PC SUM 2018 11 20
NOVEMBER 20, 2018
Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT:Andrew Aller, Mark Undestad, Steve Weick, Nancy Madsen, John
Tietz, and Mark Randall
MEMBERS ABSENT:Michael McGonagill
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior
Planner; George Bender, Assistant City Engineer; and Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer
Pete Moreau 411 Jefferson Avenue So, Edina
Brady Busselman 12800 Whitewater, Minnetonka 55434
Ed Farr 7710 Golden Triangle Drive, Eden Prairie
Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item.Chairman Aller opened the public
hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed.
Undestad moved, Weick seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends
that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance amending Chapters 1 and 20 of the City
Code. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Commissioner Mark Undestad recused himself from this item. Bob Generousand Erick
Henricksen presented the staff report. Commissioner Tietz asked for clarification on traffic, fill,
water for fire suppression, and wetland mitigation. Chairman Aller asked about concernswith
the bluff. Commissioner Madsen asked about concerns with the pipeline running through the
property. Ed Farr with EdwardFarr Architects, spoke on behalf of Eden Trace Corporation and
outlined theirproposal.Chairman Aller opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public
hearing was closed.
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
Tietz moved, Madsen seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the
rezoning of the property from Agricultural Estate District, A-2, to Industrial Office Park,
IOP; Preliminary Plat approval creating three lots and one outlot with access via a private
street; a Wetland Alteration Permit to fill wetlands on site; and Site Plan approval for
three office industrial buildings for a total of 449,350 square feet, plans prepared by
Sambatek, dated 11-02-2018, and Edward Farr Architects, dated 10-19-2018, subject to the
following conditions:
All ingress/egress locations, including the right-in/right-out access located at the northwestern
portion of the property, and subsequent impacts of trip generation by the development, shall be
designed to Carver County standards and shall meet all Carver County’s requirements.
Any requirements set by Carver County to improve the intersection shall be addressed by the
applicant (if necessary).
The applicant shall dedicate the 40’ x 120’ drainage and utility easement at the northwest corner
of Lot 1 on the preliminary and final plat prior to recording.
An executed agreement between the developer and Magellan Pipeline Company allowing
construction over Magellan Pipeline Company’s easement shall be provided to the city prior to
the issuance of grading permits.
The preliminary and final plat shall not include the 5’ drainage and utility easements located at
the south side of Lot 2, and the north side of Lot 3, prior to acceptance and recording.
All retaining walls exceeding 4’ in height shall have plans and details prepared by a registered
engineer or landscape architect prior to issuance of building permits.
At the time of building permit submittal, connection methodology to the existing stubs (sanitary
sewer and water services), material type, and location of service valves and other appurtenances
shall be identified for review.
Prior to construction of the water and sanitary utilities within the development, all required
permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies shall be required.
An O&M plan shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the issuance of building
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
Improvements to the existing manhole where the effluent will be received via the lift station.
Full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail construction shall be collected for the
three proposed lots totaling 36.39 acres as a condition of approval for Holasek Business Park.
These park fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and
A 40-foot access and maintenance easement shall be recorded over the private streets. The
private streets shall be constructedto a nine-ton design with a minimum pavement width of 26
feet and a maximum slope of 10 percent.
A street name for the private street at Galpin Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard shall be submitted
to the Building Official and Fire Marshall for review and approval prior to recording the final
Water Resources Coordinator
Stormwater Development Charges. Estimated stormwater development fees in the amount of
$770,012.40 (36.39 acres x $21,160) shall be paid prior to recording the final plat.
Financial Assurance. To guarantee compliance with the plan and related remedial work, a cash
escrow or letter of credit, satisfactory to the city, shall be furnished to the city before a building
permit is issued. The escrow amount shall be $7,500.00 per acre. The city may use the escrow or
draw upon the letter of credit to reimburse the city for any labor or material costs it incurs in
securing compliance with the plan or in implementing the plan. If the city draws on the escrowed
funds, no additional building permits shall be issued until the pre-draw escrow balance has been
restored. The city shall endeavor to give notice to the owner or developer before proceeding, but
such notice shall not be required in an emergency as determined by the city. The assurance shall
be maintained until final stabilization and removal of erosion and sediment controls.
Drainage and utility easements will be required over all remaining wetlands and public
stormwater utilities. This includes the western boundary of the project as well as the southwest
corner of the parcel which should have a sufficient easement for the main drainage pipe for this
area (required in conjunction with final plat).
Private stormwater easements will be required over all private stormwater facilities using the
city’s template (required in conjunction with final plat).
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
The Holasek Business Park construction plans show areas of grading over the main stormwater
pipe that runs north to south along the western property boundary. Construction on this pipe may
be planned for the next couple of years. Please coordinate earthwork in this area with the city and
Carver County Public Works Department.
The plans show significant grading in the south outlot. Sec. 19-145 of City Code does not allow
unbroken slopes greater than 30’ and slopes steeper than 3:1. Additionally, the proposed grading
would trigger bluff regulations Sec. 20-1401 and Sec. 20-1405. Staff recommends removing the
stockpile from the proposed plans. If the stockpile cannot be removed it will need to be reduced
to slope less than 20’, 3:1 max. It must meet all other regulatory requirements for wetland
hydrology, erosion and sediment control, and surface water management.
Erosion and sediment control must meet the requirements of Sec. 19-145 including a dewatering
plan. Erosion and Sediment Control Practices including temporary sedimentation basins, silt
fence, the construction entrance, and ESC BMPs are shown in the legend on sheet C5.02, but not
on the plans. Indicate the location of these practices on the Erosion Control Plan sheet.
EOFs should be stabilized with TRM or similar. Include chosen stabilization measures in the
construction plans.
Temporary Sediment Ponds. The proposed stormwater ponds will need to be utilized as
temporary sediment ponds during construction. A faircloth skimmer will need to be installed,
and the outlets of the pond will need to be sealed off for the duration of construction until the site
is stabilized. Skimming devices should be designed to remove oils and floatable materials up to a
one-year frequency event. The skimmer should be set 12 inches below the normal surface water
elevation and should control the discharge velocity to 0.5 fps. Incorporate these notes and details
into the construction plans.
Topsoil Management
a. Subsoil Decompaction. Please add a note about subsoil decompaction to the topsoil
section on sheet L1.03. Subsoil must be decompacted to a depth of six inches in all
pervious areas, prior to placement of six inches of topsoil. Contractor must identify the
method used to decompact six inches of subsoil prior to placing topsoil.
b. Topsoil Depth. Note 5 under Turf Establishment on sheet L1.03 reads that a minimum of
four inches of topsoil is required. CCWMO Standards require that six inches of topsoil
be replaced in all disturbed pervious areas. Update this note to reflect the six inch
c. Stockpiles. Please indicate the quantity of topsoil needed to restore six inches in all
pervious areas of the development. Show location(s) where existing topsoil is to be
stockpiled on the site.
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
d. Soil Hauling. Describe topsoil hauling plans, including locations and estimated
quantities. Note that if topsoil is exported or imported to the site, an additional permit
may be required.
e. Vegetative Cover. Note 5 under Turf Establishment on sheet L1.03 refers to a healthy
stand of vegetation in all disturbed pervious areas of the development. Please note that
90% of the expected vegetative density is required.
Stormwater Management
Sec. 19-142. Plans required. All plans shall be reviewed and stamped “Approved by the City
Engineer” and all applicable permits must be obtained prior to commencing construction. For all
newly constructed stormwater facilities (ponds, retention areas, infiltration basins, storm sewer,
etc.) or existing facilities that are modified, as-built plans shall be prepared by the developer. As-
built plans shall be signed and certified by a licensed professional engineer in the State of
Minnesota and
record drawings shall be provided to the city. Standard details for many typical storm structures
(e.g., storm sewer, outlet structures, catch basins, sump manholes, etc.) are available on the city's
Sec. 19-144. Major facility design elements.
a. For basins intended to have permanent water levels, a minimum of four feet of standing
water (dead storage depth) and a maximum of ten feet shall be provided.
b. Separation between the inlet(s) and outlet shall be maximized to prevent short-
c. Outlets shall be evaluated for the need to dissipate energy so as to reduce velocities to
permissible levels as allowed by the soil and vegetation. At a minimum, flared-end
sections should be provided with riprap consistent with Minnesota Department of
Transportation standards. For areas with high flows or where excessive erosion occurs
or is anticipated, energy dissipation per Federal Highway Administration standards
shall be followed.
d. Riprap shall be provided below the channel grade and above the outfall or channel
bottom to ensure that riprap will not be undermined by scour or rendered ineffective by
displacement. Riprap consisting of natural angular stone suitably graded by weight
shall be designed for anticipated velocities. Riprap shall be placed over a suitable filter
material or filter fabric to ensure that soil particles do not move through the riprap and
reduce its stability.
BMP Details. Include the following BMP details in the construction plans:
a.BMP Cross Sections. Include site-specific elevations on the Bioretention Bench and
Bioretention Trench details on sheet C4.02.
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
b. OCS Details. Include Outlet Control Structure Details (attached) for the stormwater
BMPs with specific elevations for inlets, outlets, and draintile (when applicable).
c.BMP Profiles. Include profiles of the stormwater BMPs with draintile (Pond B Filtration
Bench and Filtration Trench) showing draintile slope. Please note that all draintile must
have a positive drainage slope of at least 0.5%. Include site-specific invert elevations for
assistance with field construction.
d. EOF elevations.EOF elevations should be set to at least 0.5 ft. above the HWL to allow
for construction tolerance. Include cross-sections of the EOFs in the plan set.
