PRN Residential Property Memo 12-27-17 Y 0 L CITY OF CHANHASSEN � w 9 S Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow 'VH AS MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt,City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson AICP,Community Development Director �. SUBJ: PRN Residential Property �7 ' DATE: December 27, 2017 BACKGROUND This summer, in anticipation of development of the PRN residential property,city staff prepared a document called"Residential Development Issues."This document has been the beginning point for discussion with potential developers. More information has emerged since this document was created. It is the staff's understanding that Comerica(the trustee) is working to select a developer in the near future. ANALYSIS Since this issue paper was created the following issues has been clarified: • Originally,staff believed that an Areawide Urban Review(AUAR)would be preferred for both PRN and Gorra properties. However,the AUAR is good for only 5 years and the Gorra property may not develop within the time frame that the AUAR would have to be updated. All developers were advised that the threshold for and Environmental Assessment is 250 housing units. • The trustee has completed a Wetland Land Delineation. The delineation provides insight into the potential layout for the development. • Galpin Boulevard is being studied for upgrades by the city and county. Access points to Galpin Boulevard need to be coordinated with the study. • The city owned property for the well on Galpin Boulevard needs to have a perimeter buffer but staff has indicated that lot lines could be modified. Attachments: I. Wetland Map 2. Residential Development Issues PRN properties. g_?plan ka,prince residential land,cc.update on pm development.docx PH 952.227.1100• WWW.cichanhassen.mn.us• FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317 4 Parcels total of 185.35 acres .,' r '77,4,- .tel .,. i _ "+,� 6.. - f i 1.\,,,,,,,,...,, ,,. • v",:. ' f•7:, ,- Ar 7 ; Ilk! ,,V..itit':it'4:,,..-", 4j,,,,-, ' ' ','.-7,f Ift''!I , ' *, ' .t,",Oilr reit::'''' ; ' 4::.2Ei.,2:, vgil .P � „.e(,c wt '7j .',�k zt,* 9+'J:.J� ;l`Rt�.yp* 3. � ti �"Alific�' r¢ .J' , 4,,2,/,:.,...-.'4$"vii t ',, ��ti+' 'A' `;�+ Yti ' �....�,,�"� ,k 'w \ '':1,j;,,,,-„,-",2a ,./1,..,7. w# :? p...,-„4,51•3 •:;,',,;1.' ,,,p�y^ •ro ,,.. � �$. `' �. • toa �S1 .4'' , 'SrY� nnA7 �` ^ • ' 1---,-• ' • ,,,,,, r Nanfsoo�akc �'`. ' 1,1('' ,. 'a� Lake Lucy �I ...,, • , ,,,,:'' ','';.-.,''. 7":.v. r,......-7.-„r, ,,,44. .--,;!,_ ,. .i.,. . . . _„,. „„,.: , . . loot- ,:,-- --- ,.__ . ,,,,...„_,,,,oll. p* ,,,, . . _: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,..„4...,,,,,,,. . ,,,.... ., .-.--.,. .. 4''', fJ .T Gcecrrnoot —.;!' Shotes i . ,.. .__..._.._._,.,.xl , ili 1 i p Lake Ann 111 .-1,. • I x '"4-w Ixke v[ ,rk WIS. r4r ° IN:;H417. ,'. ,t 0 '. t ; * 4 04' ' 00 �.M" x 4 r�r �.y u y Wetland 2 is 0:18ac ::u�,ter., w t f / .