CC Minutes 1-14-19Chanhassen City Council – January 14, 2019 12 first game is Monday, May 19th at Hopkins. Our first home game is Friday, May 24th against Forest Lake and our first league game is Sunday, June 9th against Prior Lake. Again thank you for the City, to the City and we look forward to seeing everyone at the stadium this year. Thank you. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Mr. Scharfenberg. And good luck to another season. We will be looking for another big championship and we’ll look for Councilman McDonald to provide bi- weekly updates on the Red Birds. Perfect, thank you very much. ORDINANCE 638: PAISLEY PARK PUD AMENDMENT. Mayor Ryan: Ms. Aanenson is this you? Kate Aanenson: Yes it is. Thank you Mayor, members of the City Council. The applicant PPark Management is requesting, located at 7801 Audubon Road is requesting an amendment to the PUD. As you recall we gave an amendment to this PUD over a year ago at the time of the football and Justin Timberlake out there so they did request a liquor license. So the PPark Management PUD was put together because the intended purpose of that is to be a museum which they do cater special events which we had put into the ordinance. The PUD ordinance that they can do up to 12 special events per year and those are handled through our temporary use permit which have been very successful operating with myself, the Fire Chief and they get their own policing if they need it when they apply for the special event permit. But with that they would like to consider instead of going through each one, this was asked at the Planning Commission, it’s time consuming to go through the permitting process and to get a permit so what they’re requesting is the opportunity to apply for a liquor license with those special events. And again they would not be applying for them. There would have to be a catering license. That would be someone that would be used if it’s a special event so in the past for example with Justin Timberlake was put on by American Express. American Express would be doing that work so the PPark Management would be doing that. Whoever is providing that special event so in the last couple months they’ve had like the Timberwolves out there. That was non-alcohol ones so not all the events are alcohol but again it really…in the past we’ve had a great relationship working with the management team out there and we haven’t had problems out there. They’ve been good managers on that so again I’ve included in your packet the special event permit. Again that’s a good relationship of calling us ahead of time that there’s events and be giving a permit in a timely manner and also there’s also a fire inspected by the Fire Chief and the Fire Marshal. We’ve had those events because there’s different set up’s with each of those so again we have a good relationship with them and with the public hearing that was held at the Planning Commission there was no in attendance at that regarding any concerns that may have been there so the Planning Commission did recommend unanimously again for the approval of the amendment. Again the amendment still requires them to get a permit. They still have to get a caterer’s license so there’s all those check in points and it is inspected prior to the event to make sure it’s set up in a safe and timely manner and all those have happened to date on the events that Chanhassen City Council – January 14, 2019 13 they’ve had to date so with that the Planning Commission and the staff is recommending approval of the PUD amendment. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Mayor Ryan: Thank you Ms. Aanenson. Council any questions? I have a couple. Some things never change right. So just for clarification, I know that normally we allow per business 15 applications a year and this one is 12 or 13. Kate Aanenson: You are correct, it’s 12. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Kate Aanenson: And you’re right the other ones are 15 and this was capped at the discussion that the City Council had to 12 but yes other events can go up to 15. Mayor Ryan: Okay. And then just to confirm it’s a, the caterer holds the liquor license. It’s not Paisley Park that’s applying. Kate Aanenson: That’s correct. That’s correct. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Kate Aanenson: Yeah and…again it’s not included to be a club. It’s a museum so they’re just under the special event permit bring in the caterer. An approved licensed caterer for that event. Mayor Ryan: Okay. And then just two more questions just for confirmation. If something does happen what is the process or procedure? Do they just come back to staff? Does it get reported to staff and then come to council? Kate Aanenson: If there are problems with it? Yeah then I think if we had ongoing problems with that we would report that back to you that that might be something that we want to revisit. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Kate Aanenson: And I think that’s, I think we’ve talked to them about some of the issues. There are representatives here tonight that you know they’re moving through that process of you know them finding what works for them and how we can manage that in a timely and effective manner so. Mayor Ryan: Okay, and I know we’ve received great reports. That there have been no issues at Paisley Park so it’s not a questioning of their ability to do that. I just wanted to clarify the procedure. Chanhassen City Council – January 14, 2019 14 Kate Aanenson: No I think it’s a good question to also check back with you too to tell you how many events they do and what the response has been. Mayor Ryan: Perfect and the fire department is still involved with… Kate Aanenson: Yes absolutely. Mayor Ryan: And is the applicant here? Kate Aanenson: Yep they’re here. Mayor Ryan: Do they want to address? Karen White: We’re here. Mayor Ryan: Would you like to address the council? Karen White: Oh well we’ll say hi to everybody. Mayor Ryan: Perfect. Karen White: Thanks for considering our request. Mayor Ryan: Yes welcome. Karen White: Thanks, nice to meet you. I’m Karen White, Sales Manager at Paisley Park. Tim Finch: I’m Tim Finch, Director of Operations. Mayor Ryan: Great. Tim Finch: Congratulations to city council members and mayor. Mayor Ryan: Thank you. And do you have events already scheduled for this year or are you just getting interest right now? Karen White: We do. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Karen White: We actually do so and again I’d say less than half are asking to serve alcohol. Mayor Ryan: Okay. Chanhassen City Council – January 14, 2019 15 Karen White: So again just really depends on what the event. A lot of people want to do the authentic Prince pancake and orange juice thing so that seems to be the popular thing lately. Mayor Ryan: Great. Karen White: But it’s just, it’s nice, it would really be nice for us if we just knew that we could book these things and then not have deadlines to meet with you to ask for permission so for example the Timberwolves did want to have alcohol but we didn’t, there wasn’t a meeting in time for us to do that so it just gives us the opportunity and flexibility to you know meet our clients needs anyway depending on what they want to do for their event. Mayor Ryan: Great. Well you bring a lot of folks to the city so we enjoy having you in the city and what you have to offer so thank you for all that you for our community. Karen White: Thanks. Well thanks for your support. Tim Finch: Thanks, look forward to working with you. Karen White: We do have a good working relationship with you guys so. Mayor Ryan: Wonderful. Thank you. Thanks for being here tonight. Appreciate it. Council any further questions or a motion? Councilman Campion: I have one additional question. Is there a maximum attendance that’s. Kate Aanenson: There’s a seating capacity. Councilman Campion: Okay. Kate Aanenson: And depending on the set up of the room and that sort of thing they would, that’s one of the only things the Fire Marshal checks on. Councilman Campion: Okay. Kate Aanenson: Yep so all of that’s submitted with the permit. The capacity and then actually how they’re going to serve and that sort of thing. Councilman Campion: Okay. Mayor Ryan: Perfect. Anything further or I would entertain a motion. Anyone? Chanhassen City Council – January 14, 2019 16 Councilman Campion: I’ll make a motion. The City Council approves the PUD amendment allowing liquor sales in conjunction with the temporary event permit. Mayor Ryan: I have a valid motion. Is there a second? Councilwoman Coleman: I’ll second that. Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Coleman seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves the PUD amendment allowing liquor sales in conjunction with the temporary event permit at Paisley Park Museum. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMIISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Todd Gerhardt: We talked about the Citizen Action Request Form. Take a look at it. Any suggested changes you’d like to see made between now and the next publication of our council meeting. I think we can get this up and running at the next meeting so if there’s any changes. There’s a staff follow up portion on there and the nice thing is is we get a contact name. Number. Email so we have somebody that we can communicate with. Mayor Ryan: Perfect thank you Mr. Gerhardt. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. None. Councilwoman Coleman moved, Councilman Campion seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim