2012 11 16 SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 16, 2012 Chairwoman Nevin called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Nevin, Camille Swanson, Carol Buesgens, Dorina A. Tipton, Thomas Wilson, Jackie Engel and Terry Grathen. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Sue Bill. VISITORS: Lenny Schmidt. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Grathen moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Swanson seconded the motion to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED: September 21, 2012 Beyond the Yellow Ribbon th Commissioner Nevin updated the Commission on the November 10 breakfast event at the American Legion. She stated the room was packed and that it was a wonderful well organized event that consisted of various speakers and raffle prizes. Mayor Furlong, City Council Members and Carver County Commissioners were in attendance. Secretary of State Richie gave the proclamation. Triad: Lenny Schmidt stated that Carver County is developing a logo for Carver Co Triad. The County is in the process of hiring a consultant to do a strategic plan. Triad meetings occur quarterly. Lenny stated that the fall “Take Back Drug Program” collected over 200 lbs of medication. They are looking into a “Take Back Box(s)” to be placed around the county for regular disposal. He also explained the Sharps program and that he is looking into this program for Carver Co. Commissioner Nevin asked how the work with MN DOT for traffic control at major intersections was going. Lenny said we will be seeing more blinking yellow lights at major intersections. Store to Door – Groceries for Seniors: Twenty Eight households are being serviced from the Chanhassen Cub Foods Store. Four are Carver County households and the rest are western Hennepin County residents. Store to Door has opening and would like more Carver County residents. Volunteer shoppers and order takers are needed. Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging (MAAA) Grant: The City of Waconia will be the fiscal agent for the 2 grants (Strategic Planning & Home Modification Projects) The Strategic Planning grant will be for consultant time to work with the six Carver Co Senior Commissions and the Home Modification Projects Grant will be for Universal Design Education and training. The CarFit Marketing project application was denied. Intergenerational Activities: Commissioner Nevin asked Sue Bill if the Bluff Creek School event will be repeated this year. Sue Bill stated she will follow up and let the commission know. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Wilson moved, Commissioner Tipton seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Submitted by Sue Bill