--------\,/ r 4n \.......4aCe alra2 Wetland s0 Wetland0.0 0 We tiand 8 ,. .. .. ..,_ t2 r "t ' t ^ 0:38actWetland 4 ..,t a,4,, 0:20ac5-41 Wetland 8 - 0.17ac' , Wetland 8 0:08ac a WetlandC �'. Wetla90and 1 0:62ac 41: c 4 Wetland 12A w ,.,'' 0:0.1 O --/ r� ,.-— .._ ,�,1 Wetland 12 0:80ac/ ,., 1 Wetland 14 1 0:23ac Wetland 10 -, ' Wetland 13 d' 0:13ac 0:03ac ....... . Figure 2 - Existing Conditions N 0 600 Galpin Property(KES 2017-110) �;' ,. L 1 h. Drainageway Lake Edge Chanhassen, Minnesota Feet `''0 - as Ravine Wetland Boundary AL Note:Boundaries indicated �(' T �� Transect '- _ -+Assessment Area nn this figure are approximate '~ l LJOL1ltiUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY `1'^'' Ornamental Feature and do not constitute an �y Source:Minnesota DNR(2013) official survey product. e ,r-ii.- .q , DAY La 5. 3 ,,� ,-.. �. ;r a Shoreland 441110 - �'f; b i.',„1.,,,7,-,',„",:-.17, ;u t� ,4 tx n�fil, "», I. �� 4 Regulations x s f r. pp� . ., .. -1,-- l 1. Chanhassen City sir '; i -4 �,w; -- Code z s " CakaLficy `„ »: 'C� _ f Chapter 20 Zoning i ri- LI 7 _f~ „ ( f � Article VII t • �i t� - 1,--. . __ _�_ Shoreland v.. z es a I.+ _ r: _u _ ' Management District � � -{ Maagm f k ! ��zmwoo, 3� 1 ." S a..4 � � ' tr,-- -:-- .tiii', .,, Lakn Linnk€ri c .fix 4 ..,_ Rg ii Shoreline Regulations a ` Hca . tt Lakes 1000ftBuffer !Nl , ,l _..''�nr Park {`'�. t,. .. t !ako J i '� �w. r �f ;"� Streams 300ft Buffer a a. N N A S � Residential Development Issues PRINCE R . NELSON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Development Issues-2017 Gross Acreage: —188 acres Land Use: Low density; 1.2—4 units an acre Current Zoning: Rural residential Development Issues: • Delineation of wetlands—approximately 47 acres • Tree preservation(ruminant Oak Savana and Big Woods) • Street connections to surrounding properties • Preservation of park lands and construction of trails around Lake Ann(high water quality) and Lake Lucy • Shoreland and wetland regulations • Street impacts: o Intersection of Galpin Boulevard and West 78"'Street o Upgrades to Galpin Boulevard • Existing Met Council sewer line • Riley Creek and Bluff Creek tributary • NPDES compliance/storm water management(see bullet point four) In order to achieve the desire for a larger preservation area next to the lakes, the most appropriate zoning would be either a planned unit development(PUD)or residential-low and medium density(RLM). Both of these districts require preservation of environmental features. It will be the city's goals to ensure that the request for either zoning meets the intent. ARTICLE VIII.—PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DIVISION 1.—GENERALLY Sec. 20-501.—Intent. Planned unit developments (PUD)offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for a greater variety of uses, internal transfers of density, construction phasing, and a potential for lower development costs. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility,the city has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the use of other,more standard zoning districts, It will be the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate that the city's expectation is to be realized as evaluated against the following criteria. PUDs are to encourage the following: (1) Preservation of desirable site characteristics and open space, and protection of sensitive environmental features, including steep slopes, mature trees, creeks, wetlands, lakes, and scenic views. (2) More efficient and effective use of land, open space, and public facilities through mixing of land uses as well as assembly and development of land in larger parcels. (3) High quality of design and design compatibility with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. Site planning, landscaping, and building architecture should reflect higher quality design than is found elsewhere in the community. (4) Sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant corridors within the city. (5) Development that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. (6) Parks and open space. The creation of public open space may be required by the city. Such park and open space shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Park Plan and overall trail plan. (7) Provision of housing affordable to all income groups if appropriate within the PUD. (8) Energy conservation through the use of more efficient building designs and sightings as well as the clustering of buildings and land uses. (9) Use of trqffic management and design technologies, including the provision of transit and pedestrian linkages to reduce the potential for traffic conflicts. Improvements to area roads and intersections may be required. ARTICLE XIV. —MIXED LOW AND MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTAL DISTRICTS DIVISION I.—"RLM"RESIDENTIAL-LOW AND MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT Sec. 20-641.—Intent. The intent of the RLM district is to provide for single-family attached or detached residential development on land guided residential-low or medium density in the city's comprehensive plan with a maximum net density of eight units per acre. The RLM district is intended to be used where large areas of upland will be preserved or created as permanent open space to balance the higher hard surface coverage permitted on individual lots. Factors to consider: All of the following properties should be included in an AUAR(Urban Area-Wide Review). Development of Prince R.Nelson's property alone would require an EAW(Environmental Assessment Worksheet). Rather than looking at this piece in isolation,the other two properties should be included in any assessment.They are linked by the environmental features,road and trail connections. Property Owner Acres Prince R.Nelson 188 Gorra 126 Southwest Transit 3.5 total 317.5 Attached is conceptual development layouts for illustrative purposes only. These plans were prepared by Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. in 2008. Maps of the 2030 Comprehensive Future Park and Trail initiatives are also attached. G\PLAN\KA\Prince Residential Land\Development Issues Paper.doex , N.,- o V , 4 f/•� 4. �* !