Water Service Tie Sheet - Record 74o \ scHoELL & MADSoN, rNC. Engineers & Sur-'.reyors Between Water Service Record a+ , ..a i'J{lR x luua Qd(Street) MunicipaliEy (A att hsssan Watermain Project No. 7</7-€ Street: Number: Plan No. Sheet No. Addition:Leach Lot No. Manhole StaEion Length No.7{a of Serrrice: of Service: 1 or Parcel No Tie-in: l.\ -.9 t\-0- ) \(I oc**{en D? ",u)** PY Street c.L. ?* GoP.L. Plan Actual - t Size and Type of Servi ""-lLltr Depth at p .t. 7,'! 'e,conrracror: Vt/l, ?t ,vr - Fa.l6 Installed by: ried ay, F( ,l- f tl DaEe , /llo /14 (Indicate NorEh by Arrowhead) "r7 I l I