EC 2017 06 14 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting June 14, 2017 Members Present: Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell, Keith Butcher, Don Vasatka, Wayne Benbow, David Hess, Rachel Popken Members Absent: Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Minutes: May minutes were approved with clarifications. rd July 3 Trade Fair planning: The expo will take place on July 3 and runs 4:30-7:30pm. Bill shared his quest to find a hive for displays. There wasn’t any available from the Arboretum or the Bee Squad. Bill says he’s waiting to hear back from a beekeeper. He said that the education dept. at the Arb offered to supply pollinator ID sheets, coloring sheets (we would need to provide crayons), paper bee crowns, and seed packets. Bill will contact the Arb and request the materials. The commission decide they would like to have pollinator friendly plants on display as well as a large pollinator ID poster. They also thought that a display of neonic insecticides would be a good visual so people know what to avoid using. To educate the public, the commission would have a list of alternative insecticides that don’t harm pollinators. The following posters will be on display: pollinator friendly plants, neonic insecticides, grocery store produce dept. with and without pollinated food. The commission agreed that trivia questions with candy prizes would be a good way to engage people. Rachel volunteered to look into getting Buzz the bee from GM and possibly packages of honey nut cheerios. Each commission is to send Jill 5 bee trivia questions by June 23. She will compile and have ready for expo. Handouts for the table will include the pollinator friendly plants with supplier resources. Bill will look into getting plants from the Plant Place, handout from the Arb, and send Jill the assortment of neonic images he has. On the day of the event, the following commission can staff the booth: Bill, Charlotte, Dave and Keith. Wayne’s a maybe. Rachel and Don are unavailable. Chanhassen Day planning: Jill shared that the city and county will be co-sponsoring a bee class for kids so there will be no fees for families. Also scheduled is a morning story time and guided nature walk. A tree scavenger hunt sheet is available throughout the day for families. Jill and Bill will be meeting on June 26 with the Arb and County to finalize plans for the day. Comp Plan recommendations: The commission decided to wait until September and/or the public open houses to compile their recommendation for the comprehensive plan. General Discussion:  Jill informed the commission that they can continue to work on a plan for the city’s adoption of the Green Step Cities program. The commission will begin by compiling a more concrete listing of what the city has already accomplished for action items. Once that information is gathered, they will request the city adopt a resolution for the program and give them an update on the city’s progress for attaining a Step 2 City designation. Rachel will create a survey/spreadsheet for each section that can be sent to the appropriate city department. Jill will facilitate the disbursement of the surveys. The commission hopes to have a resolution in front of the council in August. 1 Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 2