Resolution Approving RLS 130 - SignedCITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AI\D HENNEPIN COI]NTIES, MINNESOTA DATE:December 10.2018 RESOLUTION NO: SECONDED BY: 2018-63 MOTION BY:McDonald Tiornhom A RESOLUTION APPROVING REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 130 CHANHASSEN FRONTIER, LLC WIIEREAS, Chanhassen Frontier,LLc, has requested approval of a Registered Land Survey of property in downtown Chanhassen described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the property is guided for Commercial use; and WIIEREAS, the property is zoned Central Business District, CBD;and WIIEREAS, the proposed Registered Land Survey complies with all requirernents of the Chanhassen City Code; and WIIEREAS, the proposed Registered Land Survey adequately provides for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by the city; and WHEREAS, the proposed Registered Land Survey is consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zonrng ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves Registered Land Survey No. 130 consisting of three tracts. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 10ft day Decernber of 2018. AJ^!t YES Laufenburger McDonald ljornhom Ryan Campion Mayor ABSENT None 6dd Gerhardt, City Manager NO ATTEST: EXHIBIT A PARCELONE: Lot 2, Block 1, Frontier Clneme Addition, Carver County, Minnesots Together wlth a non-excluslve Easement for lngrecs and egress by vehlcles end pedeshians over and upon thrt portion ofthe followlng described property: Lot I\wo (2), Block One (1), Chanhagsen Mall and Outlots A, B and C, Easy Rider Addition, end vrceted Peuly Drivc, as dedlcoted in the plat of Eary Rider Addition, tbrt llcc cesterly of the followlng dercribed line: Beginning at the uorthwest corner ofOutlot A reld Eesy Rlder Addlfion, thence South 0 degrees 08 minut$ 32 ceconds West, an acsumed bear{ng, along the eesterly rlght of way llne of Market Boulevard, as dedicated in the plet of Easy Rider Addifion, a dlstance of 80.22 fcct; thence southerly and southeasterly 339.36 feet along r trngentld curve concrve to the eest heving a rrdius of555.82 feet and a central angle of34 degrees 58 minutes 56 scconds, and sald llne therc terminatlng. According to the plets thereof on f,le rnd of record ln tte Office of the County Recorder, Can er County, Mlnnesota AND Outlots B rnd C, Frontier Cinema Addifion; and the West 90.00 feet of the South 13.50 feet and the East 60.51 fcot of the West 150.61 feet of the South 3.5 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Bloomberg 2nd Addifion, Cerver County, Minnesota as descrlbed ln the Access Easement Agreement dated April 7,20M, recorded May 20,21X)4 es Document No.987112 PARCELT\YO: Outlot A Fronder Clneme Addltion, Caner County Mlnnesote, EXCEPT ttet part tbereof now plattad into Chanhassen Trenslt Stafion, dqcribed ac follows: Commenclng at the Southel$ corner of nld Outlot A, Fronfier Clnemr Addidon, Caner County, Mlnnesota; thence North 00 degrecs 33 mlnutes, 25 recondr Wee{ en rrsumed bearlng, rlong the Eaet nne of ssld Outlot A, a dlctance of 110.00 feet; thence North 17 degreer 5i mlnutos 40 secondc Eut along the Eart llne of Outlot A, a dlstance of 5.11 feet to the polnt of beglnnlng; thence North 11 degreer fl) miuutes 45 seconds Wegt a dlrtrnce of 98.29 feet; thence Nortt 78 degrees 50 minutec 15 reconds Eest r dlshnce of 31.?0 feet to rald East llne of Outlot A; thence soulherly along cald Eact fne of Oudot A to the point of bednntng. PARCELTHREE: Iat 3, Block 1, Chanhacsen Trrnslt Stetion, Cener Couaty, Mlnnesotq EXCEPT ttet part of rald Lot 3 lytng southerty of Lat2, Block l, sald Chanhasren Ttenslt Station, and ersterly of the followtng described line: Beglnnlng rt the Northeest corner of Ou0ot A, Frontier Cinema Addldon, eald Ceryer County, Minnesota; tJrence North 00 degrees 33 mlnutes 27 secondr Wer{ eccumed bearlng dong ttte Northerly ertension of the East llne of salil Outlot A, a dlctance of 40.00 feet; thence South t9 degreer 26 mlnutes 33 seconds Wert a dlstrnce of 54,37 feet to the routherly extenrlon of the West llne of sald Lot 2; tbence North 00 degrees 01 mlnutes 05 seconds Wesl along sdd llnc crtcndcd a dictrnce ot78,92 feet to the southern most corner of sald TVest llne and rald line there termlnatlng.