04 20 2018
April 20, 2018
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Nevin, Dorina Tipton, Cheryl Ayotte, Jackie
Engel, Carol Buesgens, Mack Titus, Jerry Cerchia
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff.
GUESTS: Lindsey Jurasek
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Nevin called meeting to order and requested Approval of Agenda.
Commissioner Cerchia approved; Commissioner Titus seconded the motion. All
voted in favor.
Approval of Minutes:
Commissioner Cerchia moved to approve the minutes; Commissioner Titus
seconded the motion.
Election of Officers:
Barb Nevin and Dorina Tipton were re=nominated to serve as President and Vice
President respectively. Motion to approve carried unanimously.
Approval of By-Laws:
Commissioner Nevin moved to approve By-Laws. Commissioner Tipton seconded
the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously.
Appointment of Advisory Board Representative:
Commissioner Cerchia indicated interest in becoming the liaison between the
Senior Commission and Senior Advisory Board. Commissioner Nevin moved to
have Commissioner Cerchia appointed. Commissioner Tipton seconded the
motion. All voted in favor.
4 of July Bingo Event:
Unanimous support to continue the annual bingo event with proceeds going to Pets
for Vets – specifically a Vietnam Vet. Commissioner Cerchia indicated he would
personally donate $500.00 for training of a service dog.
ACT on Alzheimer’s Update:
Sharmeen Al-Jaff advised that members of ACT on Alzheimer’s project
team distributed Resource Guides to all Faith Communities in Chanhassen;
stands to promote the Resource Guides are in process of being purchased
and delivered to these same Faith Communities. Follow up on how to best
ensure materials are noticed by congregations and how stands can best
remain filled was discussed. Process on follow up with Faith Communities
will be discussed at next ACT on Alzheimer’s meeting.
The Promotional Table during the July 4 celebrations in Chanhassen will
once again take place as in 2017. Commissioners Engel and Tipton will
man the table and any other volunteers will be welcome.
2018 Goals and Objectives/Joint Session with City Council:
The Senior Commission presented its 2018 Goals and Objectives to the City
Council on April 9. The information was well received by the City Council.
Arbor Day – Saturday May 5, 2018:
This annual Tree Planting event will take place at Power Hill Park. Commissioners
Nevin and Ayotte will participate.
Memorial Day – Monday, May 28, 2018:
Memorial Day Ceremonies will begin at 7:45am at Leach Cemetery, continue to
Chanhassen Pioneer Cemetery at 8:5 am and at St Hubert’s Cemetery at 10:15 am.
At noon, the Legion will assemble at Veterans Monument at City Center Park to
conduct the Memorial Day Ceremony. Free Lunch will be provided to the public
at the Legion after 1 pm. Commissioners Nevin and Tipton will be seeking
donations from participants with donations going to Veterans Court.
Chanhassen Villager Articles:
Commissioner Ayotte will contact Unsie …
Senior Commission Comments:
Commissioner Nevin and Lesley Jurasek attended the Mental Health Seminar.
Commissioner Nevin moved to adjourn the meeting; Commissioner Ayotte
seconded the motion. All voted in favor and motion carried.
Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff.