Affidavit of MailingCITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. cor-rNTY oF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on January 24,2019, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing to consider a two lot subdivision with a variance for reduced lot frontage located at 3800 Red Cedar Point Road for property zoned Single Family-Residential (RSF), Planning Case File No. 2019-02 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. -T t issen, Deputy Subscribed and sw.orn to before me this- {sday of Jan,.n-r.r..,-lr-, 2}lg..^***6 ,, itAN-M. STEcKLING ) HotarY Public-Minnesota Uy Cornrnfaero^n-exerc^Jan st' eot g otuV frUficl This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnlfy, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does nol warrant that the Geographic lnformation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, orthird parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. (TAX_NAME)D (TAX_ADD_L1D (TAX_AD D_L2D, (TAX_ADD_L3D <<Next Record><TAX_NAMED (TAX_ADD_LlD (TAX_AD D_L2D, (TAX_AD D_L3r Disclaimer I ! ffi:iq&!;' Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time:Tuesday, February 5,2019 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location:Citv Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Boulevard Proposal: To consider a two lot subdivision with a variance for reduced lot frontage located at 3800 Red Cedar Point Road for property zoned Single Family-Residential (RSF). Applicant / Owner:Colson Customer Homes / Richard Comer Property Location: 3800 Red Cedar Point Road A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the proiect. Questions & Comments: lf you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the city's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2019-02. lf you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact MacKenzie Walters by email at mwalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at952-227-1132. lf you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project website listed above the Thursdav prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/notifyme to sign up! City Review Procedure: . Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and lnterim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within at least 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the appli@tion in wriiing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. . Staff prepares a report on the subject applicataon that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Councal may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and mde amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to rcmmercial/industrial. . Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to thear @mplexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. . A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is enmuraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). . Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. lf you wish to have something to be included in the report. please contact the Planninq staff person named on the notification. Date & Time:Tuesday, February 5,2019 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the eveninq, dependinq on the order ofthe aqenda. Location:Citv Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Boulevard Proposal: To consider a two lot subdivision with a variance for reduced lot frontage located at 3800 Red Cedar Point Road for property zoned Single Family-Residential (RSF). Applicant / Owner:Colson Customer Homes / Richard Comer Property Location: 3800 Red Cedar Point Road A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the proiect. Questions & Comments: lf you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the city's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2019-02. lf you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact MacKenzie Walters by emailat mwalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at952-227-1132.|f you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item wi!! be available online on the project website listed above the Thursday prior to the Planninq Commassion meeting. Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www. ci. chan hassen. m n. us/notifyme to sig n u p ! City R.eview Procedure: . Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and lnterim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinanes require all property within at least 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the applietion in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. . Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a re@mmendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Councal. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's rercmmendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial/industrial. . Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be pro@ssed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. . A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is enouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the prcject with any interested person(s). . Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondene regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. lf you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planninq staff person named on the notification PIN 256500030 2s6500080 256600070 256600090 2s6600440 256530010 2s6600190 250080400 256600510 2S5500080 256600420 2s6600s80 256600430 256600150 256600530 256600100 256600460 256600200 256600240 256600t20 256600470 256600480 256600130 256600170 256600180 254100010 256600210 25660023r 254100020 258770020 250082200 2s0081900 250081100 258770010 250083000 2s0081000 2s7920020 TAX_NAME THE PALMER REV LIV TRUST ]OANNE T KIMBLE GARY PETERSON TIMOTHY HENRY PAUL REIMER ESTATE DEVELOPMENT CORP PATRICK R GORMAN KEVIN R PROHASKA MARY JO ANDING BANGASSER GREGORY BOHRER JILL D HEMPEL COLIN.IJONES MICHAEL L CORRIGAN ERIC MCKAY RICHARD B & MARIANNE F ANDING CHRIS & KRISTINE WEDES CAROLYN A BARINSKY MARIA E WHITE TABB&KAYMERICKSON TIMOTHY J NELSON JAMES PATRICK ROSS TRUST WILLIAM R HAUGH LOUIS JASON RIPPLE BRENDA LEE BLAHA EDWARD H & CHERYLA BIXBY ROANE REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST CLAYTON BURKE HEIDI ANN MARX RICHARD H COMER MICHAEL D & CYNTHIA H WENNER DANIEL P MULHERAN JASON A JERNELL BERNARD & HELEN LEACH DAVID G WAGNER DAVID M LARSON ROBIN LEIGHTON ROBEY KATHLEEN L ROUSAR TAX_ADD_11 TAX-ADD_12 7034 RED CEDAR COVE EXCELSIOR 10210 28TH AVE N MINNEAPOLIS 13260 BRASS PKY ROSEMOUNT 13600 MARINA POINTE DR # 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MINNEWASHTA PKWY MN 55331-9614 0 Not supplied MN 55331-9613 7230 JUNTPER MN 55331 7211JUNIPER AVE MN 55331-9668 MN 55376 3871 RED CEDAR POINT RD MN 55331-0181 MN 55317,0651 7200 JUNTPER