MNR Galpin Blvd MnRAM Memo 7-23-18 1032 Seventh Street West, Suite 150 | Saint Paul, MN 55102 | mnrinc.us | 612.310.6260 July 23, 2018 Joe Jablonski Lennar 16305 36th Ave. N. Plymouth MN 55446 RE: MnRAM Assessment for Galpin Blvd. site, Chanhassen, MN Mr. Jablonski, Midwest Natural Resources, Inc. (MNR) was contracted by Lennar to provide wetland consulting services for a survey area located east of Galpin Blvd. in Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. On July 17th, 2018 MNR conducted a MnRAM assessment on three wetland areas that are depicted as Wetlands 1, 2 and 11on the attached Existing Conditions figure by Kjolhaug Environmental Services, Inc. Wetlands 1, 2 and 11 are three wetlands that are proposed be left in their natural state and are in the vicinity of proposed road and building pad construction areas. Building pads and roads will be constructed near each of these three wetlands so providing a MnRAM assessment for these wetlands is needed for planning purposes. Other wetlands located on-site are either being proposed to be fully impacted or are further away from any proposed building activity and did not required to be assessed. This wetland assessment was conducted to determine the wetland management classification for each of the three wetland areas (Wetlands 1, 2 and 11). This information will be used for determining building setback distances and buffer requirements for the proposed housing development. MnRAM Results A MnRAM function and value assessment method was conducted on three wetland areas (Wetland 1, 2 and 11) that are located within the Galpin Blvd project area. From the MnRAM assessment conducted, Wetland 1 (including the shoreline to Lake Lucy) would be classified as Preserve, Wetland 2 would be classified as a Manage 1 wetland and Wetland 11 would be classified as a Manage 2 wetland. Supporting MnRAM documents including the management classification and site response reports for each wetland area are attached with this memo.  MNR appreciates the opportunity to provide this information to assist Lennar with this proposed housing development project. Midwest Natural Resources, Inc. – Galpin Blvd. Site, Chanhassen, Minnesota 2 Respectfully submitted, Midwest Natural Resources, Inc. Ken Arndt Sr. Forest Ecologist Certified Wetland Delineator Figure 2 - Existing Conditions Galpin Property (KES 2017-110)Chanhassen, Minnesota Note: Boundaries indicated on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. ¯0 600 Feet Source: Minnesota DNR (2013) Drainageway Ravine Transect Ornamental Feature Lake Edge Wetland Boundary Assessment Area Wetland 141.90ac Wetland 20.18ac Wetland 60.02ac Wetland 50.05ac Wetland 40.20ac Wetland 30.16ac Wetland 130.03ac Wetland 120.60ac Wetland 112.79ac Wetland 100.13ac Wetland 90.38ac Wetland 70.62ac Wetland 80.17ac Wetland 140.23ac T-1 T-1 T-4 T-3 T-2 Area A       MnRAM Management Classification & Site Response Reports for Wetlands 1, 2 & 11                                       Management Classification Report for  19 Galpin Blvd.Wetland 1 County Corps Bank Service Area  CARVER 33 9 ID: Minnesota (Shakopee)Watershed, # Based on the MnRAM data input from field and office review and using the classification settings as shown below,  this wetland is classified as  Functional rank of this wetland  based on MnRAM data Functional Category Self‐defined classification value  settings for this management level Vegetative Diversity/Integrity Habitat Structure (wildlife) Amphibian Habitat Fish Habitat Shoreline Protection Aesthetic/Cultural/Rec/Ed and Habitat Stormwater/Urban Sensitivity and Vegetative Diversity Wetland Water Quality and Vegetative Diversity Characteristic Hydrology and Vegetative Diversity Flood/Stormwater Attenuation* Commericial use* Downstream Water Quality* Moderate High Low High High Moderate Not Applicable High High Moderate Exceptional The critical function that caused this wetland to rank as Moderate Details of the formula for this action are shown below: Preserve Exceptional Exceptional High Exceptional High Exceptional Exceptional High High ‐ ‐ ‐ Preserve Shoreline Protection was /High / / / Moderate High High (Q30+Q31+Q32+Q33+Q34)/5 Value Description Shoreline Protection Question 30 Shoreline rooted vegetation (%cover )1 31 Shoreline wetland in-water width1 32 Shoreline emergent veg/erosion resistance1 33 Shoreline erosion potential0.5 34 Shoreline upslope veg/bank protection0.1 Monday, July 23, 2018This report was printed on: * The classification value settings for these functions are not adjustable Management Classification Report for  20 Galpin BlvdWetland 2 County Corps Bank Service Area  CARVER 33 9 ID: Minnesota (Shakopee)Watershed, # Based on the MnRAM data input from field and office review and using the classification settings as shown below,  this wetland is classified as  Functional rank of this wetland  based on MnRAM data Functional Category Self‐defined classification value  settings for this management level Vegetative Diversity/Integrity Habitat Structure (wildlife) Amphibian Habitat Fish Habitat Shoreline Protection Aesthetic/Cultural/Rec/Ed and Habitat Stormwater/Urban Sensitivity and Vegetative Diversity Wetland Water Quality and Vegetative Diversity Characteristic Hydrology and Vegetative Diversity Flood/Stormwater Attenuation* Commericial use* Downstream Water Quality* Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Not Applicable Moderate Not Applicable High Moderate Moderate Moderate The critical function that caused this wetland to rank as Moderate Details of the formula for this action are shown below: Manage 1 High High Moderate High Moderate High High High High ‐ High ‐ Manage 1 Maintenance of Characteristic Amphibian Habitat was /Moderate / / / Moderate Moderate Moderate (Q43) * [( Q44 + 2*Q23wildlife + Q14 +Q 41 + Q20 reversed)/6] Value Description Maintenance of Characteristic Amphibian Habitat Question 14 Upland land use0.5 20 Stormwater runoff0.5 23 Buffer width0.5 41 Wildlife barriers0.5 43 Amphib breeding potential--fish presence1 44 Amphib & reptile overwintering habitat0.1 Monday, July 23, 2018This report was printed on: * The classification value settings for these functions are not adjustable Management Classification Report for  21 Galpin BlvdWetland 11 County Corps Bank Service Area  CARVER 33 9 ID: Minnesota (Shakopee)Watershed, # Based on the MnRAM data input from field and office review and using the classification settings as shown below,  this wetland is classified as  Functional rank of this wetland  based on MnRAM data Functional Category Self‐defined classification value  settings for this management level Vegetative Diversity/Integrity Habitat Structure (wildlife) Amphibian Habitat Fish Habitat Shoreline Protection Aesthetic/Cultural/Rec/Ed and Habitat Stormwater/Urban Sensitivity and Vegetative Diversity Wetland Water Quality and Vegetative Diversity Characteristic Hydrology and Vegetative Diversity Flood/Stormwater Attenuation* Commericial use* Downstream Water Quality* Low Moderate Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Moderate Not Applicable High High High Moderate The critical function that caused this wetland to rank as Moderate Details of the formula for this action are shown below: Manage 2 Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Low Moderate ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Manage 2 Maintenance of Characteristic Wildlife Habitat Structure was /Low / / / ‐ ‐ ‐ (Q3e*2+Q39+Q40+Q41+(Q23+Q24+Q25)/3+Q13+ Q20)/8 Value Description Maintenance of Characteristic Wildlife Habitat Str Question 13 Outlet: hydrologic regime1 20 Stormwater runoff0.5 23 Buffer width0.5 24 Adjacent area Management1 25 Adjacent area diversity0.5 39 Detritus0.5 3e <No Description Found>0.1 40 Wetland interspersion/landscape0.5 * The classification value settings for these functions are not adjustable Management Classification Report for  21 Galpin BlvdWetland 11 County Corps Bank Service Area  CARVER 33 9 ID: Minnesota (Shakopee)Watershed, # 41 Wildlife barriers0.5 Monday, July 23, 2018This report was printed on: * The classification value settings for these functions are not adjustable 19Galpin Blvd. MnRAM: Site Response Record For Wetland:Wetland 1 Location: 10-116-23-10-001 4 No 5 No 6 No 7 Depressional/FlowThru 8-1 15 inches 8-2 20% 9 100 acres 11-Upland Soil Lester-Kilkenny loams 11-Wetland Soil Muskego-Houghton, Essexville 12 B 13 A 14 C 15 A 16 90% 17 B 18 A 19 B 20 B 21 B 22 A 23 400 feet Outlet for flood control Outlet for hydro regime Dominant upland land use Wetland soil condition Vegetation (% cover) Emerg. veg flood resistance Sediment delivery Upland soils (soil group) Stormwater runoff Subwatershed wetland density Channels/sheet flow Adjacent buffer width Listed, rare, special species? Rare community or habitat? Pre-European-settlement condition? Hydrogeomorphology / topography: Maximum water depth % inundated Immediate drainage--local WS 10 Esimated size/existing site: (see #66) PEMB Type 2 Plant Community:Fresh (Wet) Meadow Cowardin Classification: Circular 39: PEMB Type 2 Plant Community:Sedge Meadow Cowardin Classification: Circular 39: PEMC Type 3 Plant Community:Shallow Marsh Cowardin Classification: Circular 39: PFO1B Type 7 Plant Community:Hardwood Swamp Cowardin Classification: Circular 39: PEMF Type 4 Plant Community:Deep Marsh Cowardin Classification: Circular 39: 24-A 100% 24-B 0% 24-C 0% 25-A 0% 25-B 100% 25-C 0% 26-A 25% 26-B 50% 26-C 25% 27 A 28 B 29 Yes 30 90% 31 100 feet 32 A 33 B 34 C 35 No 36 No 37 A 38 A 39 B 40 A 41 A 42 Adequate 43 B 44 C 45 46 B 47 48 No 49 C Adjacent area management Full Manicured Bare Adjacent area diversity/structure Native Mixed Sparse Gentle Moderate Steep Adjacent area slope Downstream sens./WQ protect. Nutrient loading Shoreline wetland? Rooted veg., % cover Wetland in-water width Emerg. veg. erosion resistance Erosion potential of site Upslope veg./bank protection Rare wildlife? Scare/Rare/S1/S2 community Vegetative cover Veg. community interspersion Wetland detritus Interspersion on landscape Wildlife barriers Hydroperiod adequacy Fish presence Overwintering habitat Wildlife species (list) Fish habitat quality Fish species (list) Unique/rare opportunity Wetland visibility Shoreline Wetland Amphibian-breeding potential 50 Yes 51 A 52 C 53 A 54 B 55 A 56 B 57 NA 58 Recharge 59 Recharge 60 Recharge 61 Discharge 62 Discharge 63 Discharge 64 No 65 66 41.9 0 0 67 0 feet 68 69 0 70 0 71 B 72 B Proximity to population Public ownership Public access Human influence on wetland Human influence on viewshed Spatial buffer Recreational activity potential Commercial crop--hydro impact Wetland soils Subwatershed land use Wetland size/soil group Wetland hydroperiod Inlet/Outlet configuration Upland topo relief Restoration potential LO affected by restoration Existing size Restorable size Potential new wetland Average width of pot. buffer Ease of potential restoration Hydrologic alterations Potential wetland type Stormwater sensitivity Additional treatment needs Groundwater-specific questions For functional ratings, please run the Summary tab report. Additional information This report printed on: 7/23/2018 Minnesota (Shakopee)Watershed : Service Area:9WS#33 20Galpin Blvd MnRAM: Site Response Record For Wetland:Wetland 2 Location: 10-116-23-03-001 4 No 5 No 6 No 7 Depressional/FlowThru 8-1 12 inches 8-2 10% 9 15 acres 11-Upland Soil Lester-Kilkenny loams 11-Wetland Soil Houghton and Muskego soils 12 B 13 B 14 B 15 A 16 95% 17 B 18 A 19 B 20 B 21 B 22 C 23 100 feet 24-A 75% 24-B 25% 24-C 0% 25-A 0% 25-B 100% 25-C 0% Outlet for flood control Outlet for hydro regime Dominant upland land use Wetland soil condition Vegetation (% cover) Emerg. veg flood resistance Sediment delivery Upland soils (soil group) Stormwater runoff Subwatershed wetland density Channels/sheet flow Adjacent buffer width Adjacent area management Full Manicured Bare Adjacent area diversity/structure Native Mixed Sparse Listed, rare, special species? Rare community or habitat? Pre-European-settlement condition? Hydrogeomorphology / topography: Maximum water depth % inundated Immediate drainage--local WS 10 Esimated size/existing site: (see #66) PEMC Type 3 Plant Community:Shallow Marsh Cowardin Classification: Circular 39:26-A 50% 26-B 50% 26-C 0% 27 B 28 B 29 No 30 0% 31 0 feet 32 33 34 35 No 36 No 37 C 38 NA 39 B 40 A 41 B 42 Adequate 43 A 44 C 45 46 C 47 48 No 49 A 50 Yes 51 A 52 C 53 B 54 C 55 B 56 C 57 NA Gentle Moderate Steep Adjacent area slope Downstream sens./WQ protect. Nutrient loading Shoreline wetland? Rooted veg., % cover Wetland in-water width Emerg. veg. erosion resistance Erosion potential of site Upslope veg./bank protection Rare wildlife? Scare/Rare/S1/S2 community Vegetative cover Veg. community interspersion Wetland detritus Interspersion on landscape Wildlife barriers Hydroperiod adequacy Fish presence Overwintering habitat Wildlife species (list) Fish habitat quality Fish species (list) Unique/rare opportunity Wetland visibility Proximity to population Public ownership Public access Human influence on wetland Human influence on viewshed Spatial buffer Recreational activity potential Commercial crop--hydro impact Shoreline Wetland Amphibian-breeding potential 58 Discharge 59 Recharge 60 Recharge 61 Recharge 62 Discharge 63 Discharge 64 No 65 66 7 0 0 67 0 feet 68 69 0 70 0 71 B 72 C Wetland soils Subwatershed land use Wetland size/soil group Wetland hydroperiod Inlet/Outlet configuration Upland topo relief Restoration potential LO affected by restoration Existing size Restorable size Potential new wetland Average width of pot. buffer Ease of potential restoration Hydrologic alterations Potential wetland type Stormwater sensitivity Additional treatment needs Groundwater-specific questions For functional ratings, please run the Summary tab report. Additional information This report printed on: 7/23/2018 Minnesota (Shakopee)Watershed : Service Area:9WS#33 21Galpin Blvd MnRAM: Site Response Record For Wetland:Wetland 11 Location: 10-116-23-03-001 4 No 5 No 6 No 7 Depressional/Isolated 8-1 0 inches 8-2 0% 9 10 acres 11-Upland Soil Lester-Kilkenny loams 11-Wetland Soil Klossner muck 12 A 13 A 14 B 15 A 16 100% 17 B 18 A 19 B 20 B 21 B 22 A 23 200 feet 24-A 100% 24-B 0% 24-C 0% 25-A 0% 25-B 100% 25-C 0% Outlet for flood control Outlet for hydro regime Dominant upland land use Wetland soil condition Vegetation (% cover) Emerg. veg flood resistance Sediment delivery Upland soils (soil group) Stormwater runoff Subwatershed wetland density Channels/sheet flow Adjacent buffer width Adjacent area management Full Manicured Bare Adjacent area diversity/structure Native Mixed Sparse Listed, rare, special species? Rare community or habitat? Pre-European-settlement condition? Hydrogeomorphology / topography: Maximum water depth % inundated Immediate drainage--local WS 10 Esimated size/existing site: (see #66) PEMB Type 2 Plant Community:Fresh (Wet) Meadow Cowardin Classification: Circular 39:26-A 20% 26-B 80% 26-C 0% 27 B 28 B 29 No 30 0% 31 0 feet 32 33 34 35 No 36 No 37 NA 38 NA 39 B 40 B 41 B 42 Inadequate 43 A 44 45 46 NA 47 48 No 49 B 50 Yes 51 A 52 C 53 B 54 C 55 A 56 C 57 NA Gentle Moderate Steep Adjacent area slope Downstream sens./WQ protect. Nutrient loading Shoreline wetland? Rooted veg., % cover Wetland in-water width Emerg. veg. erosion resistance Erosion potential of site Upslope veg./bank protection Rare wildlife? Scare/Rare/S1/S2 community Vegetative cover Veg. community interspersion Wetland detritus Interspersion on landscape Wildlife barriers Hydroperiod adequacy Fish presence Overwintering habitat Wildlife species (list) Fish habitat quality Fish species (list) Unique/rare opportunity Wetland visibility Proximity to population Public ownership Public access Human influence on wetland Human influence on viewshed Spatial buffer Recreational activity potential Commercial crop--hydro impact Shoreline Wetland Amphibian-breeding potential 58 Discharge 59 Recharge 60 Recharge 61 Recharge 62 Recharge 63 Discharge 64 No 65 66 2.8 0 0 67 0 feet 68 69 0 70 0 71 B 72 C Wetland soils Subwatershed land use Wetland size/soil group Wetland hydroperiod Inlet/Outlet configuration Upland topo relief Restoration potential LO affected by restoration Existing size Restorable size Potential new wetland Average width of pot. buffer Ease of potential restoration Hydrologic alterations Potential wetland type Stormwater sensitivity Additional treatment needs Groundwater-specific questions For functional ratings, please run the Summary tab report. Additional information This report printed on: 7/23/2018 Minnesota (Shakopee)Watershed : Service Area:9WS#33