Impervious Acreage. The area (ac) of proposed new impervious is inconsistent between the
application (25.10), stormwater report (27.5), project narrative (25.08), plan sheet C5.03 (28.4),
and HydroCAD model (25.34). Clarify the correct area of new impervious and update
components of the submittal to match.
Elevation-Storage Tables. Include the Filtration Bench bottom (should be 928.5) in the elevation-
storage table in the HydroCAD report so that the treatment volumes can be determined for the
ponds, bench, and re-use system.
Filtration Trench. The filtration trench design is not compliant in the current design.
a.Contributing Area. The filtration trench appears to receive runoff from pervious areas
only. Stormwater BMPs should capture and treat runoff from impervious areas on the
b. Tree Roots. The filtration trench is proposed in an area that is wooded on the landscape
plan. Trees may be planted on the side-slopes or adjacent to the trench but are not
allowed in the trench bottom. Tree roots may impact the draintile and prevent proper
c.Model and Plan Details. The filtration trench is not included in the HydroCAD model and
the construction plans do not show details (bottom, NWL, HWL, OCS, EOF) for this
BMP. Please include the details listed in Comment #2 above and include information for
this practice in the construction plans and HydroCAD model.
Operation & Maintenance Plan (O&M). Provide a draft O&M plan outlining the responsibilities
for inspecting and maintaining the stormwater BMPs on site. The O&M plan must be signed by
all responsible parties.
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
a.Reuse Maintenance Plan. Provide a draft Reuse Maintenance Plan as part of the overall
O&M plan. Please include all details outlined in the corresponding section on the
Stormwater Reuse Design Guidance document.
Reuse Plan Sheet. Please add the following information to the stormwater reuse plan:
a.Location of the following reuse system components: irrigation lines, irrigation zones,
sprinkler heads, pumps, intakes from ponds, and usage meters. If applicable, include the
locations of the potable connection, backflow prevention devices, filters, and debris
collection sumps.
b. Narrative describing operation of the systems. If the irrigated areas will be actively used
during daytime hours, the irrigation needs to be scheduled for times when the areas will
not be in use.
c.Location of access for reuse system maintenance.
d. Drawdown elevations of the reuse ponds.
e.Volume reduction and/or water quality calculations.
f. Other information relevant to the reuse systems.
SWPPP. A copy of the SWPPP including soils/infiltration data within the perimeter of all
infiltration/filtration devices is required prior to review for final plat. The SWPPP must also meet
all requirements of City Code 19-145.
Basin. There is a bioretention basin south of Lyman Boulevard in the road construction plans.
Please show this basin on the construction plans for Holasek Business Park and demonstrate that
the road project plans don’t interfere with this project.
Chloride Management Plan.A chloride management plan is required.
Applicant will need to respond to the comments received by Twin Cities & Western
(Wednesday, October 24, 2018 6:39 AM):
“In response to this proposal Twin Cities & Western offers the following comment:
Twin Cities & Western has concerns of stormwater and general runoff impacts with this land
being developed making it non-pervious. What will happen to the stormwater runoff and will
the increased runoff adversely impact the railroad roadbed?”
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
Must comply with the conditions of the Holasek Business Park conditions of approval for the
Environmental Resources
The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to increase quantities to meet minimum ordinance
requirements for parking lot trees. Additional tree species will need to be added rather than
increasing quantities of existing selection.
The applicant should consider limiting the number of lindens called for in the plant schedule and
avoid planting elms and lindens in groupings.
The applicant should designate snow removal/storage areas on each lot that do not conflict with
proposed landscaping.
All parking lot islands and peninsulas that contain a tree planting must have an inside width of
10 feet. They also will be required to have proper planting soil as specified in the Planting
Parking lot islands located in the pipeline easement shall be planted with small shrubs or
perennial plantings, if allowed.
The applicant shall enter into separate site plan agreements with the city for each lot and building
and provide the necessary security to guarantee grading and erosion control, site restoration,
stormwater and landscaping.
Pedestrian ramps shall be added at each curb at the driveway entrance to Building A and
included on the site plan sheet C3.01.
Community features including benches, bike racks and picnic tables shall be incorporated in the
Due to the wetland in the southwest corner of the site, Building C on Lot 3 may need to be
shifted east or reduced in size, the drive aisle, parking and loading areas may need to be shifted
to the east and north.
Water Resources Coordinator
Must comply with the conditions of the Wetland Alteration Permit.
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
a. Sec. 20-409. Decisions under this article must not be made until after receiving the
determination of the technical evaluation panel regarding wetland public values, location,
size, and/or type if the city council, the landowner, or a member of the technical evaluation
panel asks for such determinations.
b. Any projects seeking a wetland alteration permit subject to this article will also be required
to submit the following incomplete requirements: Existing and proposed drainage areas to
wetlands; Buffer strip plan meeting the criteria of subsections 20-411(c) and (d)
c. Sec. 20-416. Mitigation.Wetland mitigation shall be undertaken on-site. If this is not
feasible, then mitigation may occur locally within the subwatershed. If this is not possible,
then mitigation may occur outside the subwatershed, elsewhere in the city. If mitigation
cannot be accomplished on-site, or if the city deems it necessary to perform mitigation off-
site, then the applicant shall be responsible for providing off-site mitigation within the major
subwatershed, as designated by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act, or purchasing
wetland credits from the state wetland bank. Staff believes mitigation can occur on site by
expanding the wetlands in the south outlot.
d. Stormwater runoff shall not be discharged into wetlands without water quality pretreatment
as prescribed by this Code.
e. If a wetland alteration permit is issued allowing wetland alteration, the following standards
shall be followed: (1) The alteration will not have a net adverse effect on the ecological and
hydrological characteristics of remaining wetland; (2) It shall be located as to minimize the
impact on vegetation; (3) It shall not adversely change water flow; (4) The size of the
altered area shall be limited to the minimum required for the proposed action; (5) The
disposal of any excess material is prohibited within remaining wetland areas; (6) The
disposal of any excess material shall include proper erosion control and nutrient retention
measures; (7) Alterations to any wetland area are prohibited during waterfowl breeding
season or fish spawning season, unless it is determined by the city that the wetland is not
used for waterfowl breeding or fish spawning; (8) Alterations to wetland areas shall be
mitigated in accordance with the requirements of this article if the activity results in a loss of
wetland area and/or function and value of the wetland.
f. The alteration shall not alter the hydrological patterns in the remainder of the wetland, if a
portion of the wetland remains, unless exempted under Sec. 20-417. Please show how
hydrologic patterns will not be altered for the remaining wetlands.
g. Sec. 20-405. Wetland delineation. An electronic copy of the delineated wetland boundaries
must be submitted in a format compatible with the city's GIS database.
h. Sec. 20-406. Wetland classification. All wetlands delineated under Sec. 20-405 of this
article that have not been previously classified shall be classified using the results from the
Minnesota Routine Assessment Method for Evaluating Wetland Functions (MnRAM
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
Version 3.0), or future versions. A MnRAM shall be completed by the property owner or
applicant for each previously unclassified wetland. An electronic version of the MnRAM
evaluation must be submitted to and approved by the city to establish the classification of
each wetland prior to any alteration or impact to the wetland.
i. An approved Notice of Decision (NOD) for Boundary and Type is required for a complete
application, however, the applicant has been very involved, communicative, responsive, and
fully participatory in the application process. Staff will accept the application in process as
the TEP has met prior to deadline for completion. The NOD will be issued by November 27,
j. Staff review will be conditional upon an approved NOD for Boundary and Type.
k. Based on the submission the site will require at least one additional Wetland Conservation
Act (WCA) Application. A grading permit cannot be issued until the applicant has
completed the WCA process.
l. Wetland Buffers. Wetland buffers and buffer monumentation will be required adjacent to
the wetlands on-site. Please indicate wetland buffers widths and locations where signage
will be placed on a plan sheet. Please find additional information on signage placement in
the guidance document attached. The WMO provides signs and sign posts for the cost of
materials. Alternative signs (by the city or applicant) are also acceptable provided they
contain similar information.
Due to the wetland in the southwest corner of the site, Building C on Lot 3 may need to be
shifted east or reduced in size, the drive aisle, parking and loading areas may need to be
shifted to the east and north.
m. Sec. 19-146. Wetland elements.
1) Water level fluctuations (peak elevation and duration) for wetlands shall be limited to
two feet and duration not to exceed 48 hours so as to prevent the destruction of wildlife
habitat and wetland vegetation.
2) Sedimentation basins or sediment removal devices shall be provided prior to discharge
into wetlands.
3) Variable bottom contours should be considered to provide deeper holes and flat shallow
benches. This feature will provide habitat for diversity of plants and wetland inhabitants
for wetland mitigation sites and stormwater basins.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Madsen noted the verbatim and summary
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated October 2, 2018 and the summary
Planning Commission Summary – November 20, 2018
Minutes of the Planning Commission Work Session meeting dated October 16, 2018 as
ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Kate Aanenson discussed items from the City
Council meetingsdated October 8, 2018, October 22, 2018 and November 13, 2018 before
discussing future Planning Commission agenda items.
Commissioner Weick moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was
adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim