Park and Rec Staff Report 1-22-19PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tuesday, January 22, 2019 Subject Preliminary Plat Review Galpin Site/Lennar Section NEW BUSINESS Item No: G.1. Prepared By Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director File No:  PROPOSED MOTION The Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council apply the following conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for the proposed 191 lot Galpin site Preliminary Plat and PUD by Lennar dated December 5, 2018. 1. Dedication of 100 plus or minus acres of wooded open spaces and wetlands in the eastern half of the property to the City of Chanhassen for parkland in exchange for a housing density transfer and fulfillment of a 9 plus or minus acre parkland dedication requirement. 2. Acknowledgement that the dedicated land may be developed at the city's discretion as parkland for public use and may include, but is not limited to trails, boardwalks, bridges, structures, and signage. 3. The planning, engineering and construction of a 10 foot wide bituminous east/west trail connection between Galpin Boulevard and a location east of Street D and a 10 foot wide bituminous trail adjacent to Galpin Boulevard between Street E and Street A. 4. All trails shall meet all city standards for trail construction. 5. The East/West trail shall maintain a minimum 10 foot setback from outside edges of trail to private property and be designed to minimize encroachment of wetland buffers. 6. The East/West trail crossing of Street A shall be relocated from a midblock crossing as shown to the intersection of Street A and Street D 7. The East/West trail be designed and constructed so as not to require retaining walls. 8. The entirety of the East/West trail and associated buffers shall be constructed within dedicated public outlots. 9. The entirety of the Galpin Boulevard trail between Street E and Street A shall be constructed in dedicated public right of way. 10. The planning, engineering and construction of 10 foot wide bituminous trails connecting both Street Z and Topaz Drive Ridge Lane to the planned trail at the western edge of Lake Lucy including trail easements. Approval requires a simple majority vote of members present SUMMARY Lennar is proposing to develop 191 acres of property located midday between West 78th Street and Lake Lucy Road and east of Galpin Boulevard.  The existing zoning is rural residential and the existing guide plan designation is residential low density (1.2 ­ 4 units per acre). Two concept plans were originally submitted by Lennar for consideration.  One plan titled Concept Plan 04 depicted an invariable plat of uniform sized residential single­family PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTTuesday, January 22, 2019SubjectPreliminary Plat Review Galpin Site/LennarSectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: G.1.Prepared By Todd Hoffman, Park and RecreationDirector File No: PROPOSED MOTIONThe Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council apply the following conditions of approvalconcerning parks and trails for the proposed 191 lot Galpin site Preliminary Plat and PUD by Lennar datedDecember 5, 2018.1. Dedication of 100 plus or minus acres of wooded open spaces and wetlands in the eastern half of theproperty to the City of Chanhassen for parkland in exchange for a housing density transfer and fulfillment of a9 plus or minus acre parkland dedication requirement.2. Acknowledgement that the dedicated land may be developed at the city's discretion as parkland for public useand may include, but is not limited to trails, boardwalks, bridges, structures, and signage.3. The planning, engineering and construction of a 10 foot wide bituminous east/west trail connection betweenGalpin Boulevard and a location east of Street D and a 10 foot wide bituminous trail adjacent to GalpinBoulevard between Street E and Street A.4. All trails shall meet all city standards for trail construction.5. The East/West trail shall maintain a minimum 10 foot setback from outside edges of trail to private propertyand be designed to minimize encroachment of wetland buffers.6. The East/West trail crossing of Street A shall be relocated from a midblock crossing as shown to theintersection of Street A and Street D7. The East/West trail be designed and constructed so as not to require retaining walls.8. The entirety of the East/West trail and associated buffers shall be constructed within dedicated public outlots.9. The entirety of the Galpin Boulevard trail between Street E and Street A shall be constructed in dedicatedpublic right of way.10. The planning, engineering and construction of 10 foot wide bituminous trails connecting both Street Z andTopaz Drive Ridge Lane to the planned trail at the western edge of Lake Lucy including trail easements.Approval requires a simple majority vote of members presentSUMMARYLennar is proposing to develop 191 acres of property located midday between West 78th Street and Lake LucyRoad and east of Galpin Boulevard.  The existing zoning is rural residential and the existing guide plan designation is residential low density (1.2 ­ 4 units per acre). Two concept plans were originally submitted by Lennar for consideration.  One plan titled Concept Plan 04 depicted an invariable plat of uniform sized residential single­family lots covering all quadrants of the property.  A second plan titled Concept Plan 07 depicted a variable plat of mixed lot sizes clustered to the west central and north central quadrants of the property (+/­ 2.26 units per acre) and preserving 100+/­ acres of public park area utilizing a density transfer and park dedication in the eastern quadrant of the property. The Park and Recreation Commission supported the density transfer and park dedication proposal at a concept review on June 28, 2018. BACKGROUND This site has been held as an estate property in the community for an extended period of time and is now being proposed for development as a single­family home community.  The property includes a large quadrant of land identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan as conceptual park expansion area and in the City's Parks and Recreation System Plan as a priority park­expansion area.  This eastern quadrant proposed for preservation is 100+/­ acres in size consisting of wetlands and wooded uplands and featuring extensive shoreline on both Lake Lucy and Lake Ann. DISCUSSION Upon completing conceptual plan review with City Commissions and Council this past summer, Lennar also held a neighborhood meeting in November and met with individual residents to receive feedback on the proposed development.  The preliminary plat that has developed as a result of the input gained from these reviews, is an excellent model of the use of a PUD. City code states "The use of a planned unit development for residential purposes should result in a reasonable and verifiable exchange between the city and developer. The developer gains the potential for offering reduced lot sizes and the flexibility in development standards which results in a combination of reduced development costs and improved marketing flexibility. At the same time, the city should be offered enhanced environmental sensitivity beyond normal ordnance requirements". The city's PUD ordinance addresses the desire for the creation of parks and open space consistent with the city's planning documents.  The proposed PUD, with the noted conditions, provides public benefit and helps the city meet stated goals with respect to parks, trails, and open space by: 1. Preserving for the public 100+/­ acres of unique natural open space with very high recreational and environmental value. This includes 50+/­ acres of upland around Lake Ann and Lake Lucy that might otherwise be privatized.  2. Providing land and connections for trails to eliminate trail gaps and better connect the community and natural areas. 3. Allowing for the expansion of Lake Ann Park and enhancing its role as Chanhassen's premier community park.  This proposed PUD benefits all parties and ultimately fulfills the desires and intent of the Cities Comprehensive Plan and Park and Recreation System Plan. On December 28, 2018 the City received letters from Lennar and Comerica requesting additional compensation for the proposed 50+/­ acre dedication of upland for park purposes above and beyond the granting of full park dedication fee credit ($1,107,800) and application of a density transfer moving housing density from the eastern half of the property to the western half of the property. In that this is a PUD application, staff is not recommending that compensation be granted beyond the density transfer and full park dedication fee credit.  RECOMMENDATION It is staff's recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council apply the following conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for the proposed 191 lot Galpin site Preliminary Plat and PUD by Lennar dated December 5, 2018. 