EC 2017 10 11
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
October 11, 2017
Members Present: Don Vasatka, Wayne Benbow, Keith Butcher, Rachel Popken, David Hess
Members Absent: Charlotte Chappell, Bill Chappell
Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist; Vanessa Strong, Water Resources Coordinator
Minutes: September minutes were approved.
Guest Presentation – Vanessa Strong, Water Resources Coordinator: Vanessa introduced the commission to
the many layers of water resources in Chanhassen – lakes, rivers and wetlands along with stormwater ponds and
pipes. She explained that Chanhassen is covered by 4 watersheds: Crow River, Minnehaha, Riley Purgatory Bluff
Creek and Lower Minnesota. She then introduced herself. She previously worked for a watershed district north
of the Twin Cities and more recently for the city of Minneapolis. She went on to talk about the city’s MS4
permit, which is overseen by the MPCA. The permit is annually required report that has 6 control measures –
compliance status, public input, progress, assessment, changes, and upcoming activities. Within each control
measure there are subtopics – public education, public participation, illicit discharge, construction sites, post-
construction, good housekeeping, TMDL/impaired lakes and creeks. If the city is not in compliance, what
happens? The city has to show that it is working on getting compliant. The city’s SWMP is out of date and
Vanessa will be working on getting it up to date. It’s equal in size to the Comp Plan and the Comp Plan can’t be
updated until the SWMP is approved. The SWMP connects the Comp Plan components with MS4 permit. City
ordinance chapters also need to be kept up to date. Chapters 1, 4, 18, 19, and 20 all reference water resources and
need to reflect current standards. The process for developing and approving the SWMP will occur October 2017
– December 2018. The process includes plan completion, comment/review, plan approval and adoption,
Memorandum of Understanding with WD for permitting, ordinance and appendices, and amending the plan.
Vanessa said that all 4 watershed districts are updating their plans right now. She asked the commission to please
review and comment on the plans because public input is needed.
Vanessa informed the commission that brittle naiad had been found on Lotus Lake and the WD is doing rapid
response treatment. It was found by a WD consultant.
Fall service project discussion: Jill reviewed the options for a project: weeding Lake Ann rain gardens, adopt a
highway clean up on Hwy 61, Clean Up for Water Quality leaf raking and Great River Greening milkweed pod
collection. The commission discussed and decided on the Clean Up for Water Quality which will take place on
Oct. 21. Jill will send the commission the link to sign up.
GreenStep Cities: Keith updated the commission on the resolution status. Since the meeting last month he had
met with Charlotte to review it and got good comments from her. He then met with Jill to review it and discuss
the process to bring it back to the Council. Jill told the commission that GSC will be considered for a key
financial strategy in 2018. The commission should write a memo to the city manager about the program. The
commission then discussed having a GSC representative come speak at a meeting. Jill will invite a representative
to the November meeting.
General Discussion:
Keith had reviewed the solar section of the draft comp plan. He recommended contacting the Met
Council to also review it as to how to address the city’s involvement in solar gardens.
Jill reminded the commission of two upcoming events: Chanhassen Recycling Day at the Environmental
Center on Oct. 27 and the Boy Scout Christmas tree pick up this January.
The commission decided to move the water treatment plan tour to the December meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm
Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair