Villa Home StylesVilla Homes Proposed for 55'wide homesites These homes have been built in the following communities: Minnetonka Country Club - Shorewood Enclave - Medina 1Story ll Bedrooms lZ Bathrooms l2 CarGarage 1,96.2Sq. Ft. EVERYTHING'S INCLUDED' LENNAIiT The Madrid Lifestyle Collection LENNAFR.COTVI 95?-?49-3000 OPI. PORCH IOC.\TION DINING ROOM 12'xL5' MASTER BEDROOM 13' x 15' I\IASTER BATH 2 CAR GARAGE 27'x25' PORCH Main Level L,962Sq. Ft. . l Story . L Bedroom o Z Bathrooms o Z Car Carage TheTwinCities #1 homebuilder for the last 10 years! Plans and elevatbns are artist's renderings and may contain options whhh are not standard on all nndels. Lennar reserves the riqht to make changes t0 trEse floor plans, sd,ecitications, dimensbns and elevations witrrout orior notice. Stated dimensbns and square footage are approxirnate and should not be used as representatron ol he home's orecise or actual size. Any strtement, vefual ilr written. reoardino 'under air or 'tinished area" s ani othei description 0r modifier of the square footage size ol any home is a shorthand description of tile manner in which the square fmtage was estimated and should not be construed to indbate certainty. Garaoe sizes mav varv from home t0 home and ilnv not accbmmirate all vehbles. U.S, Home Corporation d/t/a Lennar - Lftnse No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. - Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # 8C001413. Copyrighl O 2016 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved Lenna( he Lennar logo and he Every$iru's lncluded hgo are registered servile marks or service fiiarks of Lennar corDorati0n and/or its subsidhries. !ftl002004/15/16 F 1530536thAve.N. Suite 6OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 The Madrid 1 Story | 1 Bedroof l?Plthrooms I 2 Car Garage Z,OOB 5q. Ft. I EVERYTHING'S INCLUDED' LTI,ZFEI|IINI=N N 7a\ RiI.r I The Monaco Main Level 2,008 Sq, Ft, o l- Story . 1 Bedroom . 2 Bathrooms . ? Car Garage TheTwinCities #7 homebuilder for the last 10 years! Plans and elevations are artist's renderinos and mav contain ootions lvhich are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to these floor plans. s6ecilications. dimensions and ele{iations wihout Drior notice. stated dimensions and souare footaoe are aDproximate and should not be used ls representation of the home's orecise or actual size. Any statement, verbal br written, regarding "under air" or "linished area" cr anf otrei description or rnodilier ol tre souaie lmtage size of any home is a shorhand description ol the manner in whch the square footage was estimated and should not be mnstrued to indicate certainty. Garaoe sizes rEv vary from home to home and inav not actirmmirdate all vehicles. U,S Home Crrporation d/b/a Lennar - License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. - Broker' MN Bldr Lic # 8C001413, Copyright @ 2016 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, he Lennar logo and the Everything's lncluded boo are reoistered servbe fi;,:l'T;,il ;i,"il!i ft'ffi ra. Crrooration and/or its subsidiaries. E-(10204)4/15/16 ffi 1630535thAve.N. Suite 6OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 The Monaco LENNAFT.COIVI 952-?49-3000 1 Story I 2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 2 CarGarage 2,068 Sq. Ft. EVERYTHII{G'S INCLUDED' LENNAFT The Birkdale LENNAFT.COIVI 95?-373-0485 OI$(/NBR'S SUITE 13'X 14 TRAY CEILING MAIN LEVEL 2,068 Sq. Ft. o l Story . 2 Bedrooms o 2 Bathrooms . ? Car Garage 1'TWIN CITIES #1 'iiK HOMTBUILDER Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the riont to substitute and /0r modify design and niateriats, in our sole opinion and without notice. Pleas€ see vour Ne{v Home Consultant and home Durchase agreemenl lor aclual features desionated as an Everything's lncluded leature. additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating h your home and ils features. Plans are artisl! renderings and may cofltain ootions which are not standard on all models. Lbnnar reserves the righl t0 make changes io Dlans and elevations without prior notice. Stated irimen$ons and sQuare footage are approximate and should not be used as reples€ntation of tre home's precise or actJal size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding 'under air'or'finished area'or any other desc{iption 0r modilier of the souare footage size ol any home is a shorthand description ot the manner in which the souare lootage v{as estimated and shoulo not be consfued h indicate certainty. Garage sizes may \rary lrom home l0 home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Vlsit Lennar.com 0r see a Lennar New Home Consjlhnt lor funher details and importanl bgal disdaimers. This is not an ofter in states where prior registration is reouired. Void where Orohibited by lali. tsource - gAfC, ZOtz Top 25 Builde6 List. Copynght @ 2018 Lennar Corporati0n. All righls res€rved. Lennar, he Lennar 1090, Everything's lncluded and the Everything's lncluded logo are LJ.S r€oislered griict marks or seM@ marks of Le'nnar CorDoration and/or its subsidranes. U.S. Home Corporation dhla Lennar - Lennar Sales Corp. - Bioker License #40021205. MN 8ldr. Lic # BC001413. CalAtlantic Group, lnc.; 8C number is - 8C736565. {25561) 0t17n8 1630535thAve.N. Suite 6OO, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAFI'The Birkdale 95?-373-0485LENNAFI.COM 1 Story | 2 Bedrooms I 3 Bathrooms I 2 CarGarage Z,lg7 Sq. Ft. @ EVERYTHING'S INCLUDED' LENN TheOlympia 95?-373-0485 "*R oPr. lrINDOV O\TNER'S SUITE 13'X 15' TRAYCEILING oPr. VINDOW MAIN LEVEL 2,L87 Sq, Ft. o L Story . 2 Bedrooms . 3 Bathrooms . 2 Car Garage 1'TWIN CITIES #I ,iik HotrnrBulLDER Elevations oI a home may vary and we reserve the rioht to sub$itute and /0r modify design and ni'aterials, in our sole opinion and wilhoul notice. Please s€e vour New Home Consultant and home ourcha& agreement loI aclual features desionated as an EveMhing's lncluded t$ture, additional information, disclosures. and disclaimers relating to your home and itsleatures. Plans are arti$'s renderings and may contain ootions which are not slandard on all models. Lennar reserves the riohl to make changes t0 olans and elevations without prior notice. Stated bimensions and squale lootage are approximate and should not be us€d as reDresentation of the home's precise or aclual size. Any statement, verbal 0r written, regarding 'under air" or'finished area" or any ofier description 0l modilier of the souare footage size ol any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the souare lootaoe was estrmated and should not bri construeci'to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not ac@mmodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com 0r see a Lennar New Home Consulhnt for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an otfer in states where prior registration is reauired. Void where prohibited by law. tsource - BATC, 2017 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright @ 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything's lncluded and the EveMhing's -lncluded logo are u.s. reoistered seriice harks or service marks ol Le-nnar Comoration and/or its subsidiaries. U.S Home Cor0oration d/b/a Lennar - Lennar Sales Coro. - Broker License #40021205. H,-',,i,-.;ny;#-,fq'Jfi',t H 1530535thAve.N. Suite 5OO, PIymouth, MN 55446 LENNAFI'The0lympia 95"-373-O48sLENNAFR.COIVI LENNAR®The Valencia LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 A C B D VILLA COLLECTION LENNAR® 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 The Valencia Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16743) 4/6/17 Main Level VILLA COLLECTION 1,536 Sq. Ft. • 2 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2-Car Garage Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16743) 4/6/17 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR®The Valencia LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 VILLA COLLECTION Options Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16743) 4/6/17 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR®The Valencia VILLA COLLECTION Optional Finished Basement LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 LENNAR®The Oxford LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 A C B D VILLA COLLECTION LENNAR®The Oxford 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 Main Level VILLA COLLECTION 1,541 Sq. Ft. • 2 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2-Car Garage Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16747) 4/6/17 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16747) 4/6/17 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR®The Oxford LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 VILLA COLLECTION Options Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16747) 4/6/17 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 LENNAR®The Oxford VILLA COLLECTION Optional Basement LENNAR®The Buckingham 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16746) 4/6/17 Main Level VILLA COLLECTION 1,930 Sq. Ft. • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2-Car Garage LENNAR®The Buckingham LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 A C B D VILLA COLLECTION LENNAR®The Buckingham VILLA COLLECTION Options Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16746) 4/6/17 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16746) 4/6/17 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR®The Buckingham LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 VILLA COLLECTION Optional Basement LENNAR®The Barcelona 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16744) 4/617 VILLA COLLECTION Main Level 1,631 Sq. Ft. • 2 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2-Car Garage LENNAR®The Barcelona LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 A C B D VILLA COLLECTION LENNAR®The Barcelona VILLA COLLECTION Options Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16744) 4/617 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16744) 4/617 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR®The Barcelona LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 VILLA COLLECTION Optional Finished Basement LENNAR®The Brighton 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16745) 4/6/17 VILLA COLLECTION Main Level 1,649 Sq. Ft. • 2 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2-Car Garage LENNAR®The Brighton LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 A C B D VILLA COLLECTION Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16745) 4/6/17 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR®The Brighton VILLA COLLECTION Options LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(16745) 4/6/17 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR®The Brighton VILLA COLLECTION Optional Basement LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000