1. Dedication of 100 plus or minus acres of wooded open spaces and wetlands in the eastern half of the property to the City of Chanhassen for parkland in exchange for a housing density transfer and fulfillment of a 9 plus or minus acre parkland dedication requirement. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORTTuesday, January 22, 2019SubjectPreliminary Plat Review Galpin Site/LennarSectionNEW BUSINESS Item No: G.1.Prepared By Todd Hoffman, Park and RecreationDirector File No: PROPOSED MOTIONThe Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council apply the following conditions of approvalconcerning parks and trails for the proposed 191 lot Galpin site Preliminary Plat and PUD by Lennar datedDecember 5, 2018.1. Dedication of 100 plus or minus acres of wooded open spaces and wetlands in the eastern half of theproperty to the City of Chanhassen for parkland in exchange for a housing density transfer and fulfillment of a9 plus or minus acre parkland dedication requirement.2. Acknowledgement that the dedicated land may be developed at the city's discretion as parkland for public useand may include, but is not limited to trails, boardwalks, bridges, structures, and signage.3. The planning, engineering and construction of a 10 foot wide bituminous east/west trail connection betweenGalpin Boulevard and a location east of Street D and a 10 foot wide bituminous trail adjacent to GalpinBoulevard between Street E and Street A.4. All trails shall meet all city standards for trail construction.5. The East/West trail shall maintain a minimum 10 foot setback from outside edges of trail to private propertyand be designed to minimize encroachment of wetland buffers.6. The East/West trail crossing of Street A shall be relocated from a midblock crossing as shown to theintersection of Street A and Street D7. The East/West trail be designed and constructed so as not to require retaining walls.8. The entirety of the East/West trail and associated buffers shall be constructed within dedicated public outlots.9. The entirety of the Galpin Boulevard trail between Street E and Street A shall be constructed in dedicatedpublic right of way.10. The planning, engineering and construction of 10 foot wide bituminous trails connecting both Street Z andTopaz Drive Ridge Lane to the planned trail at the western edge of Lake Lucy including trail easements.Approval requires a simple majority vote of members presentSUMMARYLennar is proposing to develop 191 acres of property located midday between West 78th Street and Lake LucyRoad and east of Galpin Boulevard.  The existing zoning is rural residential and the existing guide plan designation isresidential low density (1.2 ­ 4 units per acre). Two concept plans were originally submitted by Lennar forconsideration.  One plan titled Concept Plan 04 depicted an invariable plat of uniform sized residential single­familylots covering all quadrants of the property.  A second plan titled Concept Plan 07 depicted a variable plat of mixed lotsizes clustered to the west central and north central quadrants of the property (+/­ 2.26 units per acre) and preserving100+/­ acres of public park area utilizing a density transfer and park dedication in the eastern quadrant of theproperty. The Park and Recreation Commission supported the density transfer and park dedication proposal at aconcept review on June 28, 2018.BACKGROUNDThis site has been held as an estate property in the community for an extended period of time and is now beingproposed for development as a single­family home community.  The property includes a large quadrant ofland identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan as conceptual park expansion area and in the City's Parks andRecreation System Plan as a priority park­expansion area.  This eastern quadrant proposed for preservation is 100+/­acres in size consisting of wetlands and wooded uplands and featuring extensive shoreline on both Lake Lucy andLake Ann.DISCUSSIONUpon completing conceptual plan review with City Commissions and Council this past summer, Lennar also held aneighborhood meeting in November and met with individual residents to receive feedback on the proposeddevelopment.  The preliminary plat that has developed as a result of the input gained from these reviews, is anexcellent model of the use of a PUD. City code states "The use of a planned unit development for residential purposesshould result in a reasonable and verifiable exchange between the city and developer. The developer gains the potentialfor offering reduced lot sizes and the flexibility in development standards which results in a combination of reduceddevelopment costs and improved marketing flexibility. At the same time, the city should be offered enhancedenvironmental sensitivity beyond normal ordnance requirements". The city's PUD ordinance addresses the desire forthe creation of parks and open space consistent with the city's planning documents. The proposed PUD, with the noted conditions, provides public benefit and helps the city meet stated goals withrespect to parks, trails, and open space by:1. Preserving for the public 100+/­ acres of unique natural open space with very high recreational andenvironmental value. This includes 50+/­ acres of upland around Lake Ann and Lake Lucy that might otherwisebe privatized. 2. Providing land and connections for trails to eliminate trail gaps and better connect the community and naturalareas.3. Allowing for the expansion of Lake Ann Park and enhancing its role as Chanhassen's premier community park. This proposed PUD benefits all parties and ultimately fulfills the desires and intent of the Cities Comprehensive Planand Park and Recreation System Plan.On December 28, 2018 the City received letters from Lennar and Comerica requesting additional compensation forthe proposed 50+/­ acre dedication of upland for park purposes above and beyond the granting of full parkdedication fee credit ($1,107,800) and application of a density transfer moving housing density from the eastern half ofthe property to the western half of the property. In that this is a PUD application, staff is not recommending thatcompensation be granted beyond the density transfer and full park dedication fee credit. RECOMMENDATIONIt is staff's recommendation that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends the City Council apply thefollowing conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for the proposed 191 lot Galpin site Preliminary Plat andPUD by Lennar dated December 5, 2018.1. Dedication of 100 plus or minus acres of wooded open spaces and wetlands in the eastern half of the property to the City of Chanhassen for parkland in exchange for a housing density transfer and fulfillment of a 9 plus or minus acre parkland dedication requirement. 2. Acknowledgement that the dedicated land may be developed at the city's discretion as parkland for public use and may include, but is not limited to trails, boardwalks, bridges, structures, and signage.  3. The planning, engineering and construction of a 10 foot wide bituminous east/west trail connection between Galpin Boulevard and a location east of Street D and a 10 foot wide bituminous trail adjacent to Galpin Boulevard between Street E and Street A. 4. All trails shall meet all city standards for trail construction. 5. The East/West trail shall maintain a minimum 10 foot setback from outside edges of trail to private property and be designed to minimize encroachment of wetland buffers. 6. The East/West trail crossing of Street A shall be relocated from a midblock crossing as shown to the intersection of Street A and Street D 7. The East/West trail be designed and constructed so as not to require retaining walls. 8. The entirety of the East/West trail and associated buffers shall be constructed within dedicated public outlots. 9. The entirety of the Galpin Boulevard trail between Street E and Street A shall be constructed in dedicated public right of way. 10. The planning, engineering and construction of 10 foot wide bituminous trails connecting both Street Z and Topaz Drive Ridge Lane to the planned trail at the western edge of Lake Lucy including trail easements. CC: Steve Ach, Lennar Joe Jablonski, Lennar ATTACHMENTS: 1. Lennar Additional Compensation Request 2. Comerica Support for Additional Compensation 3. 12/3/18 Renderings 4. 12/3/18 Renderings 5. 12/3/18 Renderings 6. Galpin Concept Review Narrative 7. Development Application Form 8. Chanhassen Presentation 9. 117339 yield plan ­L1 no topo with aerial 10. 117339 yield plan ­L1 no topo no aerial 11. 117339 density trade­L1 no topo with aerial 12. 117339 density trade no topo 13. 2030 Comp Plan Expand Lake Ann Park 14. 2030 Comp Plan Future Initiatives Map 15. Parks and Recreation System Plan Priority Expansion Area 16. Parks and Recreation System Plan Lake Ann Park Initiatives 17. Lake Ann Park Expansion and Trail Loop Concept Plan Galpin Boulevard Property Chanhassen, Minnesota           Galpin Boulevard Property Chanhassen, Minnesota                Galpin Boulevard Property Chanhassen, Minnesota           1 Galpin Property City of Chanhassen Introduction U.S. Home Corporation, d/b/a Lennar is proposing to develop Galpin Property (actual name TBD) in a manner that is sensitive to the environment and surrounding area. With this application we are submitting two conceptual scenarios. The first scenario is a ‘lot yield’ plan that has 202 homes and demonstrates how the property could be developed following the existing RSF zoning standards with one standard lot width and home style for the entire property. The second scenario is a ‘density transfer’ plan that has 199 homes with varying lot sizes demonstrating how the property could be developed through the use of a PUD that will offer diverse housing opportunities and price points accompanied by the preservation of open space. Background/History In November 2017 the property was listed for sale by Comerica Bank; Trust NA, as personal representatives of the Estate of Prince Rogers Nelson and Paisley Park Enterprises. On several occasions the seller’s agents and members of Lennar have met with City staff to begin reviewing the zoning standards and the best use for the property. In May of 2018 U.S. Home Corporation entered into an Option Agreement to purchase the property. Property Description The site consists of approximately 188 acres made up of several tax parcels (PID 25.6900010, 25.6900020, 25.6900030, 25.0100100, and 25.0100200) located in the Notheast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 116, Range 23. All buildings have been removed and the property has been vacant for some time. The site suffers from frequent trespassers that use the property for walking trails. City Standards • Land Use designation The property is designated for Low Density residential: RSF 1.2-4 units per acre. Lot yield Plan – 1.46 DU/Acre (202/138) Concept Plan – 2.26 DU/Acre (199/88) • Zoning Classification The site is currently zoned as Rural Residential with underlying zoning of RSF; low density residential 1.2-4 units per acre. The lot yield plan follows RSF standards and has a density of 1.46. The density transfer plan requires a zoning 2 change to PUD to allow flexibility and the relaxation of strict application of the zoning ordinance in exchange for greater environmental sensitivity and preservation of open space for public use. At 2.26 units per acre the density transfer plan also fits within the RSF density classification. • Surrounding Land Uses Residential developments of varying densities surround the site to the North, South, and West. To the West, across Galpin is Long Acres which was developed as a PUD to allow flexibility in design standards. Our primary street connections appropriately line up with Hunter Drive and Long Acres Drive. Boarding the property to the North and South are existing neighborhoods zoned RSF. The existing neighborhood to the North (Ashling Meadows) provides two existing road stubs to the subject property. There are no road connections to the South. Lake Lucy, and Lake Ann and their surrounding wetlands are located to the East. Both Ashling Meadows and Long Acres were built by Lennar under the Lundgren Bros Construction name. On the North end, both plans mirror the lot dimensions of the existing neighborhood. Topographical challenges naturally make the North portion of the site more conducive to a wider home style that may not require as much depth for building pads. On the South end of the property the ‘lot yield’ plan shows nine homes backing to the existing neighborhood to the South. The density transfer concept mitigates the visual impacts of smaller lots to the existing neighborhood by incorporating the use of cul-de-sacs and by limiting the home-style in that location to a single story Villa. In this scenario eleven homes will be visible to the existing neighborhood but will be orientated in a manner that attempts to minimize the number that back directly to the existing homes. Open Space Preservation The City of Chanhassen’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan identifies significant trail improvements along the Eastern boundary of the property that would enhance the Lake Ann Park and trail system by completing important connections between Lake Ann, Lake Lucy and Galpin Road. As part of this application we have provided two conceptual plans. The first scenario is a ‘lot yield’ plan that follows the City’s land use designation for the property and conforms to the minimum lot sizes and setbacks allowed within the RSF and Shoreland Overlay district. Park dedication would follow the Cities requirements as described in City Code. The second scenario is the ‘density transfer’ plan that focuses housing development closer to Galpin and preserves approximately 50 acres of land adjacent to Lake Lucy and Lake Ann that could be used for park dedication to the City. The overall lot count in both scenarios is roughly 200 homes. The difference between the two lies in the concentration of acreage used. In scenario one approximately 138 acres 3 are being developed to reach 200 homes. By mixing lot sizes scenario two strategically places the same 200 homes on 88 acres of land giving the opportunity to preserve significantly more open space for use by the residents of Chanhassen. Preserving the open space in this manner not only minimizes environmental impacts but also significantly reduces the length of public infrastructure (sewer, water, roads) required for long term maintenance by the City. Building Plans/Product Information Extensive research on housing availability and market conditions within the City of Chanhassen has guided us in putting together a plan that is matched by a product portfolio that includes an architecturally interesting variety of homes, and price points, that meet multiple buyer niches in Galpin Property . • Landmark Series - Designed with efficiency in mind, the Landmark series meets the demands of today’s challenging housing market by offering a fantastic value planned specially for 65’ wide homesites. Lennar has successfully built the Landmark series in Reflections at Lake Riley, Boulder Cove, and Camden Ridge. Typical footprints are 50’ wide allowing the ability to maintain setbacks designated by zoning standards. A variety of houseplans and elevations make up this series offering square footages ranging from 2,200 sq ft to 3,200 sq ft plus the ability to finish the basement to add footage to the home. With families in mind, the homes typically include four bedrooms, a large open living space on the main level, a master suite, mud room, and three car garage. Sixty-five foot wide lots allow the ability to preserve open space without compromising the integrity of the neighborhood. Typical side yard setbacks will be maintained. An interesting streetscape will be maintained through the incorporation of a variety of elevations, materials, and color packages. Lots are arranged in a manner that will include an assortment of walk-outs, look-outs, and flats. • Traditional Series - The Traditional series is designed for the 90’ wide homesites with the move up buyer in mind. A variety of house plans will be offered ranging from 2,600 sq ft to 3,700 sq ft. plus the ability to finish the basement to add additional footage to the home. These well thought out plans typically include four bedrooms, a large open living space on the main level, master suite, craft room, three car garage, and allow for luxury upgrades such as an indoor sport court. No deviation from RSF standards is requested in the large lot area. An interesting streetscape will be maintained through the incorporation of a variety of elevations, materials, and color packages. Luxury Villa – The Luxury Villa is designed for the 55’ wide homesites along the Southern Boarder. The Luxury provides minimal maintenance housing for an underserved market in Chanhassen; and the Twin Cities in general, the ‘empty nester’. Designed for single level living, the Villa homes offer a spacious first floor that includes a master suite, fireplace, open living room, gourmet kitchen, 4 and study. A deck or three season porch is included with the home to allow the opportunity to enjoy the natural features of Galpin Property . Multiple elevations and color packages will be incorporated to reduce monotony. It is important to note that the lot yield plan would be made up of all Traditional Series homes. Based on our absorption forecasts and financial modeling it is a possible that we would need to sell off portions of the lots to other builders. Environmental Impacts • Wetlands - A wetland delineation was completed on the site in September 2017. Wetland impacts have been minimized by careful planning and the preservation of open space. The ‘lot yield’ plan will require more impact to existing wetlands for the extension of public infrastructure (sewer, water, streets) to serve the upland adjacent to Lake Ann and Lake Lucy. • Tree Preservation – Preservation of open space for public use will allow the opportunity to preserve large wooded areas that may otherwise be disturbed with development. The ‘lot yield’ concept that follows the existing zoning guidelines will have a much greater impact on the large stands of trees located in the upland areas fronting Lake Ann and Lake Lucy. • Water Quality – Water quality will be managed through the incorporation of on- site ponding and other appropriate erosion control measures. We are evaluating the potential for water re-use on site to supplement irrigation systems. Lennar is committed to following stormwater policies enacted by the City of Chanhassen and the Minnesota Pollution Control Association (MPCA). Homeowners Association(s) A Master Homeowners Association will be established to maintain private common areas and community monuments. In the density transfer concept a Sub-Association will be created to take care of the common elements within the Villa area. The Villa will be ‘full maintenance’ in nature to include; professional management, mowing, plowing, and exterior upkeep of the homes. Owners of detached single family homes will be responsible for their own upkeep and maintenance subject to City Ordinance and Architectural Controls established within the Master Association. Summary Lennar has a long history of building successful Communities in the City of Chanhassen under the names Lennar, Ryland, Lundgren Bros. Construction, and Orrin Thompson Homes. We are very excited for the opportunity that lends itself through the careful development of this fantastic property and ask for your support. 5 Project Team Developer: U.S. Home Corporation, D/B/A Lennar Builder: Lennar Corporation Primary Contact: Joe Jablonski Planner/Engineer/Surveyor: Pioneer Engineering Wetland Specialist: TBD Landscape Architect: Pioneer Engineering Legal Council: Vantage Law Group Association Manager: TBD Project summary (US Home/Lennar) Galpin Property – 188 Gross Acres Scenario # 1 Total Homesites – 202 Approximate Developed Area – 138 acres Open Space – 50 acres Traditonal homesites – 202 Average Lot – 90’ wide Scenario # 2 Total Homesites – 199 Approximate Developed Area = 88 Acres Open Space = 100 Acres Traditional homesites – 45 Average Lot – 90’ wide Landmark Homesites – 102 Average Lot – 65’ wide Villa Homesites – 52 Average Lot – 55’ wide COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division – 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address – P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Date: PC Date: CC Date: 60-Day Review Date: Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) Comprehensive Plan Amendment ......................... $600 Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Single-Family Residence ................................ $325 All Others......................................................... $425 Interim Use Permit (IUP) In conjunction with Single-Family Residence .. $325 All Others......................................................... $425 Rezoning (REZ) Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750 Minor Amendment to existing PUD ................. $100 All Others......................................................... $500 Sign Plan Review ................................................... $150 Site Plan Review (SPR) Administrative .................................................. $100 Commercial/Industrial Districts* ...................... $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: (______ thousand square feet) *Include number of existing employees: __________ *Include number of new employees: __________ Residential Districts ......................................... $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit (_____ units) Subdivision (SUB) Create 3 lots or less ........................................ $300 Create over 3 lots ....................... $600 + $15 per lot (_____ lots) Metes & Bounds (2 lots) .................................. $300 Consolidate Lots .............................................. $150 Lot Line Adjustment ......................................... $150 Final Plat .......................................................... $700 (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* *Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract. Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC) ........ $300 (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) .................................................... $200 Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Single-Family Residence ............................... $150 All Others ....................................................... $275 Zoning Appeal ...................................................... $100 Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) ................. $500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. Notification Sign (City to install and remove) ...................................................................................................................... $200 Property Owners’ List within 500’ (City to generate after pre-application meeting) .................................................. $3 per address (____ addresses) Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) ....................................................................... $50 per document Interim Use Permit Variance Site Plan Agreement Wetland Alteration Permit Deeds Conditional Use Permit Vacation Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) Easements (____ easements) TOTAL FEE: Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: Property Address or Location: Parcel #: Legal Description: Total Acreage: Wetlands Present? Yes No Present Zoning: Requested Zoning: Present Land Use Designation: Requested Land Use Designation: Existing Use of Property: Check box if separate narrative is attached. Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Signature: Date: PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Signature: Date: PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Contact: Address: Phone: City/State/Zip: Cell: Email: Fax: Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? *Other Contact Information: Property Owner Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Name: Applicant Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Address: Engineer Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: Other* Via: Email Mailed Paper Copy Email: This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. Lennar’s automated homes are built according to the Wi-Fi Alliance’s program guidelines for Wi-Fi Certified Home Designs. See the Wi-Fi Alliance’s website at www.wi-fi.org for additional information regarding the Wi-Fi Certified Home Design program. The Wi-Fi Alliance also certifies home designs after review of a home floor plan which may occur after your closing. Wireless performance in homes will vary due to design changes, construction changes, placement of furnishings and appliances, usage, and local conditions. Network performance will be affected by network configuration, the number of users and the type of use. Homeowners are responsible for providing their own Internet connection and determining their own bandwidth needs, which may vary. Lennar does not guarantee that networks, equipment or services will meet all homeowner needs. Homeowners are also responsible for configuring all security features. Lennar does not warrant or represent that any network or network device is secure or can prevent all privacy intrusions, malware, or cyber-attacks, even when correctly configured. Certain products and services are provided by third parties, and not Lennar. Lennar does not guarantee any equipment or services provided by third parties. Additional disclosures and disclaimers relating to The Connected Home program will apply. See your purchase agreement and related disclosures for details. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. All maps are not to scale, and are for relative location purposes only. Price subject to change without notice. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2017 Top 25 Builders List. The WiFi Certified logo is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance®. Copyright © 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Next Gen - The Home Within A Home, the Next Gen logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker License #40021200MN Bldr. Lic # BC001410CalAtlantic Group, Inc.; BC number is – BC736560(24957) 05/21/18 NORTH Andover 1 Winslow Cove Anoka 2 Rum River Shores Blaine 3 Preserve at Legacy Creek Elk River 4 Miske Meadows Ramsey 5 The Woodlands NORTHEAST Forest Lake 6 Chestnut Creek Lino Lakes 7 Watermark EAST Cottage Grove 8 Calarosa 9 Cayden Glen Lake Elmo q Savona Stillwater w Rutherford Station Woodbury e Bridlewood Farms r Compass Pointe t Fair Haven y Harvest Commons u Harvest View SOUTHEAST Inver Grove Heights i Blackstone Ponds o Blackstone Vista p Settler’s Ridge Lakeville a Summerlyn s The Commons at Avonlea d The Grove at Avonlea f The Landing at Avonlea Mendota Heights h LeMay Shores Rosemount j Bella Vista k Greystone l Meadow Ridge NORTHWEST Brooklyn Park U Avebury Place Dayton I Sundance Woods O The Pines Maple Grove P Hamlets of Rush Creek A Rush Creek Commons S Territorial Woods D Waters Edge at Central Park Otsego F Boulder Creek G Martin Farms H The Meadows of River Pointe J The Highlands of River Pointe Rogers K Laurel Creek Saint Michael L Waters Edge WEST Corcoran E Ravinia Delano R Highland Ridge Medina T Enclave Minnetrista Y Red Oak SOUTHWEST Carver v Oak Tree Chaska b Red Cedar Creek Shorewood n Minnetonka Country Club Victoria m Ambergate , Chevalle . Laketown / Rhapsody Waconia Q Crosswinds W Stonegate SOUTH Prior Lake ; Summit Preserve Savage z Providence Pointe, Providence Ponds Shakopee c Ridge Creek LENNAR® LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 6 7 3 2 1 5 55 56 51 50 54 4 53 58 48 57 47 46 49 5242 43 45 35 4041 39 37 38 36 34 33 32 29 3130 21 23 22 20 26 27 28 18 12 11 25 17 19 914 815 16 10 44 13 Over 75 communities in the best locations! LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485A= Wifi Certified® NORTH ANDOVER 1Winslow Cove Coming Soon! 763-220-2578 ANOKA 2Rum River Shores Single family homes from the mid $300s 4360 Parkview Circle Anoka, MN 55303 • 763-392-2552Floor plan showcased: Barclay BLAINE 3Preserve at Legacy Creek Single family homes from the mid $300s 12956 Legacy Creek Parkway Blaine, MN 55449 • 763-260-6760Floor plan showcased: Huntington ELK RIVER 4Miske Meadows Single family homes from the low $300s 9934 190th Ave. N.W. Elk River, MN 55330 • 763-316-3030Floor plan showcased: Bristol RAMSEY 5The Woodlands A Single family homes from the high $200’s 7566 159th Ave. NW Ramsey, MN 55303 • 763-220-2000Floor plan showcased: Hamilton NORTHEAST FOREST LAKE 6Chestnut Creek A Single family homes from the low $300s 7196 208th St. N Forest Lake, MN 55025 • 651-691-8088Floor plan showcased: Vanderbilt LINO LAKES 7Watermark Coming Soon! 651-212-4227 EAST COTTAGE GROVE 8Calarosa A One level homes from the low $300s 8216 63rd St. S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 • 651-212-4215Floor plan showcased: Buckingham 9Cayden Glen A Single family homes from the high $300s Landmark & Discovery Collections 6878 Jenson Ave. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 • 651-505-2550Floor plan showcased: Lewis x Providence Ponds Single family homes from the upper $300s 6705 133rd Street Savage, MN 55378 • 952-392-9138 ext 1Floor plan showcased: Linden & Cambridge SHAKOPEE c Ridge Creek A Single family homes from the upper $300s 7207 Oak Ridge Trail Shakopee, MN 55379 • 952-373-0478Floor plan showcased: Lewis SOUTHWEST CARVER v Oak Tree Coming Soon! CHASKA b Red Cedar Creek Single family homes from the upper $300s 921 Cascade Drive Chaska, MN 55318 • 952-392-8696Floor plan showcased: Kensington SHOREWOOD n Minnetonka Country Club Single family homes from the mid $800s 5745 Wooden Creek Drive Shorewood, MN 55331 • 952-444-9900 ext 1Floor plan showcased: Cypress Villa homes from the upper $500s 24585 Niblick Alcove Shorewood, MN 55331 • 952-444-9900 ext 2Floor plan showcased: Olympia VICTORIA m Ambergate Single family homes from the upper $400s Selling from Rhapsody 952-392-7884 , Chevalle Single family homes from the low $400s Selling from Rhapsody 952-777-4027 . Laketown A • Single family homes from the low $400s 8939 Lakeside Dr. Victoria, MN 55386 • 952-314-6340Floor plan showcased: Calloway / Rhapsody A • Single family homes from the upper $400s 8628 Ambergate Drive Victoria, MN 55386 • 952-373-0434Floor plan showcased: Blakely & Genesis WACONIA Q Crosswinds Single family homes from the low $300s Selling out of Stonegate Community 601 Stonegate Circle Waconia, MN 55387 • 952-444-9916 LAKE ELMO q Savona A Single family homes from the high $300s Classic & Landmark Collections Lake Elmo, MN 55042 • 651-691-8100 ext 1Floor plan showcased: Summit Townhomes from the mid $200s Colonial Manor & Patriot Collections 9947 5th St. Lake Elmo, MN 55042 • 651-691-8100 ext 2Floor plan showcased: Franklin STILLWATER w Rutherford Station Single family homes from the upper $300s 3605 Wright Street Stillwater, MN 55082 • 651-383-3997Floor plan showcased: Huntington WOODBURY e Bridlewood Farms Coming Soon! 651-760-5993 r Compass Pointe Twin Homes from the low $300s 5017 Sundial Lane Woodbury, MN 55129 • 651-447-5894Floor plan showcased: Auburn & Cascade t Fair Haven A Single family homes from the mid $300s 5675 Fairhaven Trail Woodbury, MN 55129 • 651-705-0595Floor plan showcased: Vanderbilt y Harvest Commons Townhomes from the upper $200s 4356 Corn Silk Lane Woodbury, MN 55129 • 651-314-9165Floor plan showcased: St. Croix & Richmond u Harvest View Single family homes from the upper $300s 4331 Schilling Way Woodbury, MN 55129 • 651-300-1842Floor plan showcased: Springfield SOUTHEAST INVER GROVE HEIGHTS i Blackstone Ponds Townhomes from the upper $200s 6990 Archer Trail Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 • 651-460-9299Floor plan showcased: Richmond & St. Croix o Blackstone Vista Single family homes from the low $400s 7266 Archer Trail Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 • 651-300-0799Floor plan showcased: Linden p Settler’s Ridge •A Single family homes from the mid $400s Classic & Landmark Collections 6896 Alverno Lane Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 • 651-760-8820Floor plan showcased: Summit W Stonegate Single family homes from the upper $200s 601 Stonegate Circle Waconia, MN 55387 • 952-300-3116Floor plan showcased: Courtland WEST CORCORAN E Ravinia A • Single family homes from the mid $400s Classic, Landmark & Discovery Collections 6633 Bridle Path Corcoran, MN 55340 • 952-314-6415Floor plan showcased: Washburn DELANO R Highland Ridge A Single family homes from the low $300s 598 Franklin Ave Delano, MN 55328 • 763-220-2577Floor plan showcased: Brighton & Summit MEDINA T Enclave A Single-family homes from the mid $500s 3033 Basswood Dr. Medina, MN 55340 • 952-314-8587Floor plan showcased: Springdale MINNETRISTA Y Red Oak Single-family homes from the upper $300s 4813 Red Oak Lane Minnetrista, MN 55364 • 952-314-6295Floor plan showcased: Springfield NORTHWEST BROOKLYN PARK U Avebury Place Townhomes from the mid $200s 4956 93rd Avenue N Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 • 952-373-0401Floor plan showcased: Pinehurst & Fremont DAYTON I Sundance Woods A • Single family homes from the low $400s 11021 Cattail Path Dayton, MN 55327 • 763-392-6700Floor plan showcased: Sinclair O The Pines Single family homes from the upper $200s 12560 Pineridge Way N Dayton, MN 55327 • 763-260-4796Floor plan showcased: Donovan & Courtland MAPLE GROVE P Hamlets of Rush Creek Single family homes from the low $400s 18505 70th Avenue N Maple Grove, MN 55311 • 763-445-9927Floor plan showcased: Prescott & Cambridge A Rush Creek Commons Coming Soon! 763-260-4310 LAKEVILLE a Summerlyn •A Single family homes from the high $300s Classic & Landmark Collections 19384 Impala Ave. Lakeville, MN 55044 • 952-314-6369Floor plan showcased: Taylor s The Commons at Avonlea Townhomes Coming Soon! 952-392-0505 d The Grove at Avonlea Single family homes from the upper $200s 18146 Glenbridge Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 • 952-392-0505 ext. 1Floor plan showcased: Clearwater & Donovan f The Landing at Avonlea Single family homes from the upper $300s 18079 Gleaming Path Lakeville, MN 55044 • 952-392-0505 ext. 2Floor plan showcased: Barclay & McKinley MENDOTA HEIGHTS h LeMay Shores Twin Homes starting from the low $400s 2409 LeMay Shores Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 • 651-796-3414Floor plan showcased: Balsam & Dunbar ROSEMOUNT j Bella Vista •A Single family homes from the mid $400s Classic & Landmark Collections 13085 Ayrfield Court Rosemount, MN 55068 • 651-300-6167Floor plan showcased: Blakely k Greystone Single family homes from the upper $200s 14086 Addison Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 • 651-327-0906Floor plan showcased: Courtland l Meadow Ridge Coming Soon! 952-649-3382 SOUTH PRIOR LAKE ; Summit Preserve A Single family homes from the high $300s Landmark & Discovery Collections 5850 Pinnacle Circle NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 • 952-314-6379Floor plan showcased: Sinclair Townhomes from the mid $200s Colonial Patriot Collection 5876 Moonlight Way Prior Lake, MN 55372 • 952-314-6379Floor plan showcased: Jefferson & Madison SAVAGE z Providence Pointe Twin Homes from the low $300s 6627 133rd Street Savage, MN 55378 • 952-392-9138 ext 2Floor plan showcased: Ashburn & Cascade S Territorial Woods A Townhomes from the upper $200s Selling from Sundance Woods 763-392-5450 D Waters Edge at Central Park Townhomes from the low $300s 7000 Hemlock Lane North Maple Grove, MN 55369 • 763-445-9965Floor plan showcased: Fremont & Ontario OTSEGO F Boulder Creek Single-family homes from the low $300s 7669 Parell Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 • 763-260-4889Floor plan showcased: Barclay & Clearwater G Martin Farms A Single family homes from the low $300s 7014 Martin Farms Ave. Otsego, MN 55330 • 652-212-4226Floor plan showcased: Sinclair & Barcelona H The Meadows of River Pointe A Single family homes from the low $300s 17652 54th St NE Otsego, MN 55374 • 763-220-1030Floor plan showcased: Vanderbilt J The Highlands of River Pointe A • Single family homes from the mid $300s 17652 54th Street NE Otsego, MN 55374 • 763-260-4491 ext. 1Floor plan showcased: Summit Coming Soon! Villa homes from the low $300s 763-260-4491 ext. 2Floor plan showcased: Brighton ROGERS K Laurel Creek A Single-family homes from the high $300s 11444 Creekside Ct. Rogers, MN 55374 • 763-316-3000 ext. 1Floor plan showcased: Lewis Twin Homes from the low $300s 11125 Brockton Lane Rogers, MN 55374 • 763-316-3000 ext. 4Floor plan showcased: Sierra Coming Soon! Villa homes from the mid $300s 11511 Brookview Dr. Rogers, MN 55374 • 763-316-3000 ext. 2Floor plan showcased: Buckingham Townhomes from the mid $200s 11125 Brockton Lane Rogers, MN 55374 • 763-316-3000 ext. 3Floor plan showcased: Franklin Coming Soon! SAINT MICHAEL L Waters Edge A Single family homes from the mid $300s Landmark & Discovery Collections 3981 Melby Ave. NE Saint Michael, MN 55376 • 763-260-5755Floor plan showcased: Lewis •= Next Gen® c 1OFGALPIN BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 1-5-18 JLT JLT Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2015 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS xx I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson 1CONCEPT PLAN 04 LENNAR 16305 36TH AVENUE NORTHPLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446 YIELD PLAN c 1OFGALPIN BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 6-1-18 JLT JLT Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2015 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS xx I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson 1CONCEPT PLAN 07 LENNAR 16305 36TH AVENUE NORTHPLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446 55' LOTS 65' LOTS 90' LOTS Villa Homes Proposed for 55’ wide homesites These homes have been built in the following communities: Minnetonka Country Club – Shorewood Enclave - Medina LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Madrid Lifestyle Collection 952-249-3000 A C B 1 Story | 1 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 2 Car Garage 1,962 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Madrid Lifestyle Collection Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to these floor plans, specifications, dimensions and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. Copyright © 2016 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo and the Everything’s Included logo are registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. (10205) 4/15/16 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 The Twin Cities #1 homebuilder for the last 10 years! MASTERBATH W.I.C. LAUNDRY PWDR 13' x 15' 19' x 17' 15' x 10' 12' x 15' 21' x 25'12' x 13' GREATROOM DININGROOM MASTERBEDROOM MUDROOMKITCHEN FOYER STUDY PORCH 2 CAR GARAGE FIREPLACE LINENNICHECOUNTERTOP OPT.W OPT.DDBL. OVENSPANTRY OPT.PORCH LOCATION DW REF. UP BENCHMain Level 1,962 Sq. Ft. • 1 Story • 1 Bedroom • 2 Bathrooms • 2 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Monaco Lifestyle Collection 952-249-3000 A C B 1 Story | 1 Bedroom | 2 Bathrooms | 2 Car Garage 2,008 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Monaco Lifestyle Collection Plans and elevations are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to these floor plans, specifications, dimensions and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. Copyright © 2016 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo and the Everything’s Included logo are registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. (10204) 4/15/16 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 The Twin Cities #1 homebuilder for the last 10 years!BENCHOPT.DOORMICROOVEN OPT.W OPT.D OPT. PORCH FIREPLACESEATLINENW.I.C.REF.PANTRY DW LINEN COATS UPNICHEMASTER BATH LAUNDRYMUDROOM 13' x 14'15' x 14' 12' x 8' 19' x 20' 12' x 12' 21' x 25' GREATROOM DININGROOM MASTERBEDROOM 2 CAR GARAGE PORCH STUDY FOYER PWDR KITCHEN Main Level 2,008 Sq. Ft. • 1 Story • 1 Bedroom • 2 Bathrooms • 2 Car Garage LENNAR®The Birkdale LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 A C B 1 Story | 2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 2 Car Garage 2,068 Sq. Ft. LENNAR®The Birkdale 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2017 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker License #40021205. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. CalAtlantic Group, Inc.; BC number is – BC736565. (25561) 05/17/18 MAIN LEVEL 2,068 Sq. Ft. • 1 Story • 2 Bedrooms • 2 Bathrooms • 2 Car Garage LENNAR®The Olympia LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 A C B 1 Story | 2 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 2 Car Garage 2,187 Sq. Ft. LENNAR®The Olympia 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2017 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker License #40021205. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. CalAtlantic Group, Inc.; BC number is – BC736565. (25563) 05/17/18 MAIN LEVEL 2,187 Sq. Ft. • 1 Story • 2 Bedrooms • 3 Bathrooms • 2 Car Garage Landmark Homes Proposed for 65’ wide homesites These homes have been built in the following communities: Reflections at Lake Riley – Chanhassen Boulder Cove – Chanhassen Laketown - Victoria LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Washburn Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 D BA C E 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 3,328 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Washburn Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(10191) 7/12/17 3/4BATH SEAT OPT.W OPT.D OPT.CABS OPT.SINK DN LINEN OPENTOBELOW OPT. VAULT BOX J&J BATH LAUNDRY W.I.C. W.I.C. W.I.C. W.I.C. W.I.C. OWNER'S SUITE BEDROOM 2 LOFT BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 3 17’ X 15’ 11’ X 13’ 11’ X 16’ 12’ X 14’ 13’ X 11’ OWNER'S BATH Main Level Upper Level 3,328 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 4 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Sinclair Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 A B D J H G K I 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 2,468 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Sinclair Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(10186) 4/3/17 3 CAR GARAGE GREAT ROOM DININGROOM KITCHEN FOYER FLEX /STUDY PORCH PWDR MUDROOMW.I.C.PANTRY OPEN DW REF. DN COATS UP OPT. BENCHOPT. FIREPLACE17’ x 15’11’ x 15’ 11’ x 10’ 10’ x 15’ 31’ x 21’ BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 3 W.I.C.W.I.C. LAUNDRY W.I.C. BATH W.I.C. OPT. BOX VAULT LINEN DN OPT.D OPT.W 11’ x 11’ 12’ x 11’ 11’ x 12’ 15’ x 15’ OWNER'S SUITE OWNER'S BATH Main Level Upper Level 2,468 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 3 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Lindbergh Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 A D B C E F 1 Story | 2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 1,902 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Lindbergh Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2016 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. (10189) 04/27/18 FIREPLACE PANTRY DN DW REF.NICHEOPT.D OPT.SINK PORCH BEDROOM 2 FOYER 3 CAR GARAGE 3/4BATH GREAT ROOM DININGROOM MASTERBEDROOM MASTER BATH W.I.C. W.I.C. W.I.C.LAUNDRYMUDROOM KITCHEN OPT. BENCHOPT.W 18’ X 17’ 30’ X 21’ 17’ X 14’ 13’ X 15’ 11’ X 12’ 13’ X 14’ Main Level 1,902 Sq. Ft. • 1 Story • 2 Bedrooms • 2 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Taylor Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 A F D H B G E 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 2,680 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Taylor Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(10187) 4/3/17 DN OPT FIREPLACE GREAT ROOM W.I.C. MUDROOM W.I.C. DININGROOM KITCHEN 3 CAR GARAGE PORCH STUDY FOYER UP DW PANTRY REF. PWDR OPT BENCH 11'X17' 11'X15'17'X15' 11'X11' 11'X12' 30'X21' W.I.C. LAUNDRY W.I.C.W.I.C. BATH OWNER'S SUITE BEDROOM 3 LOFT BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 4 OPT. BOX VAULT OPT.D OPT.W LINENDN 10’ X 13’ 12’ X 13’15’ X 11’ 11’ X 12’ 13’ X 15’ OWNER'S BATH Main Level Upper Level 2,680 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 3 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The St. Croix II Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 A H F G I J 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 2,806 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The St. Croix II Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(10188) 05/11/18 Main Level Upper Level 2,806 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 3 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Snelling Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 A D B C E 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 3,270 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Snelling Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(10192) 4/3/17 FOYER STUDY 3 CAR GARAGE PORCH DININGROOM NOOKGREAT ROOM KITCHEN MUDROOM LAUNDRY W.I.C. PWDR OPT. BENCHLINENUP DN OPT.D OPT.CABS & SINK REF. PANTRY DW OPEN OPT.WOPT. FIREPLACE 16’ X 17’ 31’ X 21’ 11’ X 12’ 13’ X 17’ 11’ X 12’ 10’ X 16’ BEDROOM 4 LOFT BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 W.I.C. W.I.C. W.I.C. 3/4BATH J&JBATH LINEN OPENTOBELOW OPT. BOX VAULT DN 11’ x 13’ 12’ x 15’ 14’ x 17’ 11’ x 13’ 17’ x 11’ OWNER'S SUITE OWNER'S BATH Main Level Upper Level 3,270 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 4 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Independence Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 A B C Main: 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 2 Car Garage I 2,637 Sq. Ft. Private Suite: 1 Bedroom I 1 Bathroom I Private Living Area I Kitchenette I Laundry I 563 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Independence Landmark Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2016 Top 25 Builders List.Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, The Home Within a Home, The Home Within a Home logo and the Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413 (10507) 01/04/18 PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE PRIVATE Main Level Upper Level Main Home 2,637 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 4 Bathrooms • 2 Car Garage Private Suite 563 Sq. Ft. • 1 Bedroom • 1 Bathroom • Private Entrance • Kitchenette • laundry • Living Area • 1 Car Garage Luxury Single Family Homes Proposed for 90’ wide homesites These homes have been built in the following communities: Minnetonka County Club- Shorewood Camden Ridge – Chanhassen Rhapsody - Victoria LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Genesis • 4-Car Classic Collection 952-249-3000 A B C Main: 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage I 2,637 Sq. Ft. Private Suite: 1 Bedroom I 1 Bathroom I Private Living Area I Kitchenette I Laundry I 563 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Genesis • 4-Car Classic Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2016 Top 25 Builders List.Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, The Home Within a Home, The Home Within a Home logo and the Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413.(10509) 01/04/18 GREAT ROOM 17'-0" X 15'-0" PRIVATEBEDROOM 11'-0" X 10'-0" PRIVATEBATH DINING ROOM 12'-0" X 15 '-0" ' FOYER PRIVATEKITCHENETTEPRIVATE LIVING ROOM 12'-0" X 11'-0" 0 u PRIVATE 1-CAR GARAGE 21'-0" X 14'-0" PORCH f _S_ KITCHEN z r----------- I I I I I I I MUD ROOM 3-CAR GARAGE 29'-0" X 23'-0" Main Level Upper Level Main Home 2,637 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 4 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage Private Suite 563 Sq. Ft. • 1 Bedroom • 1 Bathroom • Private Entrance • Kitchenette • laundry • Living Area • 1 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Blakely Classic Collection 952-249-3000 A B C D E 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 3,344 Sq. Ft. LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Blakely Classic Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. (10156) 4/3/17 3 CAR GARAGE PORCH GREAT ROOM NOOK TECHCENTER DININGROOMSTUDY KITCHEN MUDROOM W.I.C.PWDR OPT. BENCHUP OPT. CABINETS OPT.BEV CENTER OPT. BOX VAULT PANTRY DN REF.COATSOPT. CABDW FOYERFIREPLACE 18’ x 15’ 11’ x 15’ 29’ x 19’ 9’ x 18’ 11’ x 13’ 11’ x 7’ Front porch shown as elevation A, other elevations may vary. DBL. OVENSREF.OPT.WOPT.DBEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 4 W.I.C. W.I.C.W.I.C. W.I.C. J&J BATH LAUNDRY 3/4 BATH DN LINEN VAULT CLG D.S.OPT. CABS & SINKSEAT18’ x 15’ 12’ x 14’12’ x 12’ 14’ x 12’ OWNER'S SUITE OWNER'S BATH Main Level Upper Level 3,344 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 4 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Weston Classic Collection 952-249-3000 A B C E 1 Story | 2 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 2,498 Sq. Ft. BEDROOM2 11'-0"X12'-0" STUDY 10'-0" X 14'-0" --t6'1v ·-----,,,,KlTCHEN 13'-0" X 17'-0" GREAT ROOM DINETTE E=1 � 9'-0" X 10'-0" 19'-0" X 15'-0" PORCH ���:�:���-1: : : ROOM : : : : 13'-0" X 10'-0" : i i �--------------J ,--------------' ' 3-CAR GARAGE 30'-0" X 24'-0" DBL. OVEN LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Weston Classic Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Main Level Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. (10155) 7/12/17 2,498 Sq. Ft. •1 Story •2 Bedrooms •3 Bathrooms •3 Car Garage LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Springdale Classic Collection 952-249-3000 DA E G H I 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 3,396 Sq. Ft. DN UP REF. DW PANTRY W.I.C. MUDROOM 3/4BATH NOOK GREATROOM FOYER LIVINGROOM DININGROOM PORCH 3 CAR GARAGE STUDY KITCHEN FIREPLACE OPT. TRAY CEILINGDBL. OVEN 11’ x 9’ 15’ x 14’ 9’ x 13’ 31’ x 21’ 13’ x 11’ 11’ x 12’ 11’ x 15’ Front porch shown as elevation A, other elevations may vary. OPT.BENCH LENNAR.COM LENNAR®The Springdale Classic Collection 952-249-3000 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2015 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2017 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – License No. 20464871. Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. (10154) 11/08/17 Main Level Upper Level 3,396 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 4 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR®The Riviera LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 A C B D 1 Story | 3 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 2,983 Sq. Ft. LENNAR®The Riviera 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2017 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker License #40021205. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. CalAtlantic Group, Inc.; BC number is – BC736565. (24874) 05/23/18 MAIN LEVEL 2,983 Sq. Ft. • 1 Story • 3 Bedrooms • 3 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR®The Salisbury LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 A C B D 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 5 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 3,974 Sq. Ft. LENNAR®The Salisbury 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-249-3000 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2017 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker License #40021205. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. CalAtlantic Group, Inc.; BC number is – BC736565. (24873) 05/17/18 MAIN LEVEL UPPER LEVEL 3,974 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 5 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage LENNAR®The Muirfield LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 A C B D 2 Stories | 4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 3 Car Garage 3,874 Sq. Ft. LENNAR®The Muirfield 16305 36th Ave. N. Suite 600, Plymouth, MN 55446 LENNAR.COM 952-373-0485 Elevations of a home may vary and we reserve the right to substitute and /or modify design and materials, in our sole opinion and without notice. Please see your New Home Consultant and home purchase agreement for actual features designated as an Everything’s Included feature, additional information, disclosures, and disclaimers relating to your home and its features. Plans are artist’s renderings and may contain options which are not standard on all models. Lennar reserves the right to make changes to plans and elevations without prior notice. Stated dimensions and square footage are approximate and should not be used as representation of the home’s precise or actual size. Any statement, verbal or written, regarding “under air” or “finished area” or any other description or modifier of the square footage size of any home is a shorthand description of the manner in which the square footage was estimated and should not be construed to indicate certainty. Garage sizes may vary from home to home and may not accommodate all vehicles. Visit Lennar.com or see a Lennar New Home Consultant for further details and important legal disclaimers. This is not an offer in states where prior registration is required. Void where prohibited by law. †Source - BATC, 2017 Top 25 Builders List. Copyright © 2018 Lennar Corporation. All rights reserved. Lennar, the Lennar logo, Everything’s Included and the Everything’s Included logo are U.S. registered service marks or service marks of Lennar Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. U.S. Home Corporation d/b/a Lennar – Lennar Sales Corp. – Broker License #40021205. MN Bldr. Lic # BC001413. CalAtlantic Group, Inc.; BC number is – BC736565. (24876) 05/17/18 MAIN LEVEL UPPER LEVEL 3,874 Sq. Ft. • 2 Stories • 4 Bedrooms • 4 Bathrooms • 3 Car Garage c 1OFGALPIN BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 1-5-18 JLT JLT Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2015 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS xx I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson 1CONCEPT PLAN 04 LENNAR 16305 36TH AVENUE NORTHPLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446 c 1OFGALPIN BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 1-5-18 JLT JLT Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2015 