EC 2018 07 11 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting July 11, 2018 Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Don Vasatka, Greg Hawks, Kristin Fulkerson Members Absent: Rachel Popken, Wayne Benbow Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist; Vanessa Strong, Water Resources Coordinator Minutes: June minutes were approved. Chanhassen Surface Water Management Plan: Vanessa handed out excerpts from the most recent draft of the local Surface water Management Plan. The document helps guide the city’s surface water goals and projects for the next 10 years. It doesn’t include ground water, springs/seeps or treated city water. The plan was sent out to all 4 watershed districts, met council, and MN PCA. Now all the comments will be incorporated into the plan. The document directs the water resources related ordinances for the city. It starts with goals and the goals break down into chapters with policies that show how the city will implement the goals. All water resources related ordinances have to be updated this year to be in line with watershed district rules. An example of city non-compliance – the city rules require developers to capture the first 1” or ½” of rainfall, but other watershed districts have higher standards. In some districts developers have to capture 90% of phosphorous and sediment and 1.1” of rainfall. Another example is that for a single family residential area, buffers will need to be increased where there are none. Vanessa said there aren’t too many ordinance changes related to boating or water recreation oriented activities. There more references to green building practices and water conservation. The SWMP is a piece of the Comprehensive Plan. It has its own regulatory standards but fits into the Comp Plan. The plan has mandatory and voluntary standards. Once the plan is approved, the city has six months to update ordinances. Other comments:  Vanessa would like the Env Comm to read the plan and send comments.  Vanessa was asked if watershed standards conflict with the city standards. She said yes they do and have to be reconciled.  Vanessa said the floodplain maps have been updated and will be included. Overall, not major changes will be needed but some properties are more impacted than others.  Since 2003, only two years have been considered dry, a few normal and the rest are wet.  Vanessa was asked why the city doesn’t buy a vactor truck to sweep the streets if it’s so important to keep leaves out of the pipes. Green Step Cities update: Keith reviewed the Council work session. 1 General Discussion:  Splash Bash will be July 21. Krista will send an email with volunteer information. Jill will give the Clean Up for water Quality brochure to Krista to bring to event.  July 3 business expo – commissioners said it was really nice to have both tree experts there to answer questions. They handed out a lot of tree care/selection brochures and used all of the posters. They would like to be in the shade next year.  The Clean up for water quality will be advertised in the Fall Connection which will be mailed at the beginning of August. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 2