01-28-19-cc-wsCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JANUARY 28, 2019 Mayor Ryan called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Coleman STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd Hoffman, Roger Knutson, and Chief Don Johnson PUBLIC PRESENT: Jon and Mary Beth Hebeisen 2150 Majestic Way Steve Ach Lennar Gerard Snover Comerica B&T Jon Rausch 5229 Minnetoga Terrace Tim McCotter 7000 Utica Lane Josh Kimber 2060 Majestic Way Jon Tietz Planning Commission Cole Kelly Park and Recreation Commission REPRESENTATIVE KELLY MORRISON (VERBAL PRESENTATION). Mayor Ryan congratulated Kelly Morrison on being newly elected to the State Legislature. Kelly Morrison provided background information on being a physician, her family and committees that she serves on. Todd Gerhardt provided information on the population make up, school districts, roadway system, and development projects in the city of Chanhassen. Mayor Ryan discussed the City’s legislative priorities. GALPIN SITE PLAN UPDATE. Mayor Ryan provided background information on this item being presented before the Planning Commission on January 15th and asked for council feedback prior to the item appearing before the City Council on February 11th. Kate Aanenson provided background information that pertains to this property and how development could proceed taking into account land use, zoning, the Park Master Plan, and density transfer. Todd Hoffman discussed the action taken by the Park and Recreation Commission voting 7-0 in approval of the preliminary plat. Steve Ach introduced Jon Rausch, broker and Gerry Snover with Comerica Bank who were present to answer any questions before reviewing the planning process Lennar went through in coming up with concept plans and the preliminary plat that was presented to the Planning Commission. He discussed Lennar taking into account comments received from council members, commission City Council Work Session – January 28, 2019 2 members and residents who attended the neighborhood meetings. Councilman Campion asked if the question raised by Commissioner Tietz at the Planning Commission meeting regarding the number of lots being transferred is accurate. Steve Ach explained how Lennar looked at the density transfer relating to the property that could be built along Lake Ann and the benefit to the City receiving 50 acres of parkland around Lake Ann. Mayor Ryan asked about the challenges dealing with the grade changes in relation to the density transfer numbers and if the properties along the lake are actually buildable because of access through the wetlands. Steve Ach discussed the other option for Lennar could be moving forward with straight zoning rather than PUD-R in order to do the engineering to determine the accurate number of lots that could be developed along the lake. Councilman McDonald discussed his experience with developing properties such as this and the trade off needed to get the 50 acres of parkland. He stated he did not want to get into a fight over density transfer numbers. Mayor Ryan continued by asking the developer to be sensitive to transition with adjoining neighborhoods, the use of a conservation easement along the north property line, concerns voiced by residents along the southern property line and the fact that there wasn’t a follow up meeting with the neighbors regarding conservation concerns along the south property line. Steve Ach explained the need to address drainage issues associated with the plan and that Lennar will revisit the density along the south. Mayor Ryan asked for clarification regarding the requirements for ponding from Carver County associated with the upgrade of Galpin Boulevard in the future. Councilwoman Tjornhom explained that her thoughts are the priority to preserve the parkland around Lake Ann for the entire community and the need for the City and the developer to work together to make this a premier development. Councilman Campion appreciated that there have been improvements to the plan, especially on the north side but did not feel good about giving concessions to the north and squeezing the south boundary. He also would like engineering to be done to validate the density transfer numbers. Jerry Snover, Comerica Bank and Trust explained the parameters outlined by the City and the Comprehensive Plan used by the bank in order to broker and develop this property for the Estate to it’s highest and best use. Mayor Ryan closed by thanking Comerica and Lennar for their work and acknowledged the parameters they are working under but asked that they keep in mind the needs of the residents and citizens of Chanhassen to make this development unique and special. She challenged the developer to show the council innovative plans regarding design, transitions and buffers when it comes back before the city council on February 11th. FINALIZE 2019 KEY FINANCIAL STRATEGIES. Todd Gerhardt discussed the results of the rankings for the key financial strategies and how staff will address priorities ranked 1 and 2. In discussing consideration of implementation a lodging tax staff stated they would be in contact with Vernelle Clayton. Mayor Ryan stated the storm and retention pond review can be removed because staff is already doing that. Paul Oehme explained the practice for addressing citizens request for traffic safety concerns. The work session was recessed at 7:00 p.m. It was reconvened at 8:20 p.m.