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 1