2017 04 21 CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING April 21, 2017 MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Nevin, Dorina Tipton, Jackie Engel, Carol Buesgens, Cheryl Ayotte, Barbara Chadwick. MEMBERS ABSENT: Cami Swanson. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Sue Bill. VISITORS: none Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Buesgens moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Chadwick seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Chadwick moved to approve the minutes, Commissioner Engel seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Election of Officers: Barb Nevin and Dorina Tipton were re-nominated to serve as President and Vice President respectively. Motion to approve carried unanimously. Approval of By-Laws: Motion to remove time limitation to serve as officers on Senior Commission. Commissioner Ayotte moved to approve the amendment, Commissioner Chadwick seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Appointment of Advisory Board Representative: Chairwoman Nevin appointed Commissioner Tipton to continue as liaison between the Senior Advisory Board and Senior Commission. th 4 of July Bingo Event: Unanimous support to continue the annual bingo event with proceeds in 2017 going to Pets for Vets – specifically a Vietnam Vet. Act on Alzheimer’s Update:  Commissioner Tipton and Sue Bill updated the commission on Project Impact conducted by Bluff thth Creek Elementary. On May 11, 4 and 5 graders and senior citizen volunteers will meet to create art canvases depicting “what Alzheimer’s means to them”. The completed canvases will be displayed at Bluff Creek Elementary School on May 31 and will thereafter be used as “travelling art” at future ACT on Alzheimer’s training sessions, community meetings, and presentations. rdth  A promotional table will be set up on July 3 (during the July 4 city wide weekend festivities) to answer questions and provide literature on Alzheimer’s to members of our community. Senior Commissioners will take turns manning the table throughout the day.  November is National Alzheimer’s Month and discussions have commenced on type of community meeting to be held to continue informing the community about this disease and the resources that are available. 2017 Senior Commission Goals and Objectives/Joint Session with City Council: Senior Commissioners will present review of 2016 goals and new 2017 goals to the City Council on April 24. Commissioners have been identified to speak on each goal. Arbor Day – Saturday, May 6 at 9 am at North Lotus Lake Park: Barb Nevin, Cheryl Ayotte and Jackie Engel will participate. th City of Chanhassen 50 Anniversary Celebration, Monday, May 8 at City Center Park, Fountain Plaza – 5:30 to 7 pm: Commissioners were reminded of this special event in our community and urged to attend if possible. Memorial Day, Monday, May 29 at noon at City Center Park: Commissioners were reminded of this event; Commissioner Nevin, Commissioner Ayotte and Commissioner Tipton will participate and receive donations for veterans cause. Senior Commission Comments/Alerts:  Commissioner Nevin was announced as Rotary Club Person of the Year.  Sharmeen Al-Jaff shared her outstanding experience using South West Transit. Adjournment: Commissioner Ayotte moved to adjourn; Commissioner Nevin seconded the motion. All voted in favor and motion carried. Prepared by and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff