CC Verbatim Minutes 08-13-18Chanhassen City Council – August 13, 2018 57 so I wanted to clarify. I could support something that would memorialize Prince’s ownership. And with that Mr. Jablonski, Kate and staff, Mr. Gerhardt and all of you present you now have the sum total of the comments and I’m hoping that you would take those comments, not only from city staff but also from the public and work the magic that Lennar has proven to be able to work, not only in our community but all across the country and give us a development that truly we can be proud of. That honors and respects the desires of your council and the citizens here in Chanhassen. And with that I’m going to. Kate Aanenson: Can I just make one more comment? Mayor Laufenburger: You always do Kate. Kate Aanenson: Because I know all these people are going to want to call, call and ask. If we could put something out once they make a decision kind of what their course is going to be. I don’t know when that’s going to be that if we can somehow figure out. Mayor Laufenburger: Can we do that? Kate Aanenson: Well we put under development site. What the current action is so they can go to the City’s website and check this project and get an update. Mayor Laufenburger: Well when you say put it on the development site. You mean the place where the sign was. Kate Aanenson: No, no, no, no. I’m talking about the City’s website. Mayor Laufenburger: Website okay. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Yeah. So people are going to call and ask what’s going on so when we know something we’ll put something out. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay, alright. Thank you Kate. That concludes this item on our agenda and if you don’t mind I think we’re going to conclude the rest of the meeting very quickly so would you bear with us folks. CONTROL CONCEPTS: APPROVE SITE PLAN WITH A VARIANCE FOR LOT 2, BLOCK 1, ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION. This item was tabled. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS.