EC 2018 09 12 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting September 12, 2018 Members Present: Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Don Vasatka, Greg Hawks, Rachel Popken, Kristin Fulkerson, Wayne Benbow Members Absent: Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist; Minutes: July minutes were approved. Community Clean Up for Water Quality: The event will be happening on Saturday, Oct. 27, with a rain date of Oct. 28. Jill informed the commission of the event details she was aware of and the commission brainstormed how to promote the event. Ideas included:  Put a write up in the Event/Calendar section directing readers to the city website.  Make a separate event page on the website. Currently, only sign up form/registration is active.  The event organizer and the RPBCWD will be sending out emails to promote the event. Jill will see that commissioners receive the email too which they can then forward to any neighborhood groups.  The commission thought the email should be sent to the HS too.  Keith suggested posting it on the eMtka site as well.  The commission suggested that the city post on FB. Make it an event. Social media for Environmental Commission: Kristin has been looking into ways to boost the visibility of the commission and give projects and events more promotion. The commission discussed having a EC fb page to use for events and education. Jill wasn’t sure how it would work to have their own page or to post more on the city’s fb page. The commission wondered what’s better/more appropriate branding – ‘environmental commission’ or ‘city of …’. If the commission can post on the city’s fb page, then Kristin is ok with being the point person. Currently, the EC would like to post a notice for the clean up and then post pictures of the event afterwards. Develop 5-year Plan: The commission talked about the necessity and goal of doing a plan. They briefly looked though the last Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats worksheet that was done. They’d like to be sent a copy of it after the October meeting and the exercise be undertaken at the November meeting. As a part of the overall plan discussion, the commission discussed the possibility of adding a student member to the commission. Jill will look into what process would be needed to undertake that and will talk to the park and recreation commission about how their student position works. 1 Green Step Cities update: Jill informed the commission that the acceptance letter confirming the city as a GreenStep City was received. The commission asked to be sent a copy. Jill will look into the reporting process and see how the commission can assist. Perhaps a sub-committee can be formed to work on it. Perhaps the commission can start action reporting in December. General Discussion:  Splash Bash had a very low turnout.  Joint meeting tour in August went well. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 2