Temporary Outdoor Event_ApplicationTEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION $50 FEE Applications must be submitted at least ten (10) days prior to the event. For office use only Date Received ___________________ Engineering Review __________ Fire Review __________ Admin Review __________ Sheriff Review __________ Planning Review __________ Other Review __________ Approved by: ________________________________________________________________________ Date Approved: ____________________ Application Fee Paid: Check #____________ Credit Card (type & last 4 digits) _______________ Cash (Receipt #) ___________ Parcel Identification No. ____________________ Legal Description ______________________________________________________________ APPLICANT INFORMATION Sponsoring/Producing ORGANIZATION NAME: Address: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Applicant Contact: Name: Phone: Cell: Title: Email: On-Site Contact: Name: Phone: Cell: Title: Email: Organization Website: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Contact Information: Name: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Alternate Phone: Email: EVENT INFORMATION Event Title: Event Type: Temporary Food & Beverage Sales Sidewalk Sales Promotional Event Other (describe): Event Location: Street Address: City, State, Zip: Event Date(s): Event Time(s): Event Description: City of Chanhassen Temporary Outdoor Event Application Page 2 of 3 EVENT INFORMATION (Continued) Maximum Peak Attendance: Number of Employees/Workers: Provisions for Parking and Security: Will there be sound amplification equipment? Yes No If yes, attach additional permit. Will there be signage at the event? Yes No If yes, please describe (additional permit may be necessary): Will merchandise be sold at the event? Yes No If yes, please describe: Other pertinent information: Map Required: Maps are required for the overall event layout as well as any separately fenced areas such as beer/wine gardens or contained areas as part of a parade/march route. As a general rule, maps must include the following: • Surrounding Street Names • Directional Arrow • Twenty-foot (20’) Fire Lanes • Fencing/Barriers • Barricades • Bleachers • Booths • Canopies/Tents • Cooking Areas • Generators • Vehicles • Beer Gardens • Number and Dimension of Entrances/Exits • Start/Finish Lines • Routes with Directional Arrows • Fire Extinguisher Locations • Safety and First Aid Stations • Parking Areas • Special Lighting • Trash Containers Equipment/Set up: Select all that apply (show all equipment on your attached map). Staging/Scaffolding Lighting Statues or Structures Portable Restrooms Signage #______ (include size and location on map) Tents/Canopies #_____ Tent Size(s): __________________________________________________________________________ Please list the outside companies/vendors that you are using for any of the checked boxes above. A complete list of vendors must be submitted prior to your event. FOOD Will food be served at the event? Yes No (if no, skip to next section) (NOTE: Additional permit may be necessary. Contact the Minnesota Dept. of Health at 651-201-4500 or visit their website at http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/food/license/specevent.html Will food be prepared off site but served on site? Yes No Will food be prepared on site? Yes No Will food be grilled on site? Yes No If yes, select one: Charcoal LP Gas* *Size of LP Gas tank? ___________ lbs Will any of the following appliances be used? (check all that apply) Gas griddle (flat top) Deep fat fryer Warming oven Corn roaster Other: ___________________ NOTE: If using any of the cooking methods listed above other than warming ovens, Chanhassen Fire Department Policy #50-2005 Temporary Assemblies and Tents must be followed. City of Chanhassen Temporary Outdoor Event Application Page 3 of 3 ALCOHOL The sale and service of alcoholic beverages are subject to City of Chanhassen regulations, licensing, and permit requirements. Will alcohol be served at the event? Yes No Is a non-profit organization providing the alcohol services? Yes No If yes, indicate name of non-profit organization: NOTE: Temporary On-Sale licenses are issued only to a club or charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization in existence for at least three years (Chanhassen City Code Section 10-19 [g] and [h]). Is a caterer providing the alcohol services? Yes No If yes, indicate name of caterer: NOTE: Alcohol can only be provided and served by a restaurant holding an on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by any municipality that also holds a caterer’s permit (MN Statute 340A.404, Subd. 12). INSURANCE REQUIRED Proof of liability insurance must be provided. NOTICE AND SIGNATURE I have familiarized myself with the Chanhassen City Code Chapter 20-964 and subsequent ordinance amendments pertaining thereto, and will abide by the provisions contained therein. I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful and I understand that falsification of answers on this application will result in denial of the application. I authorize the City of Chanhassen to investigate and make whatever inquiries are necessary to verify the information provided. Applicant: Printed Name: Signature: Date: Property Owner: Printed Name: Signature: Date: g:\plan\forms\permits\temporary outdoor event.docx