CC Minutes 2-25-19CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 25, 2019 Mayor Ryan called the City Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, and Councilwoman Coleman STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Kate Aanenson, Andrew Brotzler, Todd Hoffman and Roger Knutson PUBLIC PRESENT: Roger & Shannon Burks 2401 Highway 7 Carrie Barclay 6545 Gray Fox Curve Laurie Susla 7008 Dakota Avenue Rodney Colson 6440 Pipewood Curve Jerry Cone 6320 Minnewashta Woods Drive Mayor Ryan: Thank you and welcome to this evening’s meeting. To those of you that are watching at home, either on Mediacom’s city cable channel or those who are livestreaming from Chanhassen website, we’re glad you can join us. For the record we have all of our members present tonight so our first action is our agenda approval. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda as printed? If not we will proceed with the published agenda. With no public announcements tonight we have consent agenda items 1 through 6. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Coleman seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated February 11, 2019 2. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated January 22, 2019 3. Resolution #2019-11: Approval of a Two Lot Subdivision with a Variance for Reducing Lot Frontage at 3800 Red Cedar Point Road 4. Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Carver County for Arboretum Area (Highway 5) Transportation Plan 5. Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Carver County and City of Chaska for Lyman Boulevard Improvements (TH 41 to Galpin) and Adopt Resolution #2019-12: for Advancement of State Aid Funds Chanhassen City Council – February 25, 2019 2 6. Resolution #2019-13: Approve Bid for Water Tower No. 3 Rehabilitation Project All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Ryan: As many of you know as we’ve done in the last few meetings this year we have implemented a new way to go about managing requests as they come before council during this portion of the meeting. If you come forward and your request includes an action item from staff or City Council we would like you to complete a Citizen Action Request Form. There are hard copies here in the chambers or there is, if you do it in advance there is a link online. To clarify you are simply making a comment, or let me clarify. If you’re making a comment or a presentation where there is no action required a form does not need to be completed. You have 5 minutes to present the action item you are requesting so please be respectful of that time when you come forward and then we will follow up, staff will follow up with you following the meeting so I just wanted to clarify the visitor presentation. With that do we have any visitor presentations this evening? Okay moving on. FIRE DEPARTMENT/LAW ENFORCEMENT UPDATE. Mayor Ryan: Next we have the Fire Department and Law Enforcement update. Assistant Fire Chief John Murphy: Mayor, council. So fire department staffing currently we’re at 42 of 45 paid on call firefighters. We have one firefighter currently on leave and conditional offers were extended to 6 candidates for the 2019 rookie group. To date 2 candidates decided to decline and one additional candidate was not able to successfully complete the steps required to begin employment. Three candidates will begin their service on February 25th, tonight and their academy for the Southwest Academy starts on March 7th where they will begin their emergency medical technician certification training. Fire response, the fire department responded in 94 calls for service in the month of January. Significant calls for December included the following. We had 54 rescue EMS calls with 11 motor vehicle accidents mostly related to poor weather conditions. We had 2 fire related responses. The mutual aid response to Eden Prairie and our major loss structure fire which is just the garage on Stone Creek Drive. Monthly training, training that occurred since the last update. We’re doing fire ground tactics for apartment building fires, basic fire skill stations and tonight we’re doing our employee assistance presentation. Other activities that we did, we assisted with Feb Fest and with the weather we had several standby crews created during our many nights of the bad weather we’ve had recently. For our Fire Marshal update, traditionally fire inspections taper off for the colder months of the year but this year we’ve been quite busy. Some of the notable fire inspections for new construction in the month of January are Mission Hills townhomes took occupancy of 10 more units. The Venue Apartments, they met with the contractor on site to approve locations of fire department connections and standpipes for our fire department operations. And Riley Crossing, formerly Mission Hills, met with contractors on the site to approve attic system. The New