07-17-18-pc-sumPlanning Commission Summary – July 17, 2018 7 Metropolitan Council for their determination of consistency with the Metropolitan System Plans. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. GALPIN PROPERTY: PUD CONCEPT REVIEW. Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Representing the applicant Lennar, Joe Jablonski discussed trail connections, differences between their two plans, and housing types. Chairman Aller opened up the meeting for public comments. Jon Hebeisen, 2150 Majestic Way asked if there were more options than the two proposals being offered by Lennar, questioned the wetland delineation, the buffer, and that the people who live on the south side of this project were not notified of the meeting. Dake Chatfield, 2200 Majestic Way stated he echoed the comments made my Jon Hebeisen regarding the buffer zone and wetlands. Angelo Galioto, 1805 Emerald Lane expressed concern with the overall density of the project and the affect it will have on Lake Lucy and Lake Ann. He also expressed concern with traffic through his neighborhood with the addition of houses from this project. Kris Lenk, 6895 Lucy Ridge Lane expressed concern with making Lucy Ridge Lane a through street. John Butcher, 6915 Lucy Ridge Lane expressed concern with the environmental impacts that clear cutting will have on Lake Lucy, safety concerns with Lucy Ridge Lane being a through street, neighborhood continuity, and requested that the Planning Commission do everything in your power to minimize environmental impact and if a 10 acre parcel that abuts the property can be used as a buffer. Callie Edwards, 18740 Partridge Circle commented on the need to save the “Big Woods”. Betsy Randall, 1571 Lake Lucy Road agreed with what has been said by everyone before her especially her concern with runoff, saving the huge trees and her belief that some of the lots are too small. Barry Dallavalle, 6960 Utica Lane and representing the 14 members of the Lake Lucy Homeowners Association with homes bordering the east and north side of Lake Lucy, expressed their concern with runoff impacting water quality of Lake Lucy, they would prefer the density transfer plan, and had a concern with construction noise. Brian Hugh, 7441 Windmill Drive stated he wanted to call out flooding in the area from springtime runoff. Greg Steward, 1893 Topaz Drive asked that the Lennar Corporation deed the property over to the City of Chanhassen for permanent conservancy in the name of Prince and expressed concern with impacts to the tree canopy, wildlife, and the fact that there are Native American burial grounds within this property. Joy Gorra, the widow of Mike Gorra, asked that the City and the developer take their time to develop taking into account the pristine nature of the area and develop it right. Geri Stewart, 1893 Topaz Drive discussed the need for a greater buffer between their property and the development and discussed traffic concerns. Josh Kimber, 2060 Majestic Way expressed concern with lot sizes being too small, saving trees with a buffer, and current issues with flooding. Deborah Medeiros, 6820 Lucy Ridge Lane asked if a feasibility study has been done for the road layout, impacts to wetlands and would echo the environmental concerns of everyone in the room. Mehdi Ayouche, 2102 Majestic Way stated he moved to this neighborhood because of the trees and the quietness of the neighborhood, and expressed concern with the density and impact on schools. Tamara Sather, 7090 Utica Lane stated her preference for the preservation model because the parks and trails are what drew her to Chanhassen 27 years ago and asked for a third option that allows for the preservation but limits the number of homes. Charles Loeffler, 7327 Fawn Hill Road Planning Commission Summary – July 17, 2018 8 expressed concern with the impacts road connections will have on wetlands. Danly Jones, 7026 Pima Lane, having grown up swimming in Lake Ann, asked if there is anything the City can do to preserve the land and the quality of the lake. Julie Butcher, 6915 Lucy Ridge Lane asked the City to be good stewards of this 200 acre parcel of land. Dale Carlson, 6900 Utica Lane asked who’s going to be held accountable if the wetlands and water quality are destroyed and the wildlife go away. Angelo Galioto asked if Lennar owns the property. Steve Wallace, 6900 Lucy Ridge Lane apologize for arriving late before stating he strongly opposed the plan and commented that land conservation is critical having seen the water quality deteriorate on Lake Lucy from recent developments. He also stated that if development has to occur there should only be one entrance off of Galpin Boulevard and more of a buffer zone. Chairman Aller closed the public input period of the meeting. After comments from commission members Chairman Aller noted that the item will be forwarded to the City Council with the verbatim Minutes and emails attached. The Planning Commission took a short recess at this point in the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Randall noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting on June 19, 2018 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Kate Aanenson outlined items on the Planning Commission meeting on August 7th and discussed the joint tour with the Senior Commission, Environmental Commission and Park Commission on Wednesday, August 8th. Commissioner Madsen moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim