CC Staff Report 12-10-18CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, December 10, 2018 Subject Resolution 2018­63: Venue Project­Approve Registered Land Survey Section NEW BUSINESS Item No: G.1. Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: PC 2017­11 PROPOSED MOTION “The Chanhassen City Council adopts the resolution approving Registered Land Survey (RLS) No. 130." Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. SUMMARY The applicant, Chanhassen Frontier LLC, is requesting approval of a Registered Land Survey (RLS) reconfiguring property lines (a new lot is not being created as a result of this action) and creating parcels for the parking area, the commercial building and the apartment building. BACKGROUND City Council approved the preliminary RLS on July 10, 2017 in conjunction with the site plan for the buildings. DISCUSSION The final legal description for the parcels includes the footprint for the Aldi Grocery Store building on top of the parking garage of the apartment building, which includes an elevation height of 972.8, and the loading dock area (Tract B). Until the garage structure was actually constructed and surveyed, based on the ceiling of the parking garage, an exact legal description was not possible.Tract A contains the Venue residential building on the property. Tract C encompasses the parking lot areas of the property.The legal description on the RLS must match the Certificate of Title. Minnesota State Statute §508.47, subd. 4 requires that the RLS be approved "in the manner required for the approval of subdivision plat."  Thus, although the city's ordinance does not require anything more than an administrative subdivision for approval, Minnesota Statutes require the city to approve the RLS as they would a subdivision plat. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the resolution for the Registered Land Survey. CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORTMonday, December 10, 2018SubjectResolution 2018­63: Venue Project­Approve Registered Land SurveySectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: G.1.Prepared By Bob Generous, Senior Planner File No: PC 2017­11PROPOSED MOTION“The Chanhassen City Council adopts the resolution approving Registered Land Survey (RLS) No. 130."Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYThe applicant, Chanhassen Frontier LLC, is requesting approval of a Registered Land Survey (RLS) reconfiguringproperty lines (a new lot is not being created as a result of this action) and creating parcels for the parking area,the commercial building and the apartment building.BACKGROUNDCity Council approved the preliminary RLS on July 10, 2017 in conjunction with the site plan for the buildings.DISCUSSIONThe final legal description for the parcels includes the footprint for the Aldi Grocery Store building on top of theparking garage of the apartment building, which includes an elevation height of 972.8, and the loading dock area (TractB). Until the garage structure was actually constructed and surveyed, based on the ceiling of the parking garage, anexact legal description was not possible.Tract A contains the Venue residential building on the property. Tract Cencompasses the parking lot areas of the property.The legal description on the RLS must match the Certificate ofTitle.Minnesota State Statute §508.47, subd. 4 requires that the RLS be approved "in the manner required for the approvalof subdivision plat."  Thus, although the city's ordinance does not require anything more than an administrativesubdivision for approval, Minnesota Statutes require the city to approve the RLS as they would a subdivision plat.RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the resolution for the Registered Land Survey. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Registered Land Survey 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: December 10, 2018 RESOLUTION NO: 2018- MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPROVING REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 130 CHANHASSEN FRONTIER, LLC WHEREAS, Chanhassen Frontier, LLC, has requested approval of a Registered Land Survey of property in downtown Chanhassen described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the property is guided for Commercial use; and WHEREAS, the property is zoned Central Business District, CBD; and WHEREAS, the proposed Registered Land Survey complies with all requirements of the Chanhassen City Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed Registered Land Survey adequately provides for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by the city; and WHEREAS, the proposed Registered Land Survey is consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan and Zoning ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves Registered Land Survey No. 130 consisting of three tracts. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 10th day December of 2018. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Denny Laufenburger, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 2 EXHIBIT A S88°06'20"E 167.76N00°34'02"E7.00S88°06'26"E 168.13S01°52'17"W 49.90S59°13 '48 "W 99 .99 S00°40'53"W 198.52 78.92 S89°51'29"E54.37S00°08'32"W 90.12S79°32'13"W31.70S10°27'47"E 98.29S00°08'32"W 63.25 S18° 3 4 ' 3 8 " W 41.3 2 S18°34'38"W6.11S00°08'32"W 110.00S79°32'00"W 305.22N00°08'32"E 147.78 N89°53'01"E45.42N00°02'02"W 113.53 N44°54'03"W27.40N00°02'02"W16.19N15°52'37"W29.93N00°02'02"W 123.94 S89°56'40"W2.99N00°08'32"E 217.81 N00°41'57"E 153.98 S89°18'03"E 49.83N00°41'57"E9.29S89°18'03"E 73.00S00°41'57"W7.29S89°18'03"E 91.84N00°41'57"E 155.98 S00°41'57"W 170.51S89°18'03"E 144.03S89°18'03"E 49.33S00°41'57"W 64.67N89°18'03"W 120.67N00°41'57"E16.33N89°18'03"W 141.67N00°41'57"E 62.86 N09°07'01" E 1 2 9 . 8 0 N08°10'31"W 48.28 S 4 3 ° 1 1 ' 5 5 " W 1 9 6 . 5 2 N29°09'45"W 152.09N14°1 4 ' 2 1 " E 38.16 S00°41'57"W 124.75N89°18'03"W25.361/2" IronRLS 143451/2" IronRLS 217291/2" IronRLS 217291/2" Iron RLS 217291/2" IronRLS 217291/2" IronRLS 441231/2" IronRLS 21729Mag NailMag NailMag NailMag N a i l1/2" IronMag NailMag NailMag NailChiseled XChiseled XChiseled XChiseled X1/2" IronN17°52'40"E (deed)N00°33'26"W (deed) Sout h e r l y (dee d )N78°50'15"E (deed)N11°09'45"W (deed)Southerly (deed) N00°33'27"W (deed) 40.00 S89°26'33"W (deed)N00°01'05"W (deed) S01°10'19"W (Chanhassen Transit Station) S 5 8 ° 3 1 ' 5 0 "W ( C h a n h a s s e n T r a n s i t S t a t i o n ) S00°01'05"E (Chanhassen Transit Station)S88°48'24"E(Chanhassen Transit Station)N00°07'56"W(Chanhassen Transit Station)(Right of Way Width Varies)Except ion Exception 1.67142.36TRACT ATRACT BTRACT CTRACT CLower Limit = 972.8'No Upper Limit24.4725.36124.7529.23 TRACT BNo Lower Limit No Upper Limit 21.2070.64SE CornerOutlot AE. Line Outlot A W. Line Lot 2NE CornerOutlot APOB ExceptionAccess EasementPer Doc. No. A387172FINAL PLAT FOR REVIEWREGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 130JOB # 20280 DATE: 12/3/18 Iron Monument FoundIndicates Mag Nail To BeSet Before Time Of Recording.LEGENDBEARING NOTE:The orientation of this bearing system is basedon the plat of Frontier Cinema Addition0SCALE IN FEET4080SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEI hereby certify that in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 508.47, I have surveyed the following described property situatedin the County of Carver, State of Minnesota:PARCEL ONE:Lot 2, Block 1, Frontier Cinema Addition, Carver County, Minnesota.Together with a non-exclusive Easement for ingress and egress by vehicles and pedestrians over and upon that portion of the followingdescribed property:Lot Two (2), Block One (1), Chanhassen Mall and Outlots A, B and C, Easy Rider Addition, and vacated Pauly Drive, as dedicated in theplat of Easy Rider Addition, that lies easterly of the following described line:Beginning at the northwest corner of Outlot A, said Easy Rider Addition, thence South 0 degrees 08 minutes 32 seconds West, anassumed bearing, along the easterly right of way line of Market Boulevard, as dedicated in the plat of Easy Rider Addition, a distance of80.22 feet; thence southerly and southeasterly 339.36 feet along a tangential curve concave to the east having a radius of 555.82 feet anda central angle of 34 degrees 58 minutes 56 seconds, and said line there terminating. According to the plats thereof on file and of recordin the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, MinnesotaANDOutlots B and C, Frontier Cinema Addition; and the West 90.00 feet of the South 13.50 feet and the East 60.61 feet of the West 150.61feet of the South 3.5 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Bloomberg 2nd Addition, Carver County, Minnesota.as described in the Access Easement Agreement dated April 7, 2004, recorded May 20, 2004 as Document No. 387172.PARCEL TWO:Outlot A, Frontier Cinema Addition, Carver County, Minnesota EXCEPT that part thereof now platted into Chanhassen Transit Station, describedas follows:Commencing at the southeast corner of said Outlot A, Frontier Cinema Addition, Carver County, Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 