RCP Resolution - RecordedThomas J. Campbellx Roger N. Knutson Elliott B. Knetsch JoelJ. Jamnik Andrea McDorvell Poehler Soren M. Mattick Henry A. Schaeffeq III Alina Schrvartz Shana N. Conklin Amv B. Schutt Jarnes J. Mong6, III Jerome M. Porter David S. Kendall Mattheu,K. Brokl Kurt S. Fischer xOf Counsel Grarxl ()ak ()f iicrt' Ccntt'r I 860 Illuc (icntiiin Ro.rtl Suit(. 29() lirqan, \[inncrola ri I ] I Ilain: (ri I +;2-;00o Irar: (ril lJ+-6ll; s.rr rr.t [-lal.t,,rn fr* !o rz:- to CAMPBELL KNUTSON October 29,2018 MacKenzie Walters, Asst. Planner c/o City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Plat of Red Cedar Point Dear MacKenzie'. Please find enclosed for the City's files, the original recorded documents regarding the plat of Red Cedar Point that were retumed to us from Custom Home Builders title. Copies of these documents were e-mailed to you on September L2,2018. Thank you. Very truly yours, CAMPBELL KNUTSON Profes s ion al Associution /jmo Enclosure M. Olson, I 99698v I PROFESSIONAL' ASSOC I AT I O N Document No. T207222 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF TITLES CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Filed on -August 02,2018 3:48 PM Fee: $46.00Cert # 39694 ililrul[ulllllll CERTIFICATION Kaaren Lewis Registrar of Titles STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss coUNTYoFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, duly appointed and acting Deputy Clerk for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution No. 2018-39 "Approving a Final Plat with a Variance for Red Cedar Point" adopted by the Chanhassen City Council on July 9,2018 with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 10th day of Ju1y,2018. Vl. tt I 1', Custom Home Buitders Tiile CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: JuIv 9.2018 RESOLUTION NO:-201&32, MOTION BY: Rvan SECONDED BY: Campion A RESOLU'TION APPROVING A FINAL PLAT WITH A VARIA}ICE FOR RED CEDAR POINT WIIEREAS, Estate Development Corporation has requested a subdivision of the property located at 3681 Red Cedar Point Road into two single-family lots with areas of 20,417 square feet and 23,572 square feet; and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision complies with all requirements of the Chanhassen City Code, and WHEREAS, the Chanhassen Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 19, 2018 and found the plan consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehorsive Plan and Chanhassen ZoningOrdinanc€ and recommended approval of the subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the final plat with a variance for Red Cedar Point, creating two lots subject to the following conditions: Buildins: 1. Provide a 1:200 "clean" plat drawing. 2. Demolition permits required for the rsmoval of any existing structures. 3. Buildings may be required to be designed by an architect and/or engineer as determined by the Building Official. 4. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 5. Retaining walls over four feet high require a permit and must be designed by a professional engineer. 6. Each lot must be provided with separate sewer and water services. Engineering: 1. Drawing 4 - Site and Utility Plan: a) Change detail 1006 (Gate Valve and Box Installation) to detail 1005 (Water Service). b) Add City details sz}zA(Bituminous Sheet Patching), 5203 (Curb and Gutter),5208 (Concrete Driveway), 5209 (Bituminous Driveway), and 5221 (Tie Card). c) An abandoned watermain exists between the sanitary sewer and the watermain. Add note to make this known to the sanitary sewer and water installation contractor. 2. Drawing 5 - Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan: a) Add City details 5301 (Rock Construction Entrance) and 53028 (Erosion Control for Individual Lots) b) Provide geotechnical report. c) Include first floor elevation of buildings on adjacent lots. d) Existing and proposed elevations shall be shown at each lot comer and top of the curb at the lot line extension. e) Identify proposed soil stockpile locations. 0 If importing or exporting soils for the development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with a detailed haul route and traffic control plan. 3. SAC and WAC fees due at the rate in force at time of building permit application. Environmental Resources : 1. Tree protection fencing must be properly installed at the edge of the grading limits as shown on the plans dated 5115118. This must be done prior to any construction activities and remain installed until all construction is completed. Any trees lost to construction activities shall be replaced. 2. No equiprnent or materials may be stored within the tree protection alea. 3. One tree must be planted in the front of each yard, as per city requirements' Parks: 1. Park dedication fees for one lot at the rate in force at the time of final plat approval. Planning: 1. An escrow of 110 percent of the estimated demolition costs for the demolition of the detached garageon lot 2, block I must be received, and the detached garage must be removed within four molths of the approval of the final plat. Water Resources: 1. All permits and approvals must be received from other regulatory agencies prior to issuing permits. 2. Must show existing and proposed drainage' 3. The applicant will need to pay the surface water management (SWMP) fee for 1.010 acres at the rate in force at the time of final plat approval. 2 t ;.' iJ , Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day July of 2018. Gerhardt, City Clerk/Manager YES Laufenburger McDonald Ryan Campion NO ATTEST: ABSENT 'ljornhorn ry.