09 20 2018
September 20, 2018
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Nevin, Carol Buesgens, Jackie Engel, Jerry Cerchia,
Cheryl Ayotte, Mack Titus, Dorina Tipton.
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Mary Blazanin.
GUESTS PRESENT: Dawn Plummer, Carver County Commission on Aging
Commissioner Nevin called meeting to order.
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Cerchia moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Ayotte seconded the
motion. All voted in favor.
Senior Commission Minutes:
Commissioner Nevin called for approval of last month’s minutes. Commissioner Tipton
moved to approve. Commissioner Titus seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Goals and Objectives:
Senior Commission Long Term Strategic Plan was distributed. Commissioners discussed
Long Term Strategic Plan vs. Short Term Annual Goals and Objectives. Decision taken to
review Long Term Strategic Plan during upcoming meetings, determine priorities, what is
doable each year and amend, delete or add areas to concentrate on as relevant to the team
and as approved by City Council.
2018 GOALS
1. Volunteer and support city events
2. Advocate for and participate in relevant transit
3. Advocate for and promote Senior Safety and participate in Elder Abuse Prevention
4. Support and participate in ACT on Alzheimer’s initiatives
5. Update and promote City of Chanhassen website.
Act on Alzheimer’s Update:
Planned activities are in process as November Alzheimer’s month draws near.
Commissioners Nevin and Tipton will provide update of ACT on Alzheimer’s activities to
City Council on Monday, September 24.
Discussion of current senior housing data:
Commissioner Titus tabled paper on senior housing currently available in Carver County.
Sharmeen Al-Jaf also provided data on total senior housing units available in Chanhassen.
Since it is difficult to demand type and size of housing from developers, further discussion
will take place on how to best utilize and/or influence developers about potential future
“Senior Corner” in Chanhassen Villager:
Mary Blazanin has received numerous suggestions for possible monthly column name in
the Chanhassen Villager. Final column name to be decided by October.
Senior Commission Comments:
No Senior Commission Meeting to take place in October. Next meeting to take place
November 15 at 3 pm. Dawn Plummer from Carver County Commission on Aging
informed the Senior Commission that approximately $3000 may be available as start-up
fund for Memory Café once comprehensive plan with venue, leadership and possible
monthly activities are identified.
Commissioner Nevin called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Cerchia moved to
adjourn; Commissioner Ayotte seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Prepared by and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff