County Review Memo_2018-034_HolasekCarver County Public Works 11360 Highway 212, Suite 1 Cologne, MN 55322 Office (952) 466-5200 | Fax (952) 466-5223 | www.co.carver.mn.us CARVER COUNTY December 5, 2018 City of Chanhassen c/o Bob Generous Senior Planner 952-227-1131 bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Re: Development / Access Review Comments: Holasek Business Park Final Plat on County Highway 18 (Lyman Blvd.) and at the Intersection of County Highway 15 (Galpin Blvd.) Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject development in the City of Chanhassen. Consistent with the County Comprehensive Plan and County Codes, the following are comments and recommended conditions of approval and as potential requirements for any necessary permits to be issued for the project: 1. The site plan and plat will need to be revised for no driveway access onto Lyman Blvd /CSAH 18 as proposed, other than at the traffic signal stub at Galpin Blvd. Meetings and discussions with the City and parcel owner have taken place to review and workout the potential / conditions for such a driveway but no agreement, resolution, and cost and roadway upgrade provisions have been worked out to the County’s satisfaction. Should the Developer still want to pursue such an access, then several conditions, roadway and drainage issues would need to be developed and paid for at the sole expense of the developer and would require review and approval by the County in a timely fashion as determined by the County. If issues were resolved, some form of developer’s contract and bond and surety would be required for such work as a new raised extended center median, new exclusive right turn lane, new muck / excavation / grading work, and new roadway and side road drainage / ditch facilities. Changes to the site plan would also be required at and along this work. 2. The site plan and plat will need to be revised for changes required to the design and provisions of the access at the existing traffic signal stub at Galpin Blvd. Longer turn lanes and regrading of the entrance deeper further south and east along the site are required. The developer will need to develop, deliver, and install a traffic signal revisions project, plans and specifications in coordination with and to the review and approval of the County. Several design meetings with the County and site and road survey of existing conditions will be required. The full scale of improvements to the intersection and traffic signal will need to be determined, but may include but not be limited to such things as new detection, mast arm extensions, confirmation of truck turning radii, ADA ramp upgrades, new traffic signal poles and bases, and changes / updates to traffic signal timing, etc. Some form of developer’s contract and bond and surety for this will be required. 3. The site plan and plat will need to be revised to match the County and City’s joint active current plans for the CSAH 18 reconstruction project, specifically to match the project’s Transportation Project / Right of Way Plat No. 27 (Plat File 1750, Document A-667706. 4. The site plan and plat shall maintain the already noted and planned 10-ft wide public drainage and utility easement along CSAH 18 for the full length of the plat along CSAH 18. 5. The site plan and plat shall be revised to provide a 20-ft wide public drainage and utility easement along the property’s western edge for the full length of the western property north to south. 6. The plat’s final grading plans, ponds, and right of way along CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) will need to be reviewed and approved. A grading permit will be required for grading work within the highway right of way. The County will need to review and approve an exhibit drawing showing a cross section of CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) showing proposed grades for the roadway and subject lot(s). 7. A final check with the County is required for drainage and utility easement needs, as well as water main and utility needs and locations along CSAH 18 (Lyman Blvd.) and CSAH 15 (Galpin Blvd.). 8. The technical details of the plat, its boundaries and form(s) will need to be reviewed and approved by the County Surveyor. 9. Prior to any work affecting or on County highways or in County right of way, the applicant shall coordinate plans with the County Engineer and obtain various permits including a Commercial Driveway Access Permit and a Utility or Excavating/Filling/Grading Permit(s) from Carver County Public Works: (http://www.co.carver.mn.us/how-do-i/apply-for/a- permit). Final details of locations, grades, and profiles affecting County roads as well as any utility connections will need to be reviewed and approved prior to any permits. 10. Any damages, modifications, or changes incurred on County highways from current or approved conditions will need to be remedied or updated at development expense, including costs incurred by the County. These are comments at this time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at dmccormick@co.carver.mn.us or by phone at (952) 466-5208. Sincerely, Dan McCormick, P.E. PTOE Transportation Manager Carver County Public Works