Landmark Home StylesLandmark Homes Proposed for 65'wide homesites These homes have been built in the following communities: Reflections at Lake Riley - Chanhassen Boulder Cove - Chanhassen Laketown - Victoria 2 Stories l4 Bedrooms l4 Bathrooms l3 CarGarage 3,328 Sq. Ft. VERYTHING'S INCLUDED' TheWashburn Landmark Collection 95?-?49-3000 GREAT ROOM 18-0'X 15-0" DINETTE 12'-0',X t5'-0' STUDY 11'-0" X r0'4' 3 CARGARAGE 3o'-0' x 20'4' Upper Level 3,328 Sq. Ft. . 2 Stories . 4 Bedrooms . 4 Bathrooms . 3 Car Garage fi TWrN CtTtES #l ,!,i nomrBulLDER Elevatrons ol a home may vary and we reserve lhe r0ht to substitute and /or rnodify desion and mabrhls, in our sole opinion and witrriut notice. Pleas€ see your New Home C0nsultanl and home purchas€ agreement l0r actual leatures designated as an Everylhing's lncluded featire, additional information, discloGures, and dischimers relating to your home and its features. Phns are artist's renderings and may c!0tain options which are not sanrhrd on all models. Lennar reserves lhe right h make changes to phns and elevations wi$out orior notice. Stated dimensions and square lmtrge are approxinEte and should ndt be used as representation of the home's o.ecise or actual size. Any statement, verbal br writlen. reoardino 'under air" or "finished area" or hnf orrei desc{iption or nndifier o{ the square fmtage size of any home is a shorfiand description of the manner in which the square fmtage was estimated and should not be c0nstrued to indicate certainty. Garaoe sizes mav vary from home to home and hav not accilmmddate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.tbm or see a Lennar New Home Consultant lor further details and im@rtant leoal disclaimers. This s nol an otfer in states wiere orior reoistration is reouired,Void where orohibited by hw. tsource -' BATC, 201 5 Top 25 Builders List, Copyright O 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar. the Lennar logo, EveMhing's lncluded and the Everything-s lncluded logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corooration d/b/a Lennar r"ilii".,S' il',i3"ci+oi'dii. ffi ;; .S Sales CorD, - Broker, MN Bldr. Lc l=l+ gcooiars,(rotg1\ tha17 lffi 1530535thAve.N. Suite 6OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNArT TheWaShbUfn Landmark Collection Main Level BEDROOM 2 13',\ fi', BE,DROON,{ 4 1l's 16' BEDROOM3 I2',X l{ 952-?49-3000LENNAFR.COIVI The Sinclair Landmark Collection EVERYTHII{G'S INCLUDED' H 95"-?49-3000 Main Level Upper Level ?,468 Sq. Ft. . Z Stories . 4 Bedrooms . 3 Bathrooms . 3 Car Garage fl TWrN CtTtES #l ,L[ nomrBulLDER El€vations ol a home may vary and we reserve the right to substfiute and /0r rnodify desion and rnaterials, in our sole opinion and witdut notice. Please see your Nelv tlome Coosultant and home purchase agreement lor actual leatures designated as an Everytling's lncluded feature, additional informati0n, disclosures, and dischimers relating t0 your home and its features. Phns are artist's rendsrings and may contain options lvhich are notstan&rd 0n all models. Lennar reserws the rioht t0 make changes t0 plans and elevations witlrout prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are appr0ximale and should not be used as representation ot the home's orecise or actual size. Any statement, verbal br written, regarding 'under air'or "finished area'or anv other desfiiDtion or rnodifier ol he souaie fmtage size ol any home is a shorhand description ot the manner in which the square fmtage was estimated and should not be construed t0 indi{xte certainty. Garaoe sizes rnay vary from home t0 home and mav not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.iom or see a Lennar New Home consultant for further details and important leoal dischimers. This is not an ofler in states wiere orior reoistration is reouired,Void where prohibited by -law. tsource - MTC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright @ 20'17 Lennar Corooration. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar lo0o, Everything's lncluded and the Everythingrs lncluded logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Horile Corporatbn d/b/a Lennar - License N0.20464871. Lennar sates coro. - Broker. MN Bldr. I=l Lic # Bodrol413.(10186) 4/3/17 ffi 1530536thAve.N. Suite 5OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 The Sinclair $6 DINING ROO\{ 11'x15' tr----l Yi KIl (.1ll.:\ lU'\ li' BEDROONI 2 12'x1l' llt,])R(x)NI 3 11'\ l1' BEDROOM 4 11' x l2' LENNAFT"The Lindbergh Landmark Collection 1 Story | 2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 3 CarGarage L,9O?Sq. Ft. EVERYTHING'S INCLUDED' **r*1r 95?-249-3000 Main Level NL\STER BEDROON{ 77',X14', DINING ROOM 73',y.14',GRE,\T ROOI,I 18',X 17', z = 3 CARGAfu\GE 30'x21' T-- - -- --- - -- -- --- ------l BEDROOI,I2 1l',X12', L,9OZ Sq. Ft, o l Story . 2 Bedrooms . Z Bathrooms . 3 Car Carage 1'TWIN CITIES #1 'lIK HOMEBUILDER Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or npdify desion and materhls, in our sole opinkm and with6ut notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and homs purciase agreement for actual leatures designated as an Everything's lncluded feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating t0 your home and its features. Phns are artist's renderinos and may contain options wtrich are not standlard on all ftodels. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without orior notice. Stated dimensions and souare fmtage are approximate and should not be used as representation ol fE home's orecise or actual size. Anv statement, verbal br written, regarding 'under ail' or 'finished area" or any other description 0r fiiodifier of the square lootage size 0l any home is a shorthand description of he manner in which the square f0otage was estimated and should not be mnstrued to indicate certainty. Garaqe sizes may vary from home to home and mav not accommodate all vehicles, Visit Lennar.tbm or see a Lennar New Home Consultant lor turther details and important leoal disclaimers. This is not an otfer in states w[ere orbr reoistration is reouired.Void where orohibited Dy iaw, tsource - BATC, 20'16 Top 25 Builders Lisl. Copyright O 2018 Lennar C0rporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar lo0o. EveMhino's lncluded and the Everythingrs lncludad hio are U.S. registered service marks or service marks 0l Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar - License No. 20464871. Lenn., fS, f 33#{lia',ili[dti]ilffi H 1630535thAve.N. Suite 6OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 The Lindbergh LENNAFI The Taylor 2,680 Sq. Ft. o 2 Stories . 4 Bedrooms . 3 Bathrooms . 3 Car Garage II TWIN CITIES #I ,i,[ HoUTBUILDER Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify desion and materials, in our sole opini0n and with6ut notice. Please see your New tlome Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everylhing's lncluded feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating t0 your home and its features. Plans are artist's renderinos and mav contain ootions whlch are not sund'ard on all models. Lennar reserves the rioht to make changes to plans and elevations wilhout prior notice, Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation ol $e home's orecise or actual size. Any statement, verbal br written. reoardinq 'undeI air" or 'finished area" or ani othei descriDtion or rnodilier ot tre souaie footage size of any home is a shorthand descriplion of me manner in which the square lmtage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate ctrtainty. Garaoe sizes mav vary kom home t0 home and ftav not accbmmbdate all vehhles. Visit Lennar,6om or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for furlher details and important leoal disclaimers. This is nol an offer in states w[ere 0rior reoistration is reouired.Void where pronibiieo by hw. tsource -' BATC, 201 5 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright O 2017 Lennar Corooration. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar hqo, Everything's lncluded and the Everythrng's lncluded logo are u.S. registered service marks or servce marks 0t Lennar Corporation and/or ils subsidhries. U.S Horire Corporatbn d/Ua Lennar - License ilo. 20464871. Leonar Sales CorP. - Broker. MN BHr. Lic # 8C001413.{10187], 4ru17 1630535thAve.N. Suite 6OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAII!' TheTaylOf Landmark Collection Main Level : EF*MF$:ffiflEBE#+IGREAr o,xrxc FffiROOAT RC}O\itni15' r1\r5' BE,DROON,I 4 10'x 13' BEDROOM 2 12',X 13', BEDROO]\{ 3 l1',>( 12', Upper Level LENNAFT.COIVI 95?-?49-3000 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms I 3 Bathrooms | 3 CarGarage ?,gOG Sq. Ft. EVERYTHING'S lNCLUDED' The St. Croix ll 95?-?19-3000 Main Level OWNER'S SUITE 14'-0" x l4-0" Upper Level 2,806 Sq. Ft, r 2 Stories . 4 Bedrooms . 3 Bathrooms . 3 Car Carage 1'TWIN CITIES #I 'ift HOMEBUILDER Elevations ol a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or rnodify desion and materials, in our sole opinion and with6ut notice, Please see your New Home Consultant and home purdEse agreemenl l0r actual features designated as an Everytling's lncluded feature. additbnal information, disclosures, and dischimers relating to your home and its lealures. Plans are artist's renderings and may contain optiofls which are notstandard on all rmdels, Lennar reserves lhe rioht t0 make changes t0 plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square lbotage are approximale and should not be used as representation of the home's orecise 0r actual size. Any statement, verbal br written, regarding 'under air'or 'finished area" or anv other description or rnodifier ol the souaie tootage size ol any home is a shorthand descri,tion ol the manner in which the square lmtage was estimated and should not be mnslrued to indklate certainty. Garaoe sizes mav vary lrom home to home and irav not accbmmirdate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.iom or see a Lennar New Home Consuliant tor further details and lmportrnt leoal disclaimers. This 6 not an otfer in states wiere Drior reoistration is reouired.Void where orohiDited by hw. tSource - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright @ 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar looo, Everything's lncluded and the Everythinds lncluded logo are U.S. registered seruice marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries, U.S. Home CorDoration d/b/a Lennar -liirn$'u"0.")6ns+'aii. ffi ;;; af- LILEIDE NU. eVaU+U' r. Lsil[or Sales Gorp. - Broker. MN Bldr Lic* gcoojarg.(rotaa) ovttng 1630535thAve.N. Suite 6OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENN,\O Landmark Collection LENNAFI.COTVI 95?-?49-3000 The Snelling LENNAFT.COIVI 95?-249-3000 Main Level BEDROOI\I2 11'x l3'BEDROOM 3 11'x 13' Upper Level 3,?70 Sq. Ft. . Z Stories o 4 Bedrooms o 4 Bathrooms o 3 Car Carage fl TWIN CITIES #l 'i,1, HOMEBUILDER Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the r(lht to substiute and /or rnodily deshn and materhh, in our sole opinion and rvitbut notbe. Please see your New l'lome C0nsultant and home purdlase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything's lncluded feature, additional information, disclosures, and dischimers relating t0 your home and its leatjres. Phns are artist's renderings and may contain options which are nol standardon all rnodels. Lennar reserves the rioht to make changes to phns and elevations witimut orbr notict. stated dimensions and square fbtage are approxirnate and slpuld not oe used as representation of he home's orecise tr actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, reqarding 'under aif or 'tinished area' or anf ohea descriotion or rnodilier ol tre squaie lmtage size ol any home is a shorhand descriptbn of the manner in which the square rootage was estimaud and should not be @nstrued to indi{2te certainty, Garaoe sizes mav vary from home to home and irav not acc6mmirdate alt vehhles. Visit Lennar.rbm oI see a Lennar New Home Consultant lor furher details and imporhnt leoal dischimers. This is not an ofter in states wiere 0rior reoistration is reouired.Void where Drohibited by 6w. tsource '' BATC, 201 5 Top 25 Builders List. Gopyright @ 2017 Lennar CorDoration. All rights reserved, Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything's lncluded and the EveMhingJs lncluded logo are U,S. registered service marlG or servhe marks ol Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S, Horire Cormratbn d/b/a Lennarlit.,.#il'd iti+oieii ffi; fS Sales Coro, - Broker. MN Bldr. L= lic + scobtlte.(10192) 4/Y17 ffi 1630536thAve.N. Suite 5OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAFI' Landmark Collection F-_llr---t-_l i .----,--l Kl 1r\r lt\ BEDROOM4 12'r 15' LENNAFT.COIVI 95?-?49-3000 Main: 2 Stories t 4 Bedrooms I 4 Bathrooms | 2 Car Garage I 2,637 Sq._Ft.- private Suite: l Bedroom t i Bathroom ! Piivate Living Area I Kitchenette I Laundry 1553 Sq. Ft. l. NEXTCEN- THE HOi.IE WITHIN A IIOXEs I= LENNAFT The lndependence Collection I Main Home 2,637 Sq, Ft, . 2 Stories . 4 Bedrooms . 4 Bathrooms . ?Car Garage Private Suite 553 Sq. Ft. . L Bedroom . L Bathroom . Private Entrance . Kitchenette .laundry . Living Area . L Car Garage II TWIN CITIES #I ,Lll nOmTBUILDER Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right t0 substitute and /or modify desion and rnaterhls, in our sole opinion and wihbut notice. Please see your New Home Cmsultant and home purchase agreement l0r actual leatures designated as an Everyfiing's lncluded leature. additional information, disclosures, and dischimers relating to your home and its fealures. Plans are artist's renderinos and mav contrin ootions u,hich are not san&rdon altrircdels. Lennar reserves the rhht b make changes to plans and elevations wirout prior notice. stated dimensions and square fmtage are approximate and should not be used as representation 0f the home's orecise 0r actual size. Any statemenl, verbal or wriflen. reoardino 'under air or 'finished area' or anf otrei description 0r rnodilier of the sQuare lmtrge size of any home is a shonhand descriotion 0f the manner in whictl the square footage was estimated and should not be construed t0 indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehtcles. Visit Lennar. com 0r see a Lennar New tlome Consultant tor further detaih and important legal dlschimers. This is not an ofler in states where prior reqistration is required. Void lvhere prohibiled bv hw tSource - MTC.20'l6To0 25 Builders Li$.Copiright @ 2017 Lennar Corporalion. All riohts reserved. Lennar. the Lennar 1090, The Forn€ Wifiin a Home, The ihme Wthil a tlome lo0o and the Everytiling's lncluded and he Everything's lncluded l0go are U.S, reoistered servrce marl$ or servhe marks of Leirnar Comorathn and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. tlome Comoration d/b/a Lennarr-i-&#'l'6 iii46ft?i. Ienil; al Sales Corp. - Broker. MN Bldr. Lic L=# 8C001413 (1050n 01/0448 #l!ilf, 1530536thAve.N. Suite 6OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 Main Level Upper Leve! NEXTC I=N N /A R{{r \1 L}T4FE I fIr LENNAFI"The lndependence Landmark Collection cREAr DTNING [ ]RooM AREA l. i i170"X15',-0" 12',-0"X15',0' : ! 2.CAR GARAGE r94" X 22'4" i------ ---------- -'----