33minutes 26 seconds West, an assumed bearing, along the east line of said Outlot A, a distance of 110.00 feet; thence North 17 degrees 52minutes 40 seconds East along the east line of Outlot A, a distance of 6.11 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 11 degrees 09 minutes45 seconds West a distance of 98.29 feet; thence North 78 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 31.70 feet to said east line ofOutlot A; thence southerly along said east line of Outlot A to the point of beginning.PARCEL THREE:Lot 3, Block 1, Chanhassen Transit Station, Carver County, Minnesota, EXCEPT that part of said Lot 3 lying southerly of Lot 2, Block 1, saidChanhassen Transit Station, and easterly of the following described line:Beginning at the northeast corner of Outlot A, Frontier Cinema Addition, said Carver County, Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 33 minutes 27seconds West, assumed bearing along the northerly extension of the east line of said Outlot A, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence South 89degrees 26 minutes 33 seconds West a distance of 54.37 feet to the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 2; thence North 00 degrees01 minutes 05 seconds West, along said line extended a distance of 78.92 feet to the southern most corner of said west line and said line thereterminating.I hereby certify that this Registered Land Survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor underthe laws of the State of Minnesota and that this Registered Land Survey is a correct representation of said parcel of land.Dated this _______ day of ___________________, 20_____.___________________________________________________________Daniel L. Stueber, Licensed Land SurveyorMinnesota License No. 43110State of MinnesotaCounty of Blue EarthThis instrument was acknowledged before me on _______________________, 20_____ by Daniel L. Stueber, Licensed Land Surveyor.___________________________________________Kent A. HaysNotary Public, MinnesotaMy Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2020CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTAWe do hereby certify that on the _____ day of _____________________, 20_____, the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, has approved thisRegistered Land Survey.___________________________________________ __________________________________________Mayor ClerkCOUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTAI hereby certify that taxes payable in ___________________ and prior years have been paid for land described on this plat.Dated this _______ day of ___________________, 20_____.Laurie Davies, County Auditor/TreasurerBy:___________________________________________COUNTY SURVEYOR, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTAPursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Laws of 1971, this Registered Land Survey has been approvedthis _______ day of ___________________, 20_____.Brain E. Praske, County SurveyorBy:___________________________________________REGISTRAR OF TITLES, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTAI hereby certify that this Registered Land Survey No. 130 was filed this _______ day of ___________________, 20_____,at _____ o'clock _____.M. as Document Number _______________._______________________________, Registrar of TitlesBy:___________________________________________NW 1/4 SEC. 13, TWP. 116, RGE. 23SITEVICINITY MAP(NOT TO SCALE)Carver County, MinnesotaNW 1/4NW 1/4NE 1/4NW 1 / 4 S E 1 / 4NE 1/4SW 1 / 4NW 1/4Great PlainsBlvdMarket Blvd 78th Street WPLAT FILE NO.R.T. DOC. NO.South ElevationElevation 972.8Tract BTract ATract ATract CTract C Tract CTract CElevation Details (Not to Scale)NOTE:Tracts A and C have no vertical limits.S'ly Line - Tract CE'ly Line - Tract CW'ly Line - Tract C N'ly Line - Tract CBENCHMARK:Top Nut Fire Hydrant located at northwest cornerof Lot 2, Block 1, Frontier Cinema Addition.Elev=978.38 (NAVD88)Offsite Benchmark - MnDOT monument HASSEN MNDT.Elev=983.32 (NAVD88)North Elevation(See Detail)West Elevation (See Detail)NOTE:Tracts A and B are partially limited verticallyas shown below.Tract C has no vertical limits.West ElevationEast ElevationNorth ElevationElevation 972.8Tract ATract ATract BTract CTract CNOTE:Tracts A and B are partially limited verticallyas shown above.Tract C has no vertical limits.W'ly Line - Tract CE'ly Line - Tract CTract ATract CTract CN'ly Line - Tract C S'ly Line - Tract CNOTE:Tracts A and C have no vertical limits.South Elevation(See Detail)East Elevation (See Detail)