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS xx I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson 1CONCEPT PLAN 04 LENNAR 16305 36TH AVENUE NORTHPLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446 c 1OFGALPIN BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 6-1-18 JLT JLT Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2015 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS xx I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson 1CONCEPT PLAN 07 LENNAR 16305 36TH AVENUE NORTHPLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446 55' LOTS 65' LOTS 90' LOTS c 1OFGALPIN BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 6-1-18 JLT JLT Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn 2015 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS xx I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson 1CONCEPT PLAN 07 LENNAR 16305 36TH AVENUE NORTHPLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446 55' LOTS 65' LOTS 90' LOTS 6.4.2 Park and Recreation System Initiatives While the objectives and policies offer broad guidelines for park and recreation system development, the following initiatives have been identified by City Staff, the Park and Recreation Commission, and citizens as key to completing the system and improving existing facilities to meet needs today and over the next 25 years. Numbered initiatives correspond to efforts depicted in Figure 6-8. Parks and Recreation Facilities: P-1. Expand Lake Ann Park to create a premier community park. Expansion of the park would incorporate natural woodlands west of Lake Ann and would preserve views across the lake, protect wildlife habitat, and preserve the community’s natural heritage. The expansion would also allow for a loop trail around Lake Ann and a connection to Lake Lucy. P-2. Create a new ball field complex to meet demands created by increasing population. P-3. Create neighborhood parks in the general locations identified on Figure 6-8 along with development. Lake Ann P ark Lake Susan Park Bandimere Park City Center Park Chanhassen Recreation Cent er South Lotus Lake Par k Kerber P ond Park Pow er Hill Pa rk Riley Ridge P ark North Lot us La ke P ark Meadow Green Pa rk Herman Field Park Pheas ant Hill Park Sunset R idge Park Stone C reek Park Pione er Pass Park Roundhouse Park Curry Fa rm s Park Chanhass en Hills Park Carv er Bea ch Park Cathc art P ark (O wne d by t he City of Shore wood) Sugarbush Park Prairie Knoll Park Ric e Marsh La ke Park Bandimere Height s Park Greenwood Shores P ark Carv er Bea ch Playground Minnewas ht a Heights Park Chanhass en Estate s Pa rk Chanhass en High School (J oint Fa cilities) Manchest er Park (To Be Com plete d in 2018) Mi n ne w a s h t a R e gi on a l P a r k U ni v e r s it y o f M in ne s ot a La n d s c a p e A r bo r e tu m R a gu e t W ild l if e Ma na g e m e n t A r e a Pr iv a t e l y O wn e d P u bl ic G o lf C o u r s e MN Va l le y N a t i o na l Wi ld li f e R ef ug e Ols on C ommunit y Garden Minnet onka Middle School W est CenturyBoulevardHazeltineBoulevardBluffCreek Drive West 78th S t reet Lyman Boulevard ChanhassenRoadCros st ow n B oulevard Pleas ant Vi e wRo ad GreatPlai n s Boulev a r dBa varia R o a dSmithtownRoad P i o n e erT railW estL o n g a c resDriv eVictoriaDrive Arb oretu m B o ule va r d Powe r s Boul evardKerberBoulevardLake Lucy Road MinnewashtaParkwayCounty Road 14 0 L ake DriveEast He ronDrive Engler Boulevard H un d ertm arkRoadEastGalpinBoulevardAudubonRoadPion ee r Trail 82nd Street West F ly in g C lo u d D r iv e Chas k a B o u le v ardLakeDrive Pioneer Trail EastChestnutStreetNorthWest82ndStreet ")140 ")53 ¬«101 ¬«7 £¤212 ¬«5 ")61 ¬«101 ¬«101 L o t usL a k eL a k e S u s a n LakeRileyR iceL akeLakeMinnewashta LakeA n n L a keL ucyR i c e M a r shLake E d e n P r a i r i e E x c e l s i o r G r e e n w o o d M i n n e t o n k aShorewood T o n k a B a y J a c k s o n T w p . S h a k o p e e C h a s k a V i c t o r i a LEG END Op en Space Comm unity Park Neigh borho od Park Preserve Special Us e No n-City Pa rks & Open Sp ace Publi c Sch ool Surround ing M unic ipa l Parks Wa ter Bod ies Muni cip al Bou nda ries °0 0.5 10.25 Mil es »Develop a master plan to: »Define the limits of park expansion to the north and west »Preserve natural areas »Complete a loop trail around Lake Ann »Identify new facility and user amenities Lake ann Park »Expanded parking »Add permanent restroom facility »Lighting and structured seating for the baseball field Lake SuSan Park Add a permanent restroom facility & hockey warming house City Center Park »Implement existing master plan »Construct picnic shelter with restrooms »Add field lights »Build sport court »Add a splash pad »Add a hockey warming house Bandimere Park »Seek opportunities to expand the capacity of the community park network to serve athletic and community event needs. »Use maintenance and replacement schedule to plan for phased replacement of neighborhood park facilities (i.e. playgrounds, sport courts, shelters, etc.) City-wide initiativeS Add parks and/or preserves as development occurs in the Bluff Creek Golf Course, Bluff Creek Corridor, and County Road 61 Corridor Plan areas South ChanhaSSen Priority Expansion Area Figure 5-2. Park Initiatives 5-51 System PlanOCTOBER 2017 Keep [area north and west of Lake Ann] free of developers. Natural setting of Lake Ann is wonderful! WHAT WE HEARD Initiatives Initiatives are specific actions that are recommended for implementation. Initiatives are organized by the topic areas of parks, facilities, trails, preserves, programming, and operations. In this area in particular, care will be needed to determine what level of detail the system plan should include. For example, the neighborhood park section could become a list of all the specific improvements in each park or it could summarize an approach. Our recommendation is to use the latter method. This would mean that we might have a recommendation that identifies the need to replace and upgrade playgrounds in neighborhood parks according to the maintenance and replacement schedule rather than a list of each park where replacement is prioritized. 1. Parks Chanhassen’s 30 community and neighborhood parks play an important role in the City’s quality of life. They act as places for community gatherings, picnics and celebrations, family outings, and group and individual recreation. The following park initiatives aim to provide guidance to ensure each park continues to fulfill its role in the overall system. 1.1. Maintain Lake Ann Park as the premier community park. 1.1.1. Develop a master plan that defines the extent of park expansion to the west and north to preserve natural areas, extend the trail around the lake, and provide for additional recreational amenities like an amphitheater. The master plan should also explore additional facilities appropriate for a community park with significant natural amenities, parking expansion, circulation needs, and expanded natural surface and paved trails. The master plan should seek to influence adjacent neighborhood design to promote the extension of park and open space fingers into the adjacent development areas. The master plan should also include a natural resources section to guide the stewardship of the park’s natural resources. 1.1.2. Add user amenities in a phased manner, including permanent restrooms near the pavilions and athletic facilities, benches, and electronic scoreboards. 1.2. Implement the recommendations of the Bandimere Park Master Plan, which includes a picnic shelter with restrooms, field lights, sport court, hockey warming house, and possible splash pad. 1.3. At Lake Susan Park renovate the existing picnic shelter to include permanent restrooms, expand parking and add lighting and structured seating for the baseball field. 1.4. Add permanent restrooms and hockey warming house to City Center Park. 1.5. Seek opportunities to expand the capacity of the community park network to serve athletic and community event needs. 1.6. Use maintenance and replacement schedule to plan for phased replacement of neighborhood park facilities (i.e. playgrounds, sport courts, shelters, etc.). 1.7. Add parks and/or preserves as development occurs in the Bluff Creek Golf Course, Bluff Creek Corridor, and County Road 61 Corridor Plan areas. HOCKEY RINK W/ WARMING HOUSE SPLASHPAD, SHELTER/CONCESSION, PLAYGROUND RENOVATION LIGHTED SOCCER FIELDS LIGHTED PARKING TENNIS COURTS LIGHTED SOCCER FIELD LIGHTED BALLFIELDS LIGHTED PARKING Amphitheater Bandimere Park Master Plan 5-49 System PlanOCTOBER 2017       Proposed Lake Ann Park Expansion and Trail Loop Concept Plan Lake Ann Park w 78th st / cr 16 park expansion boundarycr 117p o w e r s b l v d arboretum blvd lake ann lake lucy Continue Trail Loop around Lake Ann Make trail connection to neighborhoods (Route TBD) Make trail connection to neighborhoods (Route TBD) Connect to existing trail Continue Trail Loop around Lake Ann Legend Existing Trail Existing Sidewalk Proposed Bituminous Trail Future Bituminous Trail Bridge Boardwalk Park Road Future Park Expansion Wetland 500 0 500 Feet