- { i[ 4j"'n T_:,_7_,14.46 :7, k7 I q ! jjjry i• ' ',...-c--,G,C,77,,I.:°%4:I 7.\ .::. .1(,°21: '.,./#4,..4.4%:-,,p :6.,••,, „•.:: �+i f Rj f I . : >< ' t ; -L.:::::*,-*`;'-*. r ^ t'" + tI� ¢� - t , Ifir.#. J# t p' tr a Y �.\ �� 4. a li '1' Sq +"� • 6 ,_ .._. , .. pi,.,,,,_Ag 1 . „, ,00 _r , ',A1,--,_:,-.---,1-ztr,,,,---..,,,:,..- „-,_ ,...,,,,,,..._,_,0 grL.-: ..,..r... , . .-1-----.,, Lt yr t.,..H.' -110, 79ILL.„ ,.- :-!"°_. ,,, .:42,..,_., .".# ,,,. . , .„..„ �� 4,,,, I \No: - _. . :,,_ 1?Ts.0.,,........00,,,,,„1 t % f,_,.r lt. a}" �t Y s i awW[sY•:niySF T' < ` .JJJ,"+++PPP .i. "� / ,, x� nn , 3ttr . -'• 't� ik ,rte A. l(Jf�f•�i, • �Ij J .H.:, .4-‘,'Y' qtr .y "-+ ��� ..°:0'!- °�!e y 1"''.. `:a a ' ,�� moi j ��, , � ,# , `A ;. ti uE Dap i tt�kYi = 7" I `ilr s !;7-, ,....,—:___.,_,__ ,...,_\:e.... , ,.„,ice'� �. i. . . r' (legend u, City of Chanhassen,MN Study Area Boundary Map Lake Ann Expansion Development Concept Study August 11,2008 Hoisington Noegter Group,inr. lik,_, _ .. f iiii ."--I_ _ ! '''‘)' . ; . I . \-:---- - * i J -St' ) rillittligifiL- ( , • . ) k 1�� r.. .. ir .-- -..._ R �a....�+'.,:!ter. ra /r I •._.....A - - - t +';1} ( '1,,, - -i(.... ....)ik \c , 111111P - --�� _.r_ _ ,...�R.. . , .. . . . ,., 4 Legend Study Area ET 100 yr Floodplain 0-18%Slope Buffer_Preserve NIL 18.1-30%Slope BURer_Manage_1 ON 30.1-90%Slope Buffer_Manage_2 r Parks and Open Space Buffer_Manage_3 LI;a Tax Parcels Buffer_No_Class N _ as Parks Open Space L_ I Shoreland Buffer 1 inch equals 300 feet —Residential High Density 0 300 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 ET,Residential Low Density Residential Medium Density Feet C;ty of Chanhass&l,.MN Buildable Area Base Map Lake Ann Expansion Development Concept Study August 11,2008 Hoisington Koegler Group,Inc. / 44-- enc■ 1 II r ii`�i` 2 r `/ ill ik14��/jf"j� *Erik ar :ra irrillir4.11 IN m�+larm ili ENE �r-�. ��1//N//rte 44 t-:"..: �,� , plif 'L.a�st7nn� ill „„412 3 ob„„ r * ;-4\ - ole- • 46.—u, 1111111111111MIM Ik nirdaide illia"LI"721‘iflifiElMaimili S� ' aw" .A i S1r igµ�;N -:; ' �lb�' .„.•..JI�j►*Ie WO qlla�!" Harris. 4 a . 4•�■ ,„fiOsum Cbl:::...—...01,4 f_Ili 993.6 /YIgo 3 ,- it ,A A cr- eitill ♦0 trio01/441, 1► °'".,:?ig 111 .gI�iat r • .ice:.aRA. ell flic 00 AC ' R"Now; Rt WAY W ' twirl i 01..`�. CONEFL•WEA�,V. 4 ,'�f�7 re. fh!, 1Et , r•,.,.v ( 6 CONE FLOWEF •V 5 Ai ,�`� E'' Oeal SAGE LNE ��"D 'r ,'* t!WATER-ME LANE E ,/■0,44 I �ililiikki O1 a` z LLAor SLIPPER LANE "��v4 ilk 1 ycre WA EA LANF.Vt I < ie .`����������� F SNAPDRARON DR �. ,1!1,;,,:s t^,,_ w Com. I �r . -wait , SIJ , l * wE . ;Z'' ; Study Area Boundary 0 ' -• iii i �. Ct*`-;i ICt3 1 ,..;,"7"' .o•.ess�ay'� L .� �� _ —tom`rt 0 w.� Vo '1 r.lrtunm Avenue 11 ea ...„.„ .�• ,Bpi.' IN ..::::„.,.... ��,� el '' cDDi b JILL i*M104$ '''',II .-AtOi Cillialir 441Pili - .0,, villiz--- RR-Ural R..LaaA D:nn RCF• Pmt,Rae..Dabm R>%met l..Dag,Rork.*Dian.' O RI.N•R«,.a.L.waUeda Dani ll.a+ie, Rli•WO Dermir Rtl9..N MR. p PI,DR.Pba..r..DaelMaw eal Dot. Ai-AOiealuid rd.Pane is,...Caw.Pn.a.DR* coB11,1:0....a lbmr..So.Is.IR... is €11.tle.m.B..en i. •Br.inn,Bann DbRm, 01-OM.d laaubeal[Woe. �',NhT.mnl E..�aeaeM l�Ye .RD-keratoid Rnle na.las. e314'1 ryrlrfai Pn.ay aMp,Ph.ne,l 0 RG3 BIER Ca...Wry OrubY Di.trrtt2 •Fi ,a ••a Re Dry,iby DiannI ..:Rcilwyfo,a.r nak,x City ofChanhassen,M`t City of Chanhassen Zoning Map Lake Ann Expansion Development Concept Study August 11,zoos Hoisington Koegler Group,Inc. .- ., ,- - - Wetlands ,•,'if,t ' •7 Wetland, 12 L._.- ,....:-j•-5- . -, lalii7-6 I 175 -1 . ro--- I. i,%'.';',','207 7 r-t— ,`- ".TSEI • Wetland, , -4).-*?/,__ SI N ',,y,.,;',7-4•>ys,4,t' -.,, ,.,„ A , 1- '-',77.-S14.°," t, ..,!'„i- ...14 to- $''''..1"\4" , s.,,, I- Y-i•6 H t ' a 0/ ' •- -. ..!,,,, . •.- 1,4(' .' I 7"--O...,,''..t. "1:"..,;--,t:r0.1 74..r.i 7 -1-1'' " s.,•-•,- ' ''''. 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Total Contiguoto Park Land:16.6 o CI ty cf Chanhassen,WN Existing Zoning - North Yield Lake Ann Expansion Development Concept Study August 13,2008 Hoisington fccegler Group.Inc. . n a a Wetlands t a +._etsT" 'ls'isa kg 0-r o r--t -±-i obop" ., r--- -1'r.:6 ' V ' a if Wetlands t'. 114 t , -p(�4;,f+ 0 �� �'c--t m( �� . •. •J � '� 1 Wetland, q e V�Pe�,y Site °i,g7, ' _ 11rdualect `V $a`ii `t V i, j Q ac a .1,8rk,.anc 6 �,`' r� P .i� '{lam'. ✓ - a t,11,„,1 .,a.... � LLL i. ay 4 ' --- l ' �. y, , 4 - o ° eAlr! - J oaf ' - , . L. , kt }_sJ a ,, -b` q I e. , 1 p e b --__ _ f-.1 c o-lroulo o 7 V-4 ) 4t. _ . 4_ - a. 1.. ai _1.1. # :-. _sr- M -> yr Lake Ann Park Highway 5 `i i1 . ._. s. t_r ' 03ô0600 t 1.800 a 2,4011 " n ^• NI� � n �.EMI '''''''''— MIMMIIIIIIMMMI INNihNANNISITt 1.....6 ES aya Dedicated Park land-171 ac l,nbuiklable land Adiacent Dedicated Park Land.18 7 ac Tonal Cnnt18wws Parkland 35.5 ac City of Chanhassen,MN North Upzone to R4 With Related Parkland Lake Ann Expansion Development Concept Study August 13.2008 koisington Koegfer Group,Inc. '\ a . '* ' „_. , , ,44„,,..,11:::, -1-:.7:)..:',4..,.. , • < ,a Wet ands . I>� ika b fr rc 11« vie 3j�+0 ei—""`"D .. - $ - - .. , v j fi'\ $I s i Jh i*,�'"it. ol/{ ;'''+'. ,',c _ 1 AVrthnd� 11 1 .buiL3h�i� ,,,. a . �� �KV)3.-1 c ( ` n l Y` 1rr �1 aA�y aj '.e 'r$e fst� e+ ) x e a .ti+• aJ tft/� KC q\V✓ f= i i. {"*a-'ma1a1'job'. is_.:.�.. t ,�,. .le, °•gni _ t 0_ suilidea �, s . ..:? r..v r , �mr�t-; �;, V i Residential Medium Density Lake Ann Park al ,' t'� � '§ �,' Highway 5 I,N-) ImoA0 300 600_ 1,200 1,800 2,400 ; ; ///`' AM �rw -- •�Feel :Rs. ❑nb ld.Park Land 313.8 1 I ��®�'�� l www r.w Unb°ildm6k la d Mdjmrr t 1)eddica[ed Pork land:75.9 ac _ aa.z8 ' 'RAO(:°nty;uw-Perk land:M'ae �..—L'.." maun�ai C )Pcma131Arca.. mr �®�s�C����.3�a�mmmm prdK y}yyrtvfmfci:13.14 < .a. c. acewo ...It +.e x. City ofCh3nhasseu,MN R4 North With Existing Zoning South Lake Ann Expansion Development Concept Study August 13,2003 Hoisington Koeg(er Groep,1,_. + .> iiia ;: � c Wetlands ^s > t Wetland, '1 ,,, , 4. . .:. F-zs • -t Q i i '� . 74 7,---,-\x',,,i,,,,:, cl . ...,„,,,,:‘,,-;1/41...,-,,. •.:=� gat me � * + i 2. y { e.�ev. .:''''':::' ' ' ''''' 4444 �''�ej?OY (r „..1_, , - ,..--.°, 4re s e <.',..<, %(� .r a- IA4_44."ii J '0'1 m a ,`t-1-io:J e� -— n e �-�- o� ' �t a are`" :, �Y WcNaud, 'r °,ice `^,' "`s`- ' ,.�';`,_' ,. n _ e i� r Density Lake Ann Park a '. f �, Mixed-L.,�an:n(, iai. R(sidrnfial li,irl,D'''''' ) int}' \ c H;yhway i 0 300 800 9,200 1,800 2,400 r r.�� -- 111.1."11.11:.,,,„,,_____7_, ���Feet a..se ,t''' ? :�Y v a 9 a. : �-- __,7117...,:,:f: ��� ;;Z::;-:;,,,' ., :_ hgatr�ja,44.& r':} l a�r'i i >000 s mo* • i bCo ao ago ;"$ ? ::md°� ;:,;.,,,A-- . ,i.;s ;,�'e°i urdteardParkLand:tl.7ac ,um ' L`nbulldablr I'park."' ark ant l)rrIk ted Part:Land:25.9 ar ,� 1bta1(:omis000 Park Land 37-6". 7b ac C)p,mal Park Arca.77..". aa.+amv u.o- ,�. r c» Ikitclt:40.23 ac °`""'".'LjM1° - .x,.: >w �stlmatrd Cash value o(D�EU:51,a2a,000 �,,; on�+W r.n e.w.y .,, c'ash in licu o(Parkland From RMD/RHp,MU:fiJ13R.145 t'iscal l)rkoit(Pm40:IS111,Ih5) E.:.e� C;tyolChanhassen.FJ.N Balanced Build / Park With RMQ, RHD and Mixed-Use Lake,Ann Expansion Development Concept Stud}' August 1 ,2008 Hoisington,Koeg(er Graup,Inc' T t .r• -; ,a U 1 . ' 4: 1—, i .rC Y Wetlands LS' ."s ,Q .`••.?7•�va. e e -_ r--r-f ...`S\4 i. x• , Wetland ...-.:...-.L O tr m; �r 0 „tin „" / , p '� 1. r 1 ..,ct. .,1,--.-4.67411,p` !i S o� 5�. xrn o p,-1 ) `-1*.UbMild I !�::.I t�'1, %i: ! ?4 . Wetland. /) ,,.'t• .k ' ' ea •'•';'�/, ••�so of --r i 4 y.-. ; 4. ' s pa ' . •~' ile?fiu -; ` .� !y°yam 'r`5(� o fly v� ' f t- c1 c 'tee u 7 G'fl c, i Wetlands . .... - _ . .11 :11,1. i '.r. - _ ry t. '- ;.11' .....,-e---....——4“,-..;.., t a. ". 1 . { M. ; ' C rrt..ua... C Lake Ann('ark r' ; ! t-sid�n} :I ligh l)cu5ity 1 ,.1 "t "'1 i;." \ t`..:- , t Highway$ 141 0 300 800 1.200 1.800 2.400 '_.':: _ -♦mmisul Feet ,, ' I ../ . . wis 11111 D.mlic.ted Park Land:11.7 ac ar.e " .. .-.c V . I Unbuddahte Land Adjac.ml DediuleJ Park Land 25.9 ac wrmNeuw♦.nM... .,. ... NI Total Conliguote.Park Land:37.6 ar b_ , , '." ". u a"' ®ares.. Optimal Park Area:Tib at 40.23 ac o..a ..>r .n "'I' Deficit.r..•u tstimxrd(a.h 1'alue of Deficit:Stb2rtW0 -o'°"'° r Cash in Ihv.J Parkland}'rum NMUINHD/a}U:04,830.401J a x I9acal Deficit(Profit):(62,810) CityofChanhassen,MN R4 North With Expanded RMD and RHD South Lake Ann Expansion Development Concept Studs' 13,2008