CC Staff Report WS 1-28-19CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday, January 28, 2019 Subject Galpin Site Plan Update Section 5:30 P.M. ­ WORK SESSION Item No: A.2. Prepared By Todd Gerhardt, City Manager File No: Planning Case 2019­01 SUMMARY Before you tonight is a summary outline of the Planning Commission's review and suggestions on the Galpin Properties proposed development.  It is staff's expectation for the Mayor and City Council to provide input/feedback regarding the US Home Corp./Lennar proposed Galpin Properties proposed development. DISCUSSION Below are the areas the Mayor and Council will comment on that need further consideration or amendments to the proposed plan in shaping the proposal and achieving a successful development: 1. Mayor and City Council's thoughts on the current proposed layout of the development. 2. Thoughts on preservation/tree loss. 3. Thoughts on taking advantage of the rolling terrain vs. mass grading the site. 4. Has the developer's plan limited the density transfer to the fullest extent? 5. Has the developer addressed the drainage issues and tree loss along the southerly border of the property? 6. Is there a good mix of housing types? 7. What other parts of the proposal could be improved that have not yet been mentioned? 8. Has the developer proved that there will not be an increased amount of water flowing to the Gorra property? 9. Should the City Council allow 41 units of density transfer in lieu of 45 acres of parkland dedication? ATTACHMENTS: PUD Concept Plan Power Point Ll23lzots Galpin Properties City Council Work Session January zB, zotg APPLICANT J.S. HOME CORPORATTON, D/B/A LENNAR SUMMARY OF RE,QUEST Rezoning RR to PUD-R Subdivision Preliminary Plat r9r lots Wetland Alteration 1.2 acres Background A Psrcel ID Ta{aycr Gts Iind Us Current Znning 256900030 PRN 8.95 t w D6ity I .2-4 uitvede R@l R6idotial 256900020 PRN 149.0 lnw Dffiity R@l R6idfllial 250100100 Paisl€y Park Erffipris Irc.121 ltr D6ity 1.2-4 @igaqe Runl R6id@tial 2569000r 0 PRN 20.78 Ifl D6ity I 24 mitvm Rwl Rsidatial 250100200 PRN 6.62 lrw D6ity 1.2-4 uitYa@ Rual R6idmial Total 188 -l9l L Ll23/zoLe Currently Zoned Rural Residential . Guided Low Density L.2-4.o units an acre RSF plan r.56 units/acre PUD Plan is z.z6 unit/acre " RSF (r5,ooo sq. ft. minimum lot) R-4 (r5,ooo for singlefamily detached and ro,ooo for a two famill'unit) RLIVI (sinsle-familu dwelling is-located on the lot, o.ooo iouare feet o6r drrellin-e init. a nuo-familu dwelindis z.z6o s'ouare feet ibr dil'ellins init a"nd a townho:use'or multiole-familil proiect islocated on the Iot, an average of s,4+s squar? Ieei per du'elling unit " PUD-R Cluster (There shall be no minimum lot size; howerer, in no case shall net densib'exceed guidelines established by the city comprehensire plan) , Any lot is the Shoreland Drstrict must be t5,ooo sq.ft. A Land Use Zoning Park Master Plan O 2 Ll23120L9 2oL7 System Plan Transfer of Density 3 Ll23/2OLs Transfer of Densitv RSF Subdivision rnith Aerials 4 1.123/201e 5 Concept PLID with Aerial Preliminary Plat request L/231207e Wetland Delineation Fiun2-ErililCor-is :o@ ,{F\ A -rh,!!3f lficrr.rru ^,,..,.... . Gla tr?.! OiIs :rlr-lll)(kk --ts-- Forest Inventory 6