06-11-19-cc-wsCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 11, 2018 Mayor Laufenburger called the work session to order at 5:30 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd Hoffman, Vanessa Strong, and MacKenzie Walters PUBLIC PRESENT: None. Mayor Laufenburger thanked Councilman Campion for being present and speaking at the grand opening of Fox Woods Preserve. REVIEW PRIORITIES FOR DOWNTOWN VISION STUDY. Bryan Harjes with Hoisington-Koegler Group, Inc. reviewed highlights of the Downtown Chanhassen Vision Plan update. He discussed the existing downtown vision plan, key take aways from the stakeholder engagement meetings, results of the online questionnaire, market scan, demographic trends using Met Council projections for population, households, and employment projections, connectivity, proposed enhancements for intersection crossings, land use and sub-districts, and implementation. Afterwards he discussed the Survey Monkey rankings. Kate Aanenson noted that background information is available on the City’s website and explained how planning has been done in the past and what can be done in the future using this information. Mayor Laufenburger asked for clarification on how the results of this update should be used by the City Council. Bryan Harjes explained that this is a planning document to be used in future planning. Councilwoman Ryan asked about action items associated with items that ranked high on the survey. Todd Gerhardt explained how action items will be implemented and acted on. Councilman Campion asked that council members receive updates on how the plan is progressing. Mayor Laufenburger asked when the plan update can go from being a draft to an approved working document. Councilwoman Ryan asked for more in depth information on the study. Mayor Laufenburger expressed concern with some of the principles in the document such as some of the guiding principles, draw from the environment, and park once, shop twice. He would prefer changing the wording to say enhance pedestrian safety in the downtown. Mayor Laufenburger discussed how Highway 5 breaks up the downtown area and asked if a circulator bus has been used in the past. Todd Gerhardt discussed how the City did use a circulator bus which was not warmly received. Mayor Laufenburger asked that Bryan Harjes and staff review the Survey Monkey ranking as he had 1 as highest, not lowest and bring it back for review at a future work session. City Council Work Session – June 11, 2018 2 PERVIOUS PAVERS CODE AMENDMENT UPDATE. MacKenzie Walters provided background information on work done by staff and discussed concerns raised by the Planning Commission that they would like council members to take into consideration when approving this item. After comments and discussion about the concerns voiced by Planning Commission, although council members did appreciate the concerns raised by the Planning Commission they did not believe they were impediments to implementing the ordinance. Mayor Laufenburger asked that the amendment changes be done for 3 years and then reviewed by the City Council at that time. DISCUSS GALPIN PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT. Kate Aanenson introduced Joe Jablonski and Steve Accor with Lennar who reviewed the different architecture being proposed for a development on Galpin Boulevard. Mayor Laufenburger asked what discretion is given to home buyers for exterior finishes. Joe Jablonski continued with discussion of the potential plat layout. Councilwoman Ryan stated she was very concerned with the proposed lot sizes not fitting in with surrounding neighborhoods. Mayor Laufenburger stated he was in favor of preserving the property around Lake Ann. Kate Aanenson explained how this item will move forward through staff, Planning Commission and City Council. Mayor Laufenburger asked for clarification on lot sizes for previous projects done by Lennar. Mayor Laufenburger adjourned the work session at 7:05 